арника гель
(1 Хуудас)
A.vogel atrogel arnica montana 100 мл
A.Vogel AtroGel гэж юу вэ, хэзээ хэрэглэдэг вэ?A.Vogel AtroGel нь шинэхэн ургамал юм. Арника монтана цэцэгсээс хийсэн бэлдмэл нь булчингийн хурцадмал байдал, булчин өвдөх, хүзүү хөших, нурууны өвдөлт, бэлхүүс зэрэг үе мөч, булчингийн үрэвсэл, өвдөлт, үрэвслийг арилгахад зориулагдсан. Гель нь хэрх, үе мөчний үрэвсэл, үе мөчний үрэвсэл, тулай зэрэг өвчнийг дэмжих үйлчилгээтэй. .Гель нь түрхэхэд хялбар, бараг үнэргүй, дулаацдаггүй.Ямар урьдчилан сэргийлэх арга хэмжээ авах ёстой вэ? div>Хэрх өвчний үед мах, загас, өндөг, бяслаг зэрэг хүчиллэг хоол хүнс хэрэглэхээс татгалзах хэрэгтэй.Мөн та денатуратжуулсан хоол хүнс (цагаан гурил, цэвэршүүлсэн сахар, лаазалсан хоол) хэрэглэхээс зайлсхийх хэрэгтэй. Хэрэв танд үе мөчний асуудал үүсвэл, ялангуяа хавагнах, улайх, хэт халах, халуурах зэрэг шинж тэмдэг илэрвэл эмчид хандаарай. A.Vogel AtroGel-ийг ямар тохиолдолд хэрэглэхгүй эсвэл зөвхөн болгоомжтой байх ёстой вэ?A.Vogel AtroGel нь зөвхөн гэмтэлгүй арьсанд гадны хэрэглээнд зориулагдсан. Хэрэв та arnica-д хэт мэдрэг бол эсвэл ил шарх, салст бүрхэвчтэй бол A. Vogel AtroGel-ийг хэрэглээрэй. Нүдэнд хүрэхээс зайлсхийж, хэрэглэсний дараа гараа угаана уу. хараахан шалгагдаагүй байна. Хэрэв та өөр өвчнөөр өвчилсөн, харшилтай эсвэл өөр эм (өөрийнхөө худалдаж авсан эмүүдийг оруулаад) гаднаас хэрэглэж байгаа бол эмч, эм зүйч, эм зүйчдээ хэлээрэй.A.Vogel AtroGel-ийг жирэмсэн болон хөхүүл үед хэрэглэж болох уу?Өмнөх туршлагаас харахад хүүхдэд ийм байдлаар хэрэглэхэд ямар нэгэн эрсдэл байхгүй. зорилготой. Гэсэн хэдий ч шинжлэх ухааны системтэй судалгаа хэзээ ч хийгээгүй. Урьдчилан сэргийлэх үүднээс та жирэмсэн болон хөхүүл үед эм хэрэглэхээс зайлсхийх эсвэл эмч, эм зүйч, эм зүйчээс зөвлөгөө авах хэрэгтэй...
50.99 USD
Alpenaflor arnica gel tube 110 гр
Arnica and marigold are well-known and proven medicinal plants for the external treatment of inflammation and dull, i. bloodless injuries. Arnica has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the healing process. The modern dosage form as a gel is used for sprains, strains and bruises, for the supportive treatment of varicose veins and heavy legs. Relieves insect bites. Swissmedic-approved patient information Alpenaflor Arnica Gel Tentan AG Herbal medicinal product What is Alpenaflor Arnica Gel and when is it used? Arnica and marigold are well-known and proven medicinal plants for the external treatment of inflammation and dull, i. bloodless injuries. Arnica has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the healing process. The modern dosage form as a gel is used for sprains, strains and bruises, for the supportive treatment of varicose veins and heavy legs. Relieves insect bites. What should be considered? If you suffer from vein problems, you should ensure sufficient exercise (swimming, hiking), elevate your legs at night and avoid standing for long periods Or at least bandage your legs. When must Alpenaflor Arnica Gel not be used or only with caution? Alpenaflor Arnica Gel must not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients (e.g. arnica Allergy). Do not use on open wounds, eczema, mucous membranes. Do not use on small children. Use carefully if you are prone to allergies. Avoid contact with eyes. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseaseshave allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!) or use them externally. div> Can Alpenaflor Arnica Gel be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child if used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Alpenaflor Arnica Gel?Adults: If necessary, apply thinly to the body parts to be treated several times a day Apply and just lightly massage in. Wash hands after use. The use and safety of Alpenaflor Arnica Gel in children and adolescents has not yet been tested. Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Alpenaflor Arnica Gel have? The following side effects can occur when using Alpenaflor Arnica Gel: If painful, itchy and inflammatory skin changes occur, the Discontinue treatment and consult a doctor if necessary. If you notice side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Keep out of the reach of children. Do not ingest. Store at room temperature (15-25°C). The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the package. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Alpenaflor Arnica Gel contain? Composition per 1 g of gel: 150 mg ethanolic liquid extract from dried arnica flowers (DEV 1:9, extracting agent alcohol 65% v/v), 10 mg ethanolic liquid extract from dried marigold flowers (DEV 1:3, extracting agent alcohol 24% v/v). This preparation also contains auxiliary substances. Approval number 47912 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Alpenaflor Arnica Gel? What packs are available? This is an over-the-counter medicine. Tubes of 110 g Authorization holder Tentan AG, 4452 Itingen. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in February 2010. PI035100/03.20 ..
27.86 USD
Phytopharma acetoflex plus гель 50 мл
Phytopharma Acetoflex Plus Gel is an acetic clay gel with arnica, chamomile and spilanthes, which has a soothing and refreshing effect. Made in Switzerland. Composition Acetic tartaric clay, spilanthes extract, arnica extract, Chamomile extract. Properties Phytopharma Acetoflex Plus Gel is an acetic acid clay gel with arnica, chamomile and spilanthes, which has a beneficial and refreshing effect. Made in Switzerland. Application: Apply as needed and massage in gently. ..
21.82 USD
(1 Хуудас)