наалдамхай шархыг хаах тууз
(1 Хуудас)
3m steri strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt 12 x 5 stk
3M Steri Strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt 12 x 5 Stk Looking for a reliable and sturdy solution to close dermal wounds? Look no further than 3M Steri Strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt. These reinforced adhesive strips are designed to provide a secure wound closure that helps reduce scarring and promote faster healing. Each pack contains 12 x 5 strips, giving you plenty of supply for your wound care needs. The strips measure 3x75mm and are white in color, making them easy to see against the skin. The reinforced design ensures that the strips won't easily break or tear, providing a strong and reliable hold that can last for up to 7 days. Whether you're dealing with a small wound or a larger incision, 3M Steri Strips are the perfect choice. They are hypoallergenic, making them safe and comfortable for even sensitive skin types. Plus, the sterile packaging ensures that the strips are free from any contaminants or bacteria, giving you peace of mind when it comes to wound care. So why wait? Invest in the best with 3M Steri Strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt and enjoy an unparalleled wound care experience. ..
34.22 USD
Leukoplast leukosan strip 9 stk
Leukoplast Leukosan тууз нь шархыг үр дүнтэй арчлахад таны анхны тусламжийн хэрэгсэлд чухал нэмэлт юм. Энэхүү багц нь шархыг найдвартай хааж, хурдан эдгэрэхэд зориулагдсан 9 наалдамхай туузыг агуулдаг. Харшил үүсгэдэггүй материал нь арьсанд зөөлөн тул бүх төрлийн арьсанд тохиромжтой. Эдгээр туузыг хэрэглэхэд хялбар бөгөөд бохирдол, бактерийн эсрэг найдвартай хамгаалалт болж, халдвар авах эрсдлийг бууруулдаг. Гэртээ, явж байхдаа эсвэл эрүүл мэндийн орчинд байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран лейкопластын лейкозан тууз нь шархыг зохих ёсоор хаах, хамгаалахад зайлшгүй шаардлагатай зүйл юм. Эрүүл мэндийн мэргэжилтнүүдийн итгэмжлэгдсэн эдгээр туузууд нь жижиг зүслэг, зүсэлт, мэс заслын зүслэгт тохиромжтой шийдэл юм. Лейкопласт лейкосан наалдамхай туузаар шархаа найдвартай байлгаж, оновчтой эдгэрэлтийг дэмжээрэй...
13.15 USD
Omnistrip шархны оёдлын тууз 6х38мм 300 ширхэг
OmniStrip Wound Closure Strips 6x38mm 300 pcs OmniStrip wound closure strips are perfect for closing small cuts, wounds, and lacerations. These strips are made from high-quality materials that provide excellent wound closure and help in faster healing. Features: Each box contains 300 individual strips Strip size is 6x38mm, perfect for small wounds Made from high-quality material Faster healing and less scarring compared to sutures or staples Easy to apply and remove Durable and strong adhesive for better wound closure Advantages: OmniStrip wound closure strips are a great alternative to traditional sutures or staples. They provide excellent wound closure with faster healing and less scarring. Additionally, they are easy to apply and remove, making them perfect for use in emergency situations or for minor cuts and wounds at home. These strips are also a great addition to any first-aid kit, ensuring that you have everything you need in case of an emergency. Directions for Use: Clean and dry the wound area before applying the strip. Remove the liner from the strip, and apply it to the wound, ensuring that the edges of the wound are in contact. Press down on the strip to ensure proper adhesion. Leave the strip in place for 5-7 days or until it falls off on its own. OmniStrip wound closure strips are an essential item for any home, office or medical environment. These strips provide fast and effective wound closure, with minimal scarring and pain. Order your pack of 300 strips today!..
177.83 USD
(1 Хуудас)