Zahnseide 200m gewachst Ds хүрэх
REACH Zahnseide 200m gewachst
22.64 CHF
Та 0 / 0% хэмнэдэг
2 худалдаж аваад 7.21 CHF / -17% хэмнээрэй
- Байгаа эсэх: Нөөцөд байгаа
- Дистрибьюторууд BeverFood AG
- Брэнд: Range
- Барааны код: 1002035
- EAN 8801051128857
Reach Zahnseide 200m gewachst Ds
Keep your teeth and gums healthy with the Reach Zahnseide 200m gewachst Ds dental floss. This floss is specially designed to remove plaque from the tight spaces between teeth where toothbrushes can't reach. The floss is also coated with wax, making it easy to glide between teeth and reducing the risk of gum damage.
This dental floss is made from high quality materials, ensuring safe and effective use. The 200m length of the floss will last for a long time, providing you with the best value for your money. The convenient dispenser allows for easy access to the floss, making it perfect for daily use.
Regular use of Reach Zahnseide 200m gewachst Ds dental floss can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay while promoting overall oral health. Add it to your daily oral hygiene routine and experience cleaner teeth and fresher breath today!
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Бид 14 мэргэжилтэн, 0 роботтой. Бид тантай үргэлж холбоотой байх бөгөөд хүссэн үедээ холбогдох боломжтой.