LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne
LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne

LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne

LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne

Looking for a mouthwash that provides complete protection and care for your teeth? Try LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne. This advanced mouthwash fights bad breath, prevents cavities, and eliminates germs for optimal oral hygiene. Perfect for individuals with sensitive teeth.
  • 19.41 USD

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Available 1 pieces
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Amount in a pack. 1
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Oral hygiene Bad breath prevention Mouthwash for sensitive teeth


LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne

Looking for a mouthwash that can give your teeth complete protection and care? Look no further than LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne. This advanced mouthwash is designed to help you achieve optimal oral hygiene by addressing the many needs and challenges of your teeth, gums and mouth.

Infused with fluoride and other potent ingredients, this mouthwash provides a range of benefits that are hard to match. It helps prevent cavities, fights bad breath, eliminates germs that can cause plaque and gingivitis and makes your mouth feel fresher and cleaner. What's more, it has been specifically formulated to cater to the needs of individuals with sensitive teeth, making it perfect for those looking for that extra level of protection and care.

The LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne contains a unique blend of active ingredients that work together to protect and strengthen your teeth. It has a fresh mint flavor that leaves your breath smelling great and your mouth tingling with freshness. Use it after brushing your teeth twice a day to help get rid of any bacteria that may have been missed during brushing, and to keep your mouth healthy and clean.

So if you're looking for a powerful and reliable mouthwash that delivers total care for your teeth, gums and mouth, try out LISTERINE Total Care Sensible Zähne today!

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