Flawa outdoor pharmacy
Flawa outdoor pharmacy

Flawa outdoor pharmacy

Flawa Outdoor Apotheke

  • 124.64 USD

Cat. F
Non refundable / non exchangeable.
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Flawa Outdoor Pharmacy

Flawa Outdoor Pharmacy is a unique outdoor kit that combines natural remedies with essential tools. Designed with nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers in mind, this outdoor pharmacy is perfect for those who want to enjoy nature while staying prepared for any minor injuries and ailments.

Natural Remedies

The kit includes a range of natural remedies such as arnica cream, lavender essential oil, and tea tree oil. These remedies are known for their healing properties and can be used to soothe minor cuts, bruises, insect bites, and skin irritations. The remedies are made from organic and ethically sourced ingredients, ensuring that they are good for both the user and the environment.

Essential Tools

Alongside the natural remedies, the kit also includes a range of essential tools such as a compass, tweezers, and a survival whistle. These tools are compact and lightweight, making them easy to carry on any outdoor adventure. They are designed to help the user navigate their surroundings, remove splinters and ticks, and attract attention in emergency situations.

Durable and Sustainable

The Flawa Outdoor Pharmacy is made from durable and sustainable materials. The outer shell is made from recycled PET, while the inner contents are held in biodegradable packaging. This ensures that the kit is both environmentally friendly and long-lasting, making it an ideal investment for anyone who loves spending time in the great outdoors.


Overall, the Flawa Outdoor Pharmacy provides a unique and eco-friendly solution to outdoor wellness. With natural remedies and essential tools combined into a single kit, users can feel confident that they are prepared for any minor injuries or ailments that may occur in the great outdoors.

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Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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