Orqa va buyrakni qo'llab-quvvatlash
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
3m futuro orqa bandaji l / xl
3M Futuro orqa bandaj L / XL xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 300 g Uzunlik: 103 mm Keng: 128 mm Balandligi: 230 mm Shveytsariyadan 3M Futuro orqa bandaj L / XL ni onlayn xarid qiling..
98.34 USD
3m futuro orqa bandaji s / m
The stabilizing 3M FUTURO back bandage provides a comfortable hold in the lumbar region and stabilizes your back. The skin-friendly and breathable material ensures a comfortable fit and the supportive padding helps to specifically relieve back pain. The adjustable straps also ensure an optimal fit, individual stabilization and compression adjustment. The 3M FUTURO back bandage helps to relieve pain from lumbago (lumbago) and acute and chronic back pain. The latex-free material used here consists of urethane, polyester and nylon...
98.34 USD
Cellacare materna 80-125cm klassik
Cellacare Materna 80-125cm Classic xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 1 donaOg'irligi: 413g Uzunligi: 146mm Kenligi: 91mm Balandligi: 227mm Sotib oling Cellacare Materna 80-125cm Klassik onlayn Shveytsariya..
139.12 USD
Cellacare materna comfort gr2 95-110 sm
Product Description: Cellacare Materna Comfort Size 2 95-110cm Cellacare Materna Comfort Size 2 is an advanced maternity support belt designed to provide comfort and support to expectant mothers during pregnancy. This belt is specially designed to offer relief from common pregnancy-related ailments such as backaches, pelvic pain, and discomfort in the lower abdomen. The Cellacare Materna Comfort Size 2 is made with high-quality materials that deliver superior support and comfort. It features an adjustable abdominal panel that can support your growing belly as the baby grows. This panel is also foldable for better customization and adaptation to the user's needs and comfort level. This Maternity support belt also comes withadjustable straps that go over the shoulders for added comfort, which allows it to be easily adjustable, giving a perfect fit. With its comfort and support features, it can be comfortably worn for extended periods - be it during standing, sitting, or moving around. The Cellacare Materna Comfort Size 2 is perfect for expectant mothers who want to remain comfortable and active throughout their pregnancies. Additionally, the lightweight and breathable materials, and the seamless design prevent skin irritation and allow for an easy transition between different types of clothing. Size 2 of this product is suitable for women of height between 95-110 cm. Order the Cellacare Materna Comfort Size 2 today and experience comfort and support during your pregnancy enabling you to enjoy each moment. ..
203.56 USD
Lumboloc stabilizing gr4 titan
LumboLoc Stabilizing Gr4 titan xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 525g Uzunlik: 45 mm Eni: 210 mm Balandligi: 260 mm LumboLoc Stabilizing Gr4 titanni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
207.30 USD
Lumbotrain lady aktivbandage gr2 titan
LumboTrain Lady faol qo'llab-quvvatlash Gr2 titanium bel va buyraklar uchun qulay va maqsadli yordam beradi. Ayollar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan bu bandaj bel og'rig'ini engillashtirish va shifo berishga yordam beradigan xavfsiz joylashish va yumshoq siqishni taklif qiladi. Nafas oluvchi mato va anatomik shakli umurtqa pog'onasi va asosiy mushaklaringizni qo'llab-quvvatlagan holda tabiiy harakat oralig'ini ta'minlaydi. Jarohatdan keyin tiklanasizmi yoki mashg'ulotlar paytida kundalik yordamni qidirasizmi, bu bandaj ishonchli hamrohdir. LumboTrain Lady Gr2 titanium faol qoʻllab-quvvatlashi bilan yaxshilangan holat, kuchlanishni kamaytirish va oʻziga ishonchni oshiring...
248.17 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)