3M Nexcare Aqua Clear Maxi suv o'tkazmaydigan 59x88mm 5 Stk
3M Nexcare Aqua Clear Maxi suv o'tkazmaydigan 59x88mm 5 Stk bilan tanishtiramiz, bu sizning yarani parvarish qilish bo'yicha barcha ehtiyojlaringiz uchun innovatsion yechim. Ushbu suv o'tkazmaydigan bandajlar kiyinish uchun qulay bo'lib, kattaroq jarohatlar uchun maksimal qoplamani ta'minlaydi. Aniq dizayn ularni deyarli ko‘rinmas qiladi, bu esa jarohatlaringizga e’tibor qaratmasdan ehtiyotkorlik bilan kiyish imkonini beradi.
Aqua Clear texnologiyasi suv va axloqsizlikdan yuqori darajada himoya qiladi, yarangiz toza va quruq bo'lishini ta'minlaydi va tezroq shifo beradi. Yopishtiruvchi ham mustahkam va uzoq davom etadi, bu bandajning hatto qattiq harakatlar paytida ham joyida qolishini ta'minlaydi.
Faol turmush tarziga ega bo'lganlar uchun juda mos, 3M Nexcare Aqua Clear Maxi suv o'tkazmaydigan 59x88 mm 5 Stk bintlari suzish, dush olish va boshqa suv mashg'ulotlari uchun juda mos keladi. Ular jarohatlardan maksimal himoyani ta'minlab, sport mashg'ulotlarida foydalanish uchun ham mos keladi.
Ixcham paket beshta bandajni o'z ichiga oladi, bu ularni sayohat paytida yoki ochiq havoda olib yurishni osonlashtiradi. Ular jarohatlar va jarohatlarga olib keladigan harakatlar bilan shug'ullanadigan odamlar uchun juda mos keladi, bu sizni kutilmagan hodisalarga doim tayyor bo'lishini ta'minlaydi.
Innovatsion 3M Nexcare Aqua Clear Maxi Waterproof 59x88mm 5 Stk bintlariga bugunoq ega bo'ling va jarohatni parvarish qilish bo'yicha barcha ehtiyojlaringiz uchun yuqori darajadagi himoya va qulaylikni his qiling.
Product Description
The 3M NEXCARE Pflaster Duo assortiert is a package of high-quality adhesive bandages of different sizes and shapes, designed to provide maximum comfort and protection for any type of wound. The pack includes 20 pieces of bandages in various sizes, they come with an advanced adhesive technology that ensures they stick better and longer on the skin, making them ideal for both active individuals and those with sensitive skin.
Features and Benefits
Duo design provides two different adhesive options for optimal sticking power
Assorted pack includes a variety of sizes and shapes for any size wound
Advanced adhesive technology ensures maximum sticking power and durability
The bandages are waterproof, which allows you to carry on with your daily activities without worrying about the bandages coming off
Their flexible fabric conforms to the shape of the wound, providing maximum comfort and protection
Designed to prevent sticking to the wound, facilitating pain-free removal
The bandages are hypoallergenic, making them safe for individuals with sensitive skin
Usage Instructions
Before using the bandage, ensure that the wound area is clean and dry. Peel the protective film from one side of the bandage and place the adhesive side on the wound, making sure it covers the entire affected area. Then, peel the protective film from the other side and gently press the bandage onto the skin. If the bandage gets wet, replace it immediately,.
The 3M NEXCARE Pflaster Duo assortiert is the perfect product for anyone seeking the most reliable, high-quality, and comfortable bandages for wound care. Its advanced features, including two different adhesive options, waterproofness and hypoallergenicity, make it one of the best adhesive bandages on the market today...
Cederroth Soft Foam Bandage 3cmx4.5m beige
The Cederroth Soft Foam Bandage 3cmx4.5m beige is a high-quality foam bandage that offers optimal comfort and support for wounds and injuries. Made from soft, breathable foam material, this bandage is perfect for sensitive skin and offers exceptional cushioning for wounds in hard-to-reach areas. Its beige color ensures that it won't stand out and gives you the flexibility to use it in any setting.
Key Features
Soft foam material for exceptional cushioning
3cm x 4.5m size for versatile use
Beige color for discreet application
Breathable material to prevent skin irritation
Easy to apply and remove, without leaving residue
The Cederroth Soft Foam Bandage offers a number of benefits for wound care and injury management:
Reliable and durable, this bandage can be used for a variety of purposes and occasions.
Its soft and breathable foam material offers exceptional cushioning and support for wounds and injuries, while preventing skin irritation.
As it's easy to apply and remove, this bandage reduces discomfort and pain for patients, making it a popular option for everyday use.
The beige color of this bandage ensures that it doesn't stand out, making it a versatile option for any situation, whether at work, school, or home.
How to Use
Using the Cederroth Soft Foam Bandage is easy and straightforward:
Ensure the wound is clean and dry before application
Unroll the bandage and gently apply it around the affected area
Secure the end of the bandage using tape or clips (not included)
Replace the bandage as needed, depending on the severity and rate of healing of the wound
The Cederroth Soft Foam Bandage is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a soft and comfortable bandage with exceptional cushioning and support. Whether you're dealing with a minor cut or a more serious injury, this bandage will help you heal quickly and comfortably...
CONVAMAX Superabsorbent 10x10cm yopishqoq bo'lmagan (n) sarg'ish yarani samarali davolash uchun mo'ljallangan yuqori samarali mahsulotdir. Ushbu superabsorbent bandaj o'rtacha va og'ir ekssudat darajalariga ishlov berish uchun ideal bo'lib, optimal shifo sharoitlarini yaxshilash uchun yuqori so'rilish qobiliyatini ta'minlaydi. Uning yopishqoq bo'lmagan tabiati yara joyiga shikast etkazmasdan yumshoq olib tashlashni ta'minlaydi. 10x10 sm o'lchami har xil o'lchamdagi va shakldagi jarohatlarga murojaat qilishda ko'p qirralilikni ta'minlaydi. Ilg'or texnologiya va tasdiqlangan samaradorlik bilan ushbu mahsulot jarohatni parvarish qilish bo'yicha ishonchli yechimlarni qidirayotgan sog'liqni saqlash mutaxassislari uchun ishonchli tanlovdir. Bemorlarga qulaylik va natijalarni yaxshilash uchun CONVAMAX innovatsion xususiyatlaridan bahramand bo‘ling...
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S1 - Yaralar uchun eng yaxshi himoya
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S1 - bu yarani samarali parvarish qilish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan, sterillangan, yopishmaydigan va yumshoq yara bog'ichidir. Kesilgan, qirib tashlangan yoki kuygan bo'lsangiz ham, bu bandaj siz mikroblar va ifloslantiruvchi moddalardan to'g'ri himoyaga egasiz. Yuqori texnologiya asosida yaratilgan bu kiyinish uzoq muddatli himoyani va'da qiladi va siz uzluksiz shifo olishingizni ta'minlaydi.
Xususiyatlar va afzalliklar:
Yumshoq va teriga muloyim - DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S1 kiyimi teriga surtilganda yumshoq va tirnash xususiyati keltirmaydigan qilib ishlab chiqilgan bo‘lib, terisi sezgir yoki allergiyaga moyil bo‘lganlar uchun juda mos keladi.
Yoshiq bo'lmagan sirt - bu bog'lamning yopishmaydigan yuzasi, kiyinishni almashtirish vaqti kelganida, u og'riqli bo'lmaydi yoki yaraga shikast etkazmaydi.
Tsellyuloza asosidagi - DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S1 kiyimida ishlatiladigan tolalarning maxsus aralashmasi shifo beradi va teriga yumshoq ta'sir qiladi. Kiyinish yarani mikroblar, bakteriyalar va chang zarralaridan tinchlantirishga va himoya qilishga yordam beradi, shu bilan infektsiya ehtimolini kamaytiradi.
Suv o'tkazmaydigan va nafas oladigan - Kiyinish suv o'tkazmaydigan va nafas oladigan, ya'ni uni dush yoki suzish paytida ham kiyish mumkin. Suv o'tkazmaydigan qatlam yaraning quruq va suvdan himoyalanishini ta'minlaydi, nafas oluvchi qatlam esa yaraning nafas olishi uchun havoning erkin aylanishiga imkon beradi.
Oson qo'llash - Shaffof tayanch bilan siz kiyinish qayerda qo'llanilishini osongina ko'rishingiz mumkin, bu esa hatto erishish qiyin bo'lgan joylar uchun ham idealdir. Yopishqoqlik xususiyati kiyinish joyini o'zgartirmasdan yoki bezovta qilmasdan turishini ta'minlaydi.
Qanday foydalaniladi:
Ta'sir qilingan joyni tozalang va dezinfektsiya qiling.
Himoya plyonkasini echib oling va yaraga bog'lang.
Teriga yaxshi yopishishi uchun kiyimning chetlarini atrofga mahkam bosing.
Kuniga kamida bir marta yoki kerak bo'lganda kiyimni o'zgartiring.
Yara to'liq bitguncha takrorlang.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S1 - bu yaralarini himoya qilishni va tezroq shifo berishni istaganlar uchun mukammal kiyinish. Oson bo'lgan sarg'ish nafaqat keng yaralarni parvarish qilish bilan bog'liq qiyinchiliklarni bartaraf qiladi, balki sizga eng og'ir sharoitlarda ham uzoq muddatli himoyadan bahramand bo'lishingizni kafolatlaydi. Kundalik kesilgan va tirnalgan jarohatlardan tortib jiddiy jarohatlargacha, bu kiyinish tezroq shifo va og'riq va noqulaylikdan tezda xalos bo'lishga yordam beradigan keng qamrovli himoyani ta'minlaydi. Kech bo'lguncha kutmang, DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S1 ni bugunoq oling va yarani tez va oson parvarishlashdan bahramand bo'ling.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 - bu maxsus ishlab chiqilgan tibbiy yopishtiruvchi gips bo'lib, jarohatni yuqori darajada parvarish qilish va himoya qilishni ta'minlaydi. U yarangizni himoya qilish va mahkam qoplanishini ta'minlash, tezroq shifo berish va infektsiyani oldini olish uchun mo'ljallangan.
Xususiyatlar va afzalliklar
Nafas oladigan material: Ushbu tibbiy yopishtiruvchi gips nafas oladigan materialdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, terining nafas olishiga imkon beradi, tirnash xususiyati kamaytiradi va tezroq shifo beradi.
Yumshoq va moslashuvchan: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 teriga yumshoq va muloyim bo'lib, maksimal qulaylikni ta'minlaydi va yarani yuqori darajada himoya qiladi.
Ishonchli yopishish: Ushbu gipsda ishlatiladigan yopishtiruvchi terini ishonchli ushlab turish uchun moʻljallangan va gips kun davomida joyida qolishini taʼminlaydi.
Suv va terga chidamli: Ushbu tibbiy yopishtiruvchi gips suvga va terga chidamli bo'lib, jarohatingiz jismoniy faollik paytida yoki namlik ta'sirida ham himoyalangan bo'lishini ta'minlaydi.
Qo'llash oson: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 qo'llash oson va istalgan o'lchamda kesilishi mumkin, bu esa har qanday jarohat va jarohatlar uchun mos keladi.
Foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 gipsini qo'llashdan oldin zararlangan joyni tozalang va quriting. Gipsdan himoya tayanchni olib tashlang va yaraning yopishtiruvchi tomonini qo'llang. Gipsning teriga mahkam bog'langanligiga ishonch hosil qiling, bo'shliqlar va burmalarsiz. Gipsni kerak bo'lganda kuniga kamida bir marta yoki kerak bo'lganda tez-tez almashtiring.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 tezroq shifo berishni va infektsiyani oldini olishni istagan har bir kishi uchun mukammal yechimdir. Uning yumshoq va yumshoq materiali maksimal qulaylikni ta'minlaydi, ishonchli yopishish va suvga chidamli xususiyatlar uni har qanday jarohatlar va jarohatlar uchun mos qiladi. Xo'sh, nima uchun kutish kerak? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 gipsiga bugun buyurtma bering va tezroq shifo va mukammal himoyaga yordam bering!..
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Yaralaringizni ishonchli himoya qiling
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ko'p qirrali yarani bog'lash vositasi bo'lib, jarohatni davolashni qo'llab-quvvatlash va uni bakteriyalar, mikroblar va boshqa infektsiyalardan himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. Innovatsion S3 texnologiyasi bilan maxsus ishlab chiqarilgan bu yara bandaji yumshoq, hipoalerjenik va nafas oladigan materiali tufayli maksimal qulaylik va himoyani taʼminlaydigan yarani optimal parvarish qilishni taʼminlaydi.
Nega DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ni tanladingiz?
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ko'p sabablarga ko'ra yarani bog'lash uchun ishlatiladigan yechimdir:
Darhol yengillik va shifo muhitini ta'minlaydi.
Infeksiyalar va zararli bakteriyalardan himoya qiladi.
Suv o'tkazmaydigan va terga chidamli, yaraning quruq bo'lishini ta'minlaydi.
Yara atrofida havo aylanishiga imkon beruvchi hipoalerjenik va nafas oladigan material.
Oson qo'llanilishi bilan qulay joylashishni ta'minlash uchun mos va moslashuvchan.
Har xil turdagi jarohatlar, jumladan, kesishlar, abrazivlar, ko'karishlar, yaralar va kuyishlar uchun mo'ljallangan.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 dan qanday foydalanish kerak?
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-dan foydalanish oson:
Yarani va uning atrofidagi terini yumshoq sovun va suv yoki steril fiziologik eritma bilan tozalang.
Yarani quriting va namlik qolmasligiga ishonch hosil qiling.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 bandajining orqa qismini echib oling.
Ehtiyotkorlik bilan bandajni yaraning ustiga qo'ying va joyiga mahkamlash uchun mahkam bosing.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 kattalar va bolalarda foydalanish uchun javob beradi. Ishlatishdan oldin har doim o'ramni o'qing.
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-ni sotib oling: Yaralaringizni optimal parvarish bilan ta'minlang
Agar siz maksimal qulaylik va himoyani ta'minlaydigan yarani himoya qiluvchi bandajni qidirsangiz, DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 sizning eng yaxshi tanlovingizdir. Hoziroq buyurtma bering va ishonchli tarzda yaralarni optimal parvarishlash va himoya qilishdan bahramand bo‘ling...
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 - yumshoq va nafas oluvchi prokladkaga ega innovatsion teriga mos yopishtiruvchi gips. U faol hayot tarzini olib boradigan odamlar uchun yaralarni optimal parvarish qilish va himoya qilish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan.
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 yumshoq va egiluvchan yostig'i yara shakliga mos keladi, tez bitishini ta'minlaydi va chandiqlar paydo bo'lish xavfini kamaytiradi. Qo'shimcha kuchli yopishtiruvchi qatlam gipsni mahkam joyida ushlab turadi va terining nafas olishiga imkon beradi, tirnash xususiyati va noqulaylikni oldini oladi.
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 hipoalerjenik va lateksni o'z ichiga olmaydi, shuning uchun uni hatto eng nozik teri uchun ham xavfsiz qiladi. Shuningdek, u suvga chidamli bo‘lib, gipsning yaxlitligini buzmasdan dush va cho‘milish imkonini beradi.
Siz sportchimisiz, band ota-onangizmi yoki faol hayot tarzini yaxshi ko'radigan odamsizmi, DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 siz uchun yarani parvarish qilish uchun mukammal yechimdir. Uning ilg‘or texnologiyasi qulaylik, chidamlilik va samaradorlikni o‘zida mujassam etgan bo‘lib, barcha turdagi jarohatlar uchun optimal davolash va himoyani ta’minlaydi.
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S is a premium-quality adhesive plaster that has been designed to provide effective wound care to individuals with sensitive or delicate skin. This adhesive plaster is made with natural and skin-friendly materials, making it ideal for use on patients with prone or sensitive skin. Furthermore, DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S is convenient to use and comes in a practical and easy-to-handle roll dispenser.
Features and Benefits
Soft and gentle for sensitive or delicate skin
Natural materials - hypoallergenic and breathable
Convenient and easy-to-handle roll dispenser
Long-lasting adhesive hold
Flexible and comfortable to wear
Usage Instructions
Clean and dry the affected area before applying the plaster.
Remove the plaster from the dispenser and position it over the wound, ensuring the adhesive side is facing the skin.
Press down on the plaster firmly for optimal adherence.
Change the plaster as necessary.
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S is ideal for people with sensitive skin and is especially useful when treating delicate wounds. Its natural and hypoallergenic materials ensure that your skin stays healthy and irritation-free. Order one today and enjoy the benefits of a high-quality adhesive plaster that guarantees optimal wound care and skin protection...
DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX Körperverband 8cmx4m
DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX is a high-quality body bandage that can be used for wound care and injury prevention in various body parts. The bandage is made up of elastic and adaptable materials that can be easily adjusted to the body contours, providing optimal comfort and security. The versatile nature of the bandage makes it ideal for use in areas that are exposed to motion and tension, providing additional support as needed.
8cm x 4m size - suitable for various body parts
Elastic and adaptable material - comfortable and secure fit
Non-slip formula - maintains position during movement
Easy application - fast and efficient use
Hypoallergenic - gentle on the skin
Breathable - prevents moisture buildup
DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX bandage can be used to cover and protect wounds, as well as prevent injuries and provide additional support. The bandage is ideal for use during physical activities or sports, where the risk of injury is high. It can also be used for general wound care and post-operative recovery. The elastic and adaptable nature of the bandage ensures optimal comfort and security, making it a versatile and convenient wound care solution.
Instructions for use:
Clean and dry the affected area before applying the bandage
Cut the required length of the bandage from the roll
Apply the bandage to the affected area, ensuring a tight yet comfortable fit
Secure the bandage in place by pressing down gently on the edges. Ensure that the bandage stays in place during movement
Remove the bandage gently after use, and dispose of it according to the appropriate waste disposal regulations
DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX is a high-quality, versatile bandage that provides optimal comfort and security during wound care and injury prevention. The bandage's elastic and adaptable materials make it suitable for use on various body parts, while its non-slip formula ensures that it maintains position during movement. The bandage is easy to apply, hypoallergenic, and breathable, making it an ideal wound care solution for general use and during physical activities or sports.
DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m
DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m is a premium medical-grade adhesive dressing that is designed to protect and treat various types of wounds. It is a versatile and reliable wound care solution that can be used for a range of applications like covering cuts, blisters, grazes, and surgical incisions. DermaPlast Medical Skin+ is made from high-quality materials that are safe, durable, and gentle on the skin.
Soft and breathable material allows the wound to breathe and heal faster.
Water-resistant technology protects the wound from external moisture.
Strong adhesive ensures that the dressing stays in place throughout the healing process.
Stretchable and flexible material adapts to the contours of the skin, providing maximum comfort and mobility.
Hypoallergenic and latex-free material reduces the risk of allergies and skin irritation.
Instructions for use
Clean and disinfect the wound before applying the dressing.
Cut the dressing to the appropriate size and shape according to your wound.
Peel off the protective layer and place the dressing firmly over the wound.
Smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles to ensure proper adhesion.
Replace the dressing as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional.
DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m is an essential part of any first aid kit and is ideal for use at home, in the office, or on the go. Its high-quality construction ensures that your wounds are protected and healed quickly and efficiently. Order now and experience the benefits of DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m for yourself!..
DermaPlast Medical Transparentverband 10x9cm 5 Stk
The DermaPlast Medical Transparentverband 10x9cm 5 Stk is a high-quality medical product that is designed to protect wounds and promote healing. Made from premium materials, this transparent bandage is ideal for those who need reliable and effective wound care solutions.
With a size of 10x9cm, this bandage is large enough to cover most wounds, making it perfect for use on cuts, grazes, and other injuries. Its transparent material allows for easy monitoring of the wound, enabling healthcare professionals and caregivers to keep track of the healing process.
This pack contains 5 DermaPlast Medical Transparentverband 10x9cm bandages, providing a cost-effective and convenient solution to wound care needs. Each bandage is individually wrapped, ensuring that it remains sterile until needed.
The adhesive used in the DermaPlast Medical Transparentverband 10x9cm bandage is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for use on all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is designed to adhere securely to the skin, protecting the wound from dirt and bacteria.
In addition to its protective properties, the DermaPlast Medical Transparentverband 10x9cm bandage is also breathable, allowing air to circulate around the wound. This helps to reduce the risk of infection and speed up the healing process.
Overall, the DermaPlast Medical Transparentverband 10x9cm 5 Stk is an essential medical product that every household and healthcare facility should have. Its reliability, effectiveness, and ease of use make it a top choice for wound care solutions...
DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm - Product Description
DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm is a high-quality medical dressing that is made of non-woven fabric material. This product is designed to offer optimal protection, visibility, and comfort while helping to prevent infections around the wound. It is an ideal dressing for wounds, cuts, and abrasions that require padding and cushioning for fast and painless recovery.
Non-woven fabric material
7.2 x 5cm size
Flexible, stretchable and comfortable
Highly absorbent and breathable
Easy to use and apply
Hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin
Special adhesive coating which ensures secure placement over the wound
DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm is a reliable and easy to use dressing that offers several benefits. It is flexible, stretchable and conforms easily to the body's contours, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The non-adhesive dressing material is gentle on the skin, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin or allergies. It is also highly absorbent and breathable, making it perfect for wounds that require frequent dressing changes.
The special adhesive coating ensures the dressing is securely attached over the wound, reducing the risk of it becoming dislodged. This helps to prevent further injury and minimizes the risk of infection. Additionally, the product's compact size makes it easy to carry and store it in a first aid kit for use in emergencies.
Usage Instructions
To use DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm, ensure the wound is clean and dry. Apply the dressing over the wound ensuring it is adequately padded and cushioned. Use the adhesive coating to secure the dressing in place. Change the dressing regularly or as directed by a medical professional.
Overall, DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm is a reliable and effective dressing that is suitable for use at home, in medical facilities, and in outdoor settings. It is an affordable solution to wound care that offers comfort, protection, and speedy recovery...
FIWA soft Polsterwattebinde 10cmx2.7m unst
The FIWA soft Polsterwattebinde is a high-quality product designed to provide comfort and support to injured or sensitive areas of the body. This roll of unstretched bandage is made from a soft and cushioned material that is perfect for providing gentle padding and protection to injured areas.
Measuring 10cm in width and 2.7m in length, this roll of Polsterwattebinde is suitable for a wide range of applications. The unstretched design allows it to be easily trimmed to size, making it a versatile product that can be used for a range of different injuries and medical conditions.
The soft and cushioned material of this Polsterwattebinde is hypoallergenic, making it suitable for use on all skin types, even those that are sensitive or prone to irritation. It is also highly absorbent, making it ideal for use in wound care and other medical applications where moisture management is important.
Overall, the FIWA soft Polsterwattebinde is a reliable and effective product that provides excellent support and comfort to injured or sensitive areas of the body. Its soft and cushioned material, hypoallergenic properties, and high absorbency make it a versatile and valuable addition to any first aid kit or medical facility...
HANSAPLAST Universal Strips - Yarangizni ishonch bilan himoya qilingYarani parvarish qilish haqida gap ketganda, sizga kesilgan va qirib tashlangan joylarni himoya qilish uchun ishonchli yechim kerak bo'ladi. HANSAPLAST universal chiziqlari barcha turdagi yaralar uchun mukammal tanlovdir. Ushbu chiziqlar yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan bo'lib, sizning yarangizni qoplaydi va keyingi infektsiyadan himoya qiladi. HANSAPLAST Universal Strips yordamida yarangizga eng yaxshi yordam ko'rsatilishiga ishonishingiz mumkin. Ushbu chiziqlar kuchli va samarali himoyani ta'minlab, teringizga yumshoq bo'lish uchun mo'ljallangan. Har bir tasma tanangiz konturiga mos keladigan moslashuvchan matodan qilingan bo'lib, sizga eng kerak bo'lganda optimal qulaylik va moslashuvchanlikni ta'minlaydi. Ushbu chiziqlarni qoʻllash ham oson, bu ularni yoʻlda boʻlganlar uchun ideal qiladi. Himoya plyonkasini olib tashlash oson va yopishtiruvchi xavfsiz ushlab turishni ta'minlaydi, hatto jismoniy mashg'ulotlar yoki sport paytida ham sirg'alib ketmaydi va harakatlanmaydi. Shunday qilib, siz o'zingizning faol hayot tarzingizdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin, sizning yarangiz yaxshi himoyalanganligiga ishonchingiz komil. Kichik jarohatingiz bormi yoki kattaroq jarohatni himoya qilishingiz kerakmi, HANSAPLAST Universal Strips juda mos keladi. Turli o'lchamlarda mavjud bo'lgan bu chiziqlar tananing istalgan qismida foydalanish uchun javob beradi. Yuzingizda, qo'lingizda yoki oyoqingizda bo'ladimi, siz HANSAPLAST Universal Strips yordamida yarangizni xavfsiz va himoyalangan holda saqlashingiz mumkin. Umuman olganda, HANSAPLAST universal tasmalari birinchi tibbiy yordam to'plamida bo'lishi shart. Ular arzon narxda ishonchli va samarali jarohatni parvarish qilishni taklif qiladi, bu ularni har kim uchun ideal tanlov qiladi. HANSAPLAST universal chiziqlariga bugun buyurtma bering va yaralarni hech qachon bo'lmagan ishonchli parvarishdan bahramand bo'ling!..
Hartmann ES-Kompressen 12fach 10x10cm 100 Stk
The Hartmann ES-Kompressen 12fach 10x10cm 100 Stk are high-quality sterile compresses that are ideal for wound care. These compresses feature a 12-fold layering for maximum absorption capabilities, with each layer being made of 100% cotton gauze. They are also packed individually, ensuring maximum hygiene and ease of use. Each pack contains 100 sterile compresses that measure 10x10cm in size, making them suitable for a wide range of wound sizes.
The Hartmann ES-Kompressen 12fach 10x10cm 100 Stk are designed to be highly absorbent and gentle on the skin. They are suitable for use on both adults and children, making them an essential item for any first aid kit. These compresses are also versatile enough to be used for a wide range of wound types such as abrasions, cuts, and burns. Their high-quality construction ensures that they are non-irritating and non-allergenic, making them safe for use in sensitive areas.
Whether you are a healthcare professional, a first responder, or simply someone who needs to keep a well-stocked first aid kit on hand, the Hartmann ES-Kompressen 12fach 10x10cm 100 Stk are a must-have item. With their superior absorption capabilities, hygienic packaging, and gentle yet effective construction, these compresses are sure to be a valuable addition to any medical kit.
Hartmann ES-Kompressen 12fach 10x20cm 100 Stk
The Hartmann ES-Kompressen 12fach 10x20cm 100 Stk is a pack of sterile, 12-layered gauze dressings that are perfect for wound care. The dressings are made from pure cotton and are highly absorbent, quickly soaking up fluid and preventing infections.
Each dressing measures 10x20cm in size and comes in a pack of 100, making it a convenient choice for hospitals, clinics, and first aid kits. The ES-Kompressen dressing is easy to use, simply place it over the wound and secure it with a bandage or tape.
The Hartmann ES-Kompressen dressing is perfect for a wide range of wounds, including cuts, abrasions, and post-surgical incisions. The 12 layers prevent sticking to the wound, and the sterile packaging ensures that the dressing remains hygienic until it is used.
The ES-Kompressen 12fach dressing is highly versatile and can be used with most topical ointments and creams, making it a perfect choice for hospitals, clinics, and first aid kits.
Overall, the Hartmann ES-Kompressen 12fach 10x20cm 100 Stk is an essential item for any first aid kit or medical facility, providing a highly absorbent and hygienic dressing for a variety of different wounds.
Hartmann ES-Kompressen 8fach 5x5cm 100 Stk
The Hartmann ES-Kompressen 8-fach 5x5cm 100 Stk is a reliable product designed for wound care. This pack contains 100 compresses, each measuring 5x5cm. The 8-fold construction makes it highly absorbent and perfect for wound care, especially for heavy bleeding or exudate. It has a high absorbency that aids in the rapid healing of the wound by keeping it moist and preventing it from drying out.
The ES-Kompressen is made of 100% cotton, free of foreign fibers or impurities which can cause irritation or allergies. This makes it suitable for even the most delicate skin types. It is also resistant to fraying, unraveling, and adheres well to the skin, ensuring a secure fit.
These compresses are individually wrapped, providing a clean and sterile environment for each use. This minimizes the risk of contamination and ensures that the wound is not exposed to any external elements such as bacteria and dirt. The packaging is also convenient, making it easy to carry and transport when needed.
In summary, the Hartmann ES-Kompressen 8-fach 5x5cm 100 Stk is an essential product for wound care, made of high-quality materials, designed to aid the rapid healing of the wound. Its excellent absorbency and secure fit make it an ideal choice for heavy bleeding or exudate wound care.
LEUKOPLAST Leukomed 8x10cm steril
The LEUKOPLAST Leukomed 8x10cm steril is a sterile, transparent, adhesive film dressing that is ideal for use in hospitals, care homes, and at home. It is perfect for covering and protecting wounds or surgical incisions and can be used for a variety of applications. This product is a must-have for any medical emergency kit or first aid box.
Key Features
Transparent dressing allows for easy wound inspection without the need to remove the dressing
Sterile and hypoallergenic ? suitable for individuals with sensitive skin
Provides a barrier against bacteria and viruses to aid in the prevention of infection
Can be easily cut to size for a custom fit
Waterproof and breathable ? allows for showering and bathing without the need to remove the dressing
Instructions for Use
To use the LEUKOPLAST Leukomed 8x10cm steril:
Cleanse the wound area and dry thoroughly
Remove the backing paper and apply the dressing to the wound
Smooth down the edges of the dressing to ensure a secure seal
If necessary, bandage over the dressing for additional support
Change the dressing as directed by a healthcare professional or as needed
Product Specifications
Size: 8x10cm
Pack Quantity: 10
Sterile: Yes
Material: Adhesive Film Dressing
The LEUKOPLAST Leukomed 8x10cm steril is an essential product for wound care and protection. Its transparent and waterproof properties make it versatile for use in various settings. Ensure that you have this product in your first aid kit to provide immediate care to wounds and help prevent infection. Order yours now and experience quality care at home...
LIVSANE Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm
LIVSANE Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm
These sterile wound dressings from Livsane are specially designed to effectively protect and cover wounds of different sizes. Measuring 10x15cm, these dressings are made from high-quality materials that are safe, gentle and non-irritating to the skin.
These wound dressings are perfect for use on a wide range of wounds including cuts, grazes, burns and post-surgery wounds. They are highly absorbent, allowing them to quickly soak up any exudates, blood or other fluids from the wound, providing a clean and sterile environment for optimal healing.
The dressings are breathable and allow air to circulate freely around the wound, reducing the risk of infection and promoting faster healing. They are also easy to apply and remove, with a gentle adhesive backing that holds the dressing securely in place without causing discomfort or irritation upon removal.
Each pack of Livsane Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm contains 10 individually wrapped dressings, making them convenient for use at home or on-the-go. They are an essential item for any first aid kit, providing reliable wound care and protection for both adults and children.
Order your pack of Livsane Sterile Wound Dressings 10x15cm today and experience the difference in wound care!..
Product Description: Medicomp 4 fach S30 5x5cm unsteril Btl 100 Stk
Medicomp 4 fach S30 5x5cm unsteril Btl 100 Stk is a highly absorbent, non-woven gauze sponge. It has 4 layers, which make it ideal for use in highly exuding wounds. The sponge is made from 100% cotton, which makes it soft and gentle on the skin. The sponge is extremely absorbent and can hold a large amount of exudate, making it ideal for use in wound care.
Highly absorbent
4 layers make it ideal for use in highly exuding wounds
Soft and gentle on the skin
Made from 100% cotton
Comes in a bottle containing 100 sponges
Medicomp 4 fach S30 5x5cm unsteril Btl 100 Stk is an essential item for any healthcare facility. It is highly absorbent, which makes it ideal for use in wound care. The four-layer sponge can hold a large amount of exudate, which helps to keep the wound bed clean and moist. The soft and gentle cotton material is gentle on the skin, which is essential when dealing with sensitive skin.
This MediComp 4 fach S30 5x5cm unsteril Btl 100 Stk sponge is suitable for a range of medical applications, including wound care, dressing changes, and general cleaning. The unsterilized sponge can be used in both clinical and non-clinical settings. The sponge is easy to use and can be applied directly to the wound bed. It is recommended to use this sponge under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
MediComp 4 fach S30 5x5cm unsteril Btl 100 Stk is an excellent and high-quality product designed specifically for wound care. It is a highly absorbent, non-woven gauze sponge that is made from 100% cotton, which is soft and gentle on the skin. The 4-layer sponge is the ideal solution for highly exuding wounds. This product is an essential item for any healthcare facility...
MEDISET Komp Watte 10x10cm T17 8f st
This product is a sterile, individually packed cotton wool square measuring 10x10cm. It is composed of high-quality, absorbent cotton and is perfect for use in wound care, first aid, and medical procedures.
The MEDISET Komp Watte is gentle on the skin and does not cause irritation, making it ideal for use on even the most sensitive patients. It is also highly durable and does not break down easily, ensuring maximum absorption and effectiveness throughout use.
This product comes in a convenient pack of 8 pieces, making it an essential component of any first aid kit or medical facility. It is easy to store and transport, and each individual pack is clearly labeled and marked with the necessary information for safe and effective use.
Whether you're a medical professional or simply need a reliable wound care solution for personal use, the MEDISET Komp Watte is an excellent choice. With its high-quality composition, superior absorption, and sterile packaging, it is a must-have for anyone looking for a safe and effective solution for wound care and first aid.
Mepore Wundverband 15x9cm Wundkissen 10x5cm 50 Stk
The Mepore Wundverband is a high-quality wound dressing which consists of a soft and non-woven fabric with an absorbent wound pad made from viscose. The sterile dressing is designed to protect minor wounds, cuts, and grazes against bacteria, dirt, and impurities.
The Wundverband comes in a convenient size of 15x9cm with a Wundkissen of 10x5cm which provides a perfect fit for most types of injuries. The dressing is self-adhesive, easy to apply, and can be re-positioned if needed. It is also hypoallergenic and latex-free, making it safe for individuals who are allergic to natural rubber latex.
The Mepore Wundverband is waterproof and breathable, allowing the skin to breathe while protecting the wound from external moisture, which reduces the risk of infection and speeds up the healing process. The wound dressing is suitable for use on sensitive skin, including children and patients with compromised immune systems.
Each pack contains 50 sterile dressings, making it an excellent choice for clinics, hospitals, and first aid kits. The Mepore Wundverband is a reliable and effective solution for wound care, helping to ensure that minor injuries can be treated quickly and efficiently.
Product Description: SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq
SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq is a highly effective antimicrobial solution that contains pure silver nanoparticles. It is used for wound cleansing and wound bed preparation. The solution has been developed and formulated to provide a broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, making it an ideal choice for wound care.
The solution works by releasing silver ions that are highly effective in reducing the number of microorganisms present in the wound bed. This antimicrobial action helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and other pathogens that can cause infection and delay the healing process.
Features and Benefits of SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq
Silver nanoparticles in the solution provide excellent disinfectant properties and are safe for use on all types of wounds. Some of the key features and benefits of SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq include:
Effective against a wide range of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Rapid antimicrobial action to prevent infection and promote healing.
Easy to use and apply on wounds.
The solution is non-irritant and does not cause any discomfort or pain.
Does not stain clothes or beddings.
Directions for Use
Before using, the wound should be cleaned with sterile water or saline solution. Apply SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq to the affected area and cover with a sterile dressing. The wound dressing should be changed as required, or as advised by the healthcare professional. The solution should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
SILVERSPRAY MEDINOVA liq is an innovative antimicrobial solution that provides effective wound care. With broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties and rapid action, it is ideal for use on all types of wounds, including acute and chronic wounds. It is easy to use, safe, and does not cause any discomfort or pain. Its unique formulation makes it a must-have for any first-aid kit or wound care solution. ..
SOFFBAN NATUR Polsterbinde 10cmx2.7m
The SOFFBAN NATUR Polsterbinde is a high-quality and comfortable bandage that offers excellent support for joints and muscles. The bandage is made from 100% natural cotton and is latex-free, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin.
The bandage is incredibly soft and gentle on the skin, ensuring maximum comfort for extended periods of use. The material used is highly breathable, allowing air to flow freely around the wound and reducing the risk of infection.
The SOFFBAN NATUR Polsterbinde is easy to apply and can be cut to the desired length for maximum versatility. It is also highly absorbent, making it suitable for use with wounds and other injuries that require extra padding and support.
The bandage measures 10cm x 2.7m, making it ideal for use on larger areas of the body such as the knee or elbow. The bandage is also highly flexible and can be wrapped around the body to provide optimal support and compression.
Overall, the SOFFBAN NATUR Polsterbinde is a high-quality and reliable bandage that provides excellent support and comfort for joints and muscles. Whether used for wound care or injury prevention, this bandage is an essential addition to any first aid kit.
38,63 USD
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