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(hammasi 1 sahifa) saytiga xush kelibsiz, bu sizning barcha artritlarni bartaraf etish va qo'llab-quvvatlash mahsulotlari uchun yagona yechim. Biz Shveytsariyadan artrit va bo'g'im og'rig'i bilan kurashayotgan shaxslar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan bir qator Salomatlik va Go'zallik mahsulotlarini taklif qilamiz. Og'riqni yo'qotish va harakatchanlikka yordam berish uchun tizza bog'ichlari, qo'l bog'ichlari, kiyim-kechak paypoqlari, bintlar va boshqa terapevtik mahsulotlar to'plamini o'rganing. Biz, shuningdek, sog'lom tayanch-harakat tizimini saqlashga yordam beruvchi parhez va ozish vositalari bilan bir qatorda yumshoq, yaxlit tarzda yengillikni taklif qilish uchun juda mos bo'lgan gomeopatik va tabiiy vositalarni ham olib yuramiz. Biz karpal tunnel sindromi va boshqa sport jarohatlari kabi holatlarning qiyinchiliklarini tushunamiz va shuning uchun biz qulaylik va yordam uchun mo'ljallangan bilak bandlari va siqish qo'lqoplari kabi maxsus mahsulotlarni taklif qilamiz. Bugun saytiga tashrif buyuring va oson, og'riqsiz yashash uchun birinchi qadamni qo'ying.
Bort manustabil bilak qisqacha m li qora

Bort manustabil bilak qisqacha m li qora

Mahsulot kodi: 4383860

BORT MANUSTABIL Wrist Brace BORT MANUSTABIL Wrist Brace The BORT MANUSTABIL Wrist Brace is a superior quality wrist brace designed to provide support and relief to individuals suffering from wrist injuries or conditions such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. This wrist brace is made with medical-grade materials and features an anatomically shaped aluminum splint that guarantees maximum stabilization and support to the wrist while still allowing flexibility and freedom of movement. Features & Benefits: High-quality materials: Made with medical-grade materials that can withstand repeated use and rigorous movements without losing their shape or effectiveness. Anatomically shaped aluminum splint: Provides maximum stabilization and support to the wrist while still allowing flexibility and freedom of movement. Adjustable straps: The wrist brace comes with adjustable straps that ensure a secure and comfortable fit for all wrist sizes. Unisex design: Suitable for both men and women. Easy to clean: The wrist brace is machine washable and can be easily air-dried. Size: Available in M size, suitable for most wrist sizes. Color: The wrist brace comes in black color, which makes it easy to match with any outfit. If you are looking for a high-quality wrist brace that can help you recover from wrist injuries or provide support and relief for chronic wrist pain, the BORT MANUSTABIL Wrist Brace is the perfect solution for you. Order today and experience the benefits of this superior-quality wrist brace. ..

68.63 USD

Cellacare genu classic gr2

Cellacare genu classic gr2

Mahsulot kodi: 7176392

Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 - bu tizzada og'riq yoki jarohatlar, masalan, cho'zilish, tortishish yoki artritni boshdan kechirayotgan odamlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash va barqarorlashtirish uchun mo'ljallangan tizza bo'shlig'i. Ushbu braket maksimal qulaylik va chidamlilikni ta'minlaydigan yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan bo'lib, foydalanuvchilarga noqulaylik va tirnash xususiyati keltirmasdan uzoq vaqt davomida taqib yurishini ta'minlaydi. Ushbu kreslo engil konstruksiyaga ega boʻlib, uni kiyish va harakatlanishni osonlashtiradi, shu bilan birga xavfsiz va barqaror oʻrnatishni taʼminlaydi. Genu Classic Gr2, shuningdek, foydalanuvchilarga o‘z ehtiyojlari va afzalliklaridan kelib chiqqan holda moslashish va siqilish darajasini sozlash imkonini beruvchi sozlanishi tasmalarga ega. Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 koʻp qirrali tizza boʻgʻimi boʻlib, u keng koʻlamli mashgʻulotlar, jumladan, sport, jismoniy mashqlar va kundalik foydalanish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Shuningdek, u tizzasidan operatsiya qilingan yoki jarohatdan tuzalib ketayotganlar uchun ham mos keladi. Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 ning boshqa asosiy xususiyatlariga quyidagilar kiradi: Kiyish uchun qulay yumshoq trikotaj material Tizza shakliga mos keladigan anatomik moslik Tiz qovog'idagi bosimni engillashtiradigan ochiq patella dizayni Har xil turdagi tanalarni sig'dirish uchun turli o'lchamlarda mavjud Agar siz tizza og'rig'i yoki jarohatlarini engishga yordam beradigan yuqori sifatli tizza bo'g'inlarini qidirsangiz, Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 ajoyib tanlovdir. Yengil konstruksiyali, moslashtirilgan moslamasi va qulay dizayni bilan bu braket faol va sog‘lom bo‘lish uchun zarur bo‘lgan yordam va barqarorlikni ta’minlaydi. ..

62.64 USD

Cellacare manus classic gr2 qoldi

Cellacare manus classic gr2 qoldi

Mahsulot kodi: 7176765

Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 is a left-hand support orthopedic grip that provides firm support and compression to the wrist, palm, and the base of the thumb. It is designed to relieve pain and discomfort associated with injuries, arthritis, and other conditions affecting the hand and wrist. Features Adjustable compression straps to customize support level and fit Breathable fabric for maximum comfort and moisture control Anatomical design for perfect fit and support Easy to use, allows full movement of the fingers Machine washable for easy care Indications The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 is recommended for the following conditions: Mild to moderate sprains and strains in the wrist and hand Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome Post-operative and post-trauma rehabilitation Chronic and acute pain and inflammation in the hand and wrist Design and Size The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left is designed for left hands and available in different sizes to ensure a perfect fit for everyone. It is made of breathable, skin-friendly materials that are gentle on the skin and ideal for people with sensitive skin. The anatomical design of the support ensures that it fits snugly around the wrist, palm, and base of the thumb, providing stable support and compression. Conclusion The Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left provides excellent support, stability, and compression to the wrist, palm, and base of the thumb, making it an ideal choice for those suffering from hand and wrist injuries or arthritic conditions. With adjustable straps and a comfortable, breathable design, this support can be worn all day long without causing any discomfort or irritating the skin. If you have any type of hand or wrist pain, the Cellacare Manus Classic Gr2 left is the perfect solution. ..

64.96 USD

Cellacare rhizo classic thumb gr1

Cellacare rhizo classic thumb gr1

Mahsulot kodi: 7749039

Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 is a functional thumb orthosis designed to provide support and stability to the thumb joint. It is an innovative medical device that helps alleviate pain related to arthritis, injuries, and other conditions affecting the thumb. Design The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 features a smart design that ensures optimal fit and comfort. The orthosis is made of soft, breathable, and lightweight material, which makes it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The straps and adjustable closures allow for a customized fit, ensuring that the orthosis stays in place at all times. Functionality The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 provides excellent support to the thumb, immobilizing it and allowing it to rest so that the damaged tissues can heal properly. The orthosis also helps address abnormalities in thumb alignment and prevents further injuries from occurring. It offers a range of motion that allows for daily activities such as typing, writing and gripping objects without hindrance, thus promoting healing and improving hand function. Indications The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 is an ideal medical device for people with arthritis, de Quervain?s tenosynovitis, sprains, strains, and other conditions affecting the thumb. It is designed for both preventive and postoperative purposes, making it suitable for use before and after surgical procedures. Benefits The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 provides several benefits, including: Reduced pain and swelling Improved stability and motion control Improved hand function Prevention of further injuries Customizable fit for maximum comfort and support Easy to wear and adjust Conclusion The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 is a medical device that provides excellent support and stability to the thumb joint. It helps reduce pain and swelling, improves hand function, and prevents further injuries, making it an invaluable aid for people with thumb-related ailments. Get one today and enjoy the benefits it provides!..

90.45 USD

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s4

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s4

Mahsulot kodi: 7822255

DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 - bu tizzani qulay siqish va qo'llab-quvvatlashni ta'minlaydigan yuqori sifatli tizza tayanchi. U engil va o'rta darajadagi tizza og'rig'i va beqarorlik, jumladan, tizzaning burishishi, shtammlari va artriti bilan og'rigan shaxslar uchun mo'ljallangan. Tizza qo'llab-quvvatlashi nafas oladigan, namlikni o'tkazmaydigan materiallardan tayyorlangan bo'lib, tizzangizni quruq va mashg'ulot paytida qulay saqlaydi. DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 to'rtta o'lchamda mavjud - kichik, o'rta, katta va o'ta katta, bu qulay va keng foydalanuvchilar uchun qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. Mahsulotning asosiy xususiyatlariga quyidagilar kiradi: Yengil va oʻrtacha darajadagi qoʻllab-quvvatlash va tizzani siqishni taʼminlaydi Tiz og'rig'i va bukilishlar, taranglik va artrit tufayli yuzaga keladigan beqarorlikni kamaytirishga yordam beradi Nafas oladigan, namlik o'tkazmaydigan material tizzangizni quruq va mashg'ulot paytida qulay saqlaydi Barcha foydalanuvchilar uchun qulay va qulay joylashishni ta'minlash uchun to'rtta o'lcham mavjud (kichik, o'rta, katta va juda katta) Qanday foydalanish kerak: DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 dan foydalanish uchun tizza tayanchini tizzangizga suring. Qo'llab-quvvatlash mahkam o'rnatilishi kerak, lekin juda qattiq bo'lmasligi kerak. Zarur bo'lganda, qo'shimcha qo'llab-quvvatlash va siqish uchun tasmalarni sozlang. DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 turli mashg‘ulotlar, jumladan, sport, yurish va tizzaga stress qo‘yadigan boshqa mashg‘ulotlar uchun kiyilishi mumkin. G'amxo'rlik bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar: Mahsulotning yuqori sifati va samaradorligini saqlab qolish uchun DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 ni sovuq suvda muntazam ravishda qo‘lda yuvish va tekis quritish tavsiya etiladi. Oqartirmang, dazmollamang yoki quruq tozalash qilmang. DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 bilan siz faol hayot tarzingizni saqlab, tizzangizga qulay tayanchdan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin. Ushbu yuqori sifatli tizza tayanchining afzalliklarini his qilish uchun hozir buyurtma bering. ..

130.75 USD

Genutrain faol gr2 titanini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi

Genutrain faol gr2 titanini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi

Mahsulot kodi: 7750395

GenuTrain® Active Support Gr2 Titanium The GenuTrain Active Support Gr2 Titanium by Bauerfeind is the perfect solution for knee pain and discomfort caused by sports injuries, arthritis, and other muscular conditions. With its cutting-edge technology, this knee support offers maximum comfort, support, and stability while allowing freedom of movement. Features and Benefits Made from high-quality materials with Gr2 Titanium enhancements for maximum stability and durability. Designed to support and protect the knee, while still allowing freedom of movement. Perfect for athletes and anyone with active lifestyles who wants to protect their knees from injury. The innovative knitted fabric provides medical-grade compression, enhancing circulation and reducing inflammation. Features an anatomical shape that enables a perfect fit, reducing pressure points and preventing slippage. Fits comfortably and securely thanks to the flexible, breathable, and moisture-wicking material. Perfect for individuals with unstable knees, weak muscles, or who have recently undergone knee surgery. Available in a range of sizes and colors to suit every individual. Overall, the GenuTrain Active Support Gr2 Titanium by Bauerfeind is an excellent knee support product that can help alleviate pain and discomfort while improving knee stability and support. Try it today! ..

143.13 USD

Manutrain faol qo'llab-quvvatlash gr3 o'ng titanium

Manutrain faol qo'llab-quvvatlash gr3 o'ng titanium

Mahsulot kodi: 7826465

ManuTrain® Active Support Gr3 Right Titan ManuTrain® Active Support Gr3 Right Titan is a specially designed product for people suffering from wrist pain or instability due to conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or arthritis. This wrist support is manufactured using high-quality and skin-friendly materials for comfortable extended wear. ManuTrain® Active Support Gr3 provides the perfect balance of stability and flexibility, helping to protect your wrist without limiting your range of motion. The unique design features an anatomically shaped removable stay that provides targeted immobilization to the wrist joint, while the breathable knit fabric and unique strap system maintain compression and ensure the perfect fit. ManuTrain® Active Support Gr3 is suitable for use during physical activities, such as sports or weightlifting, as well as for everyday use. It is available for both right and left wrists and comes in a range of sizes so that you can find the perfect fit. Key Features: Immobilizes wrist joint to provide targeted relief Enhances stability and flexibility Breathable knit fabric for extended wear Perfect for sports and everyday usage Available in various sizes for a perfect fit With ManuTrain® Active Support Gr3 right titan, you can rest assured that your wrist will be protected and that you can continue to lead an active lifestyle. Order yours today and get back to feeling comfortable. ..

126.69 USD

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