Bosh terisini davolash
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Vichy dercos aminexil clinical 5 ayollar 21 x 6 ml
Vichy Dercos Aminexil Clinical 5 Ayollar xususiyatlari 21 x 6 mlSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdori: 21 mlOg'irligi: 320g Uzunlik: 55mm Eni: 201mm Balandligi: 140mm Vichy Dercos Aminexil Clinical sotib oling 5 ayol 21 x 6 ml Shveytsariyadan onlayn..
107.20 USD
Vichy dercos aminexil klinik 5 erkak 21 x 6 ml
Erkaklar uchun soch to'kilishiga qarshi intensiv terapiya 5 marta ta'sir qiladi. XususiyatlarNo. Yevropada soch toʻkilishiga qarshi 1*.Sochlari doimiy yoki vaqti-vaqti bilan toʻkilishi boʻlgan erkaklar uchun*. Stress. charchoq.5 marta ta'sir:Soch ildizlarini mahkamlash: 6 hafta ichida soch to'kilishini kamaytirish**.Mikrosirkulyatsiya: tufayli rag'batlantiruvchi massaj Aplikator.Soch tolasini mustahkamlash: qalinroq, elastikroq sochlar***.Muvozanat: bosh terisi mikro muvozanatini kamaytiradi**.Kuch: Bosh terisini tashqi ta'sirlarga qarshi mustahkamlaydi**.Effektivlik va bardoshlilik dermatologik nazorat ostida sinovdan o'tgan.Optimal bardoshlik. Hipoalerjenik. Nozik bosh terisi uchun javob beradi. Alohida dozalash birliklari, yuqori aniqlikdagi aplikator. Yog'li bo'lmagan, yopishqoq bo'lmagan formulasi, tez quriydi.Optimal samaradorlik uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan tanlangan faol moddalar:Vichy Tonik Termal Buloq SuviOktein KofeinArgininSP 94Amineksil 1,5%*Soch to‘kilmasligi kasallik tufayli yuzaga kelgan.**Ilmiy tadqiqot, 102 kishi, Fransiya. ***Vital shampunlar + Aminexilni ko‘p marta qo‘llashdan keyin instrumental test.Qo‘llashIntensiv davolash sifatida: har bir doza birligi 6 hafta davomida kun. Quruq yoki ho'l sochlarga qo'llash mumkin.G'amxo'rlik sifatida: haftasiga 3 dona.EslatmalarTashqi foydalanish uchun. Yutmang. Ko'z bilan aloqa qilishdan saqlaning. Ko‘zga tegsa, darhol va yaxshilab yuvib tashlang...
107.20 USD
Vichy dercos shampunlash pellikulyarga qarshi cheveux gras fl 390 ml
Vichy Dercos Shampooing Anti-Pelliculaire cheveux gras Fl 390 ml Looking for an effective anti-dandruff shampoo that's also perfect for oily hair? Vichy Dercos Shampooing Anti-Pelliculaire cheveux gras Fl 390 ml may be your answer. This specially-formulated shampoo is designed to treat dandruff and itchiness while regulating excess sebum production on the scalp. Helps remove dandruff flakes Purifies the scalp and regulates sebum production Leaves hair soft and shiny Suitable for oily hair Comes in a 390ml bottle The formula contains selenium sulfide to target the root cause of dandruff by removing flakes and preventing their reappearance. Salicylic acid acts as a gentle exfoliant to clear away dead skin cells and restore the scalp's natural balance. Finally, Vichy's Thermal Spa Water soothes inflammation and restores shine to your hair. You'll love how this shampoo leaves your hair feeling clean, fresh, and healthy. Use it once or twice a week in place of your regular shampoo for best results. It's hypoallergenic and free of parabens and sulfates, so even those with sensitive scalps can use it without worry. Give your hair the care it deserves with Vichy Dercos Shampooing Anti-Pelliculaire cheveux gras Fl 390 ml. Order now and enjoy healthier, more beautiful-looking hair! ..
41.14 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)