Nafas olish muammolari
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Biosynex inhalationshilfe 6 jahre und mehr
BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr is an innovative device designed to provide effective relief for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory illnesses. It is specifically designed for children aged 6 years and above. This inhaler is ideal for people who want to overcome breathing difficulties caused by various respiratory conditions. The device is designed for easy use and features an ergonomic design that allows for easy handling and portability. It is lightweight, compact and portable, making it easy to use anywhere including when you are on the go. The inhaler is designed to enhance the effectiveness of medication by delivering medication directly to the lungs where it is needed most. The device works by converting the medication into a fine mist, making it easy to inhale, improving its absorption in the lungs and promoting fast relief of respiratory symptoms. Thanks to its advanced design, the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr is super-easy to use. It comes with assembling instructions that guide you on how to easily put the device together. Once assembled, all you have to do is add the medication into the inhaler, and it will do the rest. The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr inhaler is easy to clean and maintain, enhancing its durability and ensuring that it remains free from any bacteria or germs that may compromise its functionality. It comes with a comprehensive cleaning guide that makes cleaning the device simple and straightforward. Whether you are a parent looking for an effective inhaler for your child or an adult seeking relief from respiratory symptoms, the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr is an excellent choice. It is efficient, easy to use, and provides fast relief from respiratory symptoms, allowing you to breathe freely with renewed confidence. Order the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr today and enjoy a fast and effective solution to respiratory problems! ..
52.15 USD
Ceres convallaria d 6 suyultirish fl 20 ml
Ceres Convallaria D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 mlCeres Convallaria D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 ml nafas olish muammolari, zaiflik kabi ba'zi alomatlarni boshdan kechirayotgan odamlarga yordam berish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan gomeopatik qo'shimchadir. , bosh aylanishi va boshqalar. Ushbu qo'shimcha ushbu alomatlar bilan kurashish uchun juda kuchli va samarali yechimni ta'minlash uchun yumshoq qayta ishlangan va distillangan tabiiy ingredientlardan iborat.Ceres Convallaria D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 mlUshbu yuqori samarali gomeopatik qo'shimchani qo'llashning ko'plab afzalliklari bor. Bu imtiyozlarga quyidagilar kiradi: Astma kasalliklari, bronxit va boshqalar kabi nafas olish kasalliklarini davolashda yordam bering. Mushak va aqliy zaiflik kabi turli xil zaifliklarga qarshi kurashishda yordam O'sish va gormonlar ishlab chiqarishni tartibga solishda samarali Bosh aylanishi va umumiy zaiflikni kamaytirishga yordam beradi Gipertenziyani davolash va suyuqlikni ushlab turishni kamaytirish uchun qo'shimcha terapiya sifatida foydalanish mumkin IngredientlarCeres Convallaria D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 ml tozaligi va samaradorligi uchun maxsus tanlangan, ehtiyotkorlik bilan tanlangan tabiiy ingredientlardan iborat. Asosiy ingredientlardan ba'zilari quyidagilardan iborat: Convallaria Majalis Spirtli ichimlik Ushbu qo'shimchadan qanday foydalanishCeres Convallaria D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 ml ishlatish juda oson va uni uyda xavfsiz qo'llash mumkin. Shunchaki bir stakan suvga ushbu qo'shimchadan bir necha tomchi qo'shing va tavsiya etilgan tarzda iching. Foydalanishdan oldin shifokoringiz bilan maslahatlashish tavsiya etiladi.XulosaCeres Convallaria D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 ml nafas olish kasalliklarini engillashtirish uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlab chiqilgan tabiiy qo'shimchadir. kasalliklar, zaiflik, bosh aylanishi va boshqa alomatlar. U maksimal quvvat va samaradorlikni ta'minlash uchun muloyimlik bilan qayta ishlangan tabiiy ingredientlardan iborat. Ushbu qo‘shimcha o‘zining ko‘plab afzalliklari bilan o‘z alomatlarini davolashning muqobil va tabiiy usulini izlayotganlar uchun ajoyib tanlovdir...
34.80 USD
Ceres mercurialis d 6 suyultirish fl 20 ml
Ceres Mercurialis D 6 suyultirish Fl 20 mlCeres Mercurialis D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 ml - bu Mercurialis perennis o'simligidan tayyorlangan gomeopatik suyultirish, odatda It simobi deb nomlanadi. U gomeopatiya tamoyillari asosida tayyorlanadi, ya'ni faol moddasi shifobaxsh xususiyatlarini chiqarish uchun juda suyultiriladi va chayqatiladi.Ushbu mahsulot xavfsiz, yumshoq va toksik emas, shuning uchun uni barcha yoshdagilar uchun mos qiladi. Allergiya, nafas olish muammolari va teri kasalliklarini o'z ichiga olgan turli xil sharoitlarni davolashda samarali. Bundan tashqari, mahsulot hayz va ovqat hazm qilish kasalliklarini bartaraf etishga yordam beradi.Foydalari: Allergiya, nafas olish muammolari va teri kasalliklarini davolaydi. Hayz va ovqat hazm qilish kasalliklarini engillashtiradigan vosita. Zararsiz va barcha yoshdagilar uchun xavfsiz. Samarali gomeopatik suyultirish. Qanday foydalaniladi:Ceres Mercurialis D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 ml sog'liqni saqlash mutaxassisi ko'rsatmasi yoki qadoqdagi ko'rsatmalarga muvofiq iste'mol qilinishi kerak. Eng yaxshi natijalarga erishish uchun dozalar va chastotalar bo'yicha ko'rsatmalarga rioya qilish ham muhimdir. Umuman olganda, kuniga uch marta 5-10 tomchi suyultirish tavsiya etiladi.Ogohlantirishlar:Ceres Mercurialis D 6 seyreltme Fl 20 ml gomeopatik vositadir va tibbiy davolanishni almashtirmasligi kerak. Agar alomatlar davom etsa yoki sizda biron bir xavotir bo'lsa, ushbu mahsulotni ishlatishdan oldin shifokor bilan maslahatlashing tavsiya etiladi. Umuman olganda, Ceres Mercurialis D 6 Dilution Fl 20 ml tabiiy, xavfsiz va turli holatlar va kasalliklardan xalos bo'lishga yordam beradigan samarali gomeopatik suyultirish...
34.80 USD
O2-oson pulsoksimetr
O2-easy Pulsoxymeter The O2-easy Pulsoxymeter is a medical device used to measure the oxygen saturation level in a patient's blood. It is a small, portable device that can be easily carried in a pocket or bag, making it convenient for use in hospitals or at home. Features: Accurate readings - The O2-easy Pulsoxymeter is designed to provide accurate readings within a matter of seconds, making it a reliable tool for doctors and nurses. Easy to use - The device is very easy to use, with a simple one button operation. Simply place the sensor on the patient's finger and press the button to start the measurement. Large display - The O2-easy Pulsoxymeter has a large, easy to read display, which makes it simple to read the patient's oxygen saturation level. Compact and lightweight - The device is small and lightweight, making it easy to carry around and use whenever required. Long battery life - The O2-easy Pulsoxymeter comes with a long battery life, which means it can be used for hours on end without needing to be recharged. Benefits: Helps to monitor oxygen levels - The O2-easy Pulsoxymeter is an essential tool for monitoring the oxygen saturation level in patients with respiratory problems. Non-invasive - The device is completely non-invasive and does not require any blood samples, making it a painless and stress-free experience for patients. Easily portable - The portable design of the device makes it easy to carry around and use in different locations, both in hospitals or at home. User-friendly - The O2-easy Pulsoxymeter has a simple and easy-to-use design, making it accessible to a wide range of healthcare professionals and patients. Safe and reliable - The device is safe and reliable, providing accurate readings to help healthcare professionals manage patient health effectively. Overall, the O2-easy Pulsoxymeter is an essential tool for monitoring oxygen levels in patients with respiratory problems. It is easy to use, non-invasive, and portable, making it a reliable and convenient device for healthcare professionals and patients alike...
100.68 USD
Puressentiel® evkalipt äth / yog 'bio 10 ml
Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml is a premium quality essential oil that is obtained from the leaves of Eucalyptus trees using the steam distillation method. This powerful and natural oil is 100% pure and organic, which means that it does not contain any artificial additives, chemicals, or preservatives. It is a must-have in your medicine cabinet, especially during the cold season, as eucalyptus oil is known for its therapeutic properties that help to soothe respiratory problems, relieve pain, and improve mental clarity. Benefits of Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml Here are some of the benefits of using Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml: Relieves Respiratory Problems: Eucalyptus oil is known for its excellent antiviral and antibacterial properties that help to improve respiratory health. It helps to relieve congestion, cough, and sinus problems. Relieves Pain: This essential oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. It can be used topically or aromatically to relieve muscle and joint pain. Improves Mental Clarity: Eucalyptus oil has a refreshing and invigorating scent that helps to improve mental clarity and alertness. It is used in aromatherapy to reduce mental fatigue and improve concentration. How to Use Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml There are several ways to use Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml: Topically: Mix it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil and apply it to the affected area to provide relief from pain or inflammation. Aromatically: Add a few drops of the essential oil to your diffuser to create a refreshing and invigorating environment in your home or office. Inhalation: Put a few drops of the essential oil in hot water and inhale the steam to relieve respiratory problems. Conclusion Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml is a versatile and essential product that should be part of your natural medicine cabinet. It provides numerous benefits to your health and well-being, including relieving respiratory problems, relieving pain, and improving mental clarity. It is 100% pure and organic, which means that it is safe to use and does not contain any harmful chemicals. Try it today and enjoy the benefits of this natural and powerful essential oil...
22.91 USD
Puressentiel® yo'tal siropi 125 ml
Puressentiel® Cough Syrup 125 ml Introducing Puressentiel® Cough Syrup ? the ultimate remedy for a cough and other respiratory problems. This natural cough syrup helps to relieve dry coughs and irritations in the throat, chest, and bronchi. With a unique blend of 12 essential oils, this cough syrup offers a powerful and effective way to help control coughs and keep the respiratory system healthy. Key Features: Relieves dry cough and irritation in throat, chest, and bronchi 100% natural formula with 12 essential oils Soothes and heals respiratory problems No side effects How it Works: Puressentiel® Cough Syrup is made from a unique blend of 12 essential oils that have powerful antimicrobial, antiviral and expectorant properties. Each ingredient of the syrup is carefully chosen to create a formula that works synergistically to help relieve coughs, clear mucus from the lungs, and promote healthy respiratory function. The cough syrup contains extracts of thyme and eucalyptus to soothe and heal respiratory problems, as well as peppermint and ravintsara to provide a cooling effect and promote healthy breathing. Directions for Use: For adults and children above 6 years, take 1 tablespoon (15ml) three times a day, after meals. Shake the bottle well before use. The cough syrup is suitable for vegetarians and does not contain any artificial colors or flavors. It is also free from parabens, synthetic fragrances, and petroleum-based products, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for a natural cough syrup that is both safe and effective. Get fast relief from coughs and respiratory problems with Puressentiel® Cough Syrup today!..
20.96 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)