Himoya bandaji
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Dermaplast active epi soft plus s3
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Yaralaringizni ishonchli himoya qiling DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ko'p qirrali yarani bog'lash vositasi bo'lib, jarohatni davolashni qo'llab-quvvatlash va uni bakteriyalar, mikroblar va boshqa infektsiyalardan himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. Innovatsion S3 texnologiyasi bilan maxsus ishlab chiqarilgan bu yara bandaji yumshoq, hipoalerjenik va nafas oladigan materiali tufayli maksimal qulaylik va himoyani taʼminlaydigan yarani optimal parvarish qilishni taʼminlaydi. Nega DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ni tanladingiz? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ko'p sabablarga ko'ra yarani bog'lash uchun ishlatiladigan yechimdir: Darhol yengillik va shifo muhitini ta'minlaydi. Infeksiyalar va zararli bakteriyalardan himoya qiladi. Suv o'tkazmaydigan va terga chidamli, yaraning quruq bo'lishini ta'minlaydi. Yara atrofida havo aylanishiga imkon beruvchi hipoalerjenik va nafas oladigan material. Oson qo'llanilishi bilan qulay joylashishni ta'minlash uchun mos va moslashuvchan. Har xil turdagi jarohatlar, jumladan, kesishlar, abrazivlar, ko'karishlar, yaralar va kuyishlar uchun mo'ljallangan. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 dan qanday foydalanish kerak? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-dan foydalanish oson: Yarani va uning atrofidagi terini yumshoq sovun va suv yoki steril fiziologik eritma bilan tozalang. Yarani quriting va namlik qolmasligiga ishonch hosil qiling. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 bandajining orqa qismini echib oling. Ehtiyotkorlik bilan bandajni yaraning ustiga qo'ying va joyiga mahkamlash uchun mahkam bosing. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 kattalar va bolalarda foydalanish uchun javob beradi. Ishlatishdan oldin har doim o'ramni o'qing. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-ni sotib oling: Yaralaringizni optimal parvarish bilan ta'minlang Agar siz maksimal qulaylik va himoyani ta'minlaydigan yarani himoya qiluvchi bandajni qidirsangiz, DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 sizning eng yaxshi tanlovingizdir. Hoziroq buyurtma bering va ishonchli tarzda yaralarni optimal parvarishlash va himoya qilishdan bahramand bo‘ling...
100.90 USD
Leukomed t plus shaffof yarani yarani bog'lash bilan bog'lash 8x10 sm 5 dona
Leukomed T Plus Transparent Wound Dressing The Leukomed T Plus transparent wound dressing is designed to provide advanced protection for wounds, while also promoting faster healing. This product comes with a wound dressing size of 8x10cm and includes a pack of 5 pieces ? making it the perfect choice for those who have multiple wounds or who need a long-term supply of wound dressings. Benefits of the Leukomed T Plus Wound Dressing Transparent design allows for easy monitoring of wound healing progress. Provides a waterproof and bacteria-proof barrier, helping to prevent infection. Offers optimal adhesion to the skin, ensuring that the dressing stays in place. Can be used in conjunction with other dressings and bandages, allowing for a customized wound care approach. Latex-free design is suitable for those with latex allergies. How to Use The Leukomed T Plus wound dressing is easy to apply and is suitable for use on a variety of wounds including cuts, grazes, and surgical incisions. Simply clean and dry the wound before applying the dressing, ensuring that the dressing covers the entire wound area. Replace the dressing as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional. Overall, the Leukomed T Plus transparent wound dressing is a high-quality and effective product that can help to promote faster healing and reduce the risk of infection. Suitable for use in both medical and home settings, this product is a must-have for anyone dealing with a wound or injury requiring advanced protection and care...
9.41 USD
Medicomp extra 6 fach s30 10x20 sm steril 25 x 2 stk
The Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm steril 25 x 2 Stk is a highly effective medical dressing that is used to treat a range of different wounds and injuries. With its unique six-layer design, this dressing provides a comprehensive healing solution that helps to promote faster and more complete recovery for patients. The six layers of the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm are carefully crafted to provide a range of important benefits. The top layer is made from soft and highly absorbent viscose fleece, which helps to wick away moisture and prevent bacterial growth on the wound site. The second layer is a highly permeable, non-woven material that allows air to flow freely through the dressing and promote faster healing. Below these top two layers, the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm features a layer of highly absorbent cotton wool, followed by a layer of highly absorbent and highly elastic polyurethane foam. These layers work together to provide maximum cushioning and protection for the wound site, while also promoting optimal blood flow and oxygenation to the area. The final two layers of the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm are a highly breathable polyurethane film and a special adhesive layer that helps to keep the dressing in place without causing irritation or discomfort to the patient. Together, these six layers provide a highly effective wound healing solution that is ideal for a wide range of injuries, including cuts, abrasions, and burns. So if you are looking for a high-quality, effective medical dressing that can help to promote faster and more complete healing for your patients, the Medicomp Extra 6 fach S30 10x20cm steril 25 x 2 Stk is an excellent choice. With its innovative six-layer design and advanced materials, this dressing is sure to deliver the results you need...
21.19 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)