
Tabletkalar tashkilotchisi

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 18 gacha 18
(hammasi 1 sahifa) sizga muntazam dori-darmonlarga muhtoj bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun muhim qo'shimcha bo'lgan tabletkalarni tashkillashtiruvchilarning ajoyib tanlovini taqdim etadi. Mahsulotlarimiz boshqa hech qachon dozani o'tkazib yubormasligingizni ta'minlaydi. Biz bilan siz jarohatni davolash, tibbiy asboblar, hamshiralik yordami va dori tarqatish tizimlari kabi toifalar bo'yicha to'g'ridan-to'g'ri Shveytsariyadan yuqori darajadagi Sog'liqni saqlash va Go'zallik mahsulotlarini topasiz. Bizning hap organizatorlarimiz qulaylik, foydalanish qulayligi va ko'chirish uchun mo'ljallangan. Ular, ayniqsa harakatda bo'lganingizda, dori-darmonlar jadvalini saqlash uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Beeovita tabletkalari tashkilotchilari bilan sog'lig'ingizni boshqarishni soddalashtiring.
Anabox medidispenser 1x7 bunt deutsch/französisch/italienisch im blisterer

Anabox medidispenser 1x7 bunt deutsch/französisch/italienisch im blisterer

Mahsulot kodi: 7781049

Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 rang-barang nemis / frantsuz / italyan blister xususiyatlariYevropa CE sertifikatiO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 60g Uzunlik: 95 mm Keng: 185 mm Balandligi: 30 mm Blisterda Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 rangli nemis / frantsuz / italyan ni onlayn xarid qiling Shveytsariyadan..

21.92 USD

Anabox medidispenser 1x7 turkuaz

Anabox medidispenser 1x7 turkuaz

Mahsulot kodi: 3730207

Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 turkuazning xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 38 g Uzunlik: 50 mm Eni: 135 mm Balandligi: 20 mm Shveytsariyadan Anabox MediDispenser 1x7 turkuazni onlayn xarid qiling..

22.10 USD

Anabox medidispenser etti kunlik qora charm quti

Anabox medidispenser etti kunlik qora charm quti

Mahsulot kodi: 5117540

Anabox MediDispenserning yetti kunlik qora charm qutisi xususiyatlariYevropa CE sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 58 g Uzunlik: 23 mm Eni: 151 mm Balandligi: 62 mm Shveytsariyadan Anabox MediDispenser yetti kunlik qora charm qutini onlayn xarid qiling..

37.53 USD

Axapharm allergiya shoshilinch to'plami bo'sh

Axapharm allergiya shoshilinch to'plami bo'sh

Mahsulot kodi: 7532378

Axapharm allergiyasi favqulodda to'plamining xususiyatlari bo'shSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 15 g Uzunlik: 18 mm Eni: 67 mm Balandligi: 50 mm Shveytsariyadan bo'sh Axapharm allergiya to'plamini onlayn xarid qiling..

8.62 USD

Bort easylife 7 kunlik planshet qutisi ko'k

Bort easylife 7 kunlik planshet qutisi ko'k

Mahsulot kodi: 2306967

BORT EASYLIFE 7 kunlik planshet qutisining xususiyatlari ko‘kO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 35g Uzunligi: 23 mm p>Eni: 160 mm Balandligi: 36 mm Shveytsariyadan BORT EASYLIFE 7 kunlik ko‘k planshet qutisini onlayn xarid qiling..

15.02 USD

Bort easylife 7 kunlik planshet qutisi shaffof

Bort easylife 7 kunlik planshet qutisi shaffof

Mahsulot kodi: 2981120

PRODUCT FEATURES:Clear 7-day plannerBrailleDimensions: 16 x 3 x 2 cmColours transparent, blue THE EasyLife® -PLUS:Controlled and safe intake of medicationEasy to open PRODUCT FEATURES:Clear 7-day plannerBrailleDimensions: 16 x 3 x 2 cmColors transparent, blueDAS EasyLife® -PLUS:Controlled and safe intake of medicationEasy to open ..

15.02 USD

Dosett maxi o'lchash qutisi

Dosett maxi o'lchash qutisi

Mahsulot kodi: 1908658

Dosett Maxi o'lchash qutisining xususiyatlariO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 207 mm Kengligi: 42 mm Balandligi: 141 mm Dosett Maxi o'lchash qutisini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

50.43 USD

Dosett midi dozalash nemis tili

Dosett midi dozalash nemis tili

Mahsulot kodi: 848204

The daily check saves the planned income for 7 days. Properties Morning, noon, evening, night - classification.The daily control ensures the planned intake for 7 days.The dosage control ensures the correct intake of the daily amounts. The hour control ensures and fixes the regular and timely correct use. The release control ensures accurate and error-free removal. Rounded corners and edges. Easy to use. With an effective security system that makes it difficult for children to open the cassette. Tablet insert is easy to clean. With name tag on the side. ..

39.16 USD

Medi-7 mediator uno 7 kun dam olish

Medi-7 mediator uno 7 kun dam olish

Mahsulot kodi: 6000515

Medi-7 mediatorining xususiyatlari 7 kunlik dam olishO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 47g Uzunligi: 22 mm Kengi: 134 mm Balandligi: 51 mm Medi-7 medicator uno-ni Shveytsariyadan 7 kunlik chegirmaga onlayn xarid qiling..

15.68 USD

Pilbox kun tartibi haftalik dori tarqatuvchi nemis / frantsuz

Pilbox kun tartibi haftalik dori tarqatuvchi nemis / frantsuz

Mahsulot kodi: 7270406

Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser German / French The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser is a highly functional and efficient pill organizer that ensures the right medication is taken in the right dosage at the right time. It is designed to help patients and caregivers keep track of their medication schedules and ensure compliance with medical prescriptions. This drug dispenser is available in German and French languages, making it a suitable choice for patients who speak these languages. Features: Compact and Portable Design: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser is small enough to fit in a purse, pocket or travel bag, making it easy to carry around on the go. Seven Compartments for Seven Days: The drug dispenser has seven compartments that open like a book, one for each day of the week with labels in both German and French languages, making it easier for users to remember when to take their medication. Easy to Use: Each compartment opens easily with a push of a button, making it simple to access your medication. Secure Closure: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser has a secure closure mechanism to ensure that pills do not fall out or get mixed up between compartments. Durable Material: The product is made of high-quality plastic that is durable and easy to clean. Benefits: Promotes Medication Adherence: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser helps patients stick to their medication schedule, reducing the risk of missed doses, and helps ensure that patients take the right medication in the right dosage at the right time. Prevents Medication Errors: The clear labels and color-coded sections make it easy to distinguish between different pills or supplements, reducing the risk of medication errors. Reduced Stress: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser eliminates the stress and confusion of managing multiple pills and supplements, streamlining the medication process. Convenient and Portable: The compact size and portable design of the drug dispenser make it easy to take with you wherever you go, reducing concerns about missing doses while on the move. Conclusion: The Pilbox Agenda Weekly Drug Dispenser is an essential tool for anyone who needs to take medication regularly. Its clear labeling, reliable closure mechanism, and compact design make it a practical and convenient way to manage medication schedules, and its durable material ensures long-lasting use. Choose the German or French option for easy comprehension and use even if you're travelling abroad. Order today and experience the benefits of improved medication adherence and reduced stress...

28.85 USD

Pilbox liberty weeks medication dispenser in chocolate german / french

Pilbox liberty weeks medication dispenser in chocolate german / french

Mahsulot kodi: 1009947

Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French The Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is a convenient and stylish way to organize and store your medicine. This dispenser is designed to hold medication for up to two weeks, with seven removable pill boxes labeled with the days of the week and AM/PM compartments. The pill boxes are made of durable and lightweight plastic, and they easily slide in and out of the main dispenser. Each box is color-coded and features clear, easy-to-read labels in both German and French for added convenience. The chocolate brown exterior of the dispenser is sleek and attractive, so you won't have to worry about it clashing with your decor. The Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is perfect for anyone who needs to take medication on a regular basis, whether it's for a chronic illness or just to manage daily doses of vitamins and supplements. Its compact size makes it easy to store on a nightstand, in a bathroom cabinet, or even in a purse or backpack for on-the-go dosing. This dispenser is also great for caregivers, as it can be filled by a nurse or family member and shared among multiple patients or family members. Plus, the clear labeling and color-coding make it easy to ensure that each person is getting the right medication at the right time. If you're looking for a convenient and stylish way to organize and store your medication, the Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is the perfect choice. Its durable construction, easy-to-read labels, and compact size make it a must-have for anyone who takes medication regularly...

48.17 USD

Pilbox unit dori tarqatuvchisi 1 kunlik quti d/f

Pilbox unit dori tarqatuvchisi 1 kunlik quti d/f

Mahsulot kodi: 3502481

Pilbox Unit dori-darmon tarqatuvchisi 1 kunlik quti bilan nemis/fransuz Pilbox birligi kundalik dori-darmonlaringizni toza va xavfsiz tarzda tashkil qilishda yordam beradigan amaliy va ishonchli dori dispenseridir. Dispenser ayniqsa ixcham va uni har qanday sumka yoki sumkada osongina olib yurish mumkin. Pilbox nemis va frantsuz tillarida yorliqlangan va shuning uchun ham ikki tilli uy xo'jaliklarida yoki Frantsiyaga sayohat qilishda foydalanish uchun javob beradi. Unda sakkiztagacha tabletka yoki kapsula uchun joy bor va dori-darmonlarni osongina dozalash imkonini beradi. Dori tarqatish moslamasi ta'sir va namlikdan qo'shimcha himoyani ta'minlaydigan amaliy qutiga joylashtirilgan. G‘ilofni sumkangiz yoki ryukzakingizda osongina saqlash mumkin va Pilbox har doim yetib borishini ta’minlaydi. Taniq rang sxemasi va aniq yorliq Pilbox Unit-ni ayniqsa foydalanuvchilarga qulay qiladi va ko‘rish qobiliyati cheklangan yoki motorli nogironlar uchun ham mos keladi. Pilbox birligi - bu sog'lig'ingizni kuzatib borish va dori dozasini hech qachon o'tkazib yubormaslikka yordam beradigan yuqori sifatli dori-darmon dispenseridir. Pilbox Unit-ga hozir onlayn buyurtma bering va xavfsiz va ishonchli dori vositalarini tashkil qilishning afzalliklaridan bahramand bo'ling!..

11.30 USD

Pilbox zen dori tarqatuvchisi 7 kunlik italyancha

Pilbox zen dori tarqatuvchisi 7 kunlik italyancha

Mahsulot kodi: 7270412

Pilbox Zen dori dispenserining xususiyatlari 7 kunlik italyanchaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 260g Uzunligi: 45 mm p>Eni: 130mm Balandligi: 160mm Pilbox Zen dori-darmonini 7 kunlik italyancha dorixonani Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

29.64 USD

Rangli yetti kunlik anabox medidispenser

Rangli yetti kunlik anabox medidispenser

Mahsulot kodi: 3605726

Anabox 7 Days Rainbow is a stackable weekly dispenser for the safe storage of medication. At a glance, you can see whether there are any medicines left in one of the daily boxes. This allows for quick and easy control. The empty daily box can simply be placed in the back of the container, so that the daily box is ready for the next day. The day boxes as well as the containers are made of high-quality plastic and are dishwasher safe. Each day a single box with morning, noon, evening, night and as required subdivision.Each tag a different color for easy differentiation..

42.97 USD

Sahag medi-7 medidosierer 7 tage 4 fächer bunt d

Sahag medi-7 medidosierer 7 tage 4 fächer bunt d

Mahsulot kodi: 7781081

Sahag Medi-7 mediatorining xususiyatlari 7 kun Kuniga 4 ta bo'lim rangli nemisO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 252g Uzunligi: 115 mm Keng: 130 mm Balandligi: 55 mm Sahag Medi-7 mediatorini 7 kunlik kuniga 4 ta boʻlakli rangli nemis tilini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

44.62 USD

Sahag medi-7 uno medidoser 7 kun 1 bo'lim ko'k d

Sahag medi-7 uno medidoser 7 kun 1 bo'lim ko'k d

Mahsulot kodi: 7092927

Sahag Medi-7 Uno dori-darmon tarqatuvchisi 7 kun, kuniga 1 bo'lak ko'k nemis Saag Medi-7 Uno dori dispenseri kundalik dori-darmonlarni oson va xavfsiz dozalashning amaliy va ishonchli usulidir. Dispenser uyda yoki yo'lda foydalanish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan bo'lib, dori-darmonlaringiz doimo qo'lingizda bo'lishini va uni o'z vaqtida qabul qilishingizni ta'minlaydi. Dispenser yuqori sifatli plastmassadan tayyorlangan va mustahkam va bardoshlidir. Dizayn funktsional va ishlatish uchun qulay. Dispenserda 7 ta bo'lim mavjud bo'lib, ularning har biri haftaning bir kunini ifodalaydi. Har bir bo'linma bitta dori bilan to'ldirilishi mumkin. Bo'limlar etiketlangan va osongina ochilishi va yopilishi mumkin. Sahag Medi-7 Uno juda oddiy va foydalanish uchun intuitiv. Kerakli kun uchun bo'limni ochish va tegishli dori-darmonlarni to'ldirish kifoya. Dispenserni stolda, shkafda yoki sumkada saqlash mumkin, bu sizning dori-darmonlaringizni optimal va qulay saqlashni ta'minlaydi. Sahag Medi-7 Uno dori dispenseri muntazam ravishda dori-darmonlarni qabul qilishga majbur bo'lgan odamlar uchun ideal. Bu sog'lig'ingizni himoya qilish va dori-darmonlarni doimo o'z vaqtida va to'g'ri dozada qabul qilishingizni ta'minlash uchun ajralmas vositadir. Dispenser ko'k rangda mavjud va nemis tilida etiketlangan. ..

15.93 USD

Supairbox 1x7 wochendispenser deutsch/französisch kamalak

Supairbox 1x7 wochendispenser deutsch/französisch kamalak

Mahsulot kodi: 7737043

Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser deutsch/französisch rainbow Introducing the Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser - a must-have for every household looking to stay organized and efficient. This product is designed for both German and French speakers, making it accessible to a wider range of customers. The dispenser comes in a beautiful rainbow color that adds a splash of style to any room. With seven separate compartments, it allows you to easily plan and organize your pills and supplements for the week ahead. Each compartment is clearly labeled in both German and French for easy identification. The transparent lids make it simple to see what you have left for the week, and the durable plastic construction ensures it will last for years to come. The Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser is perfect for busy people who need to stay organized or seniors who may have difficulty remembering to take their pills at the right time. It's easy to use and helps eliminate the need for bulky pill bottles that clutter up your space. The compact design makes it easy to store in a drawer or on a shelf, and it's also portable for when you're on-the-go. Invest in the Supairbox 1x7 Wochendispenser, and take the first step toward better organization and efficiency in your daily routine. ..

20.81 USD

Wiegand medidispenser m-flex 22,8x8,1 sm, ajratgichlar bilan 7

Wiegand medidispenser m-flex 22,8x8,1 sm, ajratgichlar bilan 7

Mahsulot kodi: 7781036

Wiegand MediDispenser M-Flex 22,8x8,1 sm ajratgichli 7 ning xususiyatlariO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 60g Uzunligi: 120 mm Keng: 270 mm Balandligi: 25 mm Wigand MediDispenser M-Flex 22,8x8,1 sm, ajratgich 7 bilan Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

16.34 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 18 gacha 18
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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