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Shveytsariyaning innovatsion sog'liqni saqlash va go'zallik mahsulotlarini kashf eting - yaralarni parvarish qilish va hamshiralik, tibbiy asboblardan foydalanish va hamshiralik vositalarida mukammallikni ta'minlashga qaratilgan tabletkalar qutilari. saytida biz keng qamrovli dori tarqatish tizimlari va tabletka dozalarining ajralmas qismi bo'lgan tabletka qutilarining boy assortimentini taklif etamiz. Ushbu tabletka qutilari nafaqat tabletkalarni tartibga solish uchun oddiy dori qutisi bo'lib xizmat qiladi, balki ular salomatlikni yanada samarali va samarali boshqarishga sezilarli hissa qo'shadi. Ajoyib Shveytsariya dizayniga ishoning va bizning ehtiyotkorlik bilan tanlangan tabletka qutilarimiz bilan kun tartibini sodda va xavfsizroq qiling va o'zingizga g'amxo'rlik qilish tartib-qoidalaringizni osonlik bilan yaxshilang.
Anabox compact 7 kun d/f/i oq

Anabox compact 7 kun d/f/i oq

Mahsulot kodi: 7074289

Anabox Compact 7 kun nemis/fransuz/italyan oq Tartibli bo'ling va Anabox Compact 7 kunlik nemis/fransuz/italyan oq bilan hech narsani o'tkazib yubormang. Ushbu mahsulot har kuni dori-darmonlar yoki qo'shimchalarni qabul qilish kerak bo'lgan odamlar uchun juda mos keladi. Turli tillarda yozilgan yettita kundalik bo‘lim bilan siz bir hafta davomida tabletka yoki kapsulani tayyorlashingiz va ichishingiz mumkin. Ushbu dori organizatori ixcham o'lchamga ega va cho'ntaklar yoki sumkalarga mos keladi. Ichki bo‘limlari bir vaqtning o‘zida bir nechta tabletkalarni saqlash uchun yetarli darajada katta, shuningdek, dori-darmonlarni xavfsiz saqlash uchun ochish va yopish oson. Tashkil etishni osonlashtirish va dozalarni tasodifan o'tkazib yuborishning oldini olish uchun ettita kundalik bo'lim ranglar bilan kodlangan. Shuningdek, har bir bo'lim tabletkalarning tushishiga yo'l qo'ymaydigan amaliy qopqoq bilan jihozlangan. Anabox Compact 7 kunlik nemis/fransuz/italyan oq uch tilda etiketlangan va nemis, frantsuz va italyan tillariga tarjimalarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Uni o'qish oson va qaysi tilni tanlash haqida tashvishlanishingiz shart emas. Umuman olganda, Anabox Compact 7 kunlik nemis/fransuz/italyan oq - har kuni dori-darmonlar yoki qo'shimchalar olishi kerak bo'lgan odamlar uchun amaliy va ishonchli mahsulot. Ixcham o‘lchami, foydalanish qulayligi va ko‘p tilli etiketkalar bu mahsulotning ko‘plab afzalliklaridan faqat bir qismidir...

26.95 USD

Medimax meikamentenbox 7 kunlik ko'k nemis

Medimax meikamentenbox 7 kunlik ko'k nemis

Mahsulot kodi: 2995642

The Medimax Medikamentenbox 7days blue German is an essential medical accessory for people who take multiple medications on a daily basis. It is a compact and easy-to-use pill organizer that reminds you to take your daily medication on time, every time. The Medimax Medikamentenbox 7days blue German is available in a vibrant blue color and includes seven compartments labeled with the days of the week, making it easy to keep track of your medication regime for an entire week. Each compartment is spacious enough to hold your daily dose of pills or vitamins, and comes with a secure plastic lid that keeps your medication safe and dry. Whether you're at home or on the go, the Medimax Medikamentenbox 7days blue German gives you peace of mind knowing that you won't miss a dose of your medication. You can easily slip the lightweight and compact container into your purse or backpack, making it convenient to take your medication with you wherever you go. The Medimax Medikamentenbox 7days blue German is made of high-quality BPA-free plastic material that is durable, easy to clean and maintain, and can withstand daily wear and tear. It is perfect for people of all ages who need to take multiple medications or vitamins and want a reliable and convenient way to organize and stay on top of their medication regime. So, if you're looking for a dependable and easy-to-use medication organizer, the Medimax Medikamentenbox 7days blue German is the perfect choice for you. With its vibrant blue color, spacious compartments, and secure plastic lids, you can stay on top of your daily medication regime with ease and convenience. ..

62.74 USD

Pilbox liberty weeks medication dispenser in chocolate german / french

Pilbox liberty weeks medication dispenser in chocolate german / french

Mahsulot kodi: 1009947

Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French The Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is a convenient and stylish way to organize and store your medicine. This dispenser is designed to hold medication for up to two weeks, with seven removable pill boxes labeled with the days of the week and AM/PM compartments. The pill boxes are made of durable and lightweight plastic, and they easily slide in and out of the main dispenser. Each box is color-coded and features clear, easy-to-read labels in both German and French for added convenience. The chocolate brown exterior of the dispenser is sleek and attractive, so you won't have to worry about it clashing with your decor. The Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is perfect for anyone who needs to take medication on a regular basis, whether it's for a chronic illness or just to manage daily doses of vitamins and supplements. Its compact size makes it easy to store on a nightstand, in a bathroom cabinet, or even in a purse or backpack for on-the-go dosing. This dispenser is also great for caregivers, as it can be filled by a nurse or family member and shared among multiple patients or family members. Plus, the clear labeling and color-coding make it easy to ensure that each person is getting the right medication at the right time. If you're looking for a convenient and stylish way to organize and store your medication, the Pilbox Liberty Weeks Medication Dispenser in Chocolate German / French is the perfect choice. Its durable construction, easy-to-read labels, and compact size make it a must-have for anyone who takes medication regularly...

48.17 USD

Supair pill box petit 1 kunlik 3 bo'limli oq

Supair pill box petit 1 kunlik 3 bo'limli oq

Mahsulot kodi: 6000538

Supair Pill Box petit xususiyatlari 1 kunlik 3 bo'limli oqO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm p>Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Supair Pill Box petit 1 kunlik 3 bo‘limli oqni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

4.98 USD

Supairbox etti kunlik nemis / frantsuz kamalak

Supairbox etti kunlik nemis / frantsuz kamalak

Mahsulot kodi: 6215262

Supairbox Seven Days German/French Rainbow The Supairbox Seven Days German/French Rainbow is an exceptional product representing the perfect marriage between functionality and aesthetic appeal. This product comes with seven different days of the week in both German and French languages. The unique rainbow design makes it a perfect addition to any modern home or office space. The Supairbox Seven Days German/French Rainbow is a perfect organiser for those who want to plan and track weekly events or schedules. This product comes included with 80 stickers, which make scheduling and tracking different activities an easier process. The special box is designed to hold all of your weekly notes, stickers, and other important items in one place. This makes it ideal for use in small spaces where managing records and organising schedules can be challenging. The Supairbox Seven Days German/French Rainbow is made from high-quality materials that ensure long-term durability. The box is constructed of sturdy cardboard, which makes it resistant to wear and tear. The individual sheets inside are made from eco-friendly paper, which is smooth and comfortable to write on. If you are someone who enjoys style and functionality in equal measures, then the Supairbox Seven Days German/French Rainbow is the product for you. It is the ideal gift for friends, family, or colleagues who appreciate creative designs that are both practical and appealing. Overall, the Supairbox Seven Days German/French Rainbow is an exciting and innovative product that is perfect for anyone who likes to stay organized, plan their week, and make the most of their time. Try it out for yourself today and experience the convenience and style of this incredible product!..

38.07 USD

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