(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Carefree cotton flexiform fresh 56 dona
Carefree Cotton Flexiform Fresh 56 dona Carefree Cotton Flexiform Fresh 56 dona bilan tanishtiramiz - sayohat paytida kun bo'yi qulaylik va tazelikni izlayotgan ayollar uchun mukammal yechim. Bu toʻplamda kun davomida oʻzingizni quruq va qulay his qilishingiz uchun 100% paxta yuza bilan maxsus ishlab chiqilgan 56 ta alohida külotli astar mavjud. Xususiyatlar Paxta yuzasi - 100% paxtadan tayyorlangan bu astarlar nozik teriga yumshoq ta'sir qiladi va kun bo'yi o'zingizni qulay va quruq his qilish uchun ishlaydi. Flexiform dizayn - Carefree Flexiform dizayni tufayli bu laynerlar tanangizning tabiiy konturlariga osongina moslashadi va moslashadi, bu sizga maksimal moslashuvchanlik va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. Yangi hid - Carefree Cotton Flexiform Fresh astarlari hidlarni maskalash va kun davomida o'zingizni tetik va ishonchli his qilishda yordam beradigan yangi hid bilan to'ldirilgan. Uzoq muddatli himoya - O'zining noyob dizayni va yuqori sifatli materiallari bilan bu laynerlar oqish va dog'lardan uzoq muddatli himoya qiladi va kun davomida o'zingizni ishonchli va xavotirsiz saqlashingizni ta'minlaydi. Nega Carefree Cotton Flexiform Freshni tanlaysiz? Sport zaliga borasizmi, ishga ketyapsizmi yoki topshiriqlarni bajarasizmi, Carefree Cotton Flexiform Fresh 56 dona sizga yordam beradi. Innovatsion dizayn va yuqori sifatli materiallarga ega boʻlgan bu laynerlar kun boʻyi qulaylik, moslashuvchanlik va yangilikni taʼminlaydi, shuning uchun hayot sizni qayerga olib borishidan qatʼi nazar, oʻzingizni eng yaxshi shaxs boʻlishga eʼtiboringizni qarata olasiz. Nega kutish kerak? Carefree Cotton Flexiform Fresh 56 dona ga bugun buyurtma bering va ayollarga xos parvarish va himoyaning eng yuqori darajasini his qiling! ..
8.85 USD
Carefree plus long fresh fragrance 40 pieces
Carefree Plus Long Fresh Fragrance 40 pieces Stay fresh and confident all day long with Carefree Plus Long Fresh Fragrance 40 pieces. This pack of panty liners is specially designed for women who are always on the go. The liners are breathable and absorbent, giving you protection against wetness and odor caused by vaginal discharge. Each liner is extra long and has a fresh fragrance that helps you stay fresh and clean all day long. The cloth-like cover is soft and comfortable to wear, and it conforms to the shape of your body, giving you a perfect fit and maximum comfort. Carefree Plus Long Fresh Fragrance 40 pieces are perfect for everyday use and for when you need extra protection during your period. The liners are individually wrapped, making them convenient and easy to carry in your purse or bag. Features: 40 panty liners per pack Extra long for extra coverage Breathable and absorbent Fresh fragrance for a clean feel Cloth-like cover for comfort Individually wrapped for convenience Get the protection and confidence you need with Carefree Plus Long Fresh Fragrance 40 pieces. Order now and enjoy all-day freshness and comfort...
9.36 USD
Natracare panty liner oddiy 18 dona
Natracare Panty Liner Normal 18 pcs Experience natural freshness every day with Natracare Panty Liner Normal. Made with 100% organic cotton and without any harsh chemicals, these liners are gentle on your sensitive skin and protect against irritation. With its unique curved design, these liners fit perfectly into your underwear and provide discreet protection that keeps you feeling fresh all day long. These liners are also breathable, so you stay comfortable no matter what your day has in store for you. These Natracare Panty Liners Normal are ideal for medium flow days or as backup protection during your menstrual cycle. They come in a convenient pack of 18 so you can always have them on hand when you need them. Not only are these liners gentle on your skin, but they're also kind to the environment. Natracare products are made with sustainable, renewable, and biodegradable materials so you can feel good about the products you're using. So why settle for harsh chemicals and irritating materials when you can experience natural freshness with Natracare Panty Liner Normal? ..
5.11 USD
Natracare qo'shimcha yupqa panty liners 22 dona
The breathable Natracare extra thin panty liners are made of tested, 100% organic cotton and are chlorine-free, which means that your sensitive skin can breathe freely and is kept dry. They can be worn daily for protection, especially if your underwear is made from modern synthetic materials and you want to be sure that your skin only comes into contact with organic cotton...
6.50 USD
Natracare slipeinlagen tanga 30 stk
Natracare Slipeinlagen Tanga 30 Stk These 30 Natracare Tanga panty liners are specially designed to fit discreetly and securely onto thong underwear. Made from 100% certified organic cotton, these panty liners are gentle on delicate skin and comfortable to wear. Because they are free from synthetic materials, fragrances, and dyes, they are ideal for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies. The liners are ultra-thin yet absorbent, providing reliable protection against leaks and stains during your period or everyday use. In addition to their gentle, natural composition, these panty liners are also biodegradable and compostable. This makes them an eco-friendly choice that helps reduce waste in landfills and oceans. They also come in plastic-free packaging for even more sustainable packaging options. For those who prioritize both comfort and sustainability, Natracare Tanga panty liners are the perfect solution. Try them out today and see for yourself how comfortable and effective eco-friendly period care can be. ..
5.49 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)