Beeovita-da biz Sog'lik + Oziqlantirish, Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari, Choy/kofe/ichimliklar, Mevali va o'simlik choylari, Bolalar choylari va boshqa toifalar bo'yicha organik choylarning keng tanlovini taklif etamiz. Bizning choy assortimentimizda zanjabil limoni, detoks, oqsoqol va mevali choy aralashmalari mavjud. Biz Pukka kabi ishonchli brendlarning eng yuqori sifatini va'da qilmaymiz. Bizning organik choylarimiz emizikli onalarda detoksifikatsiya, zo'riqishni engillashtirish, ovqat hazm qilishni va hatto sut ishlab chiqarishni yaxshilashga yordam beradi, bu ularni ota-onalar va bolalar uchun mukammal qiladi. Agar siz energiya beruvchi, tinchlantiruvchi yoki tinchlantiruvchi xususiyatlarni izlayotgan choyni yaxshi ko'radigan bo'lsangiz, bizning organik choy variantlarimiz mukammal tanlovdir. Bundan tashqari, ular tanangiz va terini parvarish qilish ehtiyojlarini qondirishi mumkin. Ular tabiiy ingredientlarni o'z ichiga oladi va veganlarga mos keladi. Ushbu choylar bilan siz nafaqat ta'mga ega bo'lasiz, balki sog'lom turmush tarzini ham qo'llab-quvvatlaysiz. Bugun Beeovita-da organik choy uchun xarid qiling va bizning mazali aralashmalar assortimenti bilan choyga ziravor bering!
Pukka Night Time Tea Bio Btl 20 Stk
Looking for a soothing and relaxing tea to sip before bed? Look no further than Pukka Night Time Tea.
This organic tea blend is specially crafted to help calm the mind and bring about a sense of peace and tranquility. It is perfect for those who struggle to unwind after a long day or who have trouble falling asleep at night.
With a delicious blend of soothing herbs like chamomile, lavender, and valerian root, this tea is sure to help you drift off into a peaceful slumber. The organic ingredients ensure that you are getting the purest, most high-quality blend possible.
This tea comes in a convenient bio bottle with 20 tea bags, making it easy to enjoy a cup of Night Time Tea whenever you need it. Simply steep for 3-5 minutes in hot water and enjoy the calming effects of this herbal tea.
Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to sweet dreams with Pukka Night Time Tea.
Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk
The Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is an organic tea collection designed to help you celebrate the holiday season. This collection is made from carefully selected organic herbs and spices that will provide a unique taste experience for tea enthusiasts.
Organic tea
18 tea bags per bottle
Handcrafted blend of herbs and spices
Perfect for holiday celebrations
This tea collection contains a unique blend of herbs and spices that include:
Orange peel
Clove buds
Star anise
To prepare this tea, boil water and let it cool for a minute or two. Place the tea bag in a cup and add the hot water. Allow the tea to steep for four to five minutes. Then, remove the tea bag and enjoy your organic holiday tea.
The Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is more than just a tasty tea collection. The organic ingredients provide a range of health benefits, including:
Helps to soothe stomach upset
Boosts your immune system
Helps to improve digestion
Contains antioxidants to help reduce inflammation
May help to lower blood sugar levels
With its delicious taste and health benefits, the Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is the perfect holiday tea collection for you and your loved ones. Order now and enjoy it throughout the holiday season...
Sonnentor Advent Tea ochiq BIO bilan mavsum quvonchini his eting. 100 grammlik bu ajoyib aralash mevali va o'simlik notalarining uyg'un kombinatsiyasini taqdim etadi, bayram paytida iliqlik va qulaylik yaratish uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan tayyorlangan. Organik ingredientlardan olingan bu choy dam olish va dam olishning eng zo'r usuli hisoblanadi, xoh yaqinlaringiz bilan baham ko'ring, xoh yolg'izlikda zavqlanasiz. Sonnentor Advent choyi an'anaviy bayram lazzatlarining muloyim infuzioni bilan sizni shinam muhitda o'rab oladi va uni qishning sovuq kunlarida tinchlantiruvchi tanlov qiladi. Choy ichish tajribangizni oshirish uchun tayyorlangan ushbu noyob meva va o'simlik choyi aralashmasining foydali ta'midan zavqlaning...
Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk
Experience the joy of Christmas with Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk. This organic herbal tea blend captures the essence of the festive season, with its warm and comforting flavors.
This blend of herbs and spices includes cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and orange peel, all carefully selected and blended to create a deliciously aromatic and flavorful tea. Each sip will transport you to the warmth and joy of the holiday season, making it the perfect drink for cold winter nights.
Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is made with only organic ingredients, ensuring that each cup is free from harmful chemicals and harmful additives. Each box contains 18 individually wrapped tea bags, making it easy to enjoy a cup of this delicious tea whenever you wish.
Whether you are snuggled up by the fire or taking a break from your holiday shopping, Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit. Order yours today and experience the warmth of the holiday season in every cup.
15.75 USD
Ko'rsatildi 26 dan 29 gacha 29 (hammasi 2 sahifa)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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