
Organik bolalar ovqatlari

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 25 gacha 30
(hammasi 2 sahifa)
Beeovita-ga xush kelibsiz, Shveytsariyaning sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarining ishonchli manbasi. Kichkintoylaringizni "Chaqaloqlar va bolalar" toifasidagi organik bolalar ovqatlarimiz bilan oziqlantiring. Bizning foydali assortimentimizga mussli va pechene, shisha idishlardagi bolalar ovqatlari, bolalar bo'tqalari va turli xil bolalar ichimliklar kiradi. Anton Monkey va Bimbosan kabi mashhur brendlarning mahsulotlarimiz muhim vitaminlar va minerallarga boy organik ingredientlardan iborat. Shuningdek, biz glyutensiz variantlar bilan maxsus parhez ehtiyojlarini qondiramiz. Bizning takliflarimizni o'rganing, masalan, bolalar uchun mo'l-ko'l pishiriqlar, bolalar uchun oziq-ovqat qoplari, sut va peptit to'plamlari va boshqalar. Bizning mevali yogurtimiz bolalar uchun foydali nonushta qiladi. Beeovita-da farzandingizning salomatligi va ovqatlanishi bizning ustuvor vazifamizdir. Biz barcha mahsulotlarimiz qat'iy sifat standartlariga javob berishini ta'minlaymiz. Organik bolalar ovqatlari, tana parvarishi, kosmetika va boshqa sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarining eng yaxshisini bizdan xarid qiling.
Bimbosan bio 1 bolalar formulasi 400 gr

Bimbosan bio 1 bolalar formulasi 400 gr

Mahsulot kodi: 7769491

Bimbosan Bio 1 Infant Milk Formula is made exclusively from organic Swiss milk, with no palm oil being used. The infant formula is suitable from birth as a supplement to breast milk, after breastfeeding and for babies who are not breastfed.Made in Switzerland. Use Dosage for a bottle: Age / Weight *waterMeasuring spoon **Drinking bottles amount approx<3 weeks40ml145ml3kg90ml2100ml3-4kg130ml3145ml4-7kg170ml4th190ml> 7kg210ml5235ml *Guide Note According to the WHO, breastfeeding is the best diet for babies, so breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months. If supplementary food is required or the baby is no longer breastfed, information should be obtained from healthcare professionals (pediatrician, maternal advice, midwife). Composition Skimmed milk, demineralized whey powder, vegetable oils (sunflower oil, coconut oil, rapeseed oil), lactose , galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS from lactose), minerals (calcium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium phosphate, calcium citrate, potassium sulphate, sodium hydroxide selenate, potassium sulfate, sodium hydroxide selenate Copper sulfate, iron sulfate), emulsifier ( sunflower lecithin), refined fish oil, choline bitartrate, vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2), L-tyrosine, L. -Tryptophan, inositol, antioxidants (high tocopherol-containing extracts), L-cysteine, L-carnitine. ..

29.73 USD

Bimbosan bio prontosan kukuni 5 donli to'ldirish 300 g

Bimbosan bio prontosan kukuni 5 donli to'ldirish 300 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7250846

Oson hazm boʻladigan va yaxshi toʻldiruvchi 5 donli organik shisha qoʻshimcha va arpa, tariq, guruch, bugʻdoy va javdardan tayyorlangan, 5 oylikdan boshlab chaqaloqlar uchun ozgina kakao, arpabodiyon va romashka kukuni bilan tozalangan boʻtqa. Bio Protosan Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqariladi. , shakar qo'shilmaydi va uni kechqurun yoki ertalab ichimlik sifatida ishlatish mumkin.qo'shilgan shakar yo'qShveytsariyaliklarkleykovina o'z ichiga oladi>ishlatishshishalar uchunbo‘tqa uchunuchun uy qurilishi pyuresiMaslahatlarHar bir taomni yangi tayyorlang. Ko‘krak suti chaqaloq uchun eng yaxshisidir. Protozan faqat bir qismdir. aralash dietaga mos keladi va birinchi 5 oy davomida ona suti oʻrnini bosuvchi sifatida ishlatilmasligi kerak.ingredientlarDonli unlar 95 % (guruch (IT), bug'doy (CH), arpa (EI), makkajo'xori (IT), tariq (EI)), arpa solodi ekstrakti 3% (EI), kam yog'li kakao kukuni, arpabodiyon va romashka kukuni, antioksidantlar ( kuchli tokoferol o'z ichiga olgan ekstraktlar), vitamin B1..

19.75 USD

Hipp gemüse va reis m kalbfleisch 8m bio

Hipp gemüse va reis m kalbfleisch 8m bio

Mahsulot kodi: 2924524

HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio is an ideal meal for babies from the age of 8 months. This dish is prepared with organic vegetables, tender veal, and rice. The vegetables used in this dish are 100% organic, which means that they are grown without the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers. The ingredients used in this dish are carefully selected to ensure that your baby gets the best nutrition possible. The tender veal used in this dish is easy to digest and provides your baby with the protein and iron they need for healthy growth and development. The rice used is also easy to digest and is a great source of carbohydrates. HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the healthy development of your baby. This dish has a creamy texture and a delicious taste that your baby will love. This product is packed in a glass jar with a twist-off lid, making it easy for you to serve your baby's meal. The jar is also BPA-free, ensuring that your baby's food is safe and free from harmful chemicals. Overall, HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio is a healthy and nutritious meal that is perfect for your baby's growing needs. Give your baby the best and choose HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio for their next meal. ..

4.27 USD

Hipp olma-nok-banan anton maymun 100 g

Hipp olma-nok-banan anton maymun 100 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7195372

Hipp olma-nok-banan Anton maymun 100 g Hipp Apple-Pear-Banana Anton Monkey bolalar taomlari bilan kichkintoyingizni mevalarning mazali ta'mi bilan tanishtiring. Ushbu 100 g organik bolalar oziq-ovqat to'plami kichkintoyingizni sog'lom o'sishi va rivojlanishi uchun zarur bo'lgan muhim oziq moddalar bilan ta'minlash uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan.Ingredientlar Hipp Apple-Pear-Banan Anton Monkey bolalar ovqati organik mevalardan tayyorlanadi, jumladan: 36% organik olma 31% organik nok 33% organik banan Ushbu bolalar ovqatida ishlatiladigan organik mevalar o'zining tabiiy ta'mini va ozuqaviy moddalarini saqlab qolish uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan tanlanadi va qayta ishlanadi. Meva pyuresi sun'iy lazzatlar, ranglar va konservantlardan xoli bo'lib, uni kichkintoyingiz iste'mol qilishi uchun xavfsiz va sog'lom qiladi.Foydalari Hipp Apple-Pear-Banana Anton Monkey bolalar ovqati bolangizning sog'lom rivojlanishi uchun zarur bo'lgan muhim oziq moddalarning ajoyib manbaidir. Bu bolalar ovqatida ishlatiladigan organik mevalar ovqat hazm qilish tizimi, immunitet funktsiyasi va umumiy o‘sish va rivojlanish uchun zarur bo‘lgan vitaminlar, minerallar va tolaga boy. Qulay 100 g o‘rami yo‘l-yo‘lakay oziqlantirish uchun juda mos keladi va ishlatish uchun qulay siqish trubkasi dizayni kichkintoyingizni ovqatlantirishni osonlashtiradi. Yoqimli Anton Maymun o'rami kichkintoyingizni quvontiradi va ovqatlanish vaqtini qiziqarli va maroqli qiladi.Qanday foydalaniladi Hipp Apple-Pear-Banana Anton Monkey bolalar ovqatidan foydalanish uchun qopqoqni burab, pyuresini qoshiq, piyola yoki to'g'ridan-to'g'ri bolangizning og'ziga siqib qo'ying. Siqish trubkasi dizayni pyuresi oqimini nazorat qilishni osonlashtiradi, shuning uchun siz kichkintoyingizni qulay tezlikda ovqatlantirishingiz mumkin. Hipp Apple-Pear-Banana Anton Monkey bolalar ovqatini xona haroratida berish mumkin yoki uni bir piyola iliq suvga bir necha daqiqaga solib isitishingiz mumkin. Paket ochilgandan keyin muzlatgichda 24 soatgacha saqlanishi mumkin. Hipp Apple-Pear-Banana Anton Monkey bolalar ovqatiga bugun buyurtma bering va kichkintoyingizga muhim oziq moddalar bilan to'ldirilgan mazali va sog'lom taom bering. ..

3.39 USD

Hipp pure glass carrots 125 g

Hipp pure glass carrots 125 g

Mahsulot kodi: 4651094

HIPP Pure Glass Carrots 125 g Introduce your little one to the delicious taste and benefits of carrots with the HIPP Pure Glass Carrots 125 g. Made from the highest quality organic carrots, this puree is not only tasty but also packed with essential nutrients that are important for growing babies. Organic and Nutritious Our Pure Glass Carrots are made with only the best quality carrots that are sourced from certified organic farms. They are then gently steamed and pureed to create a smooth and creamy texture that babies love. The puree is rich in beta-carotene, a nutrient that is converted to vitamin A in the body, which is essential for healthy vision, skin, and immune system. Convenient and Easy to Use The HIPP Pure Glass Carrots come in a convenient 125 g jar that is easy to use and store. Simply unscrew the cap, and you can feed it directly to your little one or mix it with other purees and baby food. The jar is resealable, so you can keep any leftovers in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Free from Harmful Additives At HIPP, we believe in providing babies with only the best quality food that is free from harmful additives. Our Pure Glass Carrots are made without any added sugar, salt, or preservatives. We also do not use any genetically modified ingredients, ensuring that your little one is only getting the best. Recommended Age The HIPP Pure Glass Carrots are suitable for little ones from 4 months old and above. As with all new baby food, we recommend that you introduce it to your baby slowly and gradually, giving them a small amount at first and building up their intake over time. Give your little one a tasty and nutritious treat with the HIPP Pure Glass Carrots 125 g. Order now and start your baby on a journey to healthy eating habits...

2.66 USD

Holle apfel banane mit aprikose

Holle apfel banane mit aprikose

Mahsulot kodi: 7815593

HOLLE Apfel Banane mit Aprikose The HOLLE Apfel Banane mit Aprikose is a delicious and healthy organic baby food, perfect for infants six months and above. This product contains only the finest organic fruits that are carefully picked and processed to ensure optimum freshness, flavor, and nutritional value. The HOLLE Apfel Banane mit Aprikose is a perfect blend of naturally sweet and nutritious fruits, making it an excellent source of vitamins, fiber, and other essential nutrients that support healthy development and growth in a child's early stages of life. Our product is completely free from artificial additives, preservatives, and other harmful chemicals that can potentially harm the health of your baby. The HOLLE Apfel Banane mit Aprikose is certified organic, GMO-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian friendly, making it a perfect choice for parents who want nothing but the best for their little ones. The HOLLE Apfel Banane mit Aprikose comes in a convenient, easy-to-use pouch that allows for mess-free feeding on-the-go. Simply squeeze the contents into a bowl or spoon and feed it to your baby ? it's that easy. The HOLLE Apfel Banane mit Aprikose is not only a nutritious and delicious baby food, but it also helps instill healthy eating habits in your child's early stages of life. Buy our product today and let your little one enjoy the goodness of organically grown fruits. Ingredients: Organic Apple (50%), Organic Banana (30%), Organic Apricot (20%) ..

4.68 USD

Holle apple ant - pouchy olma va nok bilan banan 100g

Holle apple ant - pouchy olma va nok bilan banan 100g

Mahsulot kodi: 7577866

Holle olma chumolisining xususiyatlari - nokli pouchy olma va banan 100 gSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyTo'plamdagi miqdori: 1 g Og'irligi: 100g Uzunligi: 35mm Eni: 75mm Balandligi: 150mm Holle Apple Ant - Pouchy Apple sotib oling & nok bilan banan 100 g onlayn Shveytsariya..

3.82 USD

Holle babybrei hirse bio

Holle babybrei hirse bio

Mahsulot kodi: 6658781

HOLLE organik bo'tqasi chaqaloqqa qattiq oziq-ovqatlarni kiritish uchun eng yaxshi tanlovdir. Sertifikatlangan organik ingredientlardan tayyorlangan bu yumshoq pyuresi yoshlarning ozuqaviy ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun maxsus tayyorlangan. Yumshoq tuzilishga va yumshoq ta'mga ega bo'lib, u chaqalog'ingizning birinchi taomlari uchun mazali va oson hazm bo'ladigan variantni taqdim etadi. Sog'lom rivojlanish uchun zarur bo'lgan vitaminlar va minerallar, jumladan temir bilan to'ldirilgan bu bo'tqa bolangizning o'sishi va umumiy farovonligini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. Tayyorlanishi oson, u kichkintoyingizning foydali va tabiiy oziqlanishini ta'minlashning qulay usulini taklif etadi. Farzandingizning pazandalik sayohatini to‘yimli boshlash uchun organik HOLLE bolalar bo‘tqasini tanlang...

11.73 USD

Holle birchermüsli shishasi 220 g

Holle birchermüsli shishasi 220 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7833591

Holle Birchermüsli Glas 220 g This Holle Birchermüsli Glas is an ideal organic baby food option for parents who prioritize nutrition and quality. Made with only the finest organic ingredients such as oats, apples, pears, bananas, and raspberries, it is a healthy breakfast or snack option for infants, toddlers, and even adults. The addition of whole-milk yogurt and cream make this meal not only delicious but help to provide essential fats and protein for your child's growth and development. With no added sugar or preservatives, you can trust that your child is receiving a wholesome and nourishing meal. This Holle Birchermüsli Glas is packaged in convenient and resealable glass jars, making it easy to take on the go, to daycare or to store in your pantry for whenever hunger strikes. This product is perfect for parents who want to introduce their children to a healthy and nutritious diet. Ingredients: Wholemeal oat flakes* Wholemeal wheat flakes* Apples* Pears* Bananas* Fat whole-milk yogurt* Cream* Raspberries* *Organic certified ingredients Net weight: 220 g ..

5.44 USD

Holle blueberry bear pouchy heide apf ban jog

Holle blueberry bear pouchy heide apf ban jog

Mahsulot kodi: 7809486

HOLLE Blueberry Bear Pouchy bilan tanishtiramiz, ayniqsa chaqaloqlar va bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan mazali va to'yimli gazak. Bu yuqori sifatli organik bolalar ovqati ko'k, olma, banan va jo'xori aralashmasidan tayyorlangan bo'lib, bolalarga yoqadigan mazali, ammo foydali taomni taklif qiladi. Muhim vitaminlar va minerallar bilan to'ldirilgan bu sumka yo'lda ovqatlanish yoki muvozanatli ovqatlanish uchun juda mos keladi. HOLLE Blueberry Bear Pouchy qo'shimchalar, konservantlar va sun'iy lazzatlardan xoli bo'lib, kichkintoylaringiz uchun faqat eng yaxshi ingredientlarni ta'minlaydi. HOLLE Blueberry Bear Pouchy bilan bolangizga organik meva va donlarning yaxshiligini bering...

3.82 USD

Holle bolalar ovqati babymüesli bio 250 g

Holle bolalar ovqati babymüesli bio 250 g

Mahsulot kodi: 3994461

Xolle bolalar ovqatining xususiyatlari Babymüesli Bio 250 gO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 gOg‘irligi: 250g Uzunligi: 60 mm p>Eng: 125 mm Balandligi: 200 mm Holle Babymüesli Bio 250 g bolalar ovqatini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

11.78 USD

Holle demeter bio mol go'shti 125 g

Holle demeter bio mol go'shti 125 g

Mahsulot kodi: 3808381

Holle baby food with organic quality. The meat jar is ideal to start with the supplementary food after the 4th month. The jar is also practical when travelling, even if it has to be quick. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and protein are present in the natural structure. Isolated nutrients are not added.Without added saltNo added granulated sugar, only fruit-specific sweetnessWithout binding agentProduced without yeast, egg, milk and milk components (milk protein, lactose).Gluten-free Composition water, beef (from bio-dynamic agriculture) 40%, starch (from organic agriculture)..

6.73 USD

Holle demeter bio parsnip pyuresi 125 g

Holle demeter bio parsnip pyuresi 125 g

Mahsulot kodi: 6917478

Holle baby food with organic quality. The vegetable jar is ideal for starting with the supplementary food after the 4th month. The jar is also practical for when you are on the move, even if you need to get away quickly. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and protein are present in the natural structure. Isolated nutrients are not added.Without added saltNo added granulated sugar, only fruit-specific sweetnessWithout binding agentProduced without yeast, egg, milk and milk components (milk protein, lactose).Gluten-free Composition Parsnip (from bio-dynamic agriculture) 65 %, water ..

3.24 USD

Holle fruity fox apfel banane beeren joghurt

Holle fruity fox apfel banane beeren joghurt

Mahsulot kodi: 7806575

HOLLE Fruity Fox Apfel Banane&Beer Joghurt Introduce your child to a fruity and delicious breakfast with the HOLLE Fruity Fox Apfel Banane&Beer Joghurt! This unique yogurt is made with high-quality organic ingredients that are gentle on your child's stomach and provide them with essential nutrients to start their day off right. With a combination of juicy apples, sweet bananas, and tangy berries, this yogurt packs a punch of flavor that will delight your child's taste buds. Plus, the addition of beetroot and elderberry gives the yogurt an extra boost of antioxidants and vitamins. Not only is the HOLLE Fruity Fox Apfel Banane&Beer Joghurt delicious and nutritious, but it is also easy to digest, making it perfect for little ones with sensitive tummies. We use organic whole milk and natural cultures to create a creamy and smooth yogurt that is easy on your child's stomach. At HOLLE, we take pride in creating wholesome and organic products for babies and toddlers. We carefully source our ingredients from trusted farmers and producers who follow strict organic farming practices. So you can feel good about giving your child a product that is not only good for them but good for the planet as well. Give your child a delicious and healthy breakfast with HOLLE Fruity Fox Apfel Banane&Beer Joghurt. They'll love the tasty flavors, and you'll love the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're feeding them the best...

3.82 USD

Holle kürbis mit huhn

Holle kürbis mit huhn

Mahsulot kodi: 7815598

HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn Looking for a nutritious and delicious meal for your little one? Try HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn! This organic and gluten-free baby food is made with the highest quality ingredients, including tender chicken, creamy pumpkin, and a blend of essential vitamins and minerals. It is perfect for infants starting at 6 months of age. What sets HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn apart is its commitment to using only the best ingredients. The chicken is sourced from sustainable and ethical farms, ensuring that your little one is getting healthy and responsibly raised protein. The pumpkin is carefully selected for its sweet and creamy taste, making it a perfect complement to the savory chicken. Moreover, HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and flavors, ensuring that your baby is getting only wholesome and natural ingredients. It is also easy to digest and gentle on your little one's tummy. This convenient baby food comes in an easy-to-use pouch, making it a perfect choice for busy parents on the go. Whether you're feeding your baby at home or out and about, HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn is a nutritious and delicious option. Give your baby the best with HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn. Order now and see the difference for yourself!..

4.68 USD

Holle mango monkey pouchy mango mit joghurt

Holle mango monkey pouchy mango mit joghurt

Mahsulot kodi: 7809485

HOLLE Mango Monkey Pouchy Mango mit Joghurt Introduce your little one to the pure joy of Holle Mango Monkey Pouchy Mango mit Joghurt. Our delicious pouch is made with only the freshest and best organic ingredients to give your child an all-natural and healthy meal option. The main ingredient is a ripe and juicy mango, which is blended together with fresh yoghurt to create a creamy and delicious snack that your child will love. The yoghurt provides your child with essential nutrients and calcium, while the mango offers a natural sweetness and a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and A. Our Holle Mango Monkey Pouchy Mango mit Joghurt is perfect for babies and toddlers who are starting to explore different tastes and textures. It is easy to use and convenient for parents on-the-go ? simply squeeze and serve! Plus, the pouch is resealable, making it perfect for multiple feedings or snack time. Our product is made with the highest-quality organic ingredients and is free from any artificial flavours or additives. We believe in providing a nutritious and natural food option for your little one to support their growth and development. Trust HOLLE to provide your baby with a tasty, healthy and convenient food option they'll love. ..

3.82 USD

Holle olma va blueberry demeter bio 190 g

Holle olma va blueberry demeter bio 190 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7815594

Holle baby food with organic quality. Holle apples and blueberries have a mild taste and are particularly suitable for the first fruit spoonfuls. The fruit jar is ideal for starting with the supplementary food after the 4th month. The jar is also practical for when you are on the go, even if you need to eat quickly. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and protein are present in the natural structure. Isolated nutrients are not added.Without added saltNo added granulated sugar, only fruit-specific sweetnessWithout binding agentProduced without yeast, egg, milk and milk components (milk protein, lactose).Gluten-free Composition apples (from bio-dynamic agriculture) 50%, water, apple juice concentrate 10%, blueberries 7, 5%, rice semolina, lemon juice concentrate.from organic farming..

4.68 USD

Holle organic baby spelled rusk 200 gr

Holle organic baby spelled rusk 200 gr

Mahsulot kodi: 2951768

Holle Organic Baby Spelled Rusk xususiyatlari 200 gO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 gOg'irligi: 200g Uzunligi: 65 mm p>Eng: 130 mm Balandligi: 188 mm Holle Organic Baby Spelled Rusk 200 g ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

10.57 USD

Holle pouchy nok va banan kivi bilan 90 g

Holle pouchy nok va banan kivi bilan 90 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7577889

Holle Pouchy pear & banana with kiwi 90 g The Holle Pouchy pear & banana with kiwi 90 g is a delicious fruit puree that is perfect for babies and young children. Made from only the highest quality organic ingredients, this fruit puree is healthy, nutritious, and tasty. The puree comes in a convenient and portable pouch that makes it easy to take on the go. The Holle Pouchy pear & banana with kiwi 90 g is free from preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors, making it an excellent choice for parents who want to give their children the best possible start in life. The puree is suitable for babies from 6 months and up. The ingredients used to make this fruit puree are sourced from certified organic farms and are carefully selected to ensure that they are of the highest quality. The pear and banana provide a sweet and creamy base, while the addition of kiwi adds a tart and refreshing flavor. This combination of flavors creates a delicious and well-balanced puree that will be sure to delight your little one. The Holle Pouchy pear & banana with kiwi 90 g can be served at room temperature or chilled and is a great addition to your child's diet. It can be used as a snack between meals or as a part of a balanced meal. It is also a great option for parents who are looking for a quick and easy snack for their children when they are on the go. Overall, the Holle Pouchy pear & banana with kiwi 90 g is a great choice for parents who want to provide their children with a healthy and nutritious snack that is also delicious and easy to enjoy...

3.82 USD

Holle red bee - pouchy olma qulupnay 100g

Holle red bee - pouchy olma qulupnay 100g

Mahsulot kodi: 7577783

Holle Red Bee - Pouchy Apple Strawberry 100g Introduce your baby to the delicious flavors of Holle Red Bee Pouchy Apple Strawberry. This high-quality baby food is made with 100% natural ingredients and is perfect for babies six months and older. Every pouch contains organic apple and strawberry puree and is free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. The packaging is designed to make it easy for you to take it on-the-go, whether you're running errands or going on a family vacation. The pouch is resealable, which keeps the food fresh and prevents wastage. The design also allows your baby to enjoy the food without making a mess or requiring a spoon. This delicious baby food is made by Holle, a trusted brand that's been making organic baby food for over 80 years. They have a commitment to quality and safety, and source their ingredients from biodynamic farms that prioritize sustainable, eco-friendly practices. Overall, Holle Red Bee Pouchy Apple Strawberry is a great choice if you're looking for a convenient, nutritious, and tasty baby food for your little one. It's easy to store, easy to use, and most importantly, your baby will love the sweet taste of the apple and strawberry puree. ..

3.82 USD

Holle tropic tigers - pouchy olma mango ehtiros mevasi 100g

Holle tropic tigers - pouchy olma mango ehtiros mevasi 100g

Mahsulot kodi: 7577955

Holle Tropic Tigers xususiyatlari - Pouchy olma mango ehtiros mevasi 100gSaqlash harorati min/maks. 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 gOg'irligi: 100g Uzunlik: 35mm Eni: 75mm Balandligi: 150mm Holle Tropic Tigers - Pouchy olma mangosini sotib oling ehtiros mevasi 100 g onlayn Shveytsariyadan..

3.82 USD

Holle veggie bunny - pouchy sabzi shirin no'xat 100g

Holle veggie bunny - pouchy sabzi shirin no'xat 100g

Mahsulot kodi: 7577820

Holle Veggie Bunny - Pouchy carrot sweet potato peas 100g Introduce your kid to the goodness of veggies with Holle Veggie Bunny Pouchy Carrot Sweet Potato Peas. Made with a blend of organic vegetables, this veggie pouch is perfect for babies from 6 months onwards. Holle is dedicated to taking care of your baby's health needs by producing organic baby food that is free of harmful chemicals, additives, or preservatives. Each pouch is made with the finest quality of organic vegetables sourced directly from farmers who follow ethical and sustainable farming practices. The carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas are carefully selected and blended to create that perfect taste and goodness that your little one will surely enjoy. Holle Veggie Bunny Pouchy Carrot Sweet Potato Peas is an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential for your baby's development. With its convenient packaging, it makes feeding time easy and effortless, especially when you're on-the-go or during long trips. Holle veggie pouches are perfect as a snack, a meal replacement for a picky eater, or a treat your child will crave for. Benefits: Made from organic vegetables without harmful additives, preservatives, or chemicals Perfect for babies from 6 months onwards Contains essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber ideal for growth and development Convenient and easy-to-use packaging suitable for on-the-go, travel, or anytime The perfect snack or meal replacement for picky eaters Make your baby's meals more nutritious and delicious with Holle Veggie Bunny Pouchy Carrot Sweet Potato Peas. ..

3.82 USD

Milupa bio 7 donasi 6 oydan keyin; 180 gr

Milupa bio 7 donasi 6 oydan keyin; 180 gr

Mahsulot kodi: 7757989

Milupa Bio 7 Korn is a finely ground cereal porridge and is ideal as a complementary food from 6 months of age. It consists of wheat, oats, barley, rye, maize, rice and spelt. Milupa cereal and milk porridges are complementary foods that are adapted to the special nutritional needs of the baby. Special attention isspecial attention is paid to quality: The cereals come from selected farmers and go through several quality controls before they are put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies need at that age, while providing important nutrients such as carbohydrates. May contain traces of milk and soy No added sugar (but naturally contains sugar)In convenient, resealable packaging Composition Cereals (100%) (organic whole grain wheat meal (88%), organic whole grain oatmeal (2.9%), organic whole grain barley meal (1.8%), organic whole grain rye flour (1.8%), organic maize semolina (1.8%), organic rice flour ( 1.8%), organic whole grain spelled wheat flour (1.8%)), vitamin B?.Whole grain cereal: 96.5%..

9.84 USD

Nestlé yogolino organic pear banana 4 x 90 g

Nestlé yogolino organic pear banana 4 x 90 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7740676

The Nestlé Yogolino organic pear banana is a delicious and nutritious dessert for your little one. This pack contains 4 x 90 g portion cups, which are the perfect size for those moments when you need a quick and easy snack for your child. This organic pear banana yogurt is made from high-quality ingredients sourced from certified organic farms. Nestlé Yogolino works closely with farmers to ensure that the ingredients are grown in a sustainable and responsible way, without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or GMOs. The yogurt is specially formulated for babies aged 6 months and above, and it is packed with essential nutrients that your child needs to grow and thrive. It contains calcium and Vitamin D, which are essential for healthy bones and teeth, as well as prebiotics that encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in their gut. The fruity flavor of this yogurt comes from real organic pears and bananas, and it is free from added flavors, colors, and preservatives. It has a smooth and creamy texture that your child will love, and it is easy to digest, making it ideal for little tummies. Each cup of Nestlé Yogolino organic pear banana yogurt is designed to support your child's developmental needs. It is a tasty and convenient way to help them meet their nutritional requirements, while introducing them to new flavors and textures. So, if you're looking for a healthy and delicious snack for your little one, try out the Nestlé Yogolino organic pear banana yogurt. It's the perfect treat for your little bundle of joy, and it's sure to put a smile on their face!..

10.87 USD

O'rik bilan holle pouchy nok 90 g

O'rik bilan holle pouchy nok 90 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7577814

Holle Pouchy Pear with Apricot 90g The Holle Pouchy Pear with Apricot 90g is a premium-quality organic baby food that is made using the freshest and highest quality fruit ingredients. It has been specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of babies and is free from any harmful additives or preservatives. This product is perfect for introducing your baby to new textures and flavors in a safe and healthy way. Key Features: Organic baby food made from fresh fruit ingredients No harmful additives or preservatives included Perfect for introducing babies to new textures and flavors Easy to use, resealable pouches that are convenient for on-the-go feeding Nutritionally balanced to meet baby's needs Ingredients: Organic pear, organic apricot. Directions for Use: Open the pouch and serve the contents warm or at room temperature. For best results, stir the contents before serving. You can store any unused portion in the refrigerator and consume within 1 day. About the Brand: Holle is a trusted and reputable brand that has been producing natural, organic baby food products for over 80 years. They use only the freshest and highest quality organic ingredients in their products and are committed to providing the best possible nutrition for babies. Holle's products are also produced in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way, making them a great choice for parents who want to provide their babies with healthy and sustainable food options. Overall, the Holle Pouchy Pear with Apricot 90g is a nutritious and delicious option for parents who are looking for natural, organic baby food products that are free from harmful additives and preservatives. With its convenient pouch packaging and nutritionally balanced formula, this product is perfect for on-the-go feedings or as a snack throughout the day...

3.82 USD

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