Og'iz bo'shlig'i salomatligi
(hammasi 3 sahifa)
Kukident haftcreme extra stark neytral 47 g
Kukident Yopishtiruvchi Krem Extra Strong bilan protezlaringizni kun bo'yi xavfsiz saqlang. Ushbu 47 g neytral yopishtiruvchi krem protezlaringiz qulay joyda turishini ta'minlab, qo'shimcha mustahkam ushlab turadi. Kundalik mashg'ulotlar davomida qo'shimcha ishonchni xohlaydiganlar uchun ideal, krem uzoq davom etadigan ishonchli yopishqoqlikni ta'minlaydi. Og'iz bo'shlig'i va stomatologik parvarish uchun mos bo'lgan ushbu hamshiralik maqolasi maxsus protezlarni parvarish qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. Kukident Adhesive Cream Extra Strong bilan sirpanuvchi protezlar bilan xayrlashing va xavfsiz o'rnatish uchun salom ayting...
15.15 USD
Trisa zahnbürste gum protect yumshoq
Introducing Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft is a high-quality toothbrush designed to provide gentle but thorough cleaning for your teeth and gums. This toothbrush features soft bristles that are gentle on sensitive gums, making it ideal for individuals who experience discomfort while brushing with firmer bristles. The flexible neck of the toothbrush allows for efficient access to difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth, ensuring a comprehensive clean every time. Features: Soft bristles: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft features soft bristles that provide gentle cleaning for sensitive gums. Flexible neck: The toothbrush's flexible neck allows for efficient access to difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth, ensuring a comprehensive clean every time. Ergonomic handle: The toothbrush's ergonomic handle allows for a comfortable grip during use, reducing strain on the hand and wrist. Durable construction: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft is constructed from high-quality materials that ensure long-lasting durability and performance. Protective cap: The toothbrush's protective cap helps to keep the bristles clean and hygienic between uses, ensuring optimal oral health. Benefits: Gentle and effective cleaning: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft provides effective cleaning while being gentle on sensitive teeth and gums. Easy access to hard-to-reach areas: The toothbrush's flexible neck allows for efficient cleaning of difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth, preventing plaque buildup and promoting optimal oral health. Comfortable grip: The toothbrush's ergonomic handle allows for a comfortable grip during use, reducing strain on the hand and wrist. Hygienic design: The toothbrush's protective cap keeps the bristles clean and hygienic between uses, promoting optimal oral health. Conclusion: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft is a high-quality toothbrush that provides gentle yet thorough cleaning for individuals with sensitive teeth and gums. With soft bristles, a flexible neck, an ergonomic handle, and a protective cap, this toothbrush promotes optimal oral health and ensures a comfortable and hygienic brushing experience every time...
9.36 USD
(hammasi 3 sahifa)