
Tirnoq qo'ziqorinini davolash

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 4 gacha 4
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita-ga xush kelibsiz, sizning barcha sog'liq va go'zallik ehtiyojlaringiz uchun yagona echim. Bizning "Tirnoq qo'ziqorinini davolash" toifamiz tirnoq sog'lig'i bilan bog'liq muammolarga javob beradigan turli xil ehtiyotkorlik bilan tayyorlangan mahsulotlarni taqdim etadi. Bizning mahsulotlarimiz tana parvarishi va kosmetika, qo'llar va oyoqlar, tirnoqlarni parvarish qilish, tirnoq uchun balzam-kremlar-davolash vositalari, sog'liq uchun mahsulotlar, tabiiy vositalar va boshqa mutaxassisliklar kabi turli toifalarga kiradi. Tirnoqlarning zamburug‘li infektsiyalari uchun vosita izlayapsizmi yoki rangsizlanishni davolashni xohlaysizmi, bizning tirnoqlarni parvarish qilish uchun mahsulotlarimiz sizga mos keladigan sifat standartlariga javob beradi. Yuqori samarali efir moylari bilan to'ldirilgan antifungal yechimlarimiz tirnoq salomatligi bilan bog'liq muammolarga aniq javob berishga qaratilgan. Beeovita to'g'ridan-to'g'ri Shveytsariyadan yuqori sifatli tirnoqlarni qo'ziqorin davolash usullarini taqdim etishga bag'ishlangan bo'lib, sog'lom tirnoqlarga bo'lgan sayohatingiz ijobiy va samarali bo'lishini ta'minlaydi.
Excilor tirnoq qo'ziqorin eritmasi 3,3 ml

Excilor tirnoq qo'ziqorin eritmasi 3,3 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6211198

Tirnoq qo'ziqorini Excilor eritmasining xarakteristikasi 3,3 mlAnatomik terapevtik kimyoviy (ATS): D01AE20Faol modda: D01AE20Evropada Idoralar sertifikatiga ega p>Saqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg‘irligi: 27g Uzunligi: 26 mm p>Eni: 64 mm Balandligi: 76 mm Shveytsariyadan 3,3 ml Excilor tirnoq qo‘ziqorini eritmasini onlayn xarid qiling..

63.66 USD

Nailner fungal nail pin 2-in-1

Nailner fungal nail pin 2-in-1

Mahsulot kodi: 6851259

Easy, fast and effective nail fungus treatment. With brightening effect on discolouration. Handy pen for easy use. Properties Application Nails must be clean and dry upon application. It is not necessary to file the nail.Apply to the entire nail in the morning and evening for 4 weeks. Allow to dry for 1-2 minutes, after which socks or shoes can be put on again.After 4 weeks, the pen can only be used once a day. Until the healthy nail has grown back completely. ..

64.53 USD

Tirnoq qo'ziqorinida scholl 2in1 pin

Tirnoq qo'ziqorinida scholl 2in1 pin

Mahsulot kodi: 5320330

If you're suffering from fungal nail infections, you know how distressing and frustrating they can be. Fortunately, Scholl has developed a 2in1 pin in nail fungus treatment that can provide effective relief. What is Scholl 2in1 pin in nail fungus? The Scholl 2in1 pin in nail fungus product is a specially designed treatment that helps to combat fungal infections in the nails. This treatment comes in the form of a pin that is inserted into the affected nail, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the nail bed and tackle the infection at its source. How does it work? Scholl 2in1 pin in nail fungus contains two active ingredients: terbinafine hydrochloride and tea tree oil. These ingredients work together to provide a powerful antifungal effect that can help to stop the infection from spreading and promote healthy nail growth. The terbinafine hydrochloride works by inhibiting the growth and spread of the fungus, while the tea tree oil provides a natural antifungal boost that is gentle on the skin and nails. Together, these ingredients help to restore the health and appearance of your nails over time. How do I use it? The Scholl 2in1 pin in nail fungus treatment is easy to use. Simply twist the cap of the pin to release the active ingredients, then carefully insert the pin into the affected nail, twisting gently as you go to ensure even distribution of the treatment. Use the pin twice a week for three weeks, then take a break for one week before starting again. Repeat this cycle for up to six months, or until your nails have fully healed. The benefits of Scholl 2in1 pin in nail fungus There are several benefits to using the Scholl 2in1 pin in nail fungus treatment: Effective at treating fungal nail infections Contains two active ingredients for powerful antifungal action Easy to use and apply Gentle on the skin and nails Designed to promote healthy nail growth over time Provides long-term relief from fungal nail infections Whether you're looking to restore the health and appearance of your nails or simply want to prevent a fungal infection from taking hold, the Scholl 2in1 pin in nail fungus treatment is an effective and easy-to-use solution...

53.09 USD

Undex 3 in 1 nagelpilz-lösung

Undex 3 in 1 nagelpilz-lösung

Mahsulot kodi: 7835563

UNDEX 3 in 1 Nagelpilz-Lösung Product Description: UNDEX 3 in 1 Nagelpilz-Lösung is a powerful solution for treating nail fungus. It is a triple-action formula that treats the infection, soothes the skin, and helps prevent future growth. This product is suitable for both fingernails and toenails. How it works: The three active ingredients in this solution work together to fight the nail fungus infection. First, undecylenic acid disrupts the cell membrane of the fungus, causing it to die. Second, tea tree oil provides antifungal and antibacterial properties, preventing the spread of the infection. Lastly, urea softens the affected area and allows the other two ingredients to penetrate deeper into the nail bed. Benefits: Treats nail fungus effectively Soothes irritated and inflamed skin around the nail Prevents future growth of nail fungus Easy to use with a brush applicator Can be used on both fingernails and toenails Usage: Apply UNDEX 3 in 1 Nagelpilz-Lösung to the affected nail(s) twice daily with the brush applicator. Make sure to cover the entire nail, including the edges and underneath the nail. Allow the solution to dry before putting on socks or shoes. Warning: For external use only. Do not use on broken skin or if allergic to any of the ingredients. Keep away from children. If the condition persists or worsens, consult a doctor. ..

40.25 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 4 gacha 4
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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