Mushaklardagi kuchlanish, bel og'rig'i yoki sport jarohatlari kundalik faoliyatingizga xalaqit berishi mumkin. Biroq, ning Shveytsariyadagi sog'liqni saqlash mahsulotlarining xilma-xil tanlovi bilan siz mos echim topishingiz mumkin. Biz sizning sog'liq uchun maxsus ehtiyojlaringizni qondiradigan turli xil tabiiy vositalar va mushaklarning kuchlanishini davolashning muqobil variantlarini taklif qilamiz. Sizga to'mtoq jarohatlar uchun elastik yopishtiruvchi bandajlar, og'irroq jarohatlar uchun plasterlar va boshqa yaralarni parvarish qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan vositalar yoki teri va qon aylanishini yaxshilash uchun parhez qo'shimchalari kerak bo'ladimi, biz sizga yordam beramiz. Mahsulotlarimiz og'riqni yo'qotish va yaxshi sog'liq sharoitlarini saqlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Yurak-qon tomir tizimi va vazoprotektivlar, keng qamrovli yaralarni parvarish qilish va parvarishlash toifasi, turli xil tibbiy asboblar, sovuq va issiqlik terapiyasi variantlari va gomeopatik davolash usullarini o'rganing; barchasi sizga yaxlit sog'liqni saqlash tajribasini berish uchun yaratilgan. Tabiiy, shveytsariyalik sifatli mahsulotlar uchun Beeovita-ga murojaat qiling.
HerbaChaud, the natural heat plaster, box of 6 PatchesHerbaChaud natural heat patches are physical, odorless, heat patches that emit deep-acting heat for up to 12 hours. The HerbaChaud heat patch consists of 100% natural and plant-based active ingredients. Helps with:HerbaChaud is not a heat cushion. The specialty of HerbaChaud lies in its long-lasting and constant deep warmth. This is concentrated on the trigger point (round hole in the mineral coating). The depth effect reaches the whole area around the pain point.
HerbaChaud, the natural heat plaster, box of 6 PatchesHerbaChaud natural heat patches are physical, odorless, heat patches that emit deep-acting heat for up to 12 hours. The HerbaChaud heat patch consists of 100% natural and plant-based active ingredients. Helps with:HerbaChaud is not a heat cushion. The specialty of HerbaChaud lies in its long-lasting and constant deep warmth. This is concentrated on the trigger point (round hole in the mineral coating). The depth effect reaches the whole area around the pain point.
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: skin colour
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid to circulate.Colour: Flesh
The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: red
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid circulation.Colour: Red
The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: blue
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid circulation.Colour: Blue
The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
32.37 USD
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 5 gacha 5 (hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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