
Mushaklar qurish

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Beeovita-ga xush kelibsiz, Sog'liqni saqlash + Oziqlantirish, Sport, Parhez va boshqa sohalarda mushak qurish mahsulotlari uchun birinchi raqamli manba. Bizda Shveytsariyadan eng yuqori sifatli mahsulotlarning keng assortimenti mavjud bo'lib, ularning har biri mushaklaringizni qurish sayohatingizda sizga yordam berish uchun mo'ljallangan. Shveytsariyalik shokoladli oqsil barlaridan tortib to ozuqa bilan to'ldirilgan oqsil kukunlarigacha, bizning mahsulotlarimiz har qanday parhez va maqsadlarga javob beradi. Bizning sinchkovlik bilan tanlangan Sport ichimliklarimiz bilan mashg'ulotlar davomida kuch va diqqatni jamlang va mashg'ulotdan keyin tanangizni oqsil qo'shimchalarining yuqori qatori bilan to'ldiring. Sport ovqatlarimiz va kuchaytirgichlarimiz sizni energiya bilan ta'minlaydi, Sport tayyorgarliklarimiz va aksessuarlarimiz esa jismoniy faoliyatingizdan maksimal darajada foydalanishga yordam beradi. Beeovita-da mushaklarni qurish uchun barcha ehtiyojlaringiz uchun xarid qiling.
Isostar high protein riegel toffee crunchy 55 g

Isostar high protein riegel toffee crunchy 55 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7794719

Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g The Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g is the perfect snack for those who are leading an active lifestyle. Made with high-quality ingredients, this protein bar is packed with nutrients that can help fuel your body during intense activities or workouts. High-quality protein: The Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g is made with high-quality whey protein isolate, which is easy for the body to absorb and use for muscle building and repair. Each bar contains 20g of protein. Carbohydrates: To fuel your body during exercise, this protein bar contains a blend of fast and slow-digesting carbs that provide sustained energy. Each bar contains 18g of carbs. Fiber: This protein bar is also a good source of fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied between meals. Delicious flavor: The Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g has a delicious toffee flavor with a crunchy texture that makes it a pleasure to eat. Easy to carry: With its convenient size and packaging, the Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g is easy to carry with you wherever you go, making it a great snack for on-the-go. Add the Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g to your daily routine to help support muscle growth, repair, and recovery, as well as sustain you through your active lifestyle. ..

4.91 USD

Moltein pro 1.5 neytral

Moltein pro 1.5 neytral

Mahsulot kodi: 7811744

MOLTEIN PRO 1.5 Neytral Moltein PRO oqsilga boy, kaloriyali, muvozanatli ichimlik taomidir. Moltein PRO tarkibida yuqori sifatli zardob oqsili, muhim aminokislotalar, yog'lar, uglevodlar va barcha vitaminlar va minerallar mavjud. Protein va L-leysinning yuqori konsentratsiyasi mushaklarning shakllanishini rag'batlantiradi va birgalikda mushaklarning saqlanishi va rivojlanishiga hissa qo'shadi. Moltein PRO - bu protein etishmovchiligi va yosh va kasalliklarga bog'liq mushaklarning yo'qolishi (sarkopeniya) ni parhez bilan boshqarish uchun maxsus tibbiy maqsadlar uchun oziq-ovqat. Xususiyatlari - yuqori kaloriyali - yuqori proteinli (100% zardob oqsili) - glyutensiz - kam laktoza - MCT va Omega-3 bilan - konservantlarsiz, bo'yoqlarsiz - vegetarian Tayyorlanishi 1. Kukunni bo'shating (shishani qisqacha teskari egib oling) ) 2. Suyuqlikni yorliq yoki toʻldirish belgisi chetiga qadar toʻldiring va qopqogʻini mahkam burab qoʻying 3. Shishani teskari burang va muloyimlik bilan silkiting 4. Ichish va rohatlaning. Buning uchun suv, sut, soya ichimligi yoki meva sharbatidan foydalanish mumkin. uni tayyorlang - shaxsiy ta'mingizga qarab. Umumiy kunlik miqdor individual ehtiyojlarga va tegishli ovqatlanish terapiyasiga bog'liq. Har bir porsiyadagi ozuqaviy ma'lumotlar (34 g) Energiya: 150 kkal (628 kJ) Yog': 5 g Uglevodlar: 5 g Protein: 21 g L-leysin: 5 g Shveytsariya Klinik Oziqlantirish Jamiyati (GESKES) ko'rsatmalariga muvofiq qabul qilinadi. p> Moltein PRO oqsilga boy, kaloriyali, muvozanatli ichimlik taomidir. Moltein PRO tarkibida yuqori sifatli zardob oqsili, muhim aminokislotalar, yog'lar, uglevodlar hamda barcha vitaminlar va minerallar mavjud. Protein va L-leytsinning yuqori kontsentratsiyasi mushaklarning shakllanishini rag'batlantiradi va birgalikda mushaklarning saqlanishi va rivojlanishiga hissa qo'shadi. Moltein PRO - oqsil etishmovchiligi, shuningdek, yoshda dietani boshqarish uchun maxsus tibbiy maqsadlarda ishlatiladigan oziq-ovqat. -kasallik bilan bog'liq va mushaklarning yo'qolishi (sarkopeniya). Xususiyatlar - yuqori kaloriya - oqsilga boy (100% zardob oqsili) - glyutensiz - kam laktoza - MCT va Omega-3 bilan - konservantlarsiz, rang beruvchilarsiz < p>- vegetarian Tayyorlash uchun suv, sut, soya ichimligi yoki meva sharbatidan foydalanish mumkin - individual ta'mga ko'ra. Umumiy kunlik miqdor individual ehtiyojlar va tegishli ovqatlanish terapiyasiga bog'liq. Har bir porsiya uchun ozuqaviy ma'lumot (34 g) Energiya: 150 kkal (628 kJ) Yog': 5 g Uglevodlar: 5 g Oqsil: 21 g L-leysin: 5 g Tasdiqlangan Shveytsariya Klinik Oziqlantirish Jamiyatining (GESKES) ko'rsatmalari. ..

86.73 USD

Qnt 36% proteinli joy bar past shakarli pechene va krem ​​60 g

Qnt 36% proteinli joy bar past shakarli pechene va krem ​​60 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7481043

QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g The QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g is the perfect snack for anyone who wants a healthy and satisfying snack on-the-go. This delicious and nutritious bar contains 36% protein, making it an ideal snack for people who are looking to build muscle or maintain a healthy diet. The QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g is also low in sugar, which means that it won't cause a spike in blood sugar levels or lead to a crash later in the day. Instead, it provides sustained energy that will keep you going throughout the day. This protein bar is a delicious combination of creamy vanilla, chocolate chips, and crunchy cookie pieces. It contains high-quality whey protein isolate, which is known for its ability to be quickly absorbed and utilized by the body for muscle growth and repair. This snack is perfect for anyone who loves the taste of cookies and cream but wants to maintain a healthy diet. It's also perfect for athletes and anyone who wants to supplement their protein intake. The QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g is a high-quality, nutritious, and delicious snack that is perfect for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle. ..

6.98 USD

Qnt proteinli cookie tuzli karamel

Qnt proteinli cookie tuzli karamel

Mahsulot kodi: 7822395

QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel The QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel is a delicious and nutritious snack that is perfect for those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying a tasty treat. This cookie is packed with 15 grams of protein, making it an excellent source of fuel for your body. Not only does this cookie provide you with the protein your body needs to power through your day, but it is also gluten-free, meaning it is a great option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. The salted caramel flavor makes this cookie taste like a decadent indulgence, while the added protein ensures that it is a smart, healthy choice. Whether you're trying to build muscle or just want a quick, healthy snack on-the-go, the QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel is the perfect choice. It is easy to take with you wherever you go and can provide you with the protein boost you need to power through your day. So why wait? Order your QNT Protein Cookie Salted Caramel today and start enjoying a delicious and healthy snack that is sure to keep you satisfied and energized!..

5.44 USD

Sof bcaa tarvaqaylab ketgan as can 90 dona

Sof bcaa tarvaqaylab ketgan as can 90 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7773578

Pure BCAA branched AS Ds 90 pcs Get ready to take your fitness goals to the next level with Pure BCAA branched AS Ds 90 pcs! Our product is a top-of-the-line dietary supplement that is specially formulated to help you maximize muscle building and recovery. What are BCAAs? BCAAs (or branched-chain amino acids) are a group of essential amino acids that your body needs to build and repair muscle tissue. The three BCAAs ? leucine, isoleucine, and valine ? are responsible for anabolism (muscle growth) and catabolism (muscle breakdown) in the body. Why do you need Pure BCAA branched AS Ds 90 pcs? If you're looking to build muscle and improve your workout performance, you need to ensure that you're getting enough BCAAs in your diet. Pure BCAA branched AS Ds 90 pcs has been specifically designed to deliver a potent dose of BCAAs to help you achieve your fitness goals. What are the benefits of Pure BCAA branched AS Ds 90 pcs? Maximizes muscle building and recovery Boosts endurance and stamina during exercise Prevents muscle catabolism (breakdown) Promotes fat loss Improves overall athletic performance How to use Take 2-5 tablets daily, preferably 30 minutes before exercise or as directed by your healthcare professional. Give yourself the edge you need to succeed. Whether you're a serious athlete or just looking to improve your fitness, Pure BCAA branched AS Ds 90 pcs is the perfect supplement for you! Order now and start achieving your fitness goals today! ..

83.29 USD

Sponser whey isolate 94 shokolad qutisi 850 g

Sponser whey isolate 94 shokolad qutisi 850 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7466227

?Sponser Whey Isolate 94 protein powder with chocolate flavor is a whey protein isolate and lactose and virtually fat-free. It supports not only muscle building and maintenance, but also the regeneration of stressed muscles. Endurance and strength athletes can benefit from this additional protein supply, but also people active in everyday life as well as convalescents. The amount is suitable for the preparation of 34-42 servings, water or milk can be used depending on taste. The powder was produced by means of cross flow microfiltration (CFM) and thus has the highest biological value.Which packs are available? Sponser Whey Isolate 94 Chocolate Can 850 g ..

93.98 USD

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