
Namlash va oziqlantirish

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Bir nechta narsa namlangan va oziqlangan teri kabi yaxshi his qiladi - yumshoq, silliq va salomatlik bilan porlaydi. saytidagi "Namlash va oziqlantirish" to'plamimiz sizga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri Shveytsariyadan olingan eng yaxshi tana parvarishi va kosmetika, hamshiralik maqolalari va shaxsiy gigiena vositalarini olib keladi. Dabdabali tana kremlaridan tortib, foydali oqshom moyigacha, bizda teringizni namlash va oziqlantirish uchun kerak bo'lgan hamma narsa mavjud. Bizning tana suti, kremi, losonlari, moylari va jellari assortimentidan tanlang va hech qachon bo'lmaganidek yuqori darajadagi terini parvarish qilishdan foydalaning. saytidagi har bir mahsulotga qadoqlangan Shveytsariyaning sofligi va g'amxo'rligi sizni tetiklik va jonlanish tuyg'usini qoldirishi kafolatlangan.
Dermasel körpercrème gold zauber deutsch französisch topf 200 ml

Dermasel körpercrème gold zauber deutsch französisch topf 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7848617

DermaSel Körpercrème Gold Zauber deutsch französisch Topf 200 ml Experience the luxury of DermaSel Körpercrème Gold Zauber in a unique blend of German and French formulations, now available in a convenient 200 ml jar. This innovative body cream is made with a rich blend of natural ingredients that moisturize and nourish the skin, leaving it feeling silky and smooth. The cream is infused with valuable microgold and precious evening primrose oil, which help to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin by providing essential, hydrating nutrients. The delicate scent of orchids and vanilla transports you to exotic places while the cream works to heal and soothe your skin. DermaSel Körpercrème Gold Zauber is perfect for use all over the body, and especially effective on areas that are prone to dryness like elbows, knees and heels. The cream is easy to apply and absorbs quickly, leaving no greasy or sticky residue behind. This luxurious body cream is perfect for indulging yourself or as a special treat for a loved one. It's also ideal for anyone who wants to pamper their skin and experience the benefits of high-quality, natural ingredients. Order your DermaSel Körpercrème Gold Zauber today and give your skin the care and nourishment it deserves. ..

44.26 USD

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