
Absorbtsiyalar chastotasi

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(hammasi 1 sahifa) saytiga xush kelibsiz, Shveytsariyadan yuqori sifatli sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarini olish uchun asosiy manba. Bizning Absorbtionsverband mahsulotlarimiz keng toifadagi toifalarga kiradi, jumladan, yaralarni parvarish qilish va parvarishlash, bog'lash - bint - plasterlar, kompresslar va bintlar, shuningdek, changni yutish kompresslari va aralashmalari. Ushbu changni yutish kompresslar yarani davolash jarayonini kuchaytirish uchun juda mos keladi, ayniqsa og'ir chiqadigan yaralar uchun, optimal nam yarani davolash potentsialini oshiradi. Biz bilan xarid qiling va sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarida Shveytsariya sifati va innovatsion dizaynlarining eng yaxshi aralashmasidan foydalaning.
Zetuvit plus absorption association 20x40cm 10 pcs

Zetuvit plus absorption association 20x40cm 10 pcs

Mahsulot kodi: 6971816

ZETUVIT Plus Absorptionsverband 20x40cm ZETUVIT Plus Absorptionsverband 20x40cm is a highly absorbent dressing designed for use on heavily exuding wounds. It helps to promote healing by creating a moist wound environment and providing effective exudate management. The dressing is made of soft, non-woven material that is gentle on the skin and helps to minimize the risk of maceration. The ZETUVIT Plus Absorptionsverband 20x40cm dressing is suitable for use on a wide range of wounds, including pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, and traumatic wounds. It is also ideal for use on surgical wounds and as a secondary dressing in combination with other wound care products. The dressing is available in a range of sizes to suit different wound types and can be easily customized to fit individual patient needs. One of the key benefits of the ZETUVIT Plus Absorptionsverband 20x40cm dressing is its excellent absorbency. The super absorbent core can hold up to 1,000ml of fluid, helping to reduce the frequency of dressing changes and minimizing the risk of maceration. The dressing also features a waterproof backing that helps to prevent leakage and reduce the risk of contamination. Overall, the ZETUVIT Plus Absorptionsverband 20x40cm dressing is a highly effective and versatile wound care product that can help to promote healing and improve patient outcomes. Whether you are a healthcare professional looking for an effective solution for managing heavily exuding wounds or a patient looking for a comfortable and reliable dressing, the ZETUVIT Plus Absorptionsverband 20x40cm is an excellent choice. ..

297.20 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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