
Sutni almashtirish

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beevitta sutini almashtiruvchi mahsulotlar bilan sog'lom turmush tarziga o'ting. Bizning Shveytsariyadagi Sog'lik va Go'zallik do'konimiz an'anaviy sut o'rnini bosadigan ozuqa moddalariga boy mahsulotlarni olib keladi. Salomatlik va ovqatlanish, oziq-ovqat va choy/qahva/ichimliklar kabi turli toifalarimizdan tanlang. Soya sutining boy ta'mini tatib ko'ring yoki turli xil o'simlik sutini almashtiring. Oddiy sutni yuqori sifatli, laktozasiz muqobillar bilan almashtirib, tanangizning farovonligini e'lon qiling. Shveytsariya sifati kuchiga ishoning va sizning farovonligingizni bizning ustuvor vazifamizga aylantiring. Bugun saytida assortimentni o'rganing.
Soyana swiss sojadrink original bio

Soyana swiss sojadrink original bio

Mahsulot kodi: 2767266

Soyana Swiss Soy Drink Natur Bio is a delicious organic drink of the highest quality. It is carefully manufactured in Switzerland from whole organic soybeans and the finest organic ingredients. 4 levels of Soyana quality In order to guarantee the highest quality and satisfaction, the Soyana team has defined and implemented a new understanding of food quality and processing. Here are levels 3 and 4: 3: Harmonious: Energy flows within us and in every area of ??our environment. In plants, animals, mountains, buildings, machines. As a pioneer, Soyana also takes this aspect of life into account with the Ojas harmony system and thus creates harmonious energies throughout the company.4: Made with love: What a mother prepares with love tastes better for everyone. For the Soyana team, the daily cultivation of a good awareness is part of the company philosophy. every employee leads a holistic, healthy life with vegetarian diet, exercise, meditation and spiritual music to cultivate balance and joy...

5.89 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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