
Sut ishlab chiqarish

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Onalik sayohatini navigatsiya qilish, ayniqsa, yangi tug'ilgan chaqaloqni boqish haqida gap ketganda, murakkab bo'lishi mumkin. saytida biz emizish uchun sut ishlab chiqarishni ko'paytirishga yordam beradigan turli xil mahsulotlarni taklif qilib, bu yo'lda yangi onalarni qo'llab-quvvatlashni maqsad qilganmiz. Bizning keng assortimentimiz oziqlantiruvchi bodom yog'lari va emizish moylari kabi tana va massaj mahsulotlaridan nafaqat namlovchi, balki sut miqdorini oshiradigan organik va o'simlik choylarigacha. Bozordagi eng yaxshilaridan biri bo'lgan Medela sut nasoslarini tanlashimizni unutmasdan, ular sut sog'ishning samarali, samarali va qulay variantini taklif etadi. Buni Shveytsariyaning eng yuqori sifat standartlariga sodiqligimiz bilan yakunlang va siz emizish bo'yicha barcha ehtiyojlaringiz uchun yagona oynaga ega bo'lasiz. - sog'lik va go'zallikdagi hamkoringiz bilan tanangizni tarbiyalang, sut ishlab chiqarishni ko'paytiring va farzandingiz bilan bo'lgan o'sha qimmatli daqiqalarni yanada o'ziga xos holga keltiring.
Medela swing maxi flex elektr ko'krak pompasi

Medela swing maxi flex elektr ko'krak pompasi

Mahsulot kodi: 7796085

Medela Swing Maxi Flex Electric Double Breast Pump The Medela Swing Maxi Flex Electric Double Breast Pump is one of the most advanced and efficient breast pumps on the market. This breast pump is designed to support busy moms who are always on the go, and who want to be able to pump as much milk as possible in a shorter amount of time. What's Included: 1 x Medela Swing Maxi Flex breast pump unit 2 x PersonalFit Flex breast shields 2 x 150 ml breast milk bottles with lids 1 x USB charging cable 1 x Carry bag Features: Double pumping: This breast pump is designed to allow you to pump from both breasts at the same time, which can help you to produce more milk in less time. Personalized fit: The PersonalFit Flex breast shields are designed to fit your individual breast shape perfectly, ensuring that the pump is comfortable and effective. Medela 2-Phase Expression Technology: This technology mimics a baby's natural sucking rhythm, which can help to speed up the pumping process and maximize milk flow. Compact and portable: With a small and lightweight design, this breast pump is easy to take on the go, whether you're traveling for work or running errands. Battery operated: The Medela Swing Maxi Flex can either be plugged into an electrical outlet or powered by a rechargeable battery, making it incredibly versatile so that you can pump anywhere, anytime. Benefits: Saves time: By pumping from both breasts at the same time, this breast pump allows you to pump more milk in less time, which is especially important for busy moms who are juggling work and family responsibilities. Maximizes milk production: The Medela 2-Phase Expression technology helps to stimulate milk flow and lets you express milk more efficiently, which can help to boost milk production over time. Comfortable and customizable: The PersonalFit Flex breast shields are designed to fit your individual breast shape and size, which can help to prevent discomfort and ensure optimal milk removal. Easy to use and clean: This breast pump is simple to assemble, and the parts are easy to clean and sanitize, which makes it an excellent choice for busy moms who don't have a lot of extra time. The Medela Swing Maxi Flex Electric Double Breast Pump is an innovative and effective breast pump that can help to maximize milk production and make the pumping process more comfortable and convenient. With its compact and portable design, advanced technology, and customizable features, this breast pump is an excellent choice for busy, breastfeeding moms who want to be able to pump anywhere, anytime...

358.02 USD

Weleda emizish moyi 50 ml

Weleda emizish moyi 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 2529029

A gently scented and nourishing breastfeeding oil with pure almond oil, which makes the breasts supple and smooth and promotes the milk production process. Composition Almond oil, mixture of natural essential oils. Properties Nourishes and relaxes the breasts. ..

27.91 USD

Weleda mama organic breastfeeding tea 20 bags 2 g

Weleda mama organic breastfeeding tea 20 bags 2 g

Mahsulot kodi: 6941465

Weleda emizish choyidagi maxsus dorivor o'simlik tarkibi emizikli ayollarda sut ishlab chiqarishni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, spazmolitik va sut sekretsiyasini rag'batlantiradigan ta'sirga ega.Choyda quritilgan mevalar mavjud. Bir tomondan spazmolitik ta'siri bilan mashhur bo'lgan qizilmiya, arpabodiyon va zira kabilar sut sekretsiyasini rag'batlantiruvchi xususiyatlari tufayli emizishda an'anaviy ravishda ishlatilishi mumkin. .Tarkibi tinchlantiruvchi va uyg'unlashtiruvchi ta'sirga ega bo'lgan va Weleda emizish choyiga yoqimli yumshoq ta'm beradigan limonli verbena qo'shilishi bilan yaxlitlanadi.Nazorat ostidagi organik etishtirishdanQo'shimcha shakar yoki sintetik xushbo'y moddalarni o'z ichiga olmaydiFoydalanish: Weleda emizish choyini homiladorlikning oxirida boshlash mumkin.Uni butun laktatsiya davrida ichish mumkin...

16.43 USD

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