Grim surmoq, pardoz qilmoq; yasamoq, tuzmoq
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Artdeco kamuflyaj kremi 492.3
Art Deco Camouflage Cream 492.3 Waterproof concealer cream for all skin types to cover red veins, Pigment spots, fire stains, tattoos, etc. Properties Waterproof cover cream for all skin types to cover red veins, pigment spots, fire stains, tattoos, etc.Camouflage -Cream covers skin defects perfectly and reliably and is ideal for special occasions such as a photo appointment or a wedding. All colors can be mixed with each other, which enables an exact match to the skin tone. The camouflage cream is also suitable as long-term make-up and is very durable even at high temperatures. It has very strong coverage and becomes waterproof by using setting powder. Depending on the amount applied, you can achieve light to very strong coverage. The camouflage pans can be stored together with the spatula in the practical magnetic boxes. ..
19.95 USD
Artdeco ko'z soyasi marvarid 30 18
ARTDECO Eye Shadow Pearl 30 18 bilan yorqin nafislikdan zavqlaning. Bu nozik ko'z soyasi baxmal tekstura va ko'zlaringizni yorqin porlash bilan yaxshilaydigan marvarid pardasini taqdim etadi. 30 18 soyasi yumshoq, yaltiroq neytral ohanglarning jozibali aralashmasi bo'lib, u sizning tabiiy go'zalligingizni oshirish yoki hayratlanarli oqshom ko'rinishini yaratish uchun juda mos keladi. Uning silliq formulasi oson qo'llanilishi va yuqori darajada aralashishini ta'minlaydi, bu sizga professional bo'yanish natijasiga osonlik bilan erishish imkonini beradi. Ushbu koʻp qirrali ARTDECO Koʻz soyasi marvaridlari bilan koʻzni boʻyanish oʻyinini oshiring va har bir miltillaganda maftun etuvchi marvaridlangan pigmentlarning jozibasini his eting...
13.83 USD
Artdeco magic fix 1921
ARTDECO Magic Fix 1921 bilan bo'yanish o'yiningizni o'zgartiring. Ushbu innovatsion mahsulot lab bo'yog'ini kun bo'yi qolishi uchun har qanday go'zallik ishqibozlari uchun bo'lishi shart. Magic Fix 1921 o'zining noyob formulasi bilan lab bo'yog'i ustida himoya plomba hosil qilib, bo'yash, xiralashish va o'tishni oldini oladi. Doimiy teginishlar bilan xayrlashing va benuqson, uzoq muddatli lab bo'yog'iga salom ayting. Ushbu mahsulot lab bo'yog'i ertalabdan kechgacha mukammal bo'lishini istagan har bir kishi uchun o'yinni o'zgartiradi. ARTDECO Magic Fix 1921 ni go‘zallik tartibingizga qo‘shing va uzoq davom etadigan jonli, o‘tkazilmasin burishdan bahramand bo‘ling...
29.92 USD
Artdeco wonder lash mascara 208.1
Artdeco Wonder Lash Mascara 208.1 xususiyatlariO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm >Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Ardeco Wonder Lash Mascara 208.1 ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
30.14 USD
Börlind lipstick hot pushti 67 4 g
Börlind Hot Pink 67 4 g lab bo'yog'ining xususiyatlari Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Börlind Hot Pink 67 4 g lab bo‘yog‘ini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
24.12 USD
Kiss true volume lash ritzy
Kiss True Volume Lash Ritzy kirpiklari bilan tabiiy go'zalligingizni oshiring. Ushbu yuqori sifatli, engil kirpiklar tashqi ko'rinishingizga bir zumda jozibadorlik qo'shish uchun mo'ljallangan. Murakkab dizayni va toraygan uchlari tebranish va hajmli effekt yaratadi, bu ko'zlaringizni har qanday bo'yanish ko'rinishining asosiy nuqtasiga aylantiradi. Qo'llash oson va kiyish qulay, bu kirpiklar ham kundalik kiyish, ham maxsus holatlar uchun juda mos keladi. Kiss True Volume Lash Ritzy bilan ko‘z bo‘yanish o‘yinini yangilang, kipriklaringizga ajoyib, ammo tabiiy ko‘rinishga ega bo‘ling...
17.13 USD
Le petit marseillais lab bo'yog'i 4,9 g
Le Petit Marseillais Lipstick Stick 4.9 g This Le Petit Marseillais Lipstick Stick is the perfect addition to your everyday makeup routine. With its lightweight formula, it goes on smoothly and provides long-lasting color and hydration to your lips. Formulated with shea butter and natural beeswax, this lipstick stick nourishes and moisturizes your lips, leaving them feeling soft and smooth. Plus, it's enriched with the delightful scents of the south of France for a sensory experience that will transport you straight to the Mediterranean coast. The compact size makes it easy to take with you on-the-go, so you can touch up your look no matter where your day takes you. Whether you prefer bold and bright or subtle and natural shades, this lipstick stick has a color to suit your style and taste. With 4.9 g of product in each stick, you'll have plenty to last you through your daily adventures. Get ready to elevate your lip game with Le Petit Marseillais Lipstick Stick. Try it for yourself and discover the magic. ..
7.43 USD
Vichy dermablend 3d korrektion 35 30 ml
VICHY Dermablend 3D Correction 35 bilan beg'ubor qoplama va uzoq umr ko'ring. Ushbu innovatsion poydevor kamchiliklarni tuzatish, teri teksturasini tekislash va tabiiy, mot qoplamani ta'minlash uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan. Yuqori tozalikdagi pigmentlar va 3D tuzatish texnologiyasi aralashmasi bilan u dog'lar, akne izlari va notekis teri rangini samarali yashiradi, shu bilan birga engil tuyg'uni saqlaydi. Barcha teri turlariga, shu jumladan nozik teriga ham mos keladigan ushbu tonal krem SPF 25 quyoshdan himoya qiladi va 16 soatgacha qoplaydi. VICHY Dermablend 3D Correction 35 yordamida yorqin rangga erishing...
44.80 USD
Vichy dermablend qoplamasi 35 9,5 g
The Dermablend Covermatte is a compact powder make-up with high coverage that is suitable for normal to oily skin. It helps to reduce impurities, mattifies the skin for up to 12 hours and absorbs excess sebum deposits. It consists of 100% mineral pigments and is suitable for sensitive skin. The Dermablend cover mat has a sun protection factor of 25. Colour nuances There are various different shades so that the right nuance can be found for every face. This has the color No. 35, sand...
58.23 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)