Tana parvarishi dunyosida pastki orqa ko'pincha beparvo qilingan hudud bo'lib qoladi. Beeovita.com saytida biz sizning tanangizni to'liq parvarish qilishga jiddiy yondashamiz. Shuning uchun biz belingizni parvarish qilishga qaratilgan Shveytsariyadan Salomatlik va Go'zallik mahsulotlarining eksklyuziv assortimentini taklif etamiz. Bizning mahsulotlarimiz tana losonlari va kremlaridan tortib parvarishlash uchun mo'ljallangan mahsulotlarga qadar teringiz salomatligi va sog'lig'ini hisobga olgan holda juda aniqlik va ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlab chiqilgan. Shuningdek, biz tanani parvarish qilish va kosmetika sohasida hal qiluvchi rol o'ynashi mumkin bo'lgan o'ziga xos tayanch parvarishi va taglik mahsulotlarini taklif etamiz. Shveytsariya brendlarining go'zallik va terini parvarish qilish uchun mo'ljallangan keng assortimentini o'rganing va belingizga juda munosib bo'lgan g'amxo'rlik va e'tiborni bering. Go'zallik tanangizning har bir burchagida yotadi va biz sizga uni qabul qilishga yordam beramiz. Hozir xarid qiling va belingizni Shveytsariyaning go‘zallik va salomatlik innovatsiyasi kuchi bilan erkalang.
The 3/4 insoles from Scholl are specially designed to relieve lower back pain. The sole has a foot-specific fit so that the weight is evenly distributed and pressure is reduced. In addition, the soles stabilize the foot position and support the natural walking style. Thanks to the Motion Control Structure, the soles have the right shape and material combination for additional support of the feet. The soles have a deep heel cup and arch support. These reduce stress in the foot region and thus alleviate pain in the knees. Arch support reduces excessive inward rotation of the foot.
Interchangeable, can be used in multiple shoes as they do not stickCan be used in most shoesUnisexShoe size: 37-39.5Instant shock absorbing effect..
SCHOLL balanssiz depozitlarining xususiyatlari 40-42 pastki orqa 2 donaYevropa CE sertifikatiO‘ramdagi miqdori: 2 donaOg‘irligi: 165g Uzunlik: 40mm Eni: 100mm Balandligi: 349mm SCHOLL balanssiz depozitlarini sotib oling 40-42 pastki orqa 2 dona onlayn Shveytsariyadan..
The 3/4 insoles from Scholl are specially designed to relieve lower back pain. The sole has a foot-specific fit so that the weight is evenly distributed and pressure is reduced. In addition, the soles stabilize the foot position and support the natural walking style. Thanks to the Motion Control Structure, the soles have the right shape and material combination for additional support of the feet. The soles have a deep heel cup and arch support. These reduce stress in the foot region and thus alleviate pain in the knees. Arch support reduces excessive inward rotation of the foot.
Interchangeable, can be used in multiple shoes as they do not stickCan be used in most shoesUnisexShoe size: 42.5-45Instant shock absorbing effect..
48.26 USD
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3 (hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
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