
Oqishdan himoya qilish

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 11 gacha 11
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Qovuqning o'zini tuta olmaslik yoki zaifligi bilan bog'liq muammolarni boshdan kechirish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin, ammo ishonchli oqishdan himoya vositalarini topish kerak emas. Beeovita kompaniyasida biz Shveytsariyadan keltirilgan yuqori sifatli Salomatlik va Go'zallik mahsulotlarini yetkazib berishga sodiqmiz. Yarani parvarish qilish va parvarish qilish toifasidagi siydikni ushlab turmaslik uchun prokladkalardan tortib, toifadagi kattalar tagliklari va tagliklar - tagliklar toifasidagi mahsulotlarimiz changni yutish, hidni nazorat qilish va qulaylik omillarini hisobga olgan holda ishlab chiqilganligiga ishonch hosil qilamiz. Bundan tashqari, biz Tena mahsulotlarini va tibbiy asboblar, tana parvarishi va kosmetika va jinsiy aloqa va intim parvarish toifalaridagi boshqa muhim narsalarni, jumladan oylik intim parvarish va gigiena, tamponlar va boshqalarni taklif qilamiz, ularning barchasi tanangizni himoya qilish uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlab chiqilgan. terining optimal salomatligi. Sizni yanada xavfsizroq va ishonchliroq qilish uchun oqishdan himoya mahsulotlarimiz qatorini o'rganing.
Molicare premium shakli 4 32 stk

Molicare premium shakli 4 32 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7830952

MoliCare Premium Form 4 32 Stk The MoliCare Premium Form 4 is a highly absorbent and comfortable adult diaper designed for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. It offers maximum protection against leaks, ensuring that you stay dry and comfortable throughout the day or night. This product is suitable for both men and women and comes in a pack of 32 diapers. Highly Absorbent: The MoliCare Premium Form 4 has a highly absorbent core that quickly wicks away moisture from your skin, eliminating the risk of skin irritation and discomfort. Comfortable Fit: It features a breathable and soft backing material that feels comfortable against your skin, allowing you to wear it for extended periods without feeling uncomfortable. Odor Control: The MoliCare Premium Form 4 is designed with odor control technology that neutralizes any unpleasant odor, leaving you feeling fresh and confident all day long. Leakage Protection: The diaper has a multi-layer design that ensures maximum leakage protection. Its elastic leg cuffs and adjustable tapes also provide a snug fit, preventing any leaks from occurring. The MoliCare Premium Form 4 comes in a convenient pack of 32 diapers, making it an affordable and reliable option for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. Order now and experience maximum protection against leaks and maximum comfort! ..

46.15 USD

Molicare slip qo'shimcha plus 6 s ko'k 30 dona

Molicare slip qo'shimcha plus 6 s ko'k 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7623833

MoliCare Slip Extra Plus 6S Blue 30 pcs Experience maximum leakage protection and security with MoliCare Slip Extra Plus 6S Blue. This pull-up diaper is designed to provide comfort, discretion, and reliable absorption for people with moderate to heavy incontinence. Each pack contains 30 pieces. Features and Benefits 3-layer absorbent core for extra protection Wetness indicator to show when to change Soft and breathable material for comfort Elastic leg cuffs for a snug fit Odor neutralizing technology for freshness Reusable tapes for easy adjustment Blue color for discreet wear Latex-free to prevent allergies Why Choose MoliCare Slip Extra Plus 6S Blue MoliCare Slip Extra Plus 6S Blue provides maximum leakage protection for people with moderate to heavy incontinence. Its 3-layer absorbent core provides excellent absorbency, helping to keep skin dry and healthy. The diaper is designed to be soft and breathable, ensuring comfort and preventing skin irritation. The wetness indicator helps caregivers know when to change the diaper to prevent leaks and discomfort. The elastic leg cuffs and reusable tapes provide a secure, snug fit for active wearers while the odor-neutralizing technology keeps the diaper fresh and discreet. MoliCare Slip Extra Plus 6S Blue is latex-free, making it a safe option for people with latex allergies. The blue color adds to the discreet design, and the pull-up style makes it easy to wear and change. ..

73.41 USD

Pampers baby dry gr8 17+kg ext large spar n

Pampers baby dry gr8 17+kg ext large spar n

Mahsulot kodi: 1003192

PAMPERS Baby Dry Gr8 17+kg Ext Large Spar bilan tanishtiramiz, bu kichkintoyingizni qulay va quruq holda saqlash uchun yakuniy yechim. 17 kg dan ortiq chaqaloqlar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan bu katta hajmdagi tagliklar oqishdan yuqori himoya va uzoq muddatli quruqlikni ta'minlaydi. Innovatsion texnologiya namlikni tezda o'zlashtiradi, kechayu kunduz 12 soatgacha himoya qiladi. Moslashuvchan va yumshoq materiallarga ega bo'lgan bu tagliklar chaqaloqning erkin harakatlanishiga imkon berib, qulay va yumshoq tuyg'uni ta'minlaydi. Ishonchli, yuqori sifatli taglik uchun PAMPERS Baby Dry-ga ishoning, bu bolangizni kun bo'yi quvontiradi va quruq qoladi...

39.25 USD

Seni active super pants xl 6 x 10 pcs

Seni active super pants xl 6 x 10 pcs

Mahsulot kodi: 7780819

Seni Active Super Pants XL idrar tuta olmaslik bilan shug'ullanadigan odamlar uchun ishonchli himoya va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. Ushbu to'plam har biri 10 donadan iborat 6 ta paketni o'z ichiga oladi, jami 60 ta katta o'lchamdagi yuqori sifatli bezi bezi shimini ta'minlaydi. Ushbu shimlar o'z mustaqilligi va qadr-qimmatini saqlab qolishga intilayotgan faol shaxslar uchun ideal bo'lgan xavfsiz va ehtiyotkor kiyimni taklif qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. Seni Active Super Pants XL ning ilg'or texnologiyasi yuqori darajada changni yutish va oqishdan himoya qilishni ta'minlaydi va foydalanuvchilarga kundalik ishlarini ishonch bilan bajarishga imkon beradi. Uyda yoki yo'lda bo'ladimi, bu inkontinans shimlari muhtojlarga xotirjamlik va ishonchli himoya beradi. Seni Active Super Pants XL ni tanlab, o'g'it tuta olmaslikni samarali va ehtiyotkorlik bilan davolash mumkin...

151.86 USD

Tampax tamponlari muntazam 30 dona

Tampax tamponlari muntazam 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2259989

The Tampax Tampons Regular for light to medium days have an absorbent core and a protective edge to stop leakage before it can occur. Each tampon also has a robust packaging and a flushable, biodegradable applicator with a non-slip anti-slip grip...

14.72 USD

Tena flex maxi m 22 dona

Tena flex maxi m 22 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7835112

TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs Experience maximum comfort and protection with the TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers. Designed with advanced technology and high-quality materials, these adult diapers feature a FlexiFit waistband that ensures a secure and comfortable fit. The waistband is adjustable, so you can customize the fit to your body shape and size. The patented ConfioAir technology allows for better breathability and promotes skin health, while the absorbent core securely locks away moisture, providing maximum leakage protection and dryness. The TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers are easy to use and change, with re-sealable tapes that allow for multiple adjustments for the perfect fit. The curved leg elastics also provide additional leakage protection and prevent any leaks from occurring from the sides. Additionally, the wetness indicator alerts you when it?s time to change the diaper, so you can stay dry and comfortable throughout the day. These adult diapers are ideal for those with moderate to heavy incontinence and provide maximum protection and comfort during long hours of wear. The pack of 22 pcs is perfect for those who need a reliable supply of adult diapers, as they are easy to store and can be easily taken on the go. With the TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers, you can enjoy the freedom of movement, confidence, and comfort you deserve...

95.67 USD

Tena flex ultima l

Tena flex ultima l

Mahsulot kodi: 7835097

TENA Flex Ultima L Agar siz kun davomida va tashqarida o'rtacha yoki og'ir darajadagi inkontinansni boshdan kechirayotgan odam bo'lsangiz, TENA Flex Ultima L sizga kerak bo'lgan narsadir. Bu yuqori sifatli inkontinans shimlari mukammal himoya, qulaylik va ixtiyoriylikni ta'minlovchi ilg'or xususiyatlar bilan yaratilgan. Shimlar erkaklar va ayollar uchun mos boʻlib, maqsadli singdirish va oqishdan yuqori himoya qiladi. Xususiyatlar Foydalanish uchun qulay, sozlanishi belbog‘i bilan mukammal moslash uchun qayta mahkamlash mumkin Ptentli ConfioAir texnologiyasi bilan mukammal changni yutish kuchi terining nafas olishi va sog‘lom bo‘lishiga imkon beradi Oqishning oldini oluvchi yuqori changni yutish xususiyatiga ega material va xavfsiz to'siqlar bilan oqishdan yuqori himoyani ta'minlaydi Yumshoq, qulay va shovqinsiz matoga o'xshash material, u haqiqiy ichki kiyimga o'xshab ketadi va ixtiyoriylikni ta'minlaydi Oʻzgartirish vaqti kelganini bildirish uchun rangini oʻzgartiruvchi namlik koʻrsatkichi Afzalliklar Maksimum xavfsizlik, qulaylik va o'rtacha va og'ir darajadagi o'g'irlab ketmaslik uchun himoyani taklif qiladi Oqish natijasida kelib chiqadigan xavotir va xijolatni yo'q qiladi Ilg'or hidni nazorat qilish texnologiyasi yordamida hidni kamaytiradi O'zining nafas oladigan va hipoalerjenik dizayni bilan terining tirnash xususiyati va toshmalar paydo bo'lishining oldini oladi Kundalik ishlar bilan shug'ullanish va hayotdan to'liq zavqlanish uchun sizga ishonch beradi Foydalanish Shunchaki oddiy ichki kiyim kabi TENA Flex Ultima L shimlarini kiying, belbog'ingizni o'lchamingizga moslang va siz tayyor bo'lasiz. Shimlar bir martalik bo'lib, foydalanishdan keyin ularni axlat qutisiga tashlash kerak. Xulosa Agar siz o'zingizga bo'lgan ishonchni qayta tiklashni va hayotingizdan zavqlanishni hech qanday bezovtaliksiz yashashni istasangiz, TENA Flex Ultima L siz uchun mukammal yechimdir. Ushbu shimlar maksimal qulaylik, ixtiyoriylik va himoyani taqdim etadi, bu sizga cheklovsiz hayot kechirishga imkon beradi. ..

126.63 USD

Tena lady super 30 dona

Tena lady super 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 1594846

Pads for moderate bladder weakness that offer very effective leakage protection and extra body protection when you need extra security. Features The Tena Lady Super Intermediate Pads offer extra body protection when you need extra security. Thanks to the super-absorbent microbeads, you are offered very effective leak protection, as they absorb the liquid and lock it in securely. The silky soft, gentle, textile-like finish wicks moisture away from the skin, helping you feel dry and secure.This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

39.40 USD

Tena slip plus katta 30 dona

Tena slip plus katta 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6190473

Product Description: TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is a pack of high-quality adult diapers that are designed to provide maximum comfort and protection to individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. These adult diapers are made using high-quality materials that are skin-friendly and super-absorbent, making them perfect for individuals who suffer from incontinence. Features Secure fit with re-closable fastening tabs ConfioAir breathable technology for skin comfort Super absorbent core that quickly locks away moisture Wetness indicator to indicate the need for a change Double-layer leg cuffs for leakage protection Odour neutraliser to keep you feeling fresh throughout the day Benefits If you suffer from incontinence, TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs can provide you with the following benefits: Peace of mind knowing that you are protected against leaks, odours and skin irritation An easy-to-use and comfortable solution that will keep you feeling confident and secure throughout the day A high-quality product that is designed with your needs in mind, providing you with maximum comfort and protection A cost-effective solution that will save you money compared to purchasing individual pads How to Use Using TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is easy. Simply remove the diaper from the packaging and unfold it. Then, place the diaper on the individual, ensuring that the elasticated cuffs are snug around the legs. Next, fasten the tabs securely onto the diaper. The wetness indicator will let you know when it's time to change the diaper. When it's time to change, remove the diaper and dispose of it in a hygienic manner. Overall, TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is a high-quality product that provides maximum comfort and protection to individuals with incontinence. Its features and benefits make it an excellent choice for those who want a reliable and effective solution for incontinence. Buy yours today and experience the difference!..

103.03 USD

Tena ultra discreet mini 28 dona

Tena ultra discreet mini 28 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7742249

For very light bladder weakness. Protects against leakage, moisture and odors. Features The Mini Magic panty liners were specially developed for very light bladder weakness. With the help of microPROTEX technology, they provide reliable protection against odours, moisture and leakage. At the same time, the panty liners give a feeling of security and freshness.Mini Magic was developed for very light bladder weakness. These discreet panty liners with microPROTEX technology offer protection against leakage, moisture and odors, so you can feel secure anywhere, anytime.Dry, secure and odor control Notices Dermatologically testedWithout perfume This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

12.72 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 11 gacha 11
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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