
Oqish o'tkazmaydigan tamponlar

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Sizning farovonligingiz va o'ziga bo'lgan ishonchingiz eng muhimi, shuning uchun nima uchun eng yaxshisidan kamroq narsaga rozi bo'lishingiz kerak? Beeovita-da biz Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan yuqori sifatli suv oqishiga chidamli tamponlarni taklif etamiz. Ushbu OB tamponlari sizning oylik davringizni tashvishga soladigan darajada qulaylik va xavfsizlikni ta'minlaydi. Bizning tamponlarimiz nafaqat himoya qilish, balki zarur intim parvarish va gigienani ham ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Ko'p qirrali, ishlatish uchun qulay va ehtiyotkor bu tamponlar har bir ayol uchun bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan narsadir. Oqish qo'rquvi, bezovtalik yo'q. Shveytsariyaning eng yaxshi yaqinlik parvarishi mahsulotlari bilan sog'ligingiz va farovonligingizga sarmoya kiriting. Beeovita: Ishonchli sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlari manbai.
Ob tamponlari oddiy quti 40 dona

Ob tamponlari oddiy quti 40 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7824087

OB Tampons Normal Box 40 pc Experience comfortable protection during your menstrual cycle with OB Tampons Normal Box 40 pc. These tampons offer reliable, leak-proof performance and come in a convenient box of 40 for extended use. OB Tampons are designed with a sleek and compact shape that provides optimal comfort and discreet wear. Leak-Proof Protection: OB Tampons feature a unique fluid-locking grooves that creates a barrier against leakage during heavy flow days. Sleek and Discreet: With no bulky applicator, OB Tampons use a streamlined design that allows for a more comfortable and discreet wear at all times. Easy to Use: These tampons come without applicators and can be inserted easily with the help of your fingers. Additionally, they are made with a silky smooth outer layer that helps make insertion and removal more comfortable. Trusted by Women: OB brand tampons have been trusted for over 60 years worldwide, with a strong reputation for quality and reliability from millions of women. Designed to suit a woman's active lifestyle, this Normal Box 40 pc set provides you with top-quality protection when you need it the most. Order now and take advantage of this convenient and trusted tampon option! ..

15.29 USD

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