Beeovita-da yuqori sifatli tizza qavslarining keng assortimentini o'rganing. Sizning qulayligingiz va qo'llab-quvvatlashingiz uchun maxsus mo'ljallangan, bizning tizza qavslarimiz jarohatdan tiklanayotgan yoki tizza osteoartriti bilan shug'ullanadiganlar uchun idealdir. Siz tizzangiz barqarorligini qidirayotgan sportchi bo'lasizmi yoki tizza og'rig'ini engillashtirmoqchi bo'lgan odamsiz, biz sizga yordam beramiz. Bizning braketlarimiz nafaqat tizzani faol qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, balki mushaklarning barqarorligini ham ta'minlaydi. Biz, shuningdek, GenuTrain P3 Active qo'llab-quvvatlash va GenuTrain A3 Active GR6 qo'llab-quvvatlashni olib yuramiz, bu sizga tizzalaringizni optimal darajada qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. Tizza tirgaklaridan tashqari siz Shveytsariya taklif qiladigan eng yaxshi ingredientlardan tayyorlangan tana parvarishi va terini parvarish qilish vositalarini topasiz. Tabiiy go'zalligingizni oshirib, tanangizga kerakli parvarishni berish uchun Beeovita xarid qiling.
3M Futuro tizza bandaji S o'ng/chap
3M FUTURO? Yon qo'llab-quvvatlovchi / o'rta tayanch darajasi / o'lchamlari bilan tizza bog'ichlari: Kichik - O'rta - Katta Qaytariladigan stabilizatorlar harakat erkinligini cheklamasdan tizzani qo'shimcha barqarorlik bilan ta'minlaydi. Tiz qovog'ini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun patella ochilishi. Optimal sig'ish uchun ikki marta cho'zilgan material.
FUTUROmi? lateral tayanchli tizza tayanchi sizga qulay stabilizatsiyani taklif qiladi va kundalik foydalanish uchun mukammal echimdir. Ushbu elastik trikotaj tizza bo'yinbog'ini kiyim ostiga kiyish mumkin va tizza mushaklari uchun qulay yordam beradi. Yanal stabilizatorlar tizzada lateral harakatni cheklaydi va patellar ochilishi qo'shimcha qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. Shikastlangan tizzangizga bu lateral qo'llab-quvvatlovchi tizza bo'shlig'i bilan kerakli narsani bering. Darhol siqish va lateral stabilizatsiyani ta'minlaydi Ideal: bukilish kabi eng ko'p uchraydigan jarohatlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash, haddan tashqari foydalanish, umumiy qo'llab-quvvatlash Elastik material sirpanishni oldini oladi Tiz qovog'ini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun patellar ochilishi Qaytariladigan stabilizatorlar harakat erkinligini cheklamasdan qo'shimcha barqarorlikni ta'minlaydi < li>Barqaror qoʻllab-quvvatlash uchun anatomik shaklga ega Nafas oladigan material Muhandislar va tibbiyot mutaxassislaridan iborat ekspertlar guruhi tomonidan qoʻllab-quvvatlanadi Maqsadli foydalanish: qattiq, kuchsiz yoki jarohatlangan tizzalar Chap yoki o'ng tizza uchun mos keladi FUTURO? Yon tayanchli tizza bandaji, S o'lchamli, Kichik (30,5 > 36,5 sm) FUTURO? yon tayanchli tizza tayanchi, M o'lchamli, o'rtacha (36,5 > 43,0 sm) FUTURO? Yon tayanchli tizza bandaji, oʻlcham L, Katta (43,0 > 49,5 sm)
3M Futuro tizza bandaji M o'ng/chap
3M FUTURO? Yon qo'llab-quvvatlovchi / o'rta tayanch darajasi / o'lchamlari bilan tizza bog'ichlari: Kichik - O'rta - Katta Qaytariladigan stabilizatorlar harakat erkinligini cheklamasdan tizzani qo'shimcha barqarorlik bilan ta'minlaydi. Tiz qovog'ini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun patella ochilishi. Optimal sig'ish uchun ikki marta cho'zilgan material.
FUTUROmi? lateral tayanchli tizza tayanchi sizga qulay stabilizatsiyani taklif qiladi va kundalik foydalanish uchun mukammal echimdir. Ushbu elastik trikotaj tizza bo'yinbog'ini kiyim ostiga kiyish mumkin va tizza mushaklari uchun qulay yordam beradi. Yanal stabilizatorlar tizzada lateral harakatni cheklaydi va patellar ochilishi qo'shimcha qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. Shikastlangan tizzangizga bu lateral qo'llab-quvvatlovchi tizza bo'shlig'i bilan kerakli narsani bering. Darhol siqish va lateral stabilizatsiyani ta'minlaydi Ideal: bukilish kabi eng ko'p uchraydigan jarohatlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash, haddan tashqari foydalanish, umumiy qo'llab-quvvatlash Elastik material sirpanishni oldini oladi Tiz qovog'ini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun patellar ochilishi Qaytariladigan stabilizatorlar harakat erkinligini cheklamasdan qo'shimcha barqarorlikni ta'minlaydi < li>Barqaror qoʻllab-quvvatlash uchun anatomik shaklga ega Nafas oladigan material Muhandislar va tibbiyot mutaxassislaridan iborat ekspertlar guruhi tomonidan qoʻllab-quvvatlanadi Maqsadli foydalanish: qattiq, kuchsiz yoki jarohatlangan tizzalar Chap yoki o'ng tizza uchun mos keladi FUTURO? Yon tayanchli tizza bandaji, S o'lchamli, Kichik (30,5 > 36,5 sm) FUTURO? yon tayanchli tizza tayanchi, M o'lchamli, o'rtacha (36,5 > 43,0 sm) FUTURO? Yon tayanchli tizza bandaji, oʻlcham L, Katta (43,0 > 49,5 sm)
The Bilasto knee bandage provides mechanical support for the knee, preventing incorrect posture and excessive strain on the joints. It also helps prevent re-injury and provides the correct compression. The light pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to a reduction of pain and swelling. The functionality of the knee is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process of blunt injuries.
Colour: BeigeSize: XXL (44-46cm)
Bilasto supports are medical supports which must fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable possible wearing comfort. Therefore they are produced seamlessly using the circular knitting process and are also longitudinally and transversely elastic, non-slip and have no pressure points...
BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige L
The BILASTO Knee Bandage is specially designed to provide maximum support and comfort to your knees during physical activities. Made of premium quality materials, this knee bandage is a perfect blend of style, durability, and functionality. This product is ideal for anyone dealing with knee injuries, including athletes, hikers, and fitness enthusiasts.
The BILASTO Knee Bandage is made of breathable and stretchable materials. The bandage conforms perfectly to the shape of your knees, providing maximum compression without restricting your movements. It has an anatomical design that helps in reducing pain and stiffness in the knees. The bandage also eases the tension on the quadriceps and patellar tendon, reducing the risk of injury or aggravation of existing injuries.
The Beige color of the BILASTO Knee Bandage gives it an elegant look, making it a perfect accessory for anyone looking to make a fashion statement with their fitness gear. This Knee Bandage is a must-have for anyone dealing with knee pain or seeking extra support for their knees during physical activities. It provides unparalleled comfort, support, and protection for your knees.
The BILASTO Knee Bandage comes in Large Size (L) and is suitable for people with Knee Circumference of 38-40cm. The product is easy to use and can be adjusted to fit your knees perfectly. The bandage is also easy to clean, and its high-quality materials ensure that it can withstand the rigors of daily use.
Overall, the BILASTO Knee Bandage is an excellent product for anyone looking for extra support and protection for their knees. Its comfort and durability make it the go-to choice for anyone who wants to stay active without worrying about knee pain or injury. Order your BILASTO Knee Bandage today and experience unparalleled comfort and support for your knees!
The Bilasto knee bandage provides mechanical support for the knee, preventing incorrect posture and excessive strain on the joints. It also helps prevent re-injury and provides the correct compression. The light pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to a reduction of pain and swelling. The functionality of the knee is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process of blunt injuries.
Colour: BeigeSize: XL (40-43cm)
Bilasto supports are medical supports which must fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable possible wearing comfort. Therefore they are produced seamlessly using the circular knitting process and are also longitudinally and transversely elastic, non-slip and have no pressure points...
Bort faol rangli tiz cho'tkasi xususiyatlari L + 37 sm teri rangiYevropa CE sertifikatiO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 90g Uzunlik: 20mm Eni: 180mm Balandligi: 110mm Bort Active Color Knee Brace L + 37cm teri rangini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling ..
Bort faol rangli tizza tayanchining xususiyatlari M -37 sm qoraEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 87 g p>Uzunlik: 20mm Keng: 180mm Balandligi: 110mm Bort Active Color Knee Support M -37cm qora rangni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling p>..
Bort faol rangli tizza tayanchining xususiyatlari M -37 sm teri rangiYevropa CE sertifikatiO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 84 g Uzunlik: 20mm Eni: 180mm Balandligi: 110mm Bort Active Color Knee Support M -37cm teri rangini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling ..
Bort faol rangli tizza tayanchining xususiyatlari S -32 sm teri rangiYevropa CE sertifikatiO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 75g Uzunlik: 20mm Eni: 180mm Balandligi: 110mm Bort Active Color Knee Support S -32cm teri rangini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling ..
Bort Active Color Knee Support XL + 42cm blue
Introducing the Bort Active Color Knee Support XL, the perfect solution for those looking to reduce knee pain and support their joint during physical activities. Made with high-quality materials, this knee support is designed for durability and long-lasting use.
The knee support is made with breathable and comfortable fabric that allows for a wide range of motion while providing adequate support to the knee joint. The XL size of this product fits most people and ensures a comfortable fit for individuals with a knee circumference of up to 42cm.
One of the key features of this product is the use of Blue Meryl® fiber, which helps to reduce skin irritation and wick away moisture from the skin. This means that users can stay comfortable and dry during any physical activity, from hiking and running to weightlifting and aerobics.
In addition to providing support and comfort, the Bort Active Color Knee Support XL also helps to alleviate knee pain caused by arthritis, inflammation, or injury. It's lightweight and easy to use, making it the perfect accessory for athletes and individuals who lead an active lifestyle.
This product is available in blue, which adds a stylish touch to any workout or physical activity. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting on your fitness journey, the Bort Active Color Knee Support XL is a must-have for anyone looking to protect their knee joint and alleviate knee pain.
Epitact Physiostrap was developed for people with unstable or painful knees, osteoarthritis, kneecap diseases and ligament instability. The bandage gives a feeling of stability and helps to maintain or improve mobility in everyday life and is hardly noticeable when worn. The slight compression around the knee stabilizes the kneecap, improves body awareness and relieves pain. The relief achieved increases mobility and increases the ability to walk.Epitact Physiostrap has been specially developed to be worn under any type of clothing because it is extra fine and unobtrusive.
GenuTrain faol qoʻllab-quvvatlovchi Gr4 titanium tizza jarohati yoki surunkali tizza ogʻrigʻi boʻlgan shaxslarni maqsadli qoʻllab-quvvatlash va barqarorlikni taʼminlash uchun moʻljallangan yuqori darajadagi tizza bogʻichidir. Yuqori sifatli, engil titan materiallardan tayyorlangan bu braket kun bo'yi kiyish uchun misli ko'rilmagan qulaylik va chidamlilikni ta'minlaydi. Noyob Gr4 dizayni tizza bo'g'imini optimal darajada qo'llab-quvvatlaydi va jismoniy mashqlar paytida to'liq harakatlanish imkonini beradi. Sozlanishi tasmalar va nafas oluvchi mato bilan u barcha o'lchamdagi foydalanuvchilar uchun xavfsiz va qulay joyni ta'minlaydi. Jarohatdan tiklanayotganmi yoki kelajakda tizza bilan bog'liq muammolarning oldini olmoqchimisiz, GenuTrain faol qo'llab-quvvatlovchi Gr4 titanium tiklanish va jarohatlarning oldini olish vositalari to'plamiga muhim qo'shimcha hisoblanadi...
GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature
The GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature is a comfortable knee support designed to promote healing and protect against future injury. Made with high-quality materials and innovative technology, this product is perfect for athletes looking to recover from knee injuries or prevent them from happening altogether.
Features & Benefits
Medical-grade compression helps to reduce pain and swelling
Anatomically shaped knit provides gentle massage and support to the knee joint
Skin-friendly materials ensure all-day comfort and prevent irritation
Adjustable straps allow for a customized fit and optimal support
Innovative design allows for maximum mobility without sacrificing stability
Easy to put on and take off, even for those with limited mobility
Who Should Use It?
The GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature is ideal for anyone looking to prevent or recover from knee injuries, including:
Athletes participating in high-intensity sports
Individuals with chronic knee pain or instability
Those recovering from knee surgery or trauma
People with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis
How to Size
To select the right size, measure the circumference of your thigh 6 inches above your kneecap, and then measure the circumference of your calf 4 inches below your kneecap. Use these measurements to determine the appropriate size:
Thigh Circumference
Calf Circumference
13 3/4" - 15"
9 1/2" - 10 1/4"
15" - 16 1/8"
10 1/4" - 11"
16 1/8" - 17 3/8"
11" - 11 3/4"
17 3/8" - 18 1/2"
11 3/4" - 12 5/8"
18 1/2" - 19 5/8"
12 5/8" - 13 3/8"
19 5/8" - 20 3/4"
13 3/8" - 14 1/8"
Customer Reviews
Here's what our customers are saying:
"I've been using the GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature for a few weeks now, and I'm already noticing a huge improvement in my knee pain. It's comfortable to wear all day, and the compression really helps reduce swelling. Highly recommend!"
- Sarah J.
"As a competitive athlete, I'm always looking for ways to protect my knees and prevent injury. The GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature is a game-changer. It offers the perfect combination of stability and flexibility, so I can move freely without worrying about getting hurt. Love it!"
- David L.
Order Now
Don't let knee pain hold you back. Order the GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature today and take the first step towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.
Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan - Your Perfect Knee Support Partner
If you are looking for the best knee support gear for your active lifestyle, the Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan is the perfect product for you. It is designed to provide excellent support and protection for your knee while enabling you to move about freely and confidently.
Medical-Grade Compression: This knee brace uses medical-grade compression to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation in the knee area. It also enhances proprioception or your body's ability to sense movement and position.
Adjustable Wrapping: The Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan has a wrap-around design with adjustable straps that make it easy to adjust the fit and compression level for a customized fit. This feature ensures that the brace stays in place, even during intense sports activities.
Safe and Comfortable: Made from premium-quality materials, this knee support gear is skin-friendly, breathable, and moisture-wicking, making it comfortable to wear all day long. It is also safe to use, free from harmful chemicals, and has received the Öko-Tex Standard 100 certificate.
Durable and Functional: The Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan is built to last, thanks to its robust and durable construction. It is machine washable, easy to maintain, and available in various sizes to fit all knee shapes.
Ideal for Athletic Performance and Injury Prevention: From running, weightlifting to team sports like football, basketball, and soccer, this knee brace provides excellent support and protection to your joints, allowing you to perform at your best without risking injury.
Why Choose Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan?
Whether you are recovering from a knee injury or looking for a reliable knee support gear for your active lifestyle, the Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan is an excellent choice. It combines innovative design, premium-quality materials, and advanced features to ensure that your knee receives the best care and protection. Order your Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan today and experience the difference!
GenuTrain P3 faol bandaj hajmi 3 chap titan
Tiz qovog'ini optimal markazlashtirish uchun faol bandaj, mobillashtirilgan va tibbiy jihatdan samarali. Hajmi: 3 34-37 sm / Rang: Titan
Tiz qovog'ini optimal markazlashtirish uchun faol bandaj, faollashtirilgan, mobillashtirilgan va tibbiy jihatdan samarali. Bandaj anatomik shaklga ega va nafas oladi. U xavfsiz o'rnatish bilan yuqori darajadagi qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. Tiz qovog'i atrofidagi maxsus shakldagi massaj yostig'i lateral driftga qarshi turadi. Bandaj kiyish mushaklarni faollashtiradi va mushaklarning parchalanishiga olib kelmaydi.
Qo'llash sohalari:
Tizza qovog'i hududida og'riq Tiz qovog'ining tashqariga siljishi Oyoq bukilgan va cho'zilganida tizza qovog'i yuqoriga siljiydi
209.51 USD
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 19 gacha 19 (hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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Agar sizga kerak bo'lgan tovarni topmagan bo'lsangiz, bizga yozing, biz sizga albatta yordam beramiz