Interdental cho'tkalar
(hammasi 4 sahifa)
Curaprox ata tish cho'tkasi
Curaprox ATA tish cho'tkasining xususiyatlariO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 22 g Uzunligi: 19 mm Kenig'i: 42 mm Balandligi: 223 mm Curaprox ATA tish cho‘tkasini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
8.72 USD
Curaprox cps 22 interdental cho'tkasi ko'k 5 dona
Curaprox CPS 22 tishlararo cho'tkasining xususiyatlari ko'k 5 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 5 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Curaprox CPS 22 tishlararo cho‘tkasi ko‘k 5 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
15.68 USD
Curaprox cps 28 tishlararo cho'tka binafsha 5 dona
Introducing the Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush Violet 5 pcs The Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush is the ultimate solution for your oral hygiene needs. These violet-colored interdental brushes are available in a pack of 5 pieces, which ensures you have enough tools to last you for several weeks. The brush is designed for cleaning the space between your teeth - the interdental areas - to remove any dirt, debris, or food particles that could cause bad breath, gum disease, or tooth decay. Top Features of Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush The Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush offers several features that make it a must-have for maintaining your oral health: The brush features specially treated filaments that are gentle on your gums and teeth, ensuring you do not experience any discomfort while using the product. The brush head is small enough to fit into tight spaces between the teeth, enabling efficient cleaning and preventing plaque build-up. The brush has a strong wire core that provides excellent durability, ensuring that the bristles remain firm for effective cleaning. Each brush has a cap that protects the bristles during storage and makes it easy to carry your brush with you wherever you go. How to use the Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush Using the Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush is easy, and you do not require any special skills or tools to get the most out of the product. Simply follow the steps below: Choose the right size of the brush for your interdental spaces. The package comes with five brushes of varying sizes, so select the one that fits well in the gaps between your teeth. Insert the brush gently between your teeth, using a back-and-forth motion to clean the sides of your teeth. Move the brush in and out of your teeth, taking care not to press too hard on your gums or teeth. Rinse the brush under running water, then replace the cap to protect the bristles. Conclusion The Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush is a powerful tool for maintaining your oral hygiene. By using it regularly, you can easily prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, leaving you with a bright and healthy smile. Order your Curaprox CPS 28 Interdental Brush today and start enjoying the benefits of excellent oral health...
15.68 USD
Curaprox cps 457 cho'ntak to'plami ushlagichi + 4 ta interdental cho'tka
This attractively designed and functional box for use at home or on the go includes an ergonomically designed plastic holder and several CPS prime interdental brushes. These can be purchased individually. Pocket set with 4 CPS prime (06, 07, 09, 011) interdental brushes and holder UHS 450 ..
17.85 USD
Curaprox cs 1006 cho'tkasi 6 mm yagona
For fans and lovers of perfect toothbrushing technique Adapts perfectly to the anatomy of the gum line: There is no better way to brush your teeth. The perfect brush for virtuoso tooth brushers. Trimming length 6 mm. CUREN® filaments, 0.1 mm diameter. Is that even a toothbrush? Yes, and how! There is no better way to brush your teeth: tooth by tooth, and the gum line is perfectly clean and the gums are protected. Jiri Sedelmayer developed the cleaning technique, this is the so-called solo technique, and CURAPROX designed the single-tuft brush for it, which is really good: not only with CUREN® filaments, but also with beautifully rounded tufts of bristles. How come? Well, this is how the filaments adapt wonderfully to the anatomy of the gum line. Also recommended for braces and implants or simply for the joy of brushing your teeth perfectly.? Flatters the gum line? CUREN® filaments with a perfect round cut? For braces and implants...? ...or simply for the joy of brushing your teeth perfectly ..
9.76 USD
Curaprox ls 631 cho'tkasi xx-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona
Curaprox LS 631 cho'tkasi xx-nozik interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona CURAPROX LS imkon qadar sodda va toza bo'lib, juda yaxshi tozalash ko'rsatkichlarini taklif etadi. Ko'pgina stomatologlar va ko'plab foydalanuvchilar ushlagichsiz foydalanish uchun uzun stendli tizimimizni qadrlashadi. Ayniqsa uzun sim tozalashni osonlashtiradi. 8 dona..
16.61 USD
Curaprox ls 632 cho'tkasi x-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona
Curaprox LS 632 cho'tkasining xususiyatlari x-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 8 donaOg'irligi: 7g Uzunligi: 3mm Eng: 65 mm Balandligi: 117 mm Curaprox LS 632 cho'tkasi x-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
16.61 USD
Curaprox ls 634 nozik cho'tkasi interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona
Curaprox LS 634 cho'tkasi nozik interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona CURAPROX LS imkon qadar sodda va toza bo'lib, juda yaxshi tozalash ko'rsatkichlarini taklif etadi. Ko'pgina stomatologlar va ko'plab foydalanuvchilar ushlagichsiz foydalanish uchun uzun stendli tizimimizni qadrlashadi. Ayniqsa uzun sim tozalashni osonlashtiradi. 8 dona..
16.61 USD
Curaprox ls 635 cho'tkasi o'rta tishlararo cho'tkalar 8 dona
Curaprox LS 635 cho'tkasi o'rta tishlararo cho'tkalar 8 dona CURAPROX LS imkon qadar sodda va toza bo'lib, juda yaxshi tozalash ko'rsatkichlarini taklif etadi. Ko'pgina stomatologlar va ko'plab foydalanuvchilar ushlagichsiz foydalanish uchun uzun stendli tizimimizni qadrlashadi. Ayniqsa uzun sim tozalashni osonlashtiradi. 8 dona..
20.77 USD
Curaprox ls 635 g cho'tkasi o'rta / katta tishlararo cho'tkalar 5 dona
Curaprox LS 635 G cho'tkasi o'rta/katta tishlararo cho'tkalar 5 dona CURAPROX LS imkon qadar sodda va toza bo'lib, juda yaxshi tozalash ko'rsatkichlarini taklif etadi. Ko'pgina stomatologlar va ko'plab foydalanuvchilar ushlagichsiz foydalanish uchun uzun stendli tizimimizni qadrlashadi. Ayniqsa uzun sim tozalashni osonlashtiradi. 5 dona..
16.61 USD
Curaprox ls 637 cho'tkasi oldingi katta tishlararo cho'tkalar 5 dona
Curaprox LS 637 cho'tkasining xususiyatlari 5 donadan iborat katta tishlararo cho'tkasiO'ramdagi miqdori: 5 donaOg'irligi: 7g Uzunligi: 18 mm p>Eni: 64 mm Balandligi: 104 mm Curaprox LS 637 cho‘tkasi ex Katta tishlararo cho‘tkasi 5 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
16.61 USD
Curaprox lsp 652 brush x-fine interdental brushes 8 pcs
Curaprox LSP 652 cho'tkasi x-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona Tishlar orasidagi tozalash uchun tishlararo cho'tkalar. Xususiyatlar..
16.72 USD
Curaprox lsp 656 cho'tkasi katta tishlararo cho'tkasi 5 dona
Curaprox LSP 656 cho'tkasi katta tishlararo cho'tkalar 5 dona Tishlar orasidagi tozalash uchun tishlararo cho'tkalar. Xususiyatlar..
16.61 USD
Curaprox uhs 413 mono ushlagich ko'k
Curaprox UHS 413 Mono Holder Blue Product Description: The Curaprox UHS 413 Mono Holder Blue is a high-quality oral hygiene product that is designed to assist in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. The holder is made from durable materials that enable it to last for a long time, making it an excellent investment for individuals who are serious about oral care. The holder is designed for use with UHS 413 single brushes, which fit perfectly onto the holder. The brushes are made from soft, fine filaments that are gentle on the teeth and gums. They effectively clean the areas between the teeth, which is where most bacteria and debris tend to accumulate. The Curaprox UHS 413 Mono Holder Blue features an ergonomic design that is comfortable to use. It has a non-slip grip that ensures that you can comfortably hold it for as long as necessary, without experiencing any discomfort or pain. The holder is also lightweight, which means you can easily carry it with you wherever you go. The holder is incredibly easy to use. You simply attach the UHS 413 single brush onto the holder, and you're good to go. The holder's design ensures that the brush stays securely in place during use, which makes it incredibly effective in cleaning between the teeth. Product Features: Durable, long-lasting holder Soft, fine filaments Ergonomic design Non-slip grip Lightweight and portable Easy to use Conclusion: The Curaprox UHS 413 Mono Holder Blue is a highly effective oral hygiene product that is designed to assist in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Its durable construction, soft filaments, and ergonomic design make it incredibly easy to use, while its portability ensures that you can always have it on hand. If you are looking for a reliable oral care product, the Curaprox UHS 413 Mono Holder Blue is an excellent choice...
15.86 USD
Emoform interdental cho'tkalar 1,7 mm ochiq ko'k 5 dona
Ochiq ko'k rangdagi 1,7 mm diametrli Emoform Interdental Brushes yordamida og'iz bo'shlig'ingiz gigienasiga rioya qiling. Ushbu to'plamga erishish qiyin bo'lgan interdental bo'shliqlarni samarali tozalash uchun mo'ljallangan 5 ta cho'tka mavjud. Yupqa 1,7 mm cho'tka o'lchami oson manevr qilish imkonini beradi, bu sizning tishlaringiz orasidagi yaxshilab tozalashni ta'minlaydi. Ushbu cho'tkalar yumshoq, ammo bardoshli cho'tkalarga ega bo'lib, ular blyashka va qoldiqlarni yumshoq tarzda olib tashlaydi, tish go'shtini sog'lomlashtiradi va bo'shliqlarning oldini oladi. Emoform Interdental Brushes yordamida yangi va sog'lom tabassumni saqlab qolish hech qachon oson bo'lmagan. Optimal tish salomatligiga erishish uchun kundalik og'iz bo'shlig'ini parvarish qilish uchun ideal...
14.03 USD
Emoform tishlararo cho'tkasi 1,9 mm och yashil 5 dona
EMOFORM tishlararo cho'tkasining xususiyatlari 1,9 mm och yashil 5 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 5 donaOg'irligi: 21 g Uzunligi: 12 mm Eng: 75 mm Balandligi: 110 mm EMOFORM tishlararo cho‘tkasi 1,9 mm och yashil 5 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
14.11 USD
Emoform tishlararo cho'tkasi 3,0 mm to'q yashil 5 dona
EMOFORM tishlararo cho'tkasining xususiyatlari 3,0 mm to'q yashil 5 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 5 donaOg'irligi: 21 g Uzunligi: 12 mm Eni: 75 mm Balandligi: 110 mm EMOFORM tishlararo cho'tkasi 3,0 mm to'q yashil 5 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
14.11 USD
Paro interspace cho'tkasi f yumshoq oq to'ldirish 6 dona
PARO Interspace Brush F yumshoq oq to'ldirish 6 dona Ko'pgina Paro tish cho'tkalarining dastasi uchiga qavslar va qattiq ortodontik asboblarni qo'shimcha tozalash uchun mos keladi. Xususiyatlar Ko'pgina Paro tish cho'tkalarining dastasi uchiga qavslar va qattiq ortodontik asboblarni qo'shimcha tozalash uchun mos keladi. ..
7.89 USD
Paro interspace cho'tkasi tutqichi oq f 2 cho'tkalar
PARO Interspace cho'tkasi F ushlagichi oq 2 ta cho'tka Ko'pgina Paro tish cho'tkalarining dastasi uchiga qavslar va qattiq ortodontik asboblarni qo'shimcha tozalash uchun mos keladi. Xususiyatlar Ko'pgina Paro tish cho'tkalarining dastasi uchiga qavslar va qattiq ortodontik asboblarni qo'shimcha tozalash uchun mos keladi. ..
7.89 USD
Paro isola f 2,5 mm xx-nozik sariq silindr 5 dona
PARO ISOLA F 2,5 mm xx-nozik sariq silindrning xususiyatlari Eng: 34 mm Balandligi: 100 mm Shveytsariyadan PARO ISOLA F 2,5 mm xx-fine sariq tsilindrni 5 dona onlayn xarid qiling..
10.92 USD
Paro isola f 3 / 7mm nozik qizil konussimon 5 dona
Xususiyatlari PARO ISOLA F 3 / 7mm nozik qizil konussimon 5 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 5 donaOg'irligi: 13g Uzunligi: 16mm Eng: 34mm Balandligi: 100mm Shveytsariyadan PARO ISOLA F 3 / 7mm nozik qizil konussimon 5 dona sotib oling..
10.92 USD
Paro isola long 2,5 mm xx nozik ko'k silindr 10 dona
PARO ISOLA LONG 2,5 mm xx-nozik ko'k silindrning xususiyatlari Eng: 33 mm Balandligi: 100 mm Shveytsariyadan PARO ISOLA LONG 2,5 mm xx-fine blue cyl 10 dona onlayn xarid qiling..
15.27 USD
Paro isola long 3mm x-nozik qizil tsilindr 10 dona
PARO ISOLA LONG 3mm x-nozik qizil silindr 10 dona Tishlararo bo'shliqlar, implantlar, ko'priklar va bar konstruksiyalarini tozalash uchun interface cho'tkasi . Xususiyatlar Ushbu kosmik cho'tkalarning uzun simli uchi osongina kerakli shaklga egilishi mumkin. Bu shuni anglatadiki, old tomondan tishlar orasidagi bo'shliqlar va orqa tomondagi erishish qiyinroq joylar yaxshi tozalanishi mumkin. Uzun cho'tka maydoni har bir orqaga va oldinga harakatda optimal tozalashni ta'minlaydi. Cho'tka implantlar, ko'priklar va novda tuzilmalarini tozalash uchun ham mos keladi. div>..
14.79 USD
Paro isola long 5 mm nozik yashil silindrli 10 dona
PARO ISOLA LONG 5 mm nozik yashil silindrli 10 dona Tishlararo bo'shliqlar, implantlar, ko'priklar va bar konstruksiyalarini tozalash uchun interface cho'tkasi . Xususiyatlar Ushbu kosmik cho'tkalarning uzun simli uchi osongina kerakli shaklga egilishi mumkin. Bu degani, oldingi tishlar orasidagi bo'shliqlar va orqa sohadagi erishish qiyinroq joylar yaxshi tozalanishi mumkin. Uzun cho'tka maydoni har bir orqaga va oldinga harakatda optimal tozalashni ta'minlaydi. Cho'tka implantlar, ko'priklar va novda tuzilmalarini tozalash uchun ham mos keladi. div>..
14.79 USD
Paro isola long 8 mm o'rta yashil cyl 5 dona
Paro Isola Long 8 mm o'rta yashil silindrning xususiyatlari p>Eng: 34 mm Balandligi: 100 mm Shveytsariyadan Paro Isola Long 8 mm O'rta Yashil 5 dona 5 dona sotib oling..
11.03 USD
(hammasi 4 sahifa)