Beeovita-ga xush kelibsiz - sog'liqni saqlash va go'zallik mahsulotlarini yetkazib beruvchi, hasharotlar chaqishini davolashga qaratilgan. Bizning muolajalar assortimentimiz keng va turli ehtiyojlarni qamrab oladi. Siz kiyim-kechak, bint, plasterlardan tortib, birinchi yordam va fiksatsiya uchun yechimlargacha bo'lgan mahsulotlarning inklyuziv tanlovini topasiz. Biz hasharotlar chaqishi og'riqli bezovtalikni tushunamiz. Shuning uchun, biz ko'karganlarni davolash, ishqalanishni davolash, hasharotlar chaqishi va boshqalar uchun samarali tabletkalarni taklif qilamiz. Shuningdek, biz hasharotlar chaqishi uchun zarur bo'lgan mahsulotlarimizni, jumladan taniqli yaralarni davolovchi malham, tikuvlarga qarshi krem, organik bolalar kremi va efir moylarini taqdim etishdan faxrlanamiz. Beeovita kompaniyasining hasharotlar chaqishi va boshqalar uchun sog'liq uchun yechimlari bilan o'zingizga loyiq bo'lgan xotirjamlik va yengillikni his eting.
BITE AWAY neo Thekensteller 10 Stk FR
The BITE AWAY neo Thekensteller 10 Stk FR is a set of 10 individual devices designed to relieve itching, swelling, and discomfort caused by insect bites and stings. This groundbreaking gadget is based on a patented technology that uses heat to neutralize insect venom and alleviate symptoms within seconds. The unique design of BITE AWAY allows for complete precision and control over the area to be treated, reducing the chance of painful side effects or further irritation.
BITE AWAY is effective against a wide range of insect bites including mosquitoes, wasps, bees, fire ants and more. It can also be used to treat stings from poisonous plants and jellyfish. Its compact size and easy-to-use design make it an essential tool for anyone who loves to spend time outdoors, especially campers, hikers, and travelers.
The BITE AWAY neo Thekensteller 10 Stk FR set includes 10 individual devices, making it ideal for use in hotels, resorts, and other hospitality spaces. Each device is disposable, hygienic, and safe to use, ensuring complete peace of mind for users. With a simple press of a button, BITE AWAY provides relief from the itching, swelling, and pain that can make outdoor adventures less enjoyable.
The BITE AWAY neo Thekensteller 10 Stk FR is made from high-quality materials and is built to last. It is environmentally friendly and free from any harmful chemicals or substances. The set comes with clear instructions on how to use the device, making it easy for anyone to get the relief they need.
Overall, the BITE AWAY neo Thekensteller 10 Stk FR is a highly effective and convenient solution for insect bites and stings. Its innovative technology provides fast relief from itching and swelling, helping people to enjoy their time outdoors without the discomfort and irritation of insect bites.
The Stich-Weg Roll-On from Homedi-kind is a natural care product for insect bites that can be applied with pinpoint accuracy. The roll-on is suitable from the 5th month and contains eucalyptus radiata oil, rose geranium, lavender and jojoba oil.
Without chemical additives, synthetic colors and Fragrances, silicones, paraffinsMade with careMade from natural and high-quality raw materialsHigh tolerance: Suitable for sensitive baby and children's skin, but also for demanding skin Adult skin.
Use the roll-on to apply the oil to the affected areas. Repeat as often as necessary. Composition Simmondsia chinensis oil, Lavandula officinalis oil, Eucalyptus radiata oil, Pelargonium graveolens oil, Linalool, Citronellol, Geraniol, Limonene..
Germaniyadan 10 donadan iborat neo hisoblagich displey bilan tanishing, bu hasharotlar chaqishini samarali davolash uchun sizning yakuniy yechimingiz. Birinchi yordam va tuzatish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan ushbu mahsulot yaralarni parvarish qilish va parvarish qilish toifasiga kiradi, bu sizga hasharotlar chaqishini tezda bartaraf etish uchun zarur vositalarga ega bo'lishingizni ta'minlaydi. Nemisda ishlab chiqarilgan ushbu innovatsion mahsulot bilan noqulaylik va qichishish bilan xayrlashing, bu tez yordam beradi. Kutilmagan hasharotlar chaqishi uchun doimo tayyor bo'lishingiz uchun ushbu muhim birinchi yordamni to'plang. Osonlik va tez yengillik uchun bugun kollektsiyangizga bite away neo taymer displeyini qo‘shing...
Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml: Say Goodbye to Insects Bites and Stings!
Are you tired of suffering from itching, swelling, and redness caused by insect bites and stings? Don't worry, Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml is here to help!
This roll-on is a natural and effective solution to prevent and treat insect bites and stings. It's made with a unique blend of essential oils such as citronella, lavender, and peppermint that act as a natural repellent against insects. These oils also provide a cooling effect that soothes the skin and reduces itching and inflammation.
Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml is easy to use and convenient. Its compact size and roll-on applicator make it ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and picnics. The formula is non-greasy, non-sticky, and quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving a pleasant fragrance behind.
This roll-on is safe for all skin types, including children and pregnant women. Unlike chemical-based repellents that can be harmful and irritating to the skin and eyes, Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml is free from harmful chemicals such as DEET and parabens.
For the best results, apply a small amount of the roll-on directly on the area affected by insect bites or stings. Repeat as necessary, and you will notice immediate relief from itching and swelling. You can also use it to prevent insect bites by applying it on the exposed areas of your skin.
Get your Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml today and protect yourself and your loved ones from the irritating and harmful effects of insect bites and stings!..
PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Multi-Ber Cr Bab Bio
Protect your skin from stings and bites with the PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Multi-Ber Cr Bab Bio. Made from 100% natural ingredients, this powerful and effective cream is the perfect solution for all your insect problems.
The PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Multi-Ber Cr Bab Bio features a unique blend of essential oils, including lavender, lemon eucalyptus, and citronella. These ingredients work together to deter insects and keep them from biting and stinging.
The cream is specifically designed for babies and young children, making it a safe and gentle option for families with kids. The natural ingredients are also gentle on sensitive skin, making it an ideal choice for those with allergies or skin sensitivity.
Simply apply a small amount of the PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Multi-Ber Cr Bab Bio to any exposed skin before heading outdoors. The cream absorbs quickly and leaves no residue, so you can enjoy the great outdoors without any worries.
Don't let insect bites and stings ruin your outdoor fun. Try the PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Multi-Ber Cr Bab Bio today and experience the natural power of essential oils.
29.37 USD
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 5 gacha 5 (hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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