saytida biz Shveytsariyadan yuqori sifatli ingalyatsion qurilmalar va aksessuarlarning keng assortimentini taklif etamiz. Nafas olish muammolari yoki surunkali obstruktiv o'pka kasalligi (KOAH) bilan og'rigan shaxslar uchun ideal bo'lgan mahsulotlarimiz o'pka faoliyatini yaxshilashga va burun tiqilishini bartaraf etishga qaratilgan. Sovuq inhalyatsion eritmalar qatorini o'z ichiga olgan holda, bizning tanlovimiz faqat klinika bilan cheklanmaydi. Umumiy salomatlik va dam olishga yordam beradigan aromaterapiya inhalerlari, efir moylari va aksessuarlar to'plamimiz bilan tanishing. Biz sizning ishonchli yechimlarga bo'lgan ehtiyojingizni tushunamiz - mahsulotlarimiz hatto 0-9 oylik chaqaloqlar uchun ham darhol foydalanish uchun javob beradi. Nafas olish asboblari va aksessuarlari bilan bir qatorda teringizni parvarish qilish uchun bir qator tana parvarishi va kosmetika vositalarini ham topasiz. Sog'lik va go'zallik ehtiyojlaringizni to'ldirish uchun yaratilgan yuqori sifatli jarohatni parvarish qilish, parvarishlash buyumlari, tibbiy asboblar va terapiya mahsulotlarimizni kashf eting.
BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt
The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt is specially designed for infants and young children up to 9 months old. This inhalation aid makes it easier to administer aerosol therapy to your little one, helping to alleviate respiratory issues such as bronchitis, asthma, and cystic fibrosis.
The inhalation aid is made of soft, medical grade silicone that is gentle on your baby's delicate skin. It is designed to provide a tight yet comfortable seal around the mouth and nose, ensuring that the medication is delivered directly into the lungs.
The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt is lightweight and easy to use. It can be taken apart for thorough cleaning and is dishwasher safe.
Using the inhalation aid is simple and straightforward. Place the medication cup in the holder, then attach the mouthpiece to the silicone mask. Place the mask over your baby's mouth and nose, ensuring a tight seal. Then, administer the medication according to your doctor's instructions.
With the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt, you can help your little one breathe easier and manage their respiratory issues more effectively. Order today and experience the difference!
Introducing Emser Inhalator Pro
Are you looking for a fast and effective way to relieve nasal congestion and improve the health of your respiratory system? Look no further than the Emser Inhalator Pro ? the ultimate solution for your nasal and respiratory health needs.
How it Works
The Emser Inhalator Pro utilizes advanced ultrasonic technology to produce a fine mist of saline solution that penetrates deep into your nasal passages and respiratory system. This helps loosen mucus and debris, making it easier to breathe and promoting overall respiratory health.
It?s incredibly easy to use. Simply fill the reservoir with saline solution, turn it on, and breathe in the refreshing mist through the mask.
Features and Benefits
Adjustable mist intensity ? choose the perfect level of mist for your needs
Automatic shut-off ? ensures safety and prevents overuse
Quiet operation ? won?t disturb your relaxation or sleep
Compact and lightweight ? easy to take anywhere
All-natural solution ? no chemicals or medications required
Who Can Benefit?
The Emser Inhalator Pro is ideal for anyone suffering from nasal congestion, allergies, sinus problems, or any other respiratory issues. It?s perfect for those who want a natural, non-invasive solution that won?t cause side effects.
In addition, athletes and singers who rely on clear nasal and throat passages for peak performance can benefit from using the Emser Inhalator Pro before competitions or performances.
Why Choose Emser?
Emser is a trusted name in respiratory health, with years of experience developing innovative products that promote breathing and respiratory health. The Inhalator Pro is no exception ? it?s designed to deliver fast, effective relief without the need for medications or chemicals.
Don?t let nasal congestion and respiratory problems hold you back ? try the Emser Inhalator Pro today and start breathing easier!..
NICOLAY Inhalator Plastik
The NICOLAY Inhalator Plastik is an innovative and effective device designed to deliver medication to the respiratory system. Made with high-grade plastic, this inhalator is durable, lightweight, and easy to use. Whether you're experiencing asthma, bronchitis, or other respiratory issues, the NICOLAY Inhalator Plastik can help.
Key Features:
Compact and durable design
Easy to use and clean
Compatible with a wide range of medications
Suitable for all ages
How It Works:
The NICOLAY Inhalator Plastik works by creating a fine mist of medication that can be easily inhaled into the lungs. Simply add the medication to the chamber, attach the mouthpiece, and inhale as directed. The inhalator produces a gentle, comfortable mist that can provide relief for a variety of respiratory conditions.
Improved breathing and lung function
Reduced symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis
Faster onset of medication and more effective treatment
Easy and convenient to use
Overall, the NICOLAY Inhalator Plastik is an excellent choice for anyone seeking an effective and convenient way to treat respiratory conditions. Its compact and durable design makes it easy to take with you on-the-go, ensuring that you can always have relief at hand...
Pari Baby Mask Nr3, shu jumladan burchakXususiyatlarPARI Baby Mask No.1, shu jumladan. burchak:taxminan chaqaloqlar uchun. 0-1 yil.PARI chaqaloq maskasi №2, shu jumladan burchak:1 yoshdan taxminan. 3 yil.PARI chaqaloq maskasi №3, shu jumladan burchak:Kichik bolalar uchun taxminan. 3 yil...
PARI yumshoq Spiggy bolalar niqobi nafas olish terapiyasi uchun ingalyatsion asboblardan foydalanadigan bolalar uchun muhim aksessuardir. Qulay va xavfsiz joylashtirish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan ushbu niqob yosh bemorlarga dori vositalarini samarali yetkazib berishni ta'minlaydi. Yumshoq material teriga yumshoq ta'sir qiladi, bu esa davolanish seanslari paytida noqulaylikni kamaytiradi. Har xil nafas olish moslamalari bilan mos keluvchi PARI bolalar niqobi yumshoq Spiggy foydalanish va tozalash oson, bu esa ota-onalar va nafas olish kasalliklari bo'lgan bolalarga optimal parvarish qilishni izlayotgan tibbiyot xodimlari uchun muhim vositaga aylantiradi. Bu yuqori sifatli, bolalarga mos niqob yordamida farzandingizning nafas olish organlari salomatligini birinchi o‘ringa qo‘ying...
Yumshoq PARI kattalar niqobi qulay va samarali nafas olish terapiyasi uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu yuqori sifatli niqob nafas olish moslamalari bilan foydalanish uchun ideal bo'lib, optimal davolanish uchun xavfsiz va qulay joyni ta'minlaydi. Yumshoq va moslashuvchan materiallardan tayyorlangan niqob kattalar foydalanuvchilari uchun yumshoq va qulay tajribani ta'minlaydi. Uning foydalanuvchilar uchun qulay dizayni oson qo'llash va olib tashlash imkonini beradi, bu esa uni barcha harakatchanlik darajasidagi shaxslar uchun mos qiladi. Yumshoq PARI kattalar niqobi yordamida nafas olish sog'lig'ingizni yaxshilang va terapiya seanslarini yaxshilang...
PARI NaCl ingalyatsion eritmasi turli xil nafas olish sharoitlarida samarali yordam beradi. Ushbu paketda 20 ta ampula mavjud bo'lib, ularning har biri 2,5 ml steril fiziologik eritmani o'z ichiga oladi, inhalasyon terapiyasi uchun juda mos keladi. Astma, bronxit yoki KOAH kabi nafas olish muammolari bo'lgan odamlar uchun ideal bo'lgan bu inhalatsiya eritmasi shilliq qavatni yupqalashga yordam beradi, nafas olishni osonlashtiradi va balg'amni olib tashlashni osonlashtiradi. Nafas olish asboblari bilan foydalanish uchun mos bo'lgan ushbu yechim uyda yoki sog'liqni saqlash muassasalarida nafas olish yo'llarini parvarish qilish uchun zarurdir. Sizning farovonligingizni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan sifatli nafas olish vositalari uchun PARIga ishoning...
Hot water, sweat, inhale? It's easier and just as effective with Pinimenthol cold inhalant.
Hot water , sweat, inhale? It's easier and just as effective with Pinimenthol cold inhalant.Drip a few drops onto clothing, pillows or pajamas (important: Pinimenthol cold inhalant leaves no residue!) and beneficial, highly effective vapors unfold for a long time. The symptoms are alleviated and, when used at night, a restful sleep is promoted.Of course, you can also use Pinimenthol cold inhalant for conventional inhalation with hot water.