Infektsiyadan himoya qilish
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Dermaplast active epi soft plus s2
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 - bu maxsus ishlab chiqilgan tibbiy yopishtiruvchi gips bo'lib, jarohatni yuqori darajada parvarish qilish va himoya qilishni ta'minlaydi. U yarangizni himoya qilish va mahkam qoplanishini ta'minlash, tezroq shifo berish va infektsiyani oldini olish uchun mo'ljallangan. Xususiyatlar va afzalliklar Nafas oladigan material: Ushbu tibbiy yopishtiruvchi gips nafas oladigan materialdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, terining nafas olishiga imkon beradi, tirnash xususiyati kamaytiradi va tezroq shifo beradi. Yumshoq va moslashuvchan: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 teriga yumshoq va muloyim bo'lib, maksimal qulaylikni ta'minlaydi va yarani yuqori darajada himoya qiladi. Ishonchli yopishish: Ushbu gipsda ishlatiladigan yopishtiruvchi terini ishonchli ushlab turish uchun moʻljallangan va gips kun davomida joyida qolishini taʼminlaydi. Suv va terga chidamli: Ushbu tibbiy yopishtiruvchi gips suvga va terga chidamli bo'lib, jarohatingiz jismoniy faollik paytida yoki namlik ta'sirida ham himoyalangan bo'lishini ta'minlaydi. Qo'llash oson: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 qo'llash oson va istalgan o'lchamda kesilishi mumkin, bu esa har qanday jarohat va jarohatlar uchun mos keladi. Foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 gipsini qo'llashdan oldin zararlangan joyni tozalang va quriting. Gipsdan himoya tayanchni olib tashlang va yaraning yopishtiruvchi tomonini qo'llang. Gipsning teriga mahkam bog'langanligiga ishonch hosil qiling, bo'shliqlar va burmalarsiz. Gipsni kerak bo'lganda kuniga kamida bir marta yoki kerak bo'lganda tez-tez almashtiring. Xulosa DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 tezroq shifo berishni va infektsiyani oldini olishni istagan har bir kishi uchun mukammal yechimdir. Uning yumshoq va yumshoq materiali maksimal qulaylikni ta'minlaydi, ishonchli yopishish va suvga chidamli xususiyatlar uni har qanday jarohatlar va jarohatlar uchun mos qiladi. Xo'sh, nima uchun kutish kerak? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 gipsiga bugun buyurtma bering va tezroq shifo va mukammal himoyaga yordam bering!..
100.90 USD
Dermaplast active epi soft plus s3
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Yaralaringizni ishonchli himoya qiling DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ko'p qirrali yarani bog'lash vositasi bo'lib, jarohatni davolashni qo'llab-quvvatlash va uni bakteriyalar, mikroblar va boshqa infektsiyalardan himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan. Innovatsion S3 texnologiyasi bilan maxsus ishlab chiqarilgan bu yara bandaji yumshoq, hipoalerjenik va nafas oladigan materiali tufayli maksimal qulaylik va himoyani taʼminlaydigan yarani optimal parvarish qilishni taʼminlaydi. Nega DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ni tanladingiz? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 ko'p sabablarga ko'ra yarani bog'lash uchun ishlatiladigan yechimdir: Darhol yengillik va shifo muhitini ta'minlaydi. Infeksiyalar va zararli bakteriyalardan himoya qiladi. Suv o'tkazmaydigan va terga chidamli, yaraning quruq bo'lishini ta'minlaydi. Yara atrofida havo aylanishiga imkon beruvchi hipoalerjenik va nafas oladigan material. Oson qo'llanilishi bilan qulay joylashishni ta'minlash uchun mos va moslashuvchan. Har xil turdagi jarohatlar, jumladan, kesishlar, abrazivlar, ko'karishlar, yaralar va kuyishlar uchun mo'ljallangan. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 dan qanday foydalanish kerak? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-dan foydalanish oson: Yarani va uning atrofidagi terini yumshoq sovun va suv yoki steril fiziologik eritma bilan tozalang. Yarani quriting va namlik qolmasligiga ishonch hosil qiling. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 bandajining orqa qismini echib oling. Ehtiyotkorlik bilan bandajni yaraning ustiga qo'ying va joyiga mahkamlash uchun mahkam bosing. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 kattalar va bolalarda foydalanish uchun javob beradi. Ishlatishdan oldin har doim o'ramni o'qing. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-ni sotib oling: Yaralaringizni optimal parvarish bilan ta'minlang Agar siz maksimal qulaylik va himoyani ta'minlaydigan yarani himoya qiluvchi bandajni qidirsangiz, DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 sizning eng yaxshi tanlovingizdir. Hoziroq buyurtma bering va ishonchli tarzda yaralarni optimal parvarishlash va himoya qilishdan bahramand bo‘ling...
100.90 USD
Dermaplast tibbiy teri+ 10x8 sm
DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ is a highly effective and versatile wound dressing that is designed to provide effective wound healing while protecting against infection. The 10x8cm size is perfect for use on larger wounds, making it ideal for use on surgery sites, large scrapes, or burns. The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm has a unique honeycomb structure that allows it to absorb fluids and protect the wound from further irritation. This innovative structure is highly effective in ensuring that wounds heal quickly and safely, with less chance of scarring or infection. The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm is also highly breathable, which allows it to maintain a comfortable environment around the wound, ensuring that it heals quickly and efficiently. This feature also makes it suitable for use on sensitive skin, as it reduces the risk of irritation or allergic reactions. The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm is easy to apply, and its unique adhesive system ensures that it stays in place, even during rigorous physical activity. This makes it an ideal choice for athletes, construction workers, or anyone who requires a reliable and effective wound dressing that can withstand vigorous activity. Overall, the DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm is a highly effective and versatile wound dressing that is suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether you're looking to promote faster healing or simply protect against infection, this product is an excellent choice. ..
20.86 USD
Octenisept gel tube 20 ml
Octenisept wound gel is used for acute skin injuries such as abrasions, cuts and minor burns (e.g. sunburn). Properties Octenisept wound gel is used for acute skin injuries such as abrasions, cuts and minor burns (e.g. sunburn).In order for wounds to heal optimally, they should be sufficiently be supplied with moisture. For the healing process, the skin cells must be able to divide and migrate. This is best possible in a moist wound environment. In addition, the wound must be protected against infections.The special formula of Octenisept wound gel optimally supplies thewound with moisture and forms a protective layer against bacteria. This protective layer prevents germs from penetrating the wound, since the germs are already inactivated in the gel. Octenisept wound gel thus protects against infections and inflammation. This promotes and accelerates natural wound healing.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
22.25 USD
Timask einweg-medizinmaske typ iir schwarz
TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz is a must-have for anyone who wants the best protection possible against airborne infections, bacteria, and viruses. These masks are designed to offer excellent protection and are ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, or any other setting where infection control is a primary concern. This mask is made from high-quality materials that are comfortable to wear and do not irritate the skin. The mask is designed to fit securely over the nose and mouth to ensure maximum protection. It is easy to use, lightweight, and disposable, making it a convenient solution for anyone looking for a high-quality mask. The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz is a Type IIR mask, meaning that it has a bacterial filtration efficiency of more than 98% and is designed to offer excellent protection against fluid splashes. It is also latex-free and hypoallergenic, ensuring that it is suitable for anyone to use, regardless of their allergies or sensitivities. The black color of the mask gives it a stylish and modern look that makes it stand out from other masks on the market. This makes it an ideal mask for anyone who wants to show a little style while still protecting themselves from airborne infections. These masks are sold in packs of 50, making them a more cost-effective solution than other masks on the market. They are also easy to store and transport, making them the perfect choice for anyone who needs to keep a supply of masks on hand. Overall, the TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz is an excellent choice for anyone who wants the best protection possible against airborne infections. With its high-quality materials, excellent filtration capabilities, and stylish design, it is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a durable and reliable mask. ..
7.46 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)