Vodorod peroksid
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Aosept plus liquid 360ml
Aosept Plus Liq 360ml Aosept Plus Liq 360ml bilan kontakt linzalaringiz uchun misli ko'rilmagan tozalash va dezinfektsiyani boshdan kechiring. Ushbu yechim barcha turdagi kontakt linzalari, jumladan yumshoq, qattiq gaz o'tkazuvchan va hatto silikon gidrojel linzalari uchun chuqur tozalash va dezinfektsiyani ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Aosept Plus Liq yordamida siz linzalaringiz bilan optimal qulaylik, xavfsizlik va ko'rish qobiliyatiga amin bo'lishingiz mumkin. Aosept Plus Liq 360ml ning asosiy xususiyati uning kuchli dezinfektsiyalash tizimidir. U bakteriyalar, viruslar va zamburug'lar kabi zararli mikroorganizmlarni yo'q qiladigan patentlangan vodorod periks formulasiga ega bo'lib, linzalaringiz har qanday potentsial infektsiyalardan xoli bo'lishini ta'minlaydi. Bundan tashqari, eritmada linzalaringizning namlik darajasini saqlab turuvchi, ularni kun davomida nam va qulay saqlaydigan o‘rnatilgan moylash vositasi mavjud. Aosept Plus Liq 360ml dan foydalanish juda oson. Ob'ektiv qutisini eritma bilan to'ldiring va linzalaringizni joylashtiring. Eritma linzalaringizni tozalaganda va dezinfektsiya qilganda pufakchalar paydo bo'ladi. Linzalaringizni eritmada kamida olti soat yoki optometrist tavsiyasiga ko'ra qoldiring. Shundan so'ng, siz linzalaringizni eritmadan xavfsiz olib tashlashingiz va ularni ishonch bilan kiyishingiz mumkin. O'zining yuqori darajadagi tozalash va dezinfektsiyalash qobiliyatiga qo'shimcha ravishda, Aosept Plus Liq 360ml ham ajoyib xavfsizlik rekordiga ega. Unda noqulaylik yoki allergik reaktsiyaga olib kelishi mumkin bo'lgan qattiq yoki bezovta qiluvchi kimyoviy moddalar mavjud emas, bu uni sezgir ko'zlari bo'lgan foydalanuvchilar uchun ideal qiladi. Bundan tashqari, eritma konservantlardan xoli bo'lib, linzalaringiz sog'lom va tabiiy holatda saqlanishini ta'minlaydi. Aosept Plus Liq 360ml bilan kontakt linzalaringiz uchun mukammal tozalash va dezinfektsiyalash yechimini oling. Hoziroq buyurtma bering va u taqdim etgan tengsiz qulaylik va gigiyenadan bahramand bo‘ling...
33.66 USD
Gilbert eau oxygénée vodorod periks 10 jild 120 ml
Gilbert Eau oxygénée Hydrogen peroxide 10 volumes 120 ml The Gilbert Eau oxygénée Hydrogen peroxide 10 volumes 120 ml is a powerful antiseptic solution that is widely used for wound cleansing, oral hygiene, and other medical purposes. This solution is particularly effective at eliminating bacteria, viruses, and fungi, making it an essential component of any first-aid kit. The 10 volumes of hydrogen peroxide make it potent enough to sanitize any area effectively, while still being gentle enough for topical use. The solution comes in a convenient 120 ml bottle with an easy-to-use screw-top dispenser that enables precise application for even the most sensitive skin. To use, simply apply the solution to the affected area with a cotton pad. For oral use, dilute the solution with water and rinse mouth thoroughly. Overall, the Gilbert Eau oxygénée Hydrogen peroxide 10 volumes 120 ml is an essential tool for maintaining good hygiene and keeping your family safe from infections. ..
9.91 USD
Hänseler hydrogenii peroxidum pheur 3% 500 ml
Hänseler Hydrogenii peroxidum PhEur 3% 500 ml xususiyatlariAnatomik terapevtik kimyoviy (ATS): D08AX01Faol moddasi: D08AX01O‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg'irligi: 581g Uzunligi: 77mm Kenligi: 76mm Balandligi: 178mm Sotib oling Hänseler Hydrogenii peroxidum PhEur 3% 500 ml Shveytsariyadan onlayn..
21.17 USD
Hydraglyde 90ml bilan aosept plus
Aosept Plus with 90ml HydraGlyde Aosept Plus with 90ml HydraGlyde is a premium contact lens care solution that provides superior cleaning, disinfection, and all-day comfort for your contact lenses. It is specially formulated with HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix Technology, which hydrates and lubricates your lenses, ensuring all-day comfort. Aosept Plus with 90ml HydraGlyde uses a unique 3% hydrogen peroxide formula that provides deep cleaning and disinfection, eliminating 99.9% of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms from your lenses. It also uses a special neutralizing disc that turns your hydrogen peroxide solution into a gentle saline solution, ensuring safety and comfort for your eyes. This product is ideal for people who want the convenience of a single-step solution for their contact lens care routine. It is suitable for all types of soft contact lenses, including silicone hydrogel lenses. The Aosept Plus with 90ml HydraGlyde package includes a contact lens case and a 90ml bottle of cleaning and disinfecting solution. The solution is designed to last for up to three months and should be used daily to maintain your contact lens hygiene. With Aosept Plus with 90ml HydraGlyde, you can enjoy bright, clear, and comfortable vision all day long with your contact lenses. ..
17.52 USD
Refektotsil oksidlovchi suyuqlik ishlab chiqaruvchi 3% 100 ml
Developer solution with 3% hydrogen peroxide for use with RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tints. Properties Developer solution with 3% hydrogen peroxide for use with RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tints.10 drops are needed for each tint. div>..
14.97 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)