Beeovita'da biz Hallux Valgus bilan yashashning noqulayliklari va qiyinchiliklarini tushunamiz. Shuning uchun biz ushbu kasallikka chalinganlar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan tana parvarishi va kosmetika vositalarini tanlab oldik. Bizning assortimentimiz noqulaylikni engillashtirish va kundalik hayot sifatini yaxshilashga qaratilgan qo'l va oyoq mahsulotlari, shuningdek, bosimdan himoya qilish echimlarini o'z ichiga oladi. Biz sizga oyoq parvarishida eng yaxshisini taklif qilishga intilamiz. Bizning barcha mahsulotlarimiz Shveytsariyaning sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlari va innovatsion texnikalari bo'yicha mashhur standartlarini o'zida mujassam etgan yuqori sifatni taklif etadi. Bizning keng qamrovli tanlovimizni ko'rib chiqing va bugun sizga mos mahsulotlarni toping. Sizning qulayligingiz bizning ustuvorligimizdir.
Relieves pain from hallux valgus, distributes the load evenly over the entire foot and reduces annoying friction.
Remarks: Size M corresponds to 39-41 and foot width 10-11.5cm;
The protection should not be worn on sore skin.In the case of diabetes, arteritis and neuropathy, the Foot should be monitored regularly.
This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
With daily wear, the Epitact Hallux Valgus Correction Splint makes it possible to correct and limit the development of Hallux valgus while also relieving joint pain. Due to the flexible, very thin Epithelium Flex technology, the correction splint easily adapts to any shoe, while the external band straightens the big toe. It also reduces pain by redirecting the pressure exerted on the hallux. The extra-thin compression band on the midfoot and the protective pad also help to prevent the forefoot from lowering and widening. Unlike rigid splints, this affects all factors that could aggravate a deformity during the day.
The splint should not be worn on raw skin.In the case of diabetes, arteritis or neuropathy, the foot must be observed regularly.If the big toe can no longer move laterally, the splint must not be used.
Epitact Flexible Double Protective Bandage Correction Hallux Valgus DAY M 21.5-23cm Left
The Epitact Flexible Double Protective Bandage Correction Hallux Valgus DAY M 21.5-23cm Left is designed to provide an ergonomic and comfortable solution to address the ?bunion? or hallux valgus problem. The bandage is made of flexible and breathable fabric that adapts perfectly to the foot's shape without exerting too much pressure.
This bandage's primary purpose is to correct the hallux valgus deformity and prevent it from increasing, thanks to an internal orthotic splint that maintains the big toe's proper alignment. The double protective layer helps cushion the deformity against rubbing and pressure, resulting in pain relief and a more comfortable walking experience.
The Epitact bandage features a DAY model specially designed for people who spend extended periods standing or walking. The M size fits individuals with a foot size ranging from 21.5 cm to 23 cm, with the left foot option available for purchase.
Overall, this Epitact bandage is an excellent tool for providing pain relief, help correcting Hallux Valgus deformities, and allow people to perform their daily tasks without feeling limited.
Epitact egiluvchan tuzatish bandaji Hallux valgus TAG M 21,5-23 sm
Har kuni shina kiyish hallux valgus rivojlanishini cheklaydi va tuzatadi, shu bilan birga og'riqni engillashtiradi.
Eptact Hallux Valgus tuzatish shinasi uni har kuni kiyish orqali hallux valgus rivojlanishini to'g'irlash va cheklash va shu bilan birga bo'g'imlardagi og'riqni yo'qotish imkonini beradi. Moslashuvchan, juda yupqa Epithelium Flex texnologiyasi tufayli tuzatish shinasi har qanday poyabzalga osongina moslashadi, tashqi tasma esa bosh barmog'ini to'g'rilaydi. Bundan tashqari, og'riq halluxga ta'sir qiladigan bosimni qayta yo'naltirish orqali yo'qoladi. Oyoqning o'rta qismidagi qo'shimcha yupqa siqish tasmasi va himoya yostig'i ham old oyoqning cho'kib ketishi va kengayishining oldini olishga yordam beradi. Qattiq shinalardan farqli o'laroq, kun davomida yugurganingizda, bu noto'g'ri joylashishni yomonlashtirishi mumkin bo'lgan barcha omillarga ta'sir qiladi.
Shinani og'rigan teriga taqib bo'lmaydi.Eslatmalar
Og'riqli teriga shina kiymaslik kerak. li>Qandli diabet, arterit yoki neyropatiya holatlarida oyoqni muntazam ravishda kuzatib borish kerak.Agar oyoqning bosh barmog‘i lateral harakatlana olmasa, shina ishlatmaslik kerak. ul>
Epitact egiluvchan tuzatish bandaji Hallux valgus TAG L 23-24,5 sm
Har kuni shina kiyish hallux valgus rivojlanishini cheklaydi va tuzatadi, shu bilan birga og'riqni engillashtiradi.
Eptact Hallux Valgus tuzatish shinasi uni har kuni kiyish orqali hallux valgus rivojlanishini to'g'irlash va cheklash va shu bilan birga bo'g'imlardagi og'riqni yo'qotish imkonini beradi. Moslashuvchan, juda yupqa Epithelium Flex texnologiyasi tufayli tuzatish shinasi har qanday poyabzalga osongina moslashadi, tashqi tasma esa bosh barmog'ini to'g'rilaydi. Bundan tashqari, og'riq halluxga ta'sir qiladigan bosimni qayta yo'naltirish orqali yo'qoladi. Oyoqning o'rta qismidagi qo'shimcha yupqa siqish tasmasi va himoya yostig'i ham old oyoqning cho'kib ketishi va kengayishining oldini olishga yordam beradi. Qattiq shinalardan farqli o'laroq, kun davomida yugurganingizda, bu noto'g'ri joylashishni yomonlashtirishi mumkin bo'lgan barcha omillarga ta'sir qiladi.
Shinani og'rigan teriga taqib bo'lmaydi.Eslatmalar
Og'riqli teriga shina kiymaslik kerak. li>Qandli diabet, arterit yoki neyropatiya holatlarida oyoqni muntazam ravishda kuzatib borish kerak.Agar oyoqning bosh barmog‘i lateral harakatlana olmasa, shina ishlatmaslik kerak. ul>
Rigid correction splint for hallux valgus that relieves nocturnal pain and relieves contact pain.
This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
Relieves pain from hallux valgus, distributes the load evenly over the entire foot and reduces annoying friction.
Remarks: Size S corresponds to 36-38 and foot width 8-10cm;
The protection should not be worn on sore skin.In the case of diabetes, arteritis and neuropathy, the Foot should be monitored regularly.
This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
ValguLoc supports the axially correct position of the big toe after an intervention or prevents the progression of a malposition. It is used as a positioning splint during the night and is therefore not suitable for walking. The half-shell construction offers light protection against external influences, while a low-fatigue padding on the inside increases wearing comfort and protects against pressure points.
Areas of application
Hallux valgus - conservative and post-operative..