Soch o'sishi uchun qo'shimcha
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Forcapil 60 capsules
Forcapil capsules contain various vitamins, trace elements and amino acids that are important for normal hair growth. Zinc, vitamins B5, B6, B9, D3, biotin, L-cystine and L-methionine ensure vitality, brilliance and strength. The hair becomes visibly stronger and more beautiful.dosageTake 2 capsules in the morning for 2 to 4 months with a large glass of water.The capsules are of 100% natural origin, purely vegetable, gluten and lactose-free and suitable for diabetics.Which packs are available? Forcapil 60 capsules ..
55.89 USD
Priorin biotin kaps (yangi)
PRIORIN Biotin Kaps (neu) PRIORIN Biotin Kaps (neu) is a unique and high-quality supplement that improves hair growth and strengthens hair roots. It is a dietary supplement that is formulated with a unique combination of biotin, millet extract, and other essential nutrients that help in maintaining healthy hair growth. Ingredients The PRIORIN Biotin Kaps (neu) contains the following active ingredients: Biotin (Vitamin B7): A water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in keeping the hair, skin, and nails healthy. It is essential for hair growth and strengthens the hair from the inside. Millet Extract: Millet is a nutrient-rich grain that contains minerals and vitamins. The millet extract in PRIORIN helps to strengthen hair roots and promotes hair growth. L-Cystine: An amino acid that is essential for strong and healthy hair. It also helps to prevent hair breakage and damage. Calcium Pantothenate: Also known as Vitamin B5, calcium pantothenate helps to prevent hair thinning and enhances hair growth. Benefits The PRIORIN Biotin Kaps (neu) offers many benefits, including: Promotes Hair Growth: The unique combination of ingredients in PRIORIN helps to promote hair growth and strengthens hair roots. Prevents Hair Loss: The biotin and other essential nutrients in PRIORIN help to prevent hair loss and thinning. Improves Hair Health: PRIORIN is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals to improve hair health and bring shine and luster to the hair. Suitable for All Hair Types: The PRIORIN Biotin Kaps (neu) supplement is suitable for all hair types, including dry, damaged, oily, or fine hair. Directions for Use PRIORIN Biotin Kaps (neu) is easy to use and does not require any special preparation. Simply take 1-2 capsules daily with a meal and a glass of water. It is recommended to take PRIORIN for 3-6 months to see full results. ..
134.30 USD
Revalid complex biotin+ 270 kapsula
REVALID Kompleks Biotin+ Kaps Soch o'sishi va sog'lig'ini yaxshilash uchun keng qamrovli qo'shimchani qidiryapsizmi? REVALID Complex Biotin+ Kaps, sochlaringizni ichkaridan oziqlantirish va mustahkamlash uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan kuchli formuladan boshqa narsaga e'tibor bermang. Foydalar Sog'lom soch va tirnoq o'sishi uchun zarur bo'lgan biotinni o'z ichiga oladi Soch salomatligini mustahkamlovchi turli xil asosiy vitamin va minerallarni birlashtiradi Sochlarning umumiy tuzilishi va yorqinligini yaxshilaydi Zaif yoki mo'rt sochlarni mustahkamlaydi, sinishi va yorilishining oldini oladi Sog'lom bosh terisi funktsiyasini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, kepek va bosh terisining boshqa kasalliklarini kamaytiradi Sochlarning umumiy ko'rinishini yaxshilashga yordam beradi, to'liqroq va qalinroq ko'rinish hosil qiladi Ingredientlar REVALID Complex Biotin+ Kaps tarkibida bir qator vitaminlar va minerallar mavjud bo'lib, ularning barchasi sog'lom soch o'sishi va mustahkamligini ta'minlash uchun zarurdir. Ushbu asosiy ingredientlardan ba'zilari quyidagilardan iborat: Soch va tirnoqlarning o'sishini qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan biotin Soch to'kilishini va ingichka bo'lishini kamaytiradigan rux S vitamini, bosh terisi salomatligi va umumiy soch sifatini yaxshilaydi Sochlarni atrof-muhit ta'siridan himoya qiluvchi E vitamini Sog'lom hujayra o'sishi va bo'linishiga yordam beruvchi foliy kislotasi Qanday foydalanish kerak REVALID Complex Biotin+ Kaps-dan foydalanish uchun kuniga bitta kapsulani ovqat paytida yoki shifokor ko'rsatmasi bo'yicha oling. Eng yaxshi natijaga erishish uchun qo‘shimchani kamida bir necha oy davomida doimiy ravishda qabul qilishni davom eting. Umuman olganda, REVALID Complex Biotin+ Kaps soch salomatligi va tashqi ko'rinishini yaxshilashni istaganlar uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Siz zaif, mo'rt sochlar bilan shug'ullanasizmi yoki oddiygina ijobiy, sog'lom ko'rinishga ega bo'lishni xohlaysizmi, bu qo'shimchada boshlash uchun kerak bo'lgan narsalar mavjud...
151.13 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)