
Yashil uyg'unlik

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 2 gacha 2
(hammasi 1 sahifa) saytida Yashil uyg'unlik tabiat va ilm-fanning eng zo'rlarini uyg'unlashtirib, salomatlik va go'zallik mahsulotlarini yaratishni anglatadi. Yaralarni parvarish qilish va parvarishlash, tibbiy asboblar, parvarishlash vositalari, quloqlarni tozalash vositalari kabi toifalar bo'yicha bizning zamonaviy mahsulotlarimiz nafaqat kundalik gigiena tartibingizni kuchaytiradi, balki teringizni samarali parvarish qilishni ham ta'minlaydi. Yashil uyg'unlik bizning terini parvarish qilish bo'yicha keng assortimentdagi mahsulotlarimiz, shu jumladan quloq tozalagich va quloq shamlari bilan quloq gigienasi va umumiy tanani parvarish qilishni targ'ib qilish majburiyatini bildiradi. Yashil uyg'unlik bilan tanani yaxshiroq parvarish qilish tartibiga o'zingizni bag'ishlang, chunki sog'liq - bu go'zallik.
Hopisana quloq sham yashil garmoniya 2 dona

Hopisana quloq sham yashil garmoniya 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 4790789

Harmony ear candles according to the tradition of the Hopi Indians for soothing relaxation and general ear hygiene. Notes You use this product at your own risk. Follow the instructions for use in the packaging carefully.In order to use the Hopisana ear candles correctly, you should have a second adult. ..

27.96 USD

Hopisana quloq sham yashil garmoniya 4 dona

Hopisana quloq sham yashil garmoniya 4 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 4790803

The Hopisana ear candles are used for soothing relaxation and for general ear hygiene. What are Hopisana ear candles? According to the tradition of the Hopi Indians, Hopisana ear candles create a slight negative pressure in the ear through the chimney effect. The resulting negative pressure also equalizes the pressure conditions in the various sinuses. The warmth radiated pleasantly into the ear creates a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Components of the ear candles The ear candles contain essential oils in BIO quality: lavender and lemon balm, yarrow and buckhorn leaves in medical quality. The ear candles are handmade and consist of natural products. Note You use this product at your own risk. Follow the instructions in the packaging carefully.In order to use the Hopisana ear candles correctly, you should have a second adult...

47.64 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 2 gacha 2
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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