saytida biz tanlagan shisha tozalagichlarimiz bilan derazalaringizni toza tuting. O'zining ajoyib sifati va samaradorligi bilan mashhur Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan shisha tozalovchi mahsulotlarimizdan zavqlaning va har safar chiziqsiz porlashni ta'minlaydi. Kimyoviy-texnik mahsulotlar, Xonani parvarish qilish va maishiy yordam va aksessuarlardan Sog'liqni saqlash + Oziqlantirish, Oziqlantiruvchi qo'shimchalar va Kombinatsiyalangan mahsulotlargacha bo'lgan keng ko'lamli toifalarimizni qulay tarzda aylanib chiqing. Shuningdek, bizning HA-RA Ersatz-Gummi Fenster Reiniger-ni ko'rib chiqishni unutmang - shisha tozalash bo'yicha mijozlarimiz orasida mashhur. Beeovita-dan mukammal tozalash spreyi va aksessuarlaringizni bugun oling.
Ajax shisha chiziqlarining xususiyatlari bepul purkagich 500 mlO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg'irligi: 560g Uzunligi: 44 mm p>Kengligi: 109 mm Balandligi: 260 mm Shveytsariyadan 500 ml bepul Ajax shisha chiziqlarini onlayn xarid qiling..
Ecover Essential Glass and Window Cleaners Mint 500 ml
Keep your windows sparkling clean with the Ecover Essential Glass and Window Cleaners Mint 500 ml. This natural glass and window cleaner uses plant-based ingredients to effectively clean your windows, leaving them streak-free and smelling fresh.
500 ml bottle
Natural plant-based ingredients
Mint scent
Streak-free cleaning
Non-toxic and biodegradable
The Ecover Essential Glass and Window Cleaners Mint 500 ml is a non-toxic and biodegradable formula that is safe to use in your home. The plant-based ingredients effectively clean dirt and grime from your windows while leaving them streak-free. The mint scent adds a refreshing fragrance to your home, making cleaning a more enjoyable experience.
This glass and window cleaner is also cruelty-free, meaning it has not been tested on animals. You can use this cleaner with peace of mind, knowing that it is both effective and ethical. This eco-friendly choice will be a great addition to your cleaning routine.
To use, simply spray the cleaner onto your windows and wipe clean with a cloth. For best results, use a microfiber cloth to prevent streaks. The 500 ml bottle provides enough cleaner for multiple uses, making it a great value for your money.
In conclusion, the Ecover Essential Glass and Window Cleaners Mint 500 ml is an effective and ethical choice for cleaning your windows. The natural plant-based ingredients, refreshing mint scent, and streak-free formula make it a great addition to any home cleaning routine...