

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Beeovita-ning ta'sirchan assortimentini, birinchi navbatda, Salomatlik va Go'zallik bo'limiga tegishli yuqori sifatli mahsulotlar bilan tanishing. Bolalar uchun organik oziq-ovqatlardan tortib, yuqori darajadagi tabiiy tatlandırıcılargacha, bizda hamma narsa ekologik toza, sof shisha idishlarda mavjud. Kichkintoylaringiz va bolalaringizga ularning parhezini hisobga olgan holda eng zo'r taomlarni taqdim eting. Shisha bilan qadoqlangan mahsulotlarimiz orasida uy xo'jaliklariga manzur bo'lgan islohot mahsulotlari ham kiradi. Uni yanada jozibador qiladigan narsa uning Shveytsariya merosi bo'lib, sifat va ishlash jihatidan eng yaxshisini va'da qiladi. Ertaga sog'lom bo'lish uchun bugun biz bilan Beeovita-da xarid qiling.
Holle olma va blueberry demeter bio 190 g

Holle olma va blueberry demeter bio 190 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7815594

Holle baby food with organic quality. Holle apples and blueberries have a mild taste and are particularly suitable for the first fruit spoonfuls. The fruit jar is ideal for starting with the supplementary food after the 4th month. The jar is also practical for when you are on the go, even if you need to eat quickly. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and protein are present in the natural structure. Isolated nutrients are not added.Without added saltNo added granulated sugar, only fruit-specific sweetnessWithout binding agentProduced without yeast, egg, milk and milk components (milk protein, lactose).Gluten-free Composition apples (from bio-dynamic agriculture) 50%, water, apple juice concentrate 10%, blueberries 7, 5%, rice semolina, lemon juice concentrate.from organic farming..

7.02 USD

Idishlar qand lavlagi shinni (melassa) shisha 450 g

Idishlar qand lavlagi shinni (melassa) shisha 450 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7739918

Idishlarning xususiyatlari qand lavlagi shinni (melassa) Shisha 450 gSaqlash harorati min/maks 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 gOg'irligi: 675g Uzunligi: 86mm Eni: 86mm Balandligi: 94mm Idishlarni sotib oling qand lavlagi shinni (melassa) Shisha 450 g onlayn Shveytsariyadan..

11.05 USD

Kartoshkali holle ismaloq demeter bio 190 g

Kartoshkali holle ismaloq demeter bio 190 g

Mahsulot kodi: 5123871

Holle baby food with organic quality. The vegetable jar is ideal for starting with the supplementary food after the 4th month. The jar is also practical for when you are on the move, even if you need to get away quickly. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and protein are present in the natural structure. Isolated nutrients are not added.Without added saltNo added granulated sugar, only fruit-specific sweetnessWithout binding agentProduced without yeast, egg, milk and milk components (milk protein, lactose).Gluten-free Composition water, spinach 23%, potatoes (from bio-dynamic agriculture) 15%, rice semolinafrom organic farming..

7.02 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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