Yumshoq tish cho'tkasi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Curaprox sensitive tish cho'tkasi compact ultra soft cs 5460
Curaprox Sensitive Tish cho'tkasi Compact ultrasoft CS 5460 Yumshoq va nihoyatda samarali. Ushbu tish cho'tkasi Gumsga oshiq bo'lasiz: 5460 CUREN® filamentlari tufayli CS 5460 ultra yumshoq yumshoqlik va samaradorlik jihatidan tengsiz va butun dunyoda seviladi. 5460 CUREN® filamentlari Blyashkaning eng qiyin raqibi: CUREN® tuklarining yumshoqligi: CS tish cho'tkalari haqiqatan ham nihoyatda yumshoq. CS 5460 ultra yumshoqning 5460 CUREN® filamentlari nihoyatda zich va samarali tozalovchi sirt hosil qiladi. Tish go'shti va tishlarga yumshoq; CUREN® filamentlari blyashka ustida juda qattiq. CS tish cho'tkalaridan birini sinab ko'rgan har bir kishi bu tish cho'tkasi tajribasini boshqa hech qachon o'tkazib yuborishni xohlamaydi. Curaprox tish cho'tkalari nafaqat cho'tkaning shikastlanishini oldini oladi; ammo tartibsizlik va blyashka optimal tarzda olib tashlash. CUREN® tuklari neylonga qaraganda qattiqroq va quruq bo'lgani kabi og'izda ham barqaror bo'lib qoladi. Bu xususiyatlar ko'p sonli juda nozik cho'tkalarga ega bo'lgan tish cho'tkalarini ishlab chiqarish imkonini beradi. CUREN® filamentlari tufayli yumshoq, bir-biriga yaqin joylashgan CUREN® filamentlari tufayli samarali tozalash yuzasi Hamma joylarga etib boradi: ixcham bosh, bir oz burchakli Sakkiz burchakli tutqich to'g'ri burchak ostida tozalash uchun ..
8.72 USD
Elgydium tish cho'tkasi sensitive
Elgydium Toothbrush Sensitive Get the gentle care your delicate teeth and gums deserve with the Elgydium Toothbrush Sensitive. An ideal choice for those with sensitive teeth or prone to gingivitis, this toothbrush is designed to provide a gentle brushing experience while effectively removing plaque and cleaning your teeth. The toothbrush features soft bristles that are gentle on sensitive teeth and gums, helping to prevent damage and irritation. An ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip, allowing you to brush for longer without experiencing hand fatigue. The compact brush head ensures that you can reach all areas of your mouth with ease, including tight spaces between teeth and along the gumline. The Elgydium Toothbrush Sensitive is also equipped with a tongue cleaner, which helps to freshen your breath and remove bacteria from your mouth. This toothbrush is suitable for use with sensitive teeth and can be used by individuals of all ages. It is recommended to replace your toothbrush every three months to ensure optimal performance and effectiveness. Invest in the gentle care your teeth and gums deserve with the Elgydium Toothbrush Sensitive. Order yours today and experience a superior brushing experience that is gentle on your mouth but tough on plaque and bacteria. ..
11.15 USD
Meridol periodontal tish cho'tkasi expert extra gentle
Meridol periodontal tish cho'tkasining xususiyatlari EXPERT Extra GentleO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 23g Uzunligi: 20 mm >Eng: 42 mm Balandligi: 225 mm Meridol periodontal tish cho‘tkasi EXPERT Extra Gentle ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
11.71 USD
Meridol tish cho'tkasi yumshoq
? Cleans thoroughly and gently ? Brush-like, microfine bristle ends ? Softly coated brush head ? Ergonomically shaped handle ? Developed with experts div> Properties The meridol gum protection gentle toothbrush scores with its brush-like, micro-fine bristle ends, gently and thoroughly removing food residue and plaque from the surface of the teeth towards the gum line. ApplicationNotes Dental professionals recommend replacing the toothbrush every 3 months and after infectious diseases, as well as after wear. Composition ..
9.23 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)