saytidagi "Yangi yalpiz ta'mi" assortimenti bilan o'zingizni noyob hissiy tajribaga botiring. To'g'ridan-to'g'ri Shveytsariyadan olib kelingan, bizning keng assortimentimiz tanani parvarish qilish va kosmetika, hamshiralik buyumlari, og'iz bo'shlig'i va stomatologik parvarish mahsulotlarini o'z ichiga oladi. Yalpiz nafaqat yoqimli lazzat emas, balki sizni kun bo'yi tetiklashtiradigan tozalovchi va tinchlantiruvchi xususiyatlari bilan mashhur. U og'iz bo'shlig'ini parvarish qilishda alohida rol o'ynaydi, tishlarni tozalashga yordam beradi va tishlarning parchalanishiga qarshi kuchli to'xtatuvchi vosita sifatida ishlaydi. Beeovita kompaniyasida biz nafaqat samarali, balki kundalik salomatlik va go‘zallik tartibingizni oshiradigan mahsulotlarni taqdim etishga ishonamiz. Yangi yalpizli shveytsariyalik sifatli mahsulotlarning dozasi uchun bizning kollektsiyamizni o'rganing.
? Effectively cleans the spaces between the teeth ? Makes the teeth more resistant to acid build-up from the outside ? Effectively fights tooth decay & strengthens tooth enamel ? With a fresh mint taste ? Flexible softwood
The elmex toothpicks are made of soft birch wood with a triangular cut, a flexible softwood with little splitting. The fresh mint taste makes using the elmex toothpicks particularly pleasant.
Moisten the toothpicks briefly in your mouth before use. In this way, the wood becomes more elastic and can be moved better through the spaces between the teeth. Moisten the tip of the elmex toothpick in your mouth. Insert it into the interdental space. Slowly and gently move the toothpick back and forth to clean.
8.42 USD
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1 (hammasi 1 sahifa)
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