

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 9 gacha 9
(hammasi 1 sahifa) - bu sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarini yutish uchun yagona onlayn-do'kon. Bizning mahsulotlarimiz jarohatni parvarish qilishdan tortib, parvarishlash vositalari, ko'ylaklar va bintlar va intim gigiena vositalarigacha. Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan bizning changni yutish mahsulotlarimiz sifat, xavfsizlik va samaradorlikni ta'minlaydi. To'qilmagan tamponlar, paxta yostig'i, chaqaloqlar uchun tagliklar, inkontinentsiya qoldiqlari yoki tamponlar qidiryapsizmi, biz sizni himoya qilamiz. Shuningdek, bizda yaralarni samarali davolashga yordam beradigan turli xil tibbiy asboblar mavjud. Sog'liqni saqlash mahsulotlaridan tashqari, biz barcha teri turlariga mos keladigan tana parvarishi va kosmetika mahsulotlarini taklif qilamiz. Shveytsariyada joylashgan kompaniya sifatida biz o'z mijozlarimizga nafaqat kutganlarga javob beradigan, balki undan ham yuqori bo'lgan yuqori sifatli sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarini taklif qilishga intilamiz.
Biatain alginate 10x10cm 10 stk

Biatain alginate 10x10cm 10 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7795525

Product Description: Biatain Alginate 10x10cm 10 Stk Biatain Alginate is a highly advanced wound dressing that is designed to promote faster healing of wounds. It is made of soft alginate fibers that can absorb exudate and facilitate the natural healing process. These dressing pads are of size 10 cm x 10 cm and come in a pack of 10, making them ideal for multiple applications. Features and Benefits: Highly absorbent alginate dressing Forms soft and conformable gel when in contact with exudate Promotes faster wound healing Minimizes pain and discomfort during dressing change Antimicrobial action reduces the risk of infection Easy to apply and remove How to Use: Clean and disinfect the wound and surrounding skin. Remove the Biatain Alginate pad from the packaging and gently place it on the wound. If needed, cut the pad to fit the size and shape of the wound. Cover the dressing with a secondary dressing or adhesive tape, if required. Change the dressing as per the physician's instructions or when the pad has become fully saturated with exudate. Biatain Alginate 10x10cm 10 Stk is an ideal wound dressing for chronic and acute wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and surgical wounds. Experience faster and effective wound healing with Biatain Alginate; buy now!..

131.21 USD

Dermaplast faltkompr typ17 10x10cm 8x 5 x 2 dona

Dermaplast faltkompr typ17 10x10cm 8x 5 x 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 1004710

Product Description: DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 10x10cm 8x 5 x 2 pcs The DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 is specially designed to provide optimal wound care and protection. This product is highly absorbent, non-sterile, and is ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, and at home. The pack contains 8 sets of 5 fold compress (Faltkompr) and each have dimensions of 10x10 cm. The product offers excellent value for money and is trusted by healthcare professionals worldwide. Key Features of DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 Excellent Absorption Properties: The DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 is highly absorbent, which makes it ideal for the effective management of wounds. The product is made of high-quality cotton fibers that can absorb large amounts of exudate or wound fluids. Non-Sterile: The DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 is non-sterile and completely safe to use. It can be used for different types of wounds, such as minor cuts, abrasions, and burns. Easy to Use: The DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 is extremely easy to use. It can be cut to size according to the wound, folded to create additional thickness, and secured in place using a bandage or adhesive tape. Hygienic Packaging: The product comes in a hygienic packaging that keeps it clean and free from contamination. It is easy to store and transport, making it ideal for use in hospitals or clinics. Benefits of DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 Effective Wound Care: The DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 promotes optimal wound healing by absorbing excess fluids and keeping the wound clean and dry. Reduced Risk of Infection: The product is made from high-quality cotton fibers and is non-sterile, which minimizes the risk of infection and ensures faster wound healing. Cost-Effective: The DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 is affordable, making it an excellent value for money. The pack contains 80 fold compresses, which can be used for multiple wounds. Versatile: The product can be used for different types of wounds, including minor cuts, abrasions, and burns. It can also be used for postoperative wound care and in the treatment of chronic wounds. Overall, the DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 is an excellent product for wound care and management. It is highly absorbent, non-sterile, and affordable, making it an ideal choice for hospitals, clinics, and at home. If you are looking for an effective and cost-effective wound dressing, the DermaPlast Faltkompr Typ17 is definitely worth considering...

15.39 USD

Kesilgan sorbion sachet s 20x10cm 10 dona

Kesilgan sorbion sachet s 20x10cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6521585

Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S 20x10cm 10 pcs The Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S is a top-quality wound dressing that is specifically designed to support the natural wound healing process of the body. It's made up of durable, polyethylene mesh sheets that contain a unique, super-absorbent layer. This layer is capable of absorbing excess wound exudate while locking in the moisture and preventing maceration. The transportation of exudate from the wound is facilitated by the wavy structure of the mesh sheets. Due to this property, the dressing ensures that the wound environment remains moist for the healing process to take place effectively. The flexible size of the sachet makes it easy to use on any wound, from small or superficial wounds to more complex surgical wounds. The property of the Sachet to absorb high amounts of exudate means it reduces the need for changing the dressing frequently. When combined with a woundcare regimen, the Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S helps to promote quicker wound closure, leading to faster patient recovery. Super-absorbent layer with a wavy structure that absorbs excess wound exudate. Polyethylene mesh sheets that allow for easy transportation of exudate to maintain a moist wound environment. Suitable for managing different levels of wound exudate. Flexible size makes it ideal for use on various types of wounds. Reduces the frequency of dressing changes, leading to better comfort for the patient. Available in a pack of 10 sachets measuring 20x10cm. The Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S ensures that patients receive quality wound care while protecting the wound from any further complications. ..

172.97 USD

Shelter-san premium anatomik shakldagi qo'shimcha nr4 20x44 sm yashil assimilyatsiya qilish hajmi 800 ml 28 dona

Shelter-san premium anatomik shakldagi qo'shimcha nr4 20x44 sm yashil assimilyatsiya qilish hajmi 800 ml 28 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7850500

Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 20x44cm Green Suction Capacity 800 ml of 28 pcs The Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 is a highly-absorbent personal hygiene product designed for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. This product is anatomically shaped to fit comfortably between the legs, providing freedom of movement and maximum protection against leaks and moisture. Made from soft and breathable materials, this incontinence insert is gentle on the skin and reduces the risk of irritation or infection. The green color of the insert indicates the level of absorbency, which is an impressive 800 ml. With a pack of 28 pieces, the Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 provides reliable and long-lasting protection, ensuring the user stays dry throughout the day. The insert is latex-free, odor-free, and dermatologically tested, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. The unique suction capacity of the insert allows moisture and urine to be quickly absorbed, leaving the surface dry and comfortable. This product is perfect for use during the day or night, and it is convenient to use as it can be easily disposed of without any fuss. This Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 is designed to provide excellent protection, comfort, and peace of mind for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. Whether you lead an active lifestyle or require assistance with daily hygiene, this product is an excellent choice that ensures maximum hygiene. ..

36.40 USD

Tampax tamponlari muntazam 30 dona

Tampax tamponlari muntazam 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2259989

The Tampax Tampons Regular for light to medium days have an absorbent core and a protective edge to stop leakage before it can occur. Each tampon also has a robust packaging and a flushable, biodegradable applicator with a non-slip anti-slip grip...

18.40 USD

Tena yumshoq ro'molcha 19x30 sm

Tena yumshoq ro'molcha 19x30 sm

Mahsulot kodi: 3168935

Ultra-soft, highly absorbent and strong washcloths, ideal for regular care of the intimate area when changing products. Properties The Tena Soft Wipe washcloths are ultra-soft, highly absorbent and at the same time strong, making them ideal for the care of older skin in combination with the Tena Wash Cream or Mousse . They are mainly suitable for regular care of the intimate area when changing products, but they can also be used for care of the entire body. ..

28.13 USD

Valaclean spunlace 25x30 sm

Valaclean spunlace 25x30 sm

Mahsulot kodi: 7841188

VALACLEAN Spunlace 25x30cm VALACLEAN Spunlace 25x30cm kundalik foydalanish uchun mos keladigan yuqori sifatli tozalovchi salfetkadir. Mahsulot ilg‘or spunlace texnologiyasi bilan ishlab chiqarilgan, natijada yumshoq va bardoshli salfetkalar keng ko‘lamli tozalash ilovalari uchun juda mos keladi.Ushbu salfetkalar laboratoriya uskunalari, elektron qurilmalar kabi nozik joylarda foydalanish uchun ideal. qurilmalar va sog'liqni saqlash muassasalari. Yumshoq material hatto eng nozik yuzalarni chizish yoki shikastlanish xavfisiz tozalashni ta'minlaydi. VALACLEAN Spunlace 25x30cm ajoyib darajada changni yutish xususiyatiga ega, ya'ni u ko'p miqdorda suyuqlik va kirni o'ziga singdira oladi va uni to'kilmasinlar va chalkashliklar uchun ajoyib tanlov qiladi. Salfetkalar qattiq dog'lar va kirlarni ham olib tashlashga qodir, shu bilan birga kundalik foydalanish uchun etarlicha yumshoq bo'ladi.Mahsulot 50 dona salfetkadan iborat qulay paketga kiradi, ya'ni har doim qo'lingizda yangi mahsulot bo'lishi mumkin. . Har bir ro‘molcha o‘lchami 25x30 sm bo‘lib, ishlov berish va ishlatishni osonlashtiradi. Salfetkalar ham ko'p qirrali bo'lib, ularni turli xil muhitlarda foydalanishga yaroqli qiladi.VALACLEAN Spunlace 25x30cm bilan siz pul uchun ajoyib qiymatni ta'minlaydigan yuqori sifatli tozalovchi mahsulotga ega bo'lasiz. Salfetkalar eng yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan va uzoq umr ko'rishga mo'ljallangan bo'lib, har bir ro'molchadan maksimal foyda olishingizni ta'minlaydi. Umuman olganda, agar siz ishonchli, bardoshli va ko'p qirrali tozalovchi salfetkani qidirsangiz, VALACLEAN Spunlace 25x30 sm ajoyib tanlovdir. Xo'sh, nega kutish kerak? Bugun VALACLEAN Spunlace 25x30 sm salfetkalar to‘plamini xarid qiling va sifatini o‘zingiz his qiling...

16.50 USD

Vliwasoft to'qilmagan tamponlar 5x5 sm 6 qavatli btl 100 dona

Vliwasoft to'qilmagan tamponlar 5x5 sm 6 qavatli btl 100 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2189415

The lint-free fleece is very absorbent and convinces with its low tendency to stick. Properties Universal non-woven compress for general wound care. The lint-free non-woven is very absorbent and convinces with its low tendency to stick. Made of fine-pored, non fibrous non-woven fabricgentle wound cleaninggood absorbency Suitable: for lightly to moderately exuding woundsas a wound dressingfor cleaning woundsas an ointment carrierfor padding between toes and fingers This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

14.62 USD

Zetuvit plus assimilyatsiya assotsiatsiyasi 10x20cm 10 dona

Zetuvit plus assimilyatsiya assotsiatsiyasi 10x20cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3649126

Zetuvit Plus changni yutish uchun 10x20 sm 10 dona Mahsulotning afzalliklari changni yutish, yumshoqlik va to'ldirishning noyob kombinatsiyasiga asoslangan. Juda yuqori assimilyatsiya quvvati uchun super absorberli kompress. Ayniqsa, changni yutish, yara uchun qulay changni yutish kompresslar, momiq qo'shimchali va superabsorbent, mato bo'lmagan mato qoplamasi va namlikni qaytaruvchi tayanch. Barcha tibbiy sohalarda juda og'ir chiqadigan yaralarni davolash uchun, ayniqsa, masalan. B. jarrohlik yaralari, limfa yaralari, oyoq yaralari, yarali oʻsmalar uchun, shuningdek, siqish bintlari ostida yarani bogʻlash vositasi sifatida ham mos keladi...

90.86 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 9 gacha 9
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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