Peshona termometri
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Braun no touch + touch bnt 300 termometr
Braun No touch + touch BNT 300 Thermometer The Braun No touch + touch BNT 300 Thermometer is the perfect tool for monitoring the temperature of your family. This innovative thermometer allows you to take precise temperature measurements with no contact required, making it ideal for measuring the temperature of sleeping infants or anyone who may be feeling uncomfortable. The BNT 300 features dual technology that allows you to take temperature measurements using either the non-contact method or from the forehead. It also features a large backlit display that makes it easy to read in any lighting conditions. Non-Contact Temperature Measurement The non-contact temperature measurement feature allows you to take a measurement from up to 2 inches away. Simply aim the thermometer at the forehead or temple and press the button. The BNT 300 will deliver an accurate temperature reading in just seconds. Forehead Temperature Measurement If you prefer a more traditional temperature measurement, the BNT 300 thermometer also allows you to take readings from the forehead. Simply place the sensor on the forehead and take a temperature reading within seconds. Easy to Use The Braun No touch + touch BNT 300 Thermometer is designed to be easy to use, with a simple two-button operation. It also features a silent mode that allows you to take temperature readings without alerting a sleeping baby or anyone else in the room. Additional Features Large backlit display Fever indication Nighttime mode Last temperature recall function Auto shut-off after 60 seconds Conclusion The Braun No touch + touch BNT 300 Thermometer is an innovative and reliable tool for keeping track of your family's temperature. Whether you prefer a non-contact or forehead measurement, this thermometer delivers accurate and fast results. With its easy-to-use design and additional features, it's a must-have for any home. ..
84.17 USD
Braun termometri no touch + peshona, age precision bnt 400
Braun termometrining xususiyatlari, teginishsiz + peshona yoshi aniqligi BNT 400Evropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyPaketdagi miqdor: 1 donaOg'irligi: 380g Uzunligi: 70mm Kenligi: 160mm Balandligi: 205mm Shveytsariyadan Age Precision BNT 400 bilan Braun No Touch + Peshona termometrini onlayn xarid qiling..
96.40 USD
Livsane ohr va stirntermometr
Livsane quloq va peshona termometrining xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 1 donaOg'irligi: 259g Uzunligi: 0mm Kenligi: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Livsane sotib oling Shveytsariyadan onlayn quloq va peshona termometri..
70.52 USD
Microlife non-contact clinical thermometer nc 200
Microlife NC 200 kontaktsiz klinik termometr Microlife NC 200 kontaktsiz klinik termometr tana haroratini tez va aniq kontaktsiz o‘lchash uchun muhim vosita bo‘lib, o‘zaro infektsiya xavfini kamaytiradi. U tana haroratini aniqlash uchun infraqizil texnologiyadan foydalanadi va oson o‘qiladigan raqamli displeyni taqdim etadi. Xususiyatlar: Kontaktsiz oʻlchash: oʻzaro infektsiya xavfini kamaytiradi Infraqizil texnologiya: tana haroratini aniq aniqlaydi Katta, oʻqish oson displey: harorat koʻrsatkichlarini aniq koʻrsatadi Isitma haqida ogohlantirish: harorat 37,5°C (99,5°F) dan oshsa, foydalanuvchilarni ogohlantiradi 30 tagacha o'qishni saqlaydi: foydalanuvchilarga vaqt o'tishi bilan harorat tendentsiyalarini kuzatish imkonini beradi Xavfsiz va ishonchli: Idoralar tomonidan tasdiqlangan va klinik jihatdan tasdiqlangan Foydalanish: Microlife NC 200 kontaktsiz klinik termometrdan foydalanish oson va tushunarli. Termometrni peshonaga yoki teridan bir necha santimetr uzoqqa yo'naltirish va o'lchash tugmasini bosing. Harorat bir necha soniya ichida ekranda ko'rsatiladi. Termometrda harorat 37,5°C (99,5°F) dan oshsa, foydalanuvchilarni xabardor qilish uchun isitma haqida ogohlantirish funksiyasi ham mavjud. Foydalar: Kontaktsiz oʻlchash gigienik va xavfsiz hisoblanadi To'g'ri infraqizil texnologiya noqulay aloqaga ehtiyojni yo'q qiladi Oson o‘qiladigan displey harorat ko‘rsatkichlarini sodda va tushunarli qiladi Isitma haqida ogohlantirish funksiyasi isitma alomatlarini erta aniqlashga yordam beradi Vaqt davomida haroratni oson kuzatish uchun 30 tagacha ko'rsatkichlarni saqlaydi Umuman olganda, Microlife NC 200 kontaktsiz klinik termometr kasalxonalar, klinikalar va uy xo'jaliklari uchun zarur vosita bo'lib, tana haroratini kontaktsiz o'lchashning tez va aniq usulini talab qiladi. Uning noinvaziv usuli, shuningdek, o‘zaro infektsiya xavfini kamaytirishga yordam beradi va bu hamma uchun xavfsiz va ishonchli tanlovdir...
81.08 USD
Omron gentle temp 720 peshona termometri
Omron Gentle Temp 720 peshona termometrining xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/30 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 1 donaOg'irligi: 338 g Uzunligi: 204 mm Kenligi: 119 mm Balandligi: 68 mm Sotib oling Shveytsariyadan Omron Gentle Temp 720 peshona termometri..
108.91 USD
Pangao infrarot ohr-/stirntermometr 3in1
Xususiyatlar Quloq harorati, peshona harorati yoki ob'ektni o'lchash uchun. Xotira: 9 ta o'lchov natijasi. XususiyatlarQuloq harorati, peshona harorati yoki biror narsani o'lchash uchun.Xotira: 9 ta oʻlchov natijasi.Ushbu mahsulot Idoralar sertifikatiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi...
78.78 USD
Scala infrarot stirn termometri sc 8271
Scala Infrarot Stirn Thermometer SC 8271 The Scala Infrarot Stirn Thermometer SC 8271 is a handy device that accurately measures body temperature from the forehead without any physical contact. It is a must-have for households, clinics, hospitals, and workplaces to quickly and safely screen individuals for fever, a common symptom of infections like COVID-19. Key Features Non-Contact Measurement: The SC 8271 uses infrared technology to read the temperature from up to 5cm away, without touching the skin, reducing the risk of cross-infection. Fast and Accurate: The thermometer provides an accurate reading within 2 seconds due to its advanced German sensor technology and high-quality optics. Large LCD Display: The thermometer has a large backlit screen that displays readings in Fahrenheit or Celsius, making it easy to read even in dark rooms. User-Friendly Design: The thermometer has a user-friendly design with an ergonomic grip and simple button operation. It stores up to 30 readings for easy tracking of temperature changes. Multifunctional: The SC 8271 can measure not only body temperature but also surface and ambient temperatures, making it useful for other applications aside from fever screening. Easy to Clean and Store: The thermometer comes with a protective pouch and is easy to clean with a soft cloth and disinfectant. Why Buy Scala Infrarot Stirn Thermometer SC 8271? The SC 8271 is a reliable and efficient temperature screening device that ensures the safety and health of individuals in any setting. It is easy to use, fast, and accurate, providing users with peace of mind in the face of infectious diseases. Its multifunctional applications also make it a versatile tool for various temperature measurement needs. Get your Scala Infrarot Stirn Thermometer SC 8271 today and safeguard your wellbeing!..
104.21 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)