
Oyoq parvarishi

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 25 gacha 73
(hammasi 3 sahifa)
Oyoqlaringizni parvarish qilish bo'yicha barcha ehtiyojlar uchun saytiga ishoning. Biz Shveytsariyadan oyoqlaringizni jonlantirish va parvarish qilish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan keng assortimentdagi sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlarini taklif etamiz. Siz kalluslar, quruq teri yoki yorilgan poshnalar uchun yechim izlayapsizmi, bizning keng qamrovli inventarimiz sizni qamrab oladi. Bizning oyoq parvarishlash kollektsiyamiz yuqori sifatli oyoq kukunlari, kremlar, jellar, tirnoq qaychi va kallus fayllari kabi maxsus vositalar va hatto to'liq erkalash uchun oyoq vannalarini o'z ichiga oladi. Kundalik oyoq parvarishi uchun zarur bo'lgan narsalardan tashqari, biz bosimdan himoya qilish, teri va tirnoq qisqichlari va boshqalar kabi tibbiy asboblarni ham taqdim etamiz. Mahsulotlarimiz yordamida silliq va sog'lom oyoqlarga erishish hech qachon oson bo'lmagan. Bugun saytidan xarid qiling va oyoqlaringizga ular munosib bo'lgan hashamatli muolajani bering.
Akileine blue podoraspel

Akileine blue podoraspel

Mahsulot kodi: 3107514

AKILEINE Blue Podorasp - Oyoqlaringizni yumshatadi va tekislang Oyoq parvarishi haqida gap ketganda, AKILEINE o'zining ajoyib assortimenti yuqori sifatli mahsulotlar bilan ajralib turadigan brenddir. AKILEINE Blue Podorasp - yumshoq va silliq oyoqlarga erishmoqchi bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun zarur. Ushbu mahsulot oyoqlaringizdagi qattiq terini yo'q qilish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan va teringizni yangilangan va yangilangan qiladi.Asosiy xususiyatlar Qattiq, chaqirilgan terini yo'q qiladi Oyoq terisini yumshatadi va silliq qiladi Makkajo'xori va kalluslarga qarshi samarali Ikki tomonlama sirtli raspa bilan ajralib turadi Innovatsion dizayn oson ishlov berish va aniq ushlashni taklif etadi Bardoshli va uzoq muddatli U qanday ishlaydi AKILEINE Blue Podorasp oyoqlaringizdagi qattiq terini olib tashlash uchun maxsus mo'ljallangan ikki tomonlama yuzaga ega raspaga ega. Dag'al yuzasi o'lik teri hujayralarini olib tashlaydi, nozik yuza esa terini yumshoq va elastik qoldirish uchun tekislaydi. Siz AKILEINE Blue Podorasp dan makkajo'xori va kalluslarga qarshi kurashish uchun oyoqlaringizning pastki qismidagi qalinlashgan terini yumshatib, uni qatlam-qatlam olib tashlashingiz mumkin. Uning innovatsion dizayni oson ishlov berish va aniq ushlashni taklif etadi, bu esa hatto oyoq parvarishida yangi bo'lsangiz ham undan foydalanishni osonlashtiradi.Qanday foydalanish AKILEINE Blue Podorasp-dan foydalanish nihoyatda oson. Terini yumshatish uchun oyoqlaringizni taxminan 10 daqiqa davomida iliq suvda namlashdan boshlang. Yumshoq bo'lgandan so'ng, oyoqlaringizning tagidagi va barmoqlaringizning chetlaridagi o'lik terini muloyimlik bilan artib tashlash uchun raspadan foydalaning. Eng yaxshi natijaga erishish uchun uni istalgan yo'nalishda ishlatishingiz mumkin. Eng yaxshi natijalarga erishish uchun oyoqlaringizni yaxshi ko'rish va his qilish uchun ushbu mahsulotni muntazam ravishda ishlating.Xulosa AKILEINE Blue Podorasp yumshoq va silliq oyoqlarga erishmoqchi bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun muhim mahsulotdir. O‘zining innovatsion dizayni va samarali natijalari bilan u oyoq parvarishlash tartibida bo‘lishi shart. Oyoqlaringizni eng yaxshi parvarishlash uchun ushbu ajoyib mahsulotga sarmoya kiriting...

30.59 USD

Akileine dermo akilwinter krem ​​chillalar 75 ml

Akileine dermo akilwinter krem ​​chillalar 75 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3178218

AKILEINE dermo Akilwinter kremining xususiyatlari 75 mlSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg'irligi : 102g Uzunlik: 39mm Eni: 49mm Balandligi: 142mm AKILEINE dermo Akilwinter krem ​​75 ml ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling ..

22.63 USD

Bioligo pedicure drops 15 ml

Bioligo pedicure drops 15 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4378267

BIOLIGO Pedicure Drops 15ml Our feet carry us all day, every day, and it's easy to neglect them in our beauty routine. However, with BIOLIGO Pedicure Drops, you can give your feet the love and care they deserve. These drops are specially formulated to soften and hydrate rough, dry skin on your feet, leaving them feeling smooth, soft, and refreshed. Benefits: Softens calluses and rough spots Hydrates dry, cracked feet Fights off unpleasant odors Provides a relaxing and refreshing sensation when applied How to Use: Apply a few drops of BIOLIGO Pedicure Drops to your feet and massage them into your skin until fully absorbed. Use daily or as needed for maximum effectiveness. Ingredients: Urea: a naturally occurring substance that helps to soften calluses and rough skin Tea Tree Oil: well-known for its antimicrobial properties, helps to fight off unpleasant odors and refreshes the skin Salicylic Acid: an exfoliating ingredient that helps to gently remove dead skin cells for a smoother appearance Glycerin: a powerful humectant that helps to attract and retain moisture in the skin At BIOLIGO, we believe in using the power of nature to create effective and sustainable beauty products. ..

54.83 USD

Bort pedisoft kichkina oyoq barmog'i

Bort pedisoft kichkina oyoq barmog'i

Mahsulot kodi: 3661630

BORT PediSoft kichkina oyoq barmog'ining xususiyatlariO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 25g Uzunligi: 23 mm Engligi : 100mm Balandligi: 55mm BORT PediSoft oyoq barmoqlarini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

24.83 USD

Bort pedisoft oyoq barmoqlarini tarqatuvchi kichik 2 dona

Bort pedisoft oyoq barmoqlarini tarqatuvchi kichik 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3235152

BORT PediSoft Toe yoygichining xususiyatlari kichik 2 donaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 2 donaOg‘irligi: 27g Uzunligi: 23 mm p>Eni: 100mm Balandligi: 55mm Bort PediSoft Toe yoyish moslamasini Shveytsariyadan 2 donadan onlayn xarid qiling..

20.66 USD

Bort pedisoft oyoq barmoqlarini yoyish moslamasi katta 2 dona

Bort pedisoft oyoq barmoqlarini yoyish moslamasi katta 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2053704

BORT PediSoft Toe yoygichining xususiyatlari katta 2 donaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 2 donaOg‘irligi: 36g Uzunligi: 23 mm p>Eni: 100mm Balandligi: 55mm Bort PediSoft Toe yoyish moslamasini Shveytsariyadan 2 dona onlayn xarid qiling..

20.66 USD

Bort pedisoft texline hallux pad s

Bort pedisoft texline hallux pad s

Mahsulot kodi: 3054982

BORT PEDISOFT Texline Hallux Pad S To'qimachilik qoplamali Hallux Pad to'p bilan bog'liq muammolardan tez va doimiy og'riqni yo'qotish uchun, masalan. noto'g'ri yoki ortiqcha oyoq tufayli. MAHSULOT XUSUSIYATLARI: Oyoq kiyimidagi taglik bo‘g‘imidagi bosimni yumshatish uchun.Oyoq kiyimida teriga mos.Oyoq kiyimida sirpanish bo‘lmaydi.Tarkibi: 1 dona kichik poyafzal o‘lchami 40 gacha, poyabzal o‘lchami 41THE PEDISOFT®-TEXLINE-PLUS: Yostiqchalar optimal taqsimlanadi bosimTashqaridan qo'shimcha bosimdan himoya qilishTo'qimachilik qoplamasi tufayli kiyish uchun qulay ?xotira effekti tufayli har bir oyoq konturiga optimal moslashish?Kygandan so'ng material darhol o'zining asl shakliga qaytadi.Juda gigiyenikMashinada 30 °C da yuvilishi mumkin (oyoq barmoqlarini to'g'rilash uchun bolg'achadan tashqari) va bosimdan himoya qilish) ..

34.41 USD

Bort pedisoft texline oyoq barmog'i / barmoq qopqog'i l

Bort pedisoft texline oyoq barmog'i / barmoq qopqog'i l

Mahsulot kodi: 3324921

BORT PediSoft Texline oyoq barmog'i/barmoq qopqog'ining xususiyatlari LO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 24g Uzunligi: 23 mm Eng: 100 mm Balandligi: 55 mm BORT PediSoft Texline oyoq barmog'i/barmoq qopqog'i L ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

22.91 USD

Bort to'pig'i yostiqchalari grc 41-44 latched 1 juft

Bort to'pig'i yostiqchalari grc 41-44 latched 1 juft

Mahsulot kodi: 2042540

BORT to'pig'i yostiqchalarining xususiyatlari GrC 41-44 Latched 1 juftEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 82g Uzunlik: 20 mm Keng: 109 mm Balandligi: 140 mm Bort tovon yostiqchalarini GrC 41-44 1 juftlik bilan onlayn xarid qiling Shveytsariyadan..

58.21 USD

Bunion m 24-27cm uchun epitact himoyasi

Bunion m 24-27cm uchun epitact himoyasi

Mahsulot kodi: 3443867

Relieves pain from hallux valgus, distributes the load evenly over the entire foot and reduces annoying friction. Features Remarks: Size M corresponds to 39-41 and foot width 10-11.5cm; Notes The protection should not be worn on sore skin.In the case of diabetes, arteritis and neuropathy, the Foot should be monitored regularly. This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

52.30 USD

Compeed hühneraugenpflaster m 10 dona

Compeed hühneraugenpflaster m 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2018702

Makkajo‘xori chuqur namlangan va yumshoq, ammo samarali olib tashlash uchun yumshatilgan.Xususiyatlar Makkajo'xori plasterlari maksimal qulaylik uchun mo'ljallangan. Gipsdagi chuqurcha yengillikni ta'minlaydi, chunki u bosimni makkajo'xoridan atrofdagi teriga o'tkazadi.Gidrokolloid texnologiyasi optimal shifo muhitini yaratadi: makkajo'xori chuqur namlanadi va yumshatiladi, shuning uchun u yumshoq bo'ladi. samarali tarzda olib tashlanishi mumkin.Ushbu mahsulot CE belgisiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi...

21.32 USD

Compeed yamoq to'pi himoyasi m 5 dona

Compeed yamoq to'pi himoyasi m 5 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3135396

Compeed ball protection patches also work against localized blisters or skin hardening that have already formed around the bunion. Properties Compeed ball of foot protection plasters are designed in such a way that they completely enclose the area of ??the ball of the big toe and offer maximum comfort. Hydrocolloid technology helps keep skin supple and cushions further pressure. It also protects against swelling, blisters and further hardening of the skin around the ball of the foot. Compeed Bunion Protection Patches also work against localized blisters or hardening of the skin that have already formed around the bunion. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

21.80 USD

Credo almashtirish pichoqlari hornhauthobel blister 10 dona

Credo almashtirish pichoqlari hornhauthobel blister 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 1964177

CREDO almashtirish pichoqlarining xususiyatlari Hornhauthobel Blist 10 donaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 10 donaOg‘irligi: 17g Uzunligi: 12 mm p>Eni: 80 mm Balandligi: 135 mm CREDO almashtirish pichoqlari Hornhauthobel Blist 10 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

10.14 USD

Credo shox pardasi xavfsiz pichoqlar blister 6 dona

Credo shox pardasi xavfsiz pichoqlar blister 6 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2372711

CREDO shox pardasining xususiyatlari Xavfsiz pichoq blisteri 6 donaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 6 donaOg‘irligi: 17g Uzunligi: 12 mm p>Eni: 80 mm Balandligi: 135 mm CREDO shox pardasi uchun xavfsizlik pichoqlari blisterini Shveytsariyadan 6 dona onlayn xarid qiling..

9.84 USD

Epitact oyoq barmog'i s 23 mm

Epitact oyoq barmog'i s 23 mm

Mahsulot kodi: 3446713

EPITACT barmoq himoyasi S 23 mm Makkajo'xori yoki ko'k tirnoqlar uchun oyoq barmoqlarining qulay himoyasi. Tana vazni teng taqsimlanadi va ishqalanish kamayadi. Xususiyatlar Yuvish mumkin, qayta foydalanish mumkin Qaydlar Ogʻriqli teriga oyoq barmoqlarini himoya qiluvchi vositani taqmang. Qandli diabet, arterit yoki neyropatiya bo'lsa, oyoqni muntazam ravishda kuzatib borish kerak. ..

23.14 USD

Gehwol suyuqligi 15 ml

Gehwol suyuqligi 15 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 1858185

GEHWOL fluid 15 ml The GEHWOL fluid is the ultimate solution to all your foot problems. It is specifically designed to care for your feet and keep them in a healthy state. It is a fast-acting and effective fluid that provides quick relief from pain and discomfort caused by various foot conditions. This fluid is suitable for people who experience dry, rough, and cracked skin on their feet. It moisturizes and nourishes your feet leaving them feeling soft and smooth all day long. It also enhances blood circulation, which promotes healthy feet. The GEHWOL fluid contains essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, and lavender oil. These oils have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that protect your feet from infections caused by bacteria and fungi. Additionally, these oils leave your feet smelling fresh and pleasant. The fluid is easy to use. Simply apply a few drops to the affected area and gently massage it into your skin. The fluid quickly absorbs into your skin leaving no greasy residue. The compact 15 ml bottle makes it easy for you to carry it in your bag or purse, ensuring you have access to foot care wherever you go. Overall, GEHWOL fluid is an essential item for anyone looking to maintain healthy and comfortable feet. Its effectiveness and convenience make it a must-have item in your foot care routine. ..

11.48 USD

Herba oyoq nagelzange 13 sm 5392

Herba oyoq nagelzange 13 sm 5392

Mahsulot kodi: 56489

HERBA oyoq Nagelzange xususiyatlari Kengligi: 61 mm Balandligi: 250 mm Herba oyoq Nagelzange 13cm 5392 ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

35.96 USD

Hornhauthobel 5341 ga herba almashtirish pichoqlari

Hornhauthobel 5341 ga herba almashtirish pichoqlari

Mahsulot kodi: 1869059

Replacement blades for the Herba callus plane. Properties Replacement blades for the Herba callus plane.5 pieces ..

5.99 USD

Saltratlar antiperspirant oyoq kremi tube 100ml

Saltratlar antiperspirant oyoq kremi tube 100ml

Mahsulot kodi: 2512655

Tuzli antiperspirant Fusscreme Tb 100 ml xususiyatlariSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg‘irligi: 130g Uzunlik: 34mm Eni: 54mm Balandligi: 162mm Shveytsariyadan Saltrates antiperspirant Fusscreme Tb 100 ml ni onlayn xarid qiling p>..

30.96 USD

Scholl oyoq parvarishlash vannasi jonlantiruvchi can 275 g

Scholl oyoq parvarishlash vannasi jonlantiruvchi can 275 g

Mahsulot kodi: 3407506

The Scholl vitalising foot care bath gently cleanses with high-quality, natural crystal salt. Tired and stressed feet are refreshed again. Natural oils from orange, mint and 5% urea care for and ensure a pleasant scent. Farnesol acts as a deodorant active ingredient, resulting in long-lasting freshness. Application Put 1 capful in 3-5l lukewarm water and soak your feet for 10-15 minutes. Enjoy the gentle massage effect by sliding your feet over the salt crystals as long as they have not yet dissolved. Sufficient for about 14-18 foot baths. Notes For external use only. Do not get in eyes or on mucous membranes. Do not use on infants or children. Keep out of the reach of children...

17.73 USD

Scholl shox pardaga qarshi krem ​​intensiv tube 75 ml

Scholl shox pardaga qarshi krem ​​intensiv tube 75 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3670296

The Scholl Anti-Callus Cream Intensive combines effective callus reduction with a noticeable care effect and the active ingredient complex with natural fruit acids, peach kernel oil, aloe vera and allantoin. Composition Aqua, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Decyl Oleate, Glycerin, Steareth-2, Cetearyl Alcohol, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Steareth-21, Salicylic Acid, Prunus Persica Kernel Oil, Tartaric Acid, Citric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Lactic Acid, Allantoin, Xanthan Gum, Parfum.. Properties Effective callus reduction in just 5 daysIntensive care with an immediately noticeable effectGently loosens excess skin cells without irritating the skinReduces the formation of new ones with regular use Cornea Application Apply twice a day to calloused skin and massage in. Notes Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply to sensitive, irritated or broken skin. Discontinue use immediately if skin irritation occurs. Avoid direct sunlight after application. Do not use to care for children under the age of 3. ..

20.83 USD

Sholl shox pardasi

Sholl shox pardasi

Mahsulot kodi: 2621054

Scholl shox pardasining xususiyatlariO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 66 g Uzunligi: 35 mm Kenig‘i: 90 mm Balandligi: 280 mm Shveytsariyadan Scholl shox pardasini onlayn xarid qiling..

19.57 USD

Viscospot fersenkissen gr2 o'ng 1 juft

Viscospot fersenkissen gr2 o'ng 1 juft

Mahsulot kodi: 2115262

ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe pain caused by overexertion when walking and standing. The cushion absorbs the impact of every step, while the softer blue dot relieves the sensitive pressure point on the sole of the heel. In addition, the elastic anatomical shape adapts perfectly to the shoe and foot, which guarantees a high level of comfort. Product information The ViscoSpot heel cushion with the relief spot for the right foot and size 2 is suitable for shoe sizes 41-47...

74.07 USD

Viscospot tovon yostig'i gr2 chap juftlik 1

Viscospot tovon yostig'i gr2 chap juftlik 1

Mahsulot kodi: 2053839

ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe pain caused by overexertion when walking and standing. The cushion absorbs the impact of every step, while the softer blue dot relieves the sensitive pressure point on the sole of the heel. In addition, the elastic anatomical shape adapts perfectly to the shoe and foot, which guarantees a high level of comfort. Product information The ViscoSpot heel cushion with the relief spot for the left foot and size 2 is suitable for shoe sizes 41-47...

74.07 USD

Weleda oyoq balzami 75 ml

Weleda oyoq balzami 75 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 1623306

Our feet carry us around the globe an average of four times in our life. The fine composition of strengthening myrrh and soothing calendula extract strengthens the skin and prevents the formation of calluses and cracks with regular use.Extra pampering program: treat your feet to an invigorating foot bath from time to time, for example with the Weleda citrus refreshment bath. ..

19.17 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 25 gacha 73
(hammasi 3 sahifa)
expert advice