
Yuz yog'i

Ko'rsatildi 26 dan 44 gacha 44
(hammasi 2 sahifa)
Yosh va yorqin terini saqlashda yuz yog'ining ahamiyatini ta'kidlab bo'lmaydi. saytida biz sog'lom terining mohiyatini tushunamiz va Shveytsariyadagi nufuzli brendlarning yuqori sifatli yuz moyi va boshqa go'zallik mahsulotlarini taqdim etishni o'z missiyamizga aylantirdik. Ushbu mahsulotlar bir nechta toifalarga tarqaldi, jumladan, tana parvarishi va kosmetika, hamshiralik maqolalari, yuzni parvarish qilish, brend bo'yicha, Lubex, quyoshdan himoyalovchi, quyoshdan himoya qilish. Shuningdek, biz terini parvarish qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan yuz balzami, yuz kremi, namlovchi kremlar, yuz jeli va boshqalarni taklif qilamiz. Ajinlar, pigmentga qarshi, teri himoyasi yoki LSF50+ kabi yuqori SPF tarkibiga ega quyoshdan himoyalovchi vositalar uchun yechim izlayapsizmi, biz sizga yordam beramiz. Beeovita yuz moylari va boshqa Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan terini parvarishlash mahsulotlari bilan mukammal yuz parvarishlash tartibini bugun qabul qiling.
Avene antirougeurs teg emulsiyasi spf30 40 ml

Avene antirougeurs teg emulsiyasi spf30 40 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7754976

Avène Antirougeurs emulsion neutralizes and protects reddened skin. The emulsion contains the active ingredient TRP-Regulin, which inhibits the inflammatory reaction of the skin, combined with Pro-Tocopheryl, which fights free radicals. It also contains the active ingredient dextran sulphate with decongestant properties. The skin is strengthened and immediately soothed. Skin redness is neutralized by the slightly green colouring. The emulsion has a sun protection factor of 30 and thus protects the skin from the sun. Neutralizes skin rednessProvides moistureCalmsStrengthensProtects Our tips against skin redness. Application Apply in the morning to cleansed skin. Composition Avene Thermal Spring Water (Avene Aqua). C12-15 alkyl benzoates. dicaprylyl carbonates. glycerin. Diisopropyl Adipates. methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol [nano]. Water (Aqua). Bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol methoxyphenyl triazines. Diethylhexyl butamido triazone. silica. butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane. Glyceryl stearate. Peg-100 stearates. Potassium cetyl phosphate. 1,2-hexanediol. 4-T-butylcyclohexanol. Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylates crosspolymer. Blue 1 (Ci 42090). Caprylic/Capric triglycerides. caprylyl glycol. Decylglucosides. disodium. Edta. Fragrance (perfume). Glyceryl Behenate. Glyceryl dibehenate. octyldodecanol. Pongamia Glabra Seed Oil. Propylene Glycol. Sodium dextran sulfate. sodium hydroxide. titanium. Dioxides (Ci 77891). tocopherol. tocopheryl glucosides. tribehenin. tropolones. xanthan gum...

59.55 USD

Avene cleanance ayollar nachtpflege 30 ml

Avene cleanance ayollar nachtpflege 30 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7774663

This night cream was specially developed for adults with blemishes, pimples and blackheads. The night cream balances the complexion, regenerates the skin overnight and reduces impurities. PropertiesSmoothing night care. For impure skin of adults with pimples and uneven complexion. Non-comedogenic.Application Apply to the previously thoroughly cleansed face in the evening. Use alone or after using a serum. ..

55.83 USD

Avene cleanance come domed 30 ml

Avene cleanance come domed 30 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7745269

Mavjud dog‘lar va yangi dog‘lar paydo bo‘lishiga qarshi kurashish uchun yuqori konsentrlangan parvarish. Tarkibi Avene termal buloq suvi (Avene Aqua), izopropil spirti, Peg-6, glitserin, silibum Marianum meva ekstrakti, silika, poliakrilat-13, poliizobuten, polisorbat 20, sorbitan izostearat, suv (Avene). XususiyatlarAvene Cleanance Comedomed Gel-Krem - takrorlanishga qarshi ta'sirga ega bo'lgan o'jar kirlar bilan kurashish uchun yuqori konsentrlangan parvarish. Jel-krem mavjud dog'larni kamaytiradi va yangi dog'lar paydo bo'lishini kamaytiradi. Asosiy faol moddasi komedoklastin bo'lib, sut qushqo'nmasining urug'larida topilgan o'simlikka asoslangan faol moddadir. Ushbu faol modda teri ostidagi dog'larni yo'q qiladi. Toza teri va nozik yuz uchun.Aven termal suvi tufayli tinchlantiruvchiYog'siz formulasiTez so'riladiTayoqchalar emasMattingXushbo'y hidsizShuningdek, tibbiy davolanish bilan birgalikda ishlatilishi mumkin (shifokor bilan maslahatlashing) IlovaTozalangan yuzga ertalab va kechqurun qo'llang...

49.33 USD

Avene hydrance emulsiyasi 40 ml

Avene hydrance emulsiyasi 40 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7740331

Avène Hydrance Emulsion is a moisture booster with thermal water. The innovative CohedermTM complex provides the skin with long-lasting moisture for a radiant complexion. Avène Thermal Water has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. The emulsion has a light, non-greasy texture. Provides long-lasting moistureSoothes the skin Non-greasy Application Apply to the face in the morning and/or evening. Composition Avene Thermal Spring Water (Avene Aqua). glycerin. Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate. C14-22 alcohols. Dimethicone. Isocetyl stearoyl stearates. triethylhexanoin. 1,2-hexanediol. polymethyl methacrylates. Potassium cetyl phosphates. Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylates crosspolymer. Benzoic Acid. C12-20 alkyl glucosides. Fragrance. Hydroxyethyl Acrylates/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer. phytosterols. Polysorbates 60. sclerotium gum. Sodium hydroxides. Sorbitan isostearates. squalanes. Water (Aqua)...

51.63 USD

Avene hydrance kremi spf30 40 ml

Avene hydrance kremi spf30 40 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7740332

Avène Hydrance Emulsion is a moisture booster with thermal water. The innovative CohedermTM complex provides the skin with long-lasting moisture for a radiant complexion. Avène Thermal Water has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. The Hydrance emulsion also contains a sun protection factor of 30 and pro-tocopherol, which effectively protects the skin from environmental influences. Creamy texture for a pleasant skin feeling all day long. Sun protection factor 30Provides long-lasting moistureSoothes the skin Application Apply to the face in the morning. Composition Avene Thermal Spring Water (Avene Aqua). C12-15 alkyl benzoates. dicaprylyl carbonates. Diisopropyl adipates. glycerin. Methylene Bis-Benzotriazolyl Tetramethylbutylphenol [Nano]. Water (Aqua). Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine. Diethylhexyl Butamido Triazone. polymethyl methacrylates. butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane. Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter (Butyrospermum Parkii Butter). Methyl Gluceth-20. Isocetyl stearoyl stearates. triethylhexanoin. Hydrogenated Starch hydrolysates. C10-18 triglycerides. Glyceryl stearates. Peg-100 stearates. Potassium Cetyl Phosphates. Benzoic acid. Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides. caprylyl glycol. Decylglucosides. Disodium Edta. Fragrance. Glyceryl behenate. Glyceryl Dibehenate. phytosterols. Polyacrylate-13. polyisobutenes. Polysorbates 20. Propylene glycol. Sorbitan isostearates. stearyl alcohol. tocopherol. Tocopheryl glucosides. Tribehenin. Xanthan gum...

55.83 USD

Cerave sa glättende feuchtigkeitscreme tb 177 ml

Cerave sa glättende feuchtigkeitscreme tb 177 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7751018

CeraVe SA Smoothing Nemlendirici Krem Tb 177 ml Terini 3 ta muhim keramid, karbamid va salitsil kislotasi bilan oziqlantiradi. Quruq va qo'pol teriga moyil bo'lgan teriga mos keladi. CeraVe kompaniyasining 10% karbamidli SA Urea Smoothing Moisturizer bilan silliq, egiluvchan va namlangan terini kashf eting. Salitsil kislotasi yordamida krem ​​teringizni tozalaydi va uni boshqa ingredientlarni o'zlashtirishga optimal tarzda tayyorlaydi. Peeling ta'siri tufayli parvarish terining tuzilishini yaxshilaydi va terining tekisligini ta'minlaydi. Yuqori konsentrlangan karbamid teriga ingrediyentni chuqur chiqarish va u yerda suvni saqlash orqali sizga uzoq muddatli namlik beradi. 3 ta muhim keramid terining himoya to'sig'ini tiklaydi, gialuron kislotasi esa qo'shimcha namlikni ta'minlaydi. CeraVe kompaniyasining patentlangan MVE texnologiyasi tufayli namlovchi vositaning faol moddalari uzoqroq vaqt davomida boshqariladigan tarzda chiqariladi. Bu terini qo'llashdan keyin 24 soatgacha parvarish qilishni anglatadi. CeraVe kompaniyasining 10% karbamidli yog'siz SA karbamidni tekislovchi nemlendirici ayniqsa quruq va juda quruq, qo'pol va notekis teriga mos keladi. Bundan tashqari, qirg'ichdan yasalgan teriga qarshi ideal. Terini qirg'ichdan o'tkazish uchun parvarishning samaradorligi isbotlangan...

31.20 USD

Cerave sa smoothing moisturizer pot 340 g

Cerave sa smoothing moisturizer pot 340 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7751003

CeraVe SA silliqlashtiruvchi nemlendirici krem ​​340 g Terini 3 ta muhim keramid, karbamid va salitsil kislotasi bilan oziqlantiradi. Quruq va qo'pol teriga moyil bo'lgan teriga mos keladi. CeraVe kompaniyasining 10% karbamidli SA Urea Smoothing Moisturizer bilan silliq, egiluvchan va namlangan terini kashf eting. Salitsil kislotasi yordamida krem ​​teringizni tozalaydi va uni boshqa ingredientlarni o'zlashtirishga optimal tarzda tayyorlaydi. Peeling ta'siri tufayli parvarish terining tuzilishini yaxshilaydi va terining tekisligini ta'minlaydi. Yuqori konsentrlangan karbamid teriga ingrediyentni chuqur chiqarish va u yerda suvni saqlash orqali sizga uzoq muddatli namlik beradi. 3 ta muhim keramid terining himoya to'sig'ini tiklaydi, gialuron kislotasi esa qo'shimcha namlikni ta'minlaydi. CeraVe kompaniyasining patentlangan MVE texnologiyasi tufayli namlovchi vositaning faol moddalari uzoqroq vaqt davomida boshqariladigan tarzda chiqariladi. Bu terini qo'llashdan keyin 24 soatgacha parvarish qilishni anglatadi. CeraVe kompaniyasining 10% karbamidli yog'siz SA karbamidni tekislovchi nemlendirici ayniqsa quruq va juda quruq, qo'pol va notekis teriga mos keladi. Bundan tashqari, qirg'ichdan yasalgan teriga qarshi ideal. Terini qirg'ichdan o'tkazish uchun parvarishning samaradorligi isbotlangan...

44.95 USD

Doktor hauschka ausgleichendes tagesfluid fl 50 ml

Doktor hauschka ausgleichendes tagesfluid fl 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7789232

Terini tinchlantiradi va muvozanatlashtiradi. Yaltiroq, yog'li terini tartibga soladi. Aralashtirilgan teriga va ifloslanishga moyil teriga mos keladi.XususiyatlarDr. . Hauschka muvozanatlashtiruvchi kunlik suyuqlik terini porlaydi. Bu kunlik suyuqlik ifloslanishga moyil bo'lgan yog'li aralash teriga juda mos keladi. Yengil suyuqlik terini tinchlantiradi va muvozanatlashtiradi, shunda porloq T-zonalar matlashadi va tabiiy muvozanatni topadi. Buyrak vetch, otquloq va nasturtium bilan kompozitsiya terini yangilaydi va tiniq rangga hissa qo'shadi. Muvozanatli kunlik suyuqlik Dr. Hauschka, shuningdek, hech qanday konservantlar, mineral moylar yoki silikonlarsiz uzoq muddatli namlikni ta'minlaydi.Hayvonlarda sinovdan o'tkazilmaydiMineral moylar, silikonlar va PEGdan xoliKonservantlarsizAtirsizTarkibiSuv, spirt, avakado yog'i, buyrak vetch ekstrakti, o'simlik glitserini, tapioka kraxmal, o'rik yadro yog'i, kunjut yog'i, natriy silikat, otquloq ekstrakti, arab saqichlari, spidwell ekstrakti, nasturtium, sabzi va adaçayı barglari, dengiz shimoli pulpa yog'i, jojoba yog'i, o'simlik emulsifikatori, efir moylari, ksantan saqichlari, alginat, o'simlik emulsifikatori, shakar yog' kislotasi efirlar, kungaboqar yog'i, limon kislotasi, propolis.IlovaDr. Ertalab tozalangan yuzga Hauschka Balancing Day Fluid surting...

47.76 USD

Dr hauschka beruhigendes tagesfluid

Dr hauschka beruhigendes tagesfluid

Mahsulot kodi: 7789230

Sezuvchan terini tinchlantiradi, qizarib ketgan va tirnash xususiyati beruvchi terini tartibga soladi va uni yanada mustahkam qiladi. Makiyaj asosi sifatida juda mos keladi.XususiyatlarDr. . Hauschka Soothing Day Fluid uzoq muddatli namlikni ta'minlaydi va tirnash xususiyati beruvchi terini tinchlantiradi. Teri mustahkamlanadi va chidamli bo'ladi. Kunduzgi suyuqlik qizarishga moyil bo'lgan nozik teri uchun idealdir. Nemlendirici suyuqlik, shuningdek, kuperozga (qizarib ketgan, kengaygan tomirlar) tinchlantiruvchi, tinchlantiruvchi ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Engil tekstura yog'li plyonka qoldirmasdan tez so'riladi va bo'yanish asosi sifatida juda mos keladi. dr Hauschka tinchlantiruvchi kunlik suyuqlik atirgul, hodan va ayol mantiyasidan iborat kompozitsiyalar tufayli terining porlashini ta'minlaydi.Hayvonlarda sinovdan o'tkazilmaydiMineral moylar, silikonlar, PEGsiz li> KonservantlarsizAtirsizTarkibiSuv, spirt, kokos moyi, o‘simlik glitserini, zefir ildizi ekstrakti, o'rik yadrosi yog'i, hodan ekstrakti, ayol mantiya barglari va Avliyo Ioann sharbati, avakado yog'i, kunjut yog'i, o'simlik emulsifikatori, jojoba yog'i, yeryong'oq yog'i, malina urug'i yog'i, atirgul va gul gullari ekstrakti, kakao moyi, bug'doy kepagi ekstrakti, efir moyi yog'lar, kungaboqar yog'i, lichinka yog'och ekstrakti, dengiz o'tlari ekstrakti, shakar emulsifikatori, gektorit, shakar yog' kislotasi efirlari, alginat, natriy sitrat, ksantan, yog'li spirtlar, lesitin, limon kislotasi...

51.00 USD

Eucerin hyaluron-filler + elastiklik yorlig'i lsf30 topf 50 ml

Eucerin hyaluron-filler + elastiklik yorlig'i lsf30 topf 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7837661

The anti-aging day care with hyaluronic acid and sun protection gives the skin more elasticity, radiance and visibly reduces wrinkles. Composition Aqua, Glycerin, Alcohol Denat. C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Butylene Glycol Dicaprylate/ Dicaprate, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Dibutyl Adipate, Ethylhexyl Triazone, Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid, Tapioca Starch, Behenyl Alcohol, Silybum Marianum Seed Oil, Sodium Hyaluronate , Arctium Lappa Fruit Extract, Glyceryl Stearate, Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Xanthan Gum, Acrylates/ C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Carbomer, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-di-butyl Hydroxyhydrocinnamate, Trisodium EDTA, Sodium Chloride, Dimethicone, Ethylhexylglycerin, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum. Properties The anti-aging day care counteracts the changing skin structure with advancing age. By enriching it with essential fatty acids, the skin becomes noticeably firmer and more elastic. The complexion gains freshness and radiance thanks to the active ingredients contained in milk thistle, which has an antioxidant effect. The formulation with hyaluronic acid visibly fills even deep wrinkles. The additional sun protection factor protects against UVA rays and thus prevents sun-related skin aging and the further development of wrinkles. The day care is also ideal as a make-up base. Notes Scientific tests have proven excellent skin compatibility and effectiveness. Application Eye contact should be avoided when applying. Do not store the day care above 25°C. ..

73.78 USD

Eucerin hyaluron-filler feuchtigkeits-booster nacht topf 50 ml

Eucerin hyaluron-filler feuchtigkeits-booster nacht topf 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7829195

Visibly reduces the first wrinkles Regenerates and plumps up the skin Moisturizes for up to 72 hours Ultra-light gel texture against the first wrinkles for daily night care Hyaluron-Filler + 3x Effect Moisture Booster Night combines long-chain hyaluronic acid, which binds moisture in the upper epidermal layers of the skin, with short-chain hyaluronic acid, which penetrates deeper into the skin layers where deeper wrinkles form. In combination with glycerine, the formula significantly increases the moisture content of the skin and regenerates and strengthens it overnight thanks to provitamin B5, while vitamin E relieves the skin of oxidative stress. ..

62.53 USD

Eucerin sun yuz uchun yog 'cont gel cr med lsf50+

Eucerin sun yuz uchun yog 'cont gel cr med lsf50+

Mahsulot kodi: 7809754

Contains an active solution to improve skin conditions and provides sun protection for oily and blemish-prone facial skin. Properties For oily skin prone to impurities, anti-shine effect, non-comedogenic, perfume-free, suitable as a make-up base ..

51.46 USD

La roche posay toleriane dermallergo suyuqligi aha disp 40 ml

La roche posay toleriane dermallergo suyuqligi aha disp 40 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7802833

Allergiyaga moyil yoki o‘ta sezgir teriga, yuz va ko‘zlardagi normaldan aralash teriga mo‘ljallangan namlovchi suyuqlikni tiklovchi, qizarishga qarshi, qaytalanishga qarshi ta’sir.TarkibiAkva/suv/eau, glitserin, butilen glikol, propandiol, butyrospermum parkii sariyog‘/shi yog‘i, pentilen glikol, polisorbat 20, zea mays kraxmal/makkajo'xori kraxmal, salvia miltiorrhiza ildizi ekstrakti, glitseril akrilat/akril kislota sopolimeri, sfingomonas fermenti ekstrakti, ammoniy poliakriloildimetil taurat, gidroksiasetofenon, kaprilil glikolitsiditsidiet ditsididi, tsetiletsididiidi-disimin (F.I.L. kodi: B270821/1)..XususiyatlariTarkibida [Neyrosensinlar + Sfingobioma] ni o'z ichiga olgan kunlik tiklovchi nemlendirici, terini bir zumda namlaydi va tinchlantiradi. Qizarishni kamaytiradi va terining himoya to'sig'ini mustahkamlaydi. Anti-residiv ta'siri: kundan-kunga terining sezgirligi uzoq davom etadigan farovonlikni tiklash uchun kamayadi.Allergiyaga moyil bo'lgan terida mikrobioma muvozanati buziladi. Mikrobiomaning muvozanati (teridagi mikroorganizmlarning ko'rinmas ekotizimi) buzilmagan teri to'sig'i uchun juda muhimdir. U ikki tomonlama funktsiyaga ega: terining himoya to'sig'ini mustahkamlaydi va terining sezgirligini pasaytiradi.Ilmiy kashfiyot.La Roche-Posay termal suvlaridan olingan sfingobioma bakterial ekstrakti, terining ishlashini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. mikrobioma. Formula terining tirnash xususiyati darajasini pasaytiradi.Yuqori teriga chidamlilik.Sezuvchan terida sinovdan o'tgan. Formulani optimal himoya qilish uchun ultra-germetik nasosli dispenser. 0% xushbo'y/spirtli* (*Tarkibida etanol yo'q).Barqarorlikka sodiqlik.Yashil texnologiya yordamida olingan sfingobioma. CO2 neytral zavodda ishlab chiqarilgan.Yog'siz, engil suyuqlik.Qo'llashErtalab va kechqurun yuz, ko'z konturi va bo'yinni tozalashdan keyin murojaat qiling...

48.58 USD

Roche posay toleriane dermallergo nacht aha

Roche posay toleriane dermallergo nacht aha

Mahsulot kodi: 7819744


48.58 USD

Tal absolue kunlik krem ​​oddiy topf 50 ml

Tal absolue kunlik krem ​​oddiy topf 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7759290

Vodiy Absolute Day Creamning xarakteristikalari oddiy idish 50 mlSaqlash harorati min/maks 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 ml Og'irligi: 250g Uzunlik: 77mm Eni: 77mm Balandligi: 77mm Vodiy Absolute Day Cream oddiy idish 50 ml onlayn xarid qiling Shveytsariyadan..

64.67 USD

Vichy neovadiol peri-meno tag nh

Vichy neovadiol peri-meno tag nh

Mahsulot kodi: 7801866

"Neovadiol Peri-Menopause" firming & revitalizing day cream for normal to combination skin. Composition Aqua/water/eau, glycerin, dimethicone, hydrogenated polyisobutene, niacinamide, hydroxypropyl tetrahydropyrantriol, alcohol denat, propylene glycol, synthetic wax, silica, PEG-10 dimethicone, dimethicone/PEG-10/15 crosspolymer , hydroxyethylpiperazine ethane sulfonic acid, CI 15985/yellow 6, CI 77891/titanium dioxide, sodium polyacrylate, sodium hyaluronate, sodium citrate, adenosine, tocopherol, propylene carbonate, hydroxyacetophenone, caprylyl glycol, dipropylene glycol, cassia angustifolia seed polysaccharide, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate , disteardimonium hectorite, synthetic fluorphlogopite, parfum/fragrance.. Properties During the perimenopause, hormonal fluctuations accelerate the signs of skin aging and lead to a loss of elasticity, density and definition of the facial contours.NEOVADIOL FIRMING & REVITALIZING DAY CARE reactivates the skin's mechanisms: elasticity, firmness, dryness.Efficacy is a priority at Vichy, which is why the Formulas clinically tested by dermatologists on menopausal and sensitive skin women.Non-comedogenic. BENEFITS Improves elasticity of the skin.Helps to smooth the skin and redefine the contours. Application On the face in the morning and apply neck. Avoid eye zone. ..

85.67 USD

Vichy neovadiol post-meno nacht

Vichy neovadiol post-meno nacht

Mahsulot kodi: 7801870

Repairing and restorative post-menopause night cream for all skin types. Composition Dimethicone, PEG-20 stearate, silica, oenothera biennis oil/evening primrose oil, panthenol, PEG-100 stearate, PEG-30 dipolyhydroxystearate, CI 15985/yellow 6, glyceryl stearate, niacinamide, trideceth-6 , methyldihydrojasmonate, salicyloyl phytosphingosine, adenosine, ammonium polyacryloyldimethyl taurate, tocopherol, propylene glycol, caprylyl glycol, hydroxypropyl tetrahydropyrantriol, capryloyl salicylic acid, citric acid, cassia angustifolia seed polysaccharide, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, pentaerythritylmate tetra-di-t-butyl acrylates, hydroxyacrylate /C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, parfum/fragrance.. Properties In the postmenopause, hormonal fluctuations increase skin aging. Lipid production decreases, leading to more acute skin dryness.Wrinkles become more pronounced and the skin loses firmness.NEOVADIOL REPAIRING AND RECOVERING NIGHT CREAM reactivates the skin's mechanisms: relaxation , density, wrinkles.Because Vichy puts effectiveness first, its formulas have been clinically evaluated by dermatologists on postmenopausal women with sensitive skin. BENEFITS: Intensely nourishes the skin.Helps to smooth the skin and restore well-being. TEXTURE : Ultra nourishing and soothing night balm.Non-comedogenic.Light floral scent. INGREDIENTS:The NEOVADIOL REPAIRING AND RECOVERY NIGHT CREAM is enriched with a highly effective blend of dermatological active ingredients: A duo of Proxylane and Cassia Extract to counteract the visible effects of to balance hormone fluctuations on the skin.Nourishing Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids from natural rice oil, which comes from solidarity sources in Thailand. CLINICALLY PROVEN: p>+100%* SURFACE LIPIDS OF THE EPIDERMIS-74%** DRYNESS+44%** SMOOTHNESS*Replaces 100% the loss of skin surface lipids during menopause. Formula engineered with lipids to compensate for the decline in sebum secretion associated with menopause.**Clinical score of 52 women at 1 month. Application Apply to the face, décolleté and neck in the evening, avoiding the eye area. ..

85.67 USD

Vichy neovadiol post-meno tag topf 50 ml

Vichy neovadiol post-meno tag topf 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7801869

"Neovadio Post-Menopause" regenerating anti-wrinkle day care, for all skin types on the face. Composition Aqua/water/eau, glycerin, dimethicone, butyrospermum parkii butter/shea butter, oryza sativa bran oil/rice bran oil, niacinamide, cetearyl alcohol, cetearyl isononanoate, carthamus tinctorius seed oil/safflower seed oil, glyceryl stearate, behenyl alcohol, zea mays starch/corn starch, glyceryl stearate citrate, dimethicone crosspolymer, sodium polyacrylate, sodium phytate, adenosine, disodium ethylene dicocamide PEG-15 disulfate, tocopherol, poloxamer 338, alcohol, propylene glycol, hydroxyacetophenone, caprylyl glycol, hydroxypropyl tetrahydropyrantriol, capryloyl salicylic acid, citric acid, cassia angustifolia seed polysaccharide, pentaerythrityl tetra-di-t-butyl hydroxyhydrocinnamate, parfum/fragrance.. Properties In the postmenopause, hormonal changes increase skin aging. Lipid production decreases, resulting in increased skin dryness. Wrinkles become more pronounced, the skin loses firmness.NEOVADIOL REGENERATIVE DAY CARE reactivates the skin's mechanisms: sagging, tightening, wrinkles.Efficacy has top priority at Vichy, which is why the Formulas clinically tested by dermatologists on menopausal women with sensitive skin. BENEFITS Replaces lipid loss.Corrects that Appearance of wrinkles.Tightens the skin. CLINICALLY TESTED -25%* SLACKING +17%* DENSITY-28%* WRINKLES *Clinical evaluation in 219 women after 3 months. Application Apply to face and neck in the morning. Notes Avoid the eye area. ..

85.67 USD

Vichy normaderm phytosolution yuzni parvarish qilish nemis 50 ml

Vichy normaderm phytosolution yuzni parvarish qilish nemis 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7639722

Care with highly effective ingredients of natural origin. Refines pores, reduces blackheads and pimples and moisturizes. Composition Aqua , Glycerin, Salicylic Acid, Isononyl Isononanoate, Butylene Glycol, Kaolin, Zinc Sulfate, Bifida Ferment Lysate, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Polyacrylate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Caprylyl Glycol, Hydrolyzed Algin, Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate, Biosaccharide Gum 1, acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, perfume. Properties The Normaderm Phytosolution facial care is a refreshing day care for oily, impure and acne-prone skin . The care contains highly effective and dermatologically recommended ingredients of natural origin. They have keratolytic, antibacterial, sebum-regulating, antioxidant and anti-irritant properties. These ingredients enable a dual effect: Refines pores and reduces blackheads and pimplesMoisturizes the skin, strengthens and nourishes the skin barrier and regulates excess sebum The water-based, super light texture lets the pores breathe, is easy to apply, absorbs quickly and has a pH value that is neutral to the skin. Suitable for oily and acne-prone skinNon-comedogenic (does not clog pores)PH neutral to the skin (5.5)Anti-pollution thanks to ingredients of natural originTested under dermatological control Application Apply the care to cleansed face in the morning and evening. Also ideal as a make-up base. Avoid eye area. Best results when using the Normaderm Phytosolution cleaning gel. ..

47.34 USD

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