Ekologik toza dezodorant
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Ben and anna deodorant urban black 40 gr
Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40 g The Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40g is the perfect choice for those looking to switch to a natural deodorant that is both effective and environmentally friendly. This deodorant features a unique blend of natural ingredients that help to neutralize odor-causing bacteria, while also moisturizing and nourishing your skin. One of the key ingredients in this deodorant is arrowroot powder, which helps to absorb moisture and keep your underarms dry. The addition of baking soda also helps to neutralize odor and keep you feeling fresh all day long. And unlike many other natural deodorants on the market, this product is free from aluminum, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. In addition to its effectiveness as a deodorant, the Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40g is also packaged in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. The packaging is made from FSC-certified paper and is 100% recyclable. Plus, this deodorant is vegan and cruelty-free, so you can feel good about using it every day. With its refreshing scent and natural ingredients, the Ben & Anna Deodorant Urban Black 40g is the perfect choice for anyone looking to switch to a natural deodorant that really works. Try it today and discover the power of natural ingredients for yourself!..
13.30 USD
Biosme deo probiotisch roll on blanc coton
BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton Introducing the BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton, the ultimate solution for keeping unpleasant body odors at bay, while also taking care of your skin health. This deodorant roll on is designed with a blend of natural probiotics and active plant ingredients, that work together to create a healthy and balanced microflora on your skin. The BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton has a delicate and subtle scent, that is fresh and soothing, making it perfect for both men and women. It contains no aluminum, no synthetic fragrances, and no alcohol, making it safe for all skin types, even the most sensitive ones. With regular use, the BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton helps to maintain a healthy balance of the skin's microbiome, which in turn helps to naturally reduce the unpleasant body odors. The roll on applicator ensures smooth and easy application, without leaving any sticky or greasy residue. Biosme is a trusted brand known for its commitment to natural and eco-friendly products. The BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton is part of their range of deodorants that are free from harmful chemicals and designed to work in harmony with your body, for maximum skin health and freshness. Get your hands on the BIOSME Deo probiotisch Roll on Blanc coton today and enjoy a healthy, fresh and nourished skin, naturally! ..
22.61 USD
Deomant crystal deodorant stick 100 gr
Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick 100 g The Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick is a natural and highly efficient deodorant solution that provides lasting freshness and protection against body odor. The crystal stick is made from 100% natural mineral salts that prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria and keep you smelling fresh and clean all day long. Features: 100% natural mineral salts Provides lasting freshness and protection against body odor Free from harmful chemicals and irritants Gentle on skin, suitable for all skin types Easy to use, simply apply to clean, dry skin Long-lasting formula, one stick can last up to 1 year The Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick is free from harmful chemicals and irritants commonly found in conventional deodorants, making it gentle and suitable for all skin types. Its long-lasting formula means one stick can last up to 1 year, making it an economical and eco-friendly alternative to traditional deodorants. Simply apply the crystal stick to clean, dry skin for all-day freshness and protection against body odor. Ideal for use on a daily basis, during exercise or other physical activities, and in hot and humid environments. Experience the benefits of natural deodorant with the Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick and enjoy long-lasting freshness and protection without compromising your health or the environment. Order your Deomant Crystal Deodorant Stick today!..
21.67 USD
Kalunite echter alaunstein marmor dezodoranti 60 gr
Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant 60 g Experience unparalleled freshness with the Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant 60 g - a premium quality deodorant made from natural ingredients that work to keep you fresh all day long. This deodorant is made using natural minerals and salts extracted from the highest quality sources, and it is free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances that can cause skin irritation and other adverse reactions. The Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant is specially designed to provide long-lasting odor protection without being too harsh on your skin. The unique mineral composition of this deodorant ensures that it is highly effective in neutralizing bacteria that cause body odor, while also preventing sweat from accumulating on your skin throughout the day. This 60 g deodorant comes in a sturdy and stylish packaging that's perfect for everyday use. It is easy to apply and can be used by both men and women who prefer a natural and safe alternative to conventional deodorants. If you're looking for a reliable and effective deodorant that is kind to your skin and keeps you feeling fresh all day long, the Kalunite Echter Alaunstein Marmor Deodorant 60 g is the perfect choice for you. It is also eco-friendly as it produces zero waste, making it a great choice for the environmentally conscious. ..
11.20 USD
Puralpina deodorant cream mint 50 ml
Terning yoqimsiz hidi uchun deodorant kremi. Ha, bu haqda gapirish yoqimsiz. Ammo biz hozir buni boshdan kechirishimiz kerak. Terning yomon hidi bezovta qiladi. Faqat ta'sirlangan odam emas, balki uning atrofidagi odamlar ham. Yaxshiyamki, terning kuchli hidiga qarshi ishonchli yordam beradigan deodorantlar mavjud. Teshiklaringizni alyuminiy tuzlari bilan yopishingiz shart emas. Boshqa yo'l ham bor. DEZODORANT YOKI ANTIPPERSPIRANT? Ommaviy tilda dezodorant va antiperspirantni deyarli farqlay olmaymiz, ammo muhim farq bor. Antiperspirant mahalliy terlashni oldini olishga qaratilgan. Alyuminiy tuzlari bilan teshiklarning tiqilib qolishi terning terining sirtidan chiqib ketishiga yo'l qo'ymaydi.Deodorant esa neytrallashtiruvchi moddalar va xushbo'y hidlar bilan yoqimsiz ter hidlarini oldini oladi. Dezodorantlar tarkibida ko'pincha alyuminiy tuzlari bo'lmaydi.ISHONCHLI HIMOYA Bizning deodorant kremimiz dezodorant bo'lib, antiperspirant emas. Biz sizning teringizni to'xtatishga harakat qilmayapmiz, aksincha, dezodorantni terning yomon va yoqimsiz hidi paydo bo'lishining oldini olish uchun ishlatamiz. Bizning dezodorant kremlarimiz ishonchli ishlaydi. Nima uchun biz buni bilamiz? Endi bu shaxsiy bo'ladi: biz buni o'zimiz, xodimlarimiz, oilalarimiz va do'stlarimiz ustida sinab ko'rdik. Rostini aytsam, bu haqiqatan ham ishlaydi. DEO KREMIMIZDA HIMOYA QANDAY ISHLATILADI? Bizning 100% tabiiy dezodorant kremlarimiz juda nozik hidga ega. Foydalanishdan keyin guldasta yoki atir shishasining hidini sezmaysiz. Shuning uchun biz ter hidini boshqa hidlar bilan yashirishga harakat qilmaymiz. Siz bizning deodorantlarimizda pishirish soda va sink oksidini topasiz. Pishirish soda hid va kislotalarni neytrallaydi va namlikni bog'laydi. Sink oksidi changni yutish xususiyatiga ega va hidni keltirib chiqaradigan teri mikroblarining ko'payishiga to'sqinlik qiladi. Ushbu xom ashyolarning mos aralashmasi ter hididan ishonchli himoya qiladi.Biz sizni tabiiy terlashni to'xtatmasdan sizni yoqimsiz hidlardan himoya qilamiz.DEO KREMNI QANDAY ISHLATISHIMIZ?Biz dezodorant kremlar tayyorlaymiz. Dezodorant roliklari, deodorant tayoqchalari yoki deodorant spreylari yo'q. Bizning 100% tabiiy dezodorant kremlarimizni barmoqlaringiz bilan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri qo'ltiq ostiga surtib, qisqa vaqt ishqalaysiz. Bizning dezodorant kremlarimiz juda samarali. Kichkina barmoq uchi qo'ltiq ostiga to'la bo'lsa kun bo'yi terning yoqimsiz hididan himoyalanish uchun etarli. NEGA BIZNING DEO KREMLARIMIZ? Nima uchun qo'lda tayyorlangan dezodorant kremlarimizdan foydalanish kerak? Buning ikkita muhim sababi bor: Sabab raqami 1, chunki ular sizni terning yoqimsiz hididan ishonchli himoya qiladi. 2-sonli sabab Ingredientlarga qarang. Qo'shimchalarsiz va murosasiz. Biz faqat tabiiy, barqaror va zararsiz xom ashyolardan foydalanamiz. Bizning dezodorantlarimizda hech qanday sun'iy konservantlar, xushbo'y hidlar va ranglarni topa olmaysiz. Bundan tashqari, alyuminiy, spirt, palma yog'i, mikroplastik yoki kerosinlar yo'q. Biz iloji boricha ko'proq mahalliy ingredientlardan foydalanamiz. Shea yog'i, hindiston yong'og'i yog'i yoki aloe vera o'rniga asal mumi, marigold va kungaboqar yog'idan foydalanishni afzal ko'ramiz. Sabab raqami 3 Bizning deodorant kremlarimiz juda samarali. Har kuni ishlatilsa, 15 ml lik banka taxminan 1 oydan 2 oygacha, 50 ml lik banka esa 4 oydan 5 oygacha davom etadi. DEZODORANTLARIMIZNI ISHLAB CHIQARISH Bizning dezodorant kremlarimiz qo'lda ishlangan va 100% tabiiydir. Dezodorantlar bizning Bern Oberlandidagi Frutigen shahridagi ishlab chiqarish korxonalarimizda katta yurak, g'amxo'rlik va ishtiyoq bilan ishlab chiqariladi. Biz iloji boricha ko'proq mahalliy ingredientlardan foydalanamiz. Tabiiy mahsulotlarimizda faqat 100% tabiiy, barqaror va zararsiz xomashyodan foydalaniladi. Biz hech qanday sun'iy konservantlar, hidlar yoki ranglardan foydalanmaymiz. Parafinlar, parabenlar, palma yog'i, mikroplastmassalar yoki shunga o'xshash moddalar yo'q. Mintaqaviy xom ashyo va qo'shimchalarsiz qo'lda ishlangan. Bu biz uchun yangilik emas. Biz bu borada kashshofmiz. Biz hech qanday tendentsiyaga sakrab o'tmaganmiz. Biz uni yaratishga yordam berdik. Biz 1992 yildan beri ushbu tamoyillar asosida ishlab chiqaramiz. DEO CREAM BERGAMOTCITRUS NOTERTerning yoqimsiz hididan ishonchli himoya. Bu 100% tabiiy deodorantni sizga taqdim etadi. Bern Oberlandidagi Frutigen shahridagi ishlab chiqarish korxonalarimizda ko'plab mahalliy ingredientlardan foydalangan holda ehtiyotkorlik bilan qo'lda ishlab chiqarilgan. Bizning dezodorant kremimiz sizni kun bo'yi yoqimli yangilik bilan ta'minlaydi va tanadan yomon hid paydo bo'lmasligini ta'minlaydi. Bergamotning tabiiy efir moyi bu deodorantga yumshoq, ammo tetiklantiruvchi sitrus notasini beradi. Biz sizning tabiiy terlashni to'xtatmoqchi emasmiz. Shuning uchun bizning dezodorant kremimiz ham dezodorant bo'lib, antiperspirant emas. Bu alyuminiy tuzlari bilan teshiklaringizni yopmasdan, terning yoqimsiz hidini ishonchli tarzda oldini oladi. Bu sog'lom terlashni va shu tariqa sizning tabiiy tartibga soluvchi terining funksiyasini ta'minlaydi. DEO CREAM LAVANDERMIND PROVENCE Bu 100% tabiiy deodorant sizni terning yoqimsiz hididan ishonchli himoya qiladi. Bu sizni kun bo'yi yoqimli yangilik bilan ta'minlaydi va tanadan yomon hid paydo bo'lmasligini ta'minlaydi. Tabiiy efir moyi lavanta bu deodorantga yumshoq gulli nota beradi. Dezodorant kremi Bern Oberlandidagi Frutigendagi ishlab chiqarish xonalarimizda ko'plab Shveytsariya xomashyosidan foydalangan holda ehtiyotkorlik bilan qo'lda ishlangan. Biz sizning tabiiy terlashni va shu bilan terining tabiiy tartibga soluvchi funksiyasini to'xtatmoqchi emasmiz. Shuning uchun bizning dezodorant kremimiz ham dezodorant bo'lib, antiperspirant emas. U alyuminiy tuzlari bilan teshiklaringizni yopmasdan, yoqimsiz ter hidini ishonchli tarzda oldini oladi. DEO KREM MINTSPARKLY HAM MILDRTerning yoqimsiz hididan ishonchli himoya. Bu 100% tabiiy dezodorant sizni tanadagi yomon hiddan ishonchli himoya qiladi. Bu sizni kun bo'yi yoqimli yangilik bilan ta'minlaydi. Tabiiy efir moyi bu deodorantga nozik, ammo yangi teginish beradi. Dezodorant kremi Bern Oberlandidagi Frutigen shahridagi ishlab chiqarish korxonalarimizda ko'plab Shveytsariya xomashyosidan foydalangan holda ehtiyotkorlik bilan qo'lda ishlangan. Biz sizning tabiiy tartibga soluvchi terining funktsiyasini va terlashni to'xtatmoqchi emasmiz. Shuning uchun bizning dezodorant kremimiz ham dezodorant bo'lib, antiperspirant emas. Bizning deodorantimiz alyuminiy tuzlari bilan teshiklaringizni yopmasdan, terning yoqimsiz hidini ishonchli tarzda oldini oladi. Xulosa: siz terlaysiz, lekin hidlamaysiz. DEO CREAM NATUREWITHOUT HIDI parfyumsiz; terning yoqimsiz hididan ishonchli himoya. Ayniqsa nozik teri uchun yoki shunchaki xushbo'y hidlarni yoqtirmasangiz. Bu 100% tabiiy dezodorant sizni tanadagi yomon hiddan ishonchli himoya qiladi. Bu sizni kun bo'yi yoqimli yangilik bilan ta'minlaydi. Dezodorant kremi Bern Oberlandidagi Frutigen shahridagi ishlab chiqarish korxonalarimizda ko'plab Shveytsariya xomashyosidan foydalangan holda ehtiyotkorlik bilan qo'lda ishlangan. Biz sizning tabiiy tartibga soluvchi terining funktsiyasini va terlashni to'xtatmoqchi emasmiz. Shuning uchun bizning dezodorant kremimiz ham dezodorant bo'lib, antiperspirant emas. Bizning dezodorantimiz alyuminiy tuzlari bilan teshiklaringizni yopmasdan, terning yoqimsiz hidini ishonchli tarzda oldini oladi. Xulosa: siz terlaysiz, lekin hidlamaysiz.#ALKOLSIZ#PARABENSIZ#SILIKONSIZ#NATURALCOSMETIKA#PARAFINSIZ#GLITSERINSIZ#HAYVONLARGA TINILMAGAN#QO'SHIMSIZMINALOSMETIKALAR INGREDENTLAR#YUZFOIZTABIYI#PARFUMASIZ#ALYUMINIYSIZ#XIDLARSIZ#MIKROPLASTIKSIZ#SHWISSBREND#BOYLARSIZ#KONSERVATIV MADDALARSIZIngredientlarQo'shimchalarsiz, Mikroplastiksiz, TabiiyKosmetika, Alkogolsiz, Alyuminiysiz, Xushbo'ysiz, Bo'yoqsiz, Glitserinsiz, Mineral yog'ga asoslangan ingredientlarsiz , Konservantlarsiz, Parabensiz, Parafinsiz, Parfyumsiz, Silikonsiz, Yuz foiz tabiiy, Shveytsariya brendi, shafqatsiz. ..
31.68 USD
Speick men deo stick 40ml
Speick Men Deo Stick 40ml Say goodbye to unpleasant body odors with Speick Men Deo Stick 40ml - a natural and effective deodorant stick made especially for men. Formulated with high-quality herbal ingredients, it provides long-lasting protection against sweat and odor while keeping you fresh and confident all day long. 100% Natural Ingredients Unlike other deodorants that contain harsh chemicals and aluminum, Speick Men Deo Stick is made from 100% natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin and body. It contains a blend of organic sage, witch hazel, and horsetail extracts that help regulate sweat production and neutralize odor-causing bacteria. Gentle Formula This deodorant stick is gentle on the skin and does not contain any synthetic fragrances, colors, or preservatives. It's ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin, as it's free from alcohol and parabens. Easy to Use Speick Men Deo Stick is super easy to use. Simply apply it directly to clean, dry armpits and enjoy long-lasting protection from sweat and odor. Its compact size makes it perfect for on-the-go use, making it easy for you to stay fresh and confident all day long. Extra Benefits Speick Men Deo Stick has several extra benefits that make it unique among other deodorants. It's vegan and cruelty-free, and its packaging is made from sustainable materials, making it an eco-friendly choice. Moreover, its scent is refreshing and masculine, giving you a natural and long-lasting fragrance that's perfect for any occasion. Conclusion Speick Men Deo Stick 40ml is an all-natural, gentle, and effective deodorant stick designed specifically for men. With its long-lasting protection against sweat and odor and eco-friendly packaging, it's an excellent choice for conscious consumers looking for a reliable and natural deodorant. Get your hands on Speick Men Deo Stick today and say goodbye to body odors forever! ..
10.98 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)