saytida biz sifatli uyqu va sog'lom eshitish yaxshi hayotning bir qismi ekanligiga ishonamiz. Shuning uchun biz Shveytsariyadan Sog'lik va Go'zallik Mahsulotlarimizda eng yuqori darajadagi quloq tiqinlarini taqdim etamiz. Silikon, ko'pikli va bir martalik quloq tiqinlari kabi turli xil quloq tiqinlarimiz bilan atrofdagi shovqinlarga xalaqit bermasdan uyquning sukunatidan rohatlaning. Mutlaq sukunatni talab qiladiganlar uchun bizning shovqinni kamaytiradigan va shovqinni bekor qiluvchi quloqchalarimiz yanada yuqori darajadagi xotirjamlikni taklif qiladi. To'plamda mikroblardan xoli bo'lish uchun dengiz tuzi qo'shilgan quloq spreylari va organik tuyg'u uchun mum sharlari ham mavjud. Quloq tiqinlaridan tashqari, biz bir xil diapazonda tanani parvarish qilish va terini parvarish qilish mahsulotlarini taklif qilamiz. Boshqa mahsulotlar, sog'liq uchun mahsulotlar, sezgi a'zolar va otologik toifalarga kiruvchi quloq tiqinlari to'plamini hozir ko'rib chiqing.
ALPINE SleepDeep Gehörschutzstöpsel mit Euroloch 1 Paar
Do you have trouble sleeping at night due to external noise? ALPINE SleepDeep Earplugs with Euroslot are the perfect solution for you. These earplugs are designed to provide you with a peaceful and uninterrupted sleep by blocking out external noise. Whether you live near a busy street or have noisy neighbors, these earplugs will help you sleep like a baby.
Made from high-quality, thermoplastic material, these earplugs are comfortable and easy to use. The Euroslot design on the earplugs allows air to circulate, making them breathable even if you wear them for extended hours. They also come with a carrying case, which makes them easy to store and carry around.
The ALPINE SleepDeep Earplugs with Euroslot are perfect for anyone who wants to get a good night's sleep. They are also ideal if you work night shifts and need to sleep during the day. These earplugs are reusable and easy to clean, making them a cost-effective solution to your sleep problems.
Order your pair of ALPINE SleepDeep Earplugs with Euroslot today and enjoy a peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.
Earplugs that protect against disturbing noises and have been specially developed for undisturbed sleep.
Properties The Sleepsoft earplugs absorb disturbing ambient noise and snoring noises while sleeping. However, alarm clocks, bells, etc. can still be heard.They are made of a soft, thermoplastic material. The warmth of the ear causes the earplugs to adapt to the shape of the ear canal. This ensures a very high wearing comfort.
Product Description: 3M Earplug Foam for Single Use 4 pcs
The 3M Earplug Foam for Single Use is an excellent choice for professionals who work in noisy environments. These earplugs are designed to reduce the amount of sound entering your ear canal, providing you with the protection you need to work safely and comfortably. The foam material used to create these earplugs is incredibly soft and comfortable to wear for long periods of time.
Made from a high-density foam, these earplugs are perfect for those who need protection from loud, constant noises. They are easy to insert into the ear and provide a snug fit that ensures they stay in place even during movement. With a noise reduction rating (NRR) of 29 dB, these earplugs can reduce harmful noise levels by up to 29 decibels, making them perfect for use in a variety of noisy situations.
The 3M Earplug Foam for Single Use is also perfect for those who frequently travel and want to block out noises from the surrounding environment. These earplugs are disposable, making them convenient for use on-the-go. The pack contains four earplugs, so you can have multiple pairs on hand for daily use or on the go.
In conclusion, the 3M Earplug Foam for Single Use 4 pcs is an essential accessory for anyone who works or travels in environments with high levels of noise. With their soft and comfortable foam material, easy-to-insert design, and high NRR rating, these earplugs are a top choice for those looking for reliable sound protection. Order yours today and experience the peace of mind that comes with having earplugs that you can rely on for effective noise reduction.
OHROPAX klassik mum sharlari
Tegishli ism
Quloq tiqinlari
Tarkibi: neft jeli, kerosin mumi, paxta momig'i. UZ.
Ohropax Classic 20STOHROPAX Classic quloq tiqinlari yoqimli yumshoq mum va paxtadan qilingan. To'p shaklida shakllangan, quloq kanalining ochilishi tashqi tomondan mahkam yopiladi (oldingi quloq tiqinlari printsipi). Barcha quloq o'lchamlari uchun javob beradi. Ish shovqini va baland musiqa bilan uxlash va dam olish uchun ideal. Shuningdek, namlik va shamolni quloqdan uzoqroq tutadi. Quloqlar uchun Ohropax hashamati. 1907 yildan beri.
Paxtani toza barmoqlar bilan butunlay olib tashlang. Agar kerak bo'lsa, uni yirtib tashlash orqali vilka hajmini biroz qisqartiring. Endi ajratilgan qismlarni ishlatmang! Yumshoq bo'lguncha yoğurun va izchil, etarlicha katta to'p hosil qiling. Buni quloq kanalining oldiga qo'ying va muloyimlik bilan bosing. Chuqur kiritmang! Foydalanishdan keyin faqat barmoqlaringiz bilan olib tashlang. Qattiq narsalarni ishlatmang! Kichkina bolalardan uzoqroq tuting (bo'g'ilish xavfi).
The Ohropax Flight earplugs have been specially developed for quietness and pressure equalization during a flight. The earplugs have a pleasant, medium sound insulation (SNR 16 dB) and the pressure compensation is regulated by insertable special filters. However, speech communication is still possible. The earplugs with soft, anatomically shaped lamellae can be washed off and reused.
Soft, anatomically shaped lamellaeMedium sound attenuationPressure equalisationSpeech communication still possibleWashable and reusableMedium and small earplugs for different sized ear canals are included in the pack li>Recommended by flight attendants
OHROPAX Testbox Ohrstöpsel 3 Paar assortiert
The OHROPAX Testbox Ohrstöpsel 3 Paar assortiert is the perfect way to test a range of earplugs from the renowned OHROPAX brand. This test box contains three different pairs of earplugs - OHROPAX Classic, OHROPAX Soft and OHROPAX Color ? that are designed to provide high-quality noise protection in a range of different situations.
OHROPAX Classic Earplugs
OHROPAX Classic Earplugs are made from pure, skin-friendly cotton wool and covered in a layer of gentle wax. They are ideal for use while sleeping, during travel, and in noisy environments. These earplugs offer effective and reliable noise protection and also help to reduce background noise.
OHROPAX Soft Earplugs
OHROPAX Soft Earplugs are made from soft and skin-friendly foam material that adapts easily to the ear. These earplugs are particularly suitable for people with sensitive ears, and for those who need to wear earplugs for long periods. They offer effective protection against noise while minimizing pressure on the ear.
OHROPAX Color Earplugs
OHROPAX Color Earplugs are made from skin-friendly foam material and are available in a range of fun, eye-catching colors. These earplugs offer effective protection against noise and are particularly popular with younger users. They are perfect for concerts, festivals, and other noisy events.
All three pairs of earplugs in the OHROPAX Testbox Ohrstöpsel 3 Paar assortiert are designed to provide maximum comfort and effective noise protection. Whether you are looking for earplugs for sleeping, traveling, or noisy events, this test box is the perfect way to try out three different options from one of the most trusted and reliable brands in earplugs.
Quies Hearing Protection Silikon 3 juftQuies Hearing Protection Silikon 3 Pair - shovqinni o‘chirish va eshitishni samarali himoya qilish uchun mo‘ljallangan quloq tiqinlari to‘plami. Ushbu quloq tiqinlari yumshoq silikondan tayyorlangan va qulog'ingizga qulay joylashib, kiruvchi tovushlarni to'sib qo'yadi va baland tovushlardan eshitish zarari xavfini kamaytiradi.Xususiyatlar
Maksimal qulaylik uchun yumshoq silikondan tayyorlangan
Uzoq foydalanish uchun qayta foydalanish va yuvish mumkin
Atrofdagi shovqin darajasini pasaytirish uchun samarali shovqinni bekor qilish
Konsertlar, sport tadbirlari, qurilish maydonchalari va boshqa shovqinli muhitlar uchun ideal
Quloq tiqinlarini xavfsiz va toza saqlash uchun qulay ko‘tarma sumkasi bilan birga keladi
Uzoq foydalanish uchun 3 juftdan iborat paketda keladi va pulga mos keladi
Eshitish qobiliyatini baland tovushlardan himoya qiladi
Tinnitus, eshitish qobiliyatini yo'qotish va boshqa eshitish muammolari xavfini kamaytiradi
Quloqlaringizdagi noqulaylik va bosimning oldini olish uchun qulaylikni maksimal darajada oshiradi
Foydalanish va tashish uchun qulay, bu ularni sayohat va yo'lda turmush tarzi uchun ideal qiladi
Tozalash va parvarishlash oson, shuning uchun siz ularni mikroblar va bakteriyalar haqida tashvishlanmasdan qayta-qayta ishlatishingiz mumkin
Quies Hearing Protection Silikon 3 Pairs eshitish qobiliyatini zararli shovqin darajasidan himoya qilmoqchi bo‘lganlar uchun ajoyib sarmoyadir. Konsertga tashrif buyurasizmi, qurilish maydonchasida ishlaysizmi yoki shunchaki tinchlik va osoyishtalikka muhtoj bo‘lasizmi, bu quloq tiqinlari qulay va samarali yechim beradi...
QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON
QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON is a high-quality earplug that is specifically designed to provide superior noise protection for your ears. Made from soft foam material, these earplugs conform to the shape of your ear canal for a perfect fit, ensuring that they stay in place while you move around or sleep.
The vibrant neon color of these earplugs makes them easy to spot, so you won't have to worry about losing them. They come in a convenient storage case that can be easily carried in your pocket or purse, so you can take them with you wherever you go.
Whether you're trying to get some rest in a noisy environment or need to protect your hearing from loud music or machinery, these earplugs are the perfect solution. They have an impressive noise reduction rating of 35 dB, which means they can help reduce the noise level by up to 35 decibels, making them ideal for use in a variety of noisy situations.
QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON earplugs are easy to use. Simply roll them between your fingers to compress the foam, insert them into your ear canal, and wait a few seconds for them to expand and conform to the shape of your ear. Once you're done using them, simply remove them and dispose of them properly.
Don't let noise interfere with your life. Protect your hearing and enjoy some peace and quiet with QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON earplugs...
Ohropax klassik mumi to'plari 20 dona
Tegishli ism
Quloq tiqinlari
Tarkibi: neft jeli, kerosin mumi, paxta momig'i. UZ.
Ohropax Classic 20STOHROPAX Classic quloq tiqinlari yoqimli yumshoq mum va paxtadan qilingan. To'p shaklida shakllangan, quloq kanalining ochilishi tashqi tomondan mahkam yopiladi (oldingi quloq tiqinlari printsipi). Barcha quloq o'lchamlari uchun javob beradi. Ish shovqini va baland musiqa bilan uxlash va dam olish uchun ideal. Shuningdek, namlik va shamolni quloqdan uzoqroq tutadi. Quloqlar uchun Ohropax hashamati. 1907 yildan beri.
Paxtani toza barmoqlar bilan butunlay olib tashlang. Agar kerak bo'lsa, uni yirtib tashlash orqali vilka hajmini biroz qisqartiring. Endi ajratilgan qismlarni ishlatmang! Yumshoq bo'lguncha yoğurun va izchil, etarlicha katta to'p hosil qiling. Buni quloq kanalining oldiga qo'ying va muloyimlik bilan bosing. Chuqur kiritmang! Foydalanishdan keyin faqat barmoqlaringiz bilan olib tashlang. Qattiq narsalarni ishlatmang! Kichkina bolalardan uzoqroq tuting (bo'g'ilish xavfi).