
Quruq ko'zlardan xalos bo'lish

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 18 gacha 18
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Quruq va tirnash xususiyati beruvchi ko'zlarni tinchlantiruvchi Shveytsariya salomatlik va go'zallik mahsulotlarining kuchini his eting. saytida biz quruq ko'zlardan kelib chiqadigan noqulaylikni bartaraf etishga qaratilgan bir qator tabiiy vositalar va oftalmik yechimlarni taqdim etishga ixtisoslashganmiz. Bizning toifalarimiz sog'liqni saqlash mahsulotlari, hissiy organlar, ko'z kasalliklari, tabiiy vositalar va boshqa mutaxassisliklar bo'ylab tarqaldi. Ko'zni moylash materiallari, organik ko'z ekstrakti, allergiyaga qarshi ko'z tomchilari to'plamini ko'rib chiqing va ko'zlarning quruqligidan keyin yonish yoki qichishish hislaridan tezda xalos bo'ling. Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan eng yaxshi ko'zni parvarish qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan mahsulotlardan tanlang va farqni o'zingiz his qiling. Biz nafaqat samarali, balki xavfsiz mahsulotlarni taqdim etishga ishonamiz, shuning uchun bizning oftalmik mahsulotlarimiz organik ingredientlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Vaqti-vaqti bilan yoki surunkali quruq ko'zlarga duch kelsangiz ham, bizning yog'li ko'z tomchilari yechimlari uzoq muddatli yengillikni ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. bilan sog'lom ko'zlarning qulayligini qaytadan kashf eting.
A. vogel ko'z tomchilari 10 ml

A. vogel ko'z tomchilari 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 5580901

Eye drops for dry, burning and tired eyes, which can also be used by lens wearers. Properties Eye drops for dry, burning and tired eyes that instantly moisturize and refresh. The drops are also suitable for contact lens wearers. Application Adults: 1 drop in each eye 4-5 times a day Children from 3 years: 1-2 times a day one drop per day This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

20.79 USD

Bepanthen ko'z tomchilari 2*10ml

Bepanthen ko'z tomchilari 2*10ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7755337

What is Bepanthen Eye Drops and when is it used? Bepanthen Eye Drops form a sterile, preservative-free, viscoelastic, clear protective film for the cornea. The combination of sodium hyaluronate (tear film stabilizing) and dexpanthenol (caring, soothing) protects and moisturizes the surface of the eye and makes it slippery. ? mechanical stress caused, for example, by wearing hard or soft contact lenses or during diagnostic eye surgery;? environmental stress eg from air conditioning, wind, cold, drought or air pollution;? strained eyes, for example when working on computer screens and on long car journeys.Due to the fact that they are free of preservatives, Bepanthen Eye Drops are particularly well tolerated, even with long-term use. When should Bepanthen Eye Drops not be used or only with caution? Do not use if the single-dose container is damaged or the foil packaging is damaged.Do not touch the eye with the single-dose container.Do not use if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients. If you also use other eye drops/eye ointments, an interval of 15 minutes should be observed. Do not use on infected or injured eyes.When used, visual acuity may be reduced for a short time; How do you use Bepanthen Eye Drops? Disconnect one single-dose container. Place one or two drops in each eye several times a day as needed. What should also be noted? Store at 2°C to 25°C. Do not use the eye drops after the expiration date. What does Bepanthen Eye Drops contain? Sodium hyaluronate 0.15%, dexpanthenol 2%, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, water for injections. Where can you get Bepanthen Eye Drops? In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Sales unit: one-dose containers, 20× 0.5 ml. Manufacturer Penta Arzneimittel GmbH, Werksstrasse 3, D-92551 Stulln, Germany. Distribution Bayer (Switzerland) AG, 8045 Zurich. ..

45.44 USD

Blink intensive tears gd opht fl 10 ml

Blink intensive tears gd opht fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3790758

Blink Intensive Tears xususiyatlari Gd Opht Fl 10 mlAnatomik Terapevtik Kimyoviy (ATS): S01XA20Evropada CE sertifikatiSaqlash harorati min/ maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdor: 1 mlOg'irligi: 32g Uzunligi: 32 mm Kenligi: 36 mm Balandligi: 84 mm Blink Intensive Tears Gd Opht Fl 10 ml ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

24.57 USD

Hylo dual gd opht fl 10 ml

Hylo dual gd opht fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7516451

The Hylo Dual Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a sophisticated and highly effective lubricating eye drop solution specially designed for people with varying degrees of dry eyes. It is a sterile and preservative-free fluid that contains hyaluronic acid, which is the key component that makes it different from other dry eye solutions. The Hylo Dual Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is perfect for individuals with moderate to severe dry eyes as it offers long-lasting relief from dryness and irritation. This formula comes in a single drop dispenser system, ensuring accurate dosing and easy application. It is also suitable for use with contact lenses, providing an additional layer of comfort and hydration to the eyes. The innovative dual-action formula of Hylo Dual Gd Opht Fl 10 ml not only provides instant relief from dry eyes but also promotes healing and regeneration of the ocular surface. This is achieved through the added ingredient, provitamin B5 that helps to improve the stability of the tear film and supports the natural healing process of the eye. The Hylo Dual Gd Opht Fl 10 ml can be used by anyone experiencing ocular dryness, including those suffering from Meibomian gland dysfunction and ocular surface disorders such as Sjogren's Syndrome. It is easy to use, allowing for precise dispensing, and its ergonomic design ensures a comfortable grip during application. If you're looking for a reliable solution to relieve eye discomfort associated with dry eye syndrome, the Hylo Dual Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is an excellent choice. Its innovative dual action formula provides long-lasting relief and supports the natural healing process of the eye, making it the perfect solution for people with moderate to severe dry eyes...

37.51 USD

Innoxa ko'z tomchilari shaffof formulasi 10 ml

Innoxa ko'z tomchilari shaffof formulasi 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7842052

Steril, namlovchi, moylovchi va tinchlantiruvchi ko'z eritmasi, konservantlarsiz formula.TarkibiRomashka va makkajo'xori gullari suvi, shirin yonca va ko'zli suv, trehaloza, natriy xlorid. Buferli eritma.XususiyatlarIdeal: Quruq ko'zlar, tirnash xususiyati, charchagan ko'zlar Karıncalanma; yonish yoki begona jism hissi, miltillash qiyinligi, ko'rishning xiralashishi, qichishish. Ko'z yoshi plyonkasida shikastlanmagan / patologik bo'lmagan o'zgarish. Tashqi yorug'lik, shamol, chang, gulchang, xlor, konditsioner va ifloslanishning haddan tashqari ta'siri. Ekranlardan uzoq vaqt foydalanish. va kontakt linzalarini uzoq muddat kiyishIlova15 yoshli kattalar va o'smirlar uchun javob beradi. va undan ortiq.Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlarHech qanday hayvon tarkibiy qismlari mavjud emas...

35.32 USD

Inodrops cp ko'z tomishlari

Inodrops cp ko'z tomishlari

Mahsulot kodi: 1008994

INNODROPS CP Eye Drops INNODROPS CP Eye Drops is an advanced formulation designed to relieve irritated and dry eyes. The eye drops are made with a unique combination of ingredients that work together to deliver fast relief and lasting hydration to your eyes. This product is specially formulated to help people who suffer from conditions like dry eyes, eye fatigue, and other eye problems. INNODROPS CP Eye Drops provide essential moisture to your eyes, resulting in brighter, clearer, and more comfortable eyes. Key Benefits Alleviates dry and itchy eyes, reducing irritation and redness Reduces eye fatigue and helps to prevent further damage to the eyes Moisturizes the eyes, resulting in brighter, clearer, and more comfortable eyes Ensures maximum safety and efficacy with its sterile, preservative-free formula that is safe for use with contact lenses Active Ingredients Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose - Provides essential moisture to the eyes to alleviate irritation and dryness Glycerin - Helps to soothe and moisturize the eyes, preventing further irritation and damage Boric Acid - Helps to reduce redness and irritation, promoting healthier eyes Directions for Use To use INNODROPS CP Eye Drops, simply tilt your head back and place one or two drops in each eye. Blink several times to distribute the solution throughout the eye. Use as often as needed to relieve dryness and irritation or as directed by your healthcare professional. INNODROPS CP Eye Drops are a must-have for anyone who experiences dry, itchy, and irritated eyes. With their unique formulation and advanced technology, INNODROPS CP Eye Drops provide fast and effective relief for all types of eye problems. ..

23.00 USD

Livsane befeuchtende augentropfen

Livsane befeuchtende augentropfen

Mahsulot kodi: 7819190

LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen Are you experiencing dry and irritated eyes? LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen offers rapid relief to dry, red or irritated eyes caused by external factors such as air conditioning, computer usage, pollution or dry air in airplane cabins. These eye drops provide a long-lasting comfort and relief, as they are formulated with Sodium Hyaluronate that naturally occurs in the eye and acts as a lubricant. The patented OcuPure preservative system of LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen enhances the safety and efficacy of the eye drops, as it breaks down into natural components upon exposure to light, minimizing any potential ocular surface damage. The dropper bottle design of LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen makes it easy and convenient to use, providing precise dosage with each application. Simply tilt your head back and instill 1-2 drops in each eye. The eye drops are pH balanced, isotonic and free from preservatives or added colors, making it safe to use for individuals with sensitive eyes or contact lenses wearers. Trust LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen to provide immediate and sustained relief, while also hydrating and protecting your eyes. Features: Rapid relief to dry, red or irritated eyes; Long-lasting comfort and relief; Formulated with Sodium Hyaluronate; Patented OcuPure preservative system; Dropper bottle design for precise dosage; pH balanced, isotonic and preservative-free; Suitable for contact lens wearers and sensitive eyes. ..

21.11 USD

Ocutears hydro+ 0,4 % fl 10 ml

Ocutears hydro+ 0,4 % fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7806967

Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 mlOcutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml - quruq ko'zlari bo'lgan bemorlarga yordam berish uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlab chiqilgan oftalmik eritma. U olinadigan va ishlatish uchun qulay tomizgichda keladi, bu aniq dozalashni ta'minlaydi va isrofgarchilikni kamaytiradi.Ushbu mahsulot gialuron kislotasi moylash tizimiga asoslangan. Qo'llanilganda, u ko'zning yuzasida soqol darajasini oshiradi, uni qulay va yaxshi himoya qiladi. Formula shox parda va kon'yunktiva ustida uzoq muddatli, viskoelastik plyonka hosil qilish uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, ko'z sirtini etarli darajada namlash va himoya qilishni ta'minlaydi.Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml oftalmik eritmasi tavsiya etiladi. qarish, gormonal o'zgarishlar, raqamli qurilmalardan uzoq vaqt foydalanish, kontakt linzalarini kiyish va ifloslanish va quruq havo kabi atrof-muhit omillari kabi turli xil sharoitlardan kelib chiqqan quruq ko'z alomatlarini engillashtirish. Ushbu mahsulot kattalar va olti yoshdan oshgan bolalar uchun javob beradi, shuningdek, homilador ayollar va emizikli onalar shifokor nazorati ostida foydalanishlari mumkin. Effektivlikni ta'minlash uchun Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml oftalmik eritmasi konservantsiz bo'lib, uni ko'z allergiyasi yoki tirnash xususiyati bilan og'rigan bemorlar uchun xavfsiz qiladi. Shuningdek, u loyqalikka olib keladigan yoki ko‘rishga xalaqit beradigan yog‘lar va boshqa komponentlardan xoli bo‘lib, u turli ko‘rish keskinligi darajasiga ega bo‘lgan foydalanuvchilar uchun ideal qiladi.Doimiy foydalanish bilan quruq ko‘z belgilaridan xalos bo‘lish imkonini beradi. bemorlar aniq, qulay va yaxshi yog'langan ko'rish qobiliyatidan bahramand bo'lishlari uchun. Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml ni bugun oling va uning ko‘z sog‘lig‘ingiz va farovonligingiz uchun qanday farq borligini his eting!..

40.80 USD

Optive eye care drops 3 bottles 10ml

Optive eye care drops 3 bottles 10ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4629976

Optive Eye Care Drops - 3 Bottles of 10ml Each Optive Eye Care Drops are an excellent solution for dry and itchy eyes. It is a clinically proven formula that provides long-lasting relief from dryness and soothes sensitive eyes. The three bottles of 10ml each are ideal for constant use and make it convenient to keep a bottle in your purse, car, or office desk. Key Features: Provides long-lasting relief from dryness Soothes sensitive eyes Clinically proven formula Three bottles of 10ml each Easy to use and convenient to carry Benefits of Optive Eye Care Drops: Moisturizes and hydrates eyes Reduces eye strain and stinging Prevents dryness caused by extended screen time Soothes redness and irritation Safe and effective formula for long-term use How to Use: Wash hands before using. Tilt your head back, look upward and pull down the lower eyelid to make a pouch. Hold the dropper directly over the eye and instill one or two drops into the pouch. Look downward and gently close your eyes for 1 to 2 minutes. This product is safe for frequent use and can be applied as often as required to soothe dry and irritated eyes. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to the ingredients. If irritation persists or increases, discontinue use and consult an eye care professional. Do not touch the dropper tip to any surface, as this may contaminate the solution. Do not share the product with others. Optive Eye Care Drops are a safe and effective way to soothe dry and irritated eyes. Try it today and experience the long-lasting relief it provides...

61.60 USD

Sanddorn argousier vision augenspray

Sanddorn argousier vision augenspray

Mahsulot kodi: 7778082

For quick and instant hydration. Suitable for sensitive eyes. Composition Sea buckthorn oil, hyaluronic acid. Properties relieves the symptoms of dry eyes from the outsidemoisturizes the skin around the eyessuitable for sensitive eyescan be used with eye make-up Application Spray onto closed eyelids. Suitable for contact lens wearers. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

39.87 USD

Similasan dry eyes gd opht fl 10 ml

Similasan dry eyes gd opht fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 5293219

Similasan Dry Eyes Gd Opht Fl 10 ml xususiyatlariAnatomik Terapevtik Kimyoviy (ATS): S01XZSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 1 mlOg‘irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 33 mm Kenligi: 40 mm Balandligi: 109 mm Similasan Dry Eyes Gd Opht Fl 10 ml ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

43.47 USD

Similasan tears again night gd opht fl 10 ml

Similasan tears again night gd opht fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7781077

Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a specially formulated eye drop that provides relief for dry eyes during the night. It helps to soothe and refresh your eyes, providing a comfortable and peaceful sleep. Features and Benefits Moisturizes and soothes dry, tired eyes Provides long-lasting relief during the night Helps reduce eye strain and fatigue Does not contain preservatives, making it gentle on the eyes Can be used with contact lenses Directions for use Wash your hands thoroughly before use Tilt your head back and look up Gently pull your lower eyelid down to create a small pocket Hold the bottle above the eye and squeeze one or two drops into the pocket Blink a few times to help spread the solution over the eye Repeat on the other eye if necessary Close the bottle tightly after use Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml comes in a convenient and easy-to-use dropper bottle that allows you to easily apply the solution to your eyes. It is suitable for adults and children over the age of two, making it a versatile and family-friendly eye care product. Whether you suffer from chronic dry eyes or occasional eye discomfort, Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml can provide the relief you need to get a good night's sleep...

32.35 USD

Systane ultra namlovchi tomchilar 10 ml

Systane ultra namlovchi tomchilar 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4522310

Systane Ultra namlovchi tomchilar 10ml Systane ULTRA engillashtiruvchi va tetiklantiruvchi namlash uchun, hatto kontakt linzalarini taqib yurganda ham yonish va tirnash xususiyati kabi alomatlari bo'lgan quruq ko'zlarni davolash uchun Systane ULTRA ko'zni namlovchi tomchilar charchagan, tirnash xususiyati va quruq ko'z belgilaridan xalos bo'lishga yordam beradi va kontakt linzalarini namlash va qayta moylash uchun ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Kontakt linzalaringiz namlanadi, taqishdagi qulaylik bilan bog'liq muammolar kamayadi va tirnash xususiyati va qulaylik bilan bog'liq muammolarning oldini oladi...

34.05 USD

Visiodoron euphrasia augentr md 20x0.4ml

Visiodoron euphrasia augentr md 20x0.4ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7836272

Weleda Euphrasia ko'z tomchilari Monodose 20 x 0,4 mlWeleda Euphrasia ko'z tomchilari Monodose 20 x 0,4 ml bilan quruq, tirnalgan va tirnash xususiyati beruvchi ko'zlardan xalos bo'ling. Har bir qulay tomizgichda tabiiy ingredientlardan tayyorlangan steril va konservantlardan xoli eritma, shu jumladan organik ko'z pardasi ekstrakti mavjud.Eyebright, shuningdek, Euphrasia Officinalis nomi bilan ham tanilgan, turli ko'z muammolarini engillashtirish uchun asrlar davomida ishlatilgan. Weleda's Euphrasia ko'z tomchilari allergiya, pichan isitmasi va qizarish, qichishish va noqulaylik keltirib chiqaradigan boshqa atrof-muhitni tirnash xususiyati beruvchi moddalardan aziyat chekadiganlar uchun idealdir.Weleda'ning qat'iy standartlari har bir tomizgichda sintetik qo'shimchalar bo'lmasligini ta'minlaydi, hidlar, ranglar. Kichkina qadoqlash sizga kerak bo'lganda tez yordam berish uchun yo'lda siz bilan olib yurishni osonlashtiradi. Foydalanish boʻyicha koʻrsatmalar: Boshingizni orqaga egib, har bir koʻzga kuniga besh martagacha yoki sogʻliqni saqlash mutaxassisi koʻrsatmasi boʻyicha bir tomchi tomizing. Weleda Euphrasia Monodose 20 x 0,4 ml ko'z tomchilari bilan ko'zlaringizni yumshoq va yaxlit parvarish bilan ta'minlang...

50.76 USD

Vismed gel 3 mg / ml ko'zni namlovchi gidrogel 60 monodoseos 0:45 ml

Vismed gel 3 mg / ml ko'zni namlovchi gidrogel 60 monodoseos 0:45 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 2800710

VISMED gel 3 mg/ml gidrogel ko'zni namlash 60 monodos 0,45 Vismed sub'ektiv ravishda qabul qilingan sharoitlarda quruqlik hissi, shuningdek, yonish va ko'zlar charchaganida ko'zni doimiy moylash uchun ishlatiladi. Xususiyatlar Vismed sub'ektiv quruqlik hissi, shuningdek, yonish va charchagan ko'zlar va kasalliksiz boshqa kichik sog'liq muammolari mavjud bo'lganda, masalan, ko'zni uzoq muddatli moylash uchun ishlatiladi. chang, tutun, quruq issiqlik, konditsioner havo, shamol, sovuq, uzoq vaqt ekranda ishlash, kontakt linzalarini taqish yoki oftalmologik tekshiruv protseduralari orqali. Vismed tarkibida inson ko'zi tuzilmalarida ham uchraydigan tabiiy polimer bo'lgan gialuron kislotasi mavjud. Gialuron kislotasining maxsus jismoniy xususiyatlari Vismedga muhim "viskoelastik" va suvni bog'lash xususiyatlarini beradi. U ko‘z yuzalarida barqaror qatlam hosil qiladi, u faqat miltillash orqali asta-sekin olib tashlanadi. Vismed Gel tarkibida konservantlar mavjud emasligi sababli, eritma qoldiqlari endi ishlatilmasligi kerak. ..

68.93 USD

Vismed gel 3 mg/ml gidrogel ko'zni namlash 20 monodoseos 0:45 ml

Vismed gel 3 mg/ml gidrogel ko'zni namlash 20 monodoseos 0:45 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 2800727

VISMED gel 3 mg/ml gidrogel ko'zni namlash 20 monodos 0,45 Vismed sub'ektiv ravishda qabul qilingan sharoitlarda quruqlik hissi, shuningdek, yonish va ko'zlar charchaganida ko'zni doimiy moylash uchun ishlatiladi. Xususiyatlar Vismed sub'ektiv quruqlik hissi, shuningdek, yonish va charchagan ko'zlar va kasalliksiz boshqa kichik sog'liq muammolari mavjud bo'lganda, masalan, ko'zni uzoq muddatli moylash uchun ishlatiladi. chang, tutun, quruq issiqlik, konditsioner havo, shamol, sovuq, uzoq vaqt ekranda ishlash, kontakt linzalarini taqish yoki oftalmologik tekshiruv protseduralari orqali. Vismed tarkibida inson ko'zi tuzilmalarida ham uchraydigan tabiiy polimer bo'lgan gialuron kislotasi mavjud. Gialuron kislotasining maxsus jismoniy xususiyatlari Vismedga muhim "viskoelastik" va suvni bog'lash xususiyatlarini beradi. U ko‘z yuzalarida barqaror qatlam hosil qiladi, u faqat miltillash orqali asta-sekin olib tashlanadi. Vismed Gel tarkibida konservantlar mavjud emasligi sababli, eritma qoldiqlari endi ishlatilmasligi kerak. ..

26.16 USD

Vismed light gd opht 1 mg / ml fl 15 ml

Vismed light gd opht 1 mg / ml fl 15 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 2800733

Vismed is used for sustained wetting of the eye in subjectively felt dryness, burning and tired eyes and other minor disturbances of well-being. Such disturbances can be caused by dust, smoke, dry heat, air-conditioned air, wind, cold, prolonged screen work or contact lens wear. Shelf life 3 months after opening clues Vismed contains hyaluronic acid, a natural polymer that also occurs in structures of the human eye. The special physical characteristics of hyaluronic acid give Vismed its important "viscoelastic" and water-binding properties. It forms a stable layer on the surfaces of the eye, which is only gradually removed by the blink of an eyelid...

20.76 USD

Vismed multi gd opht 1,8 mg / ml fl 10 ml

Vismed multi gd opht 1,8 mg / ml fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3297791

Vismed is used for lasting moisturizing of the eye in the case of a subjectively perceived feeling of dryness, burning and tired eyes and other minor ailments without pathology, caused e.g. by dust, smoke, dry heat, air-conditioned air, wind, cold, prolonged computer work, wearing contact lenses or by ophthalmological examination procedures. Vismed contains hyaluronic acid, a natural polymer that is also found in the structures of the human eye. The special physical characteristics of hyaluronic acid give Vismed its important "viscoelastic" and water-binding properties.It forms a stable layer on the surface of the eye, which is only gradually removed by blinking. Vismed Multi can be used for a period of 3 months after the first application...

25.86 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 18 gacha 18
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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