Beeovita-da biz sizga xonani parvarish qilishda yuqori samaradorligi bilan mashhur bo'lgan Shveytsariya kanalizatsiya tozalash vositalarining yuqori darajadagi tanlovini taqdim etamiz. Bizning kimyoviy-texnik mahsulotlarimiz nafaqat ishonchli, balki ulardan foydalanishni yanada qulayroq qiladigan turli xil puffer va aksessuarlar bilan birga keladi. Ushbu kanalizatsiya tozalagichlari uy xo'jaliklari uchun kolleksiyangizda bo'lishi kerak. Shuningdek, siz bizning tana parvarishi va kosmetika assortimentimizni sog'liq va go'zallik uchun har tomonlama yechim bilan tanishishingiz mumkin. Shveytsariya sifatli mahsulotlarimiz o'zining yuqori ishlashi va haqiqiyligi bilan sizni hayratda qoldiradi. Shveytsariya farqini his qilish uchun biz bilan xarid qiling!
Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml
Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml - tozalash sanoatining ishonchli nomi Bioligo tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan innovatsion drenaj tozalagich. Mahsulot drenaj va quvurlarni to'sib qo'yadigan, suv oqimining oldini oladigan va yoqimsiz hidlarni keltirib chiqaradigan soch, yog ', yog' va boshqa qoldiqlar kabi organik moddalarni samarali va tez parchalash va eritish uchun mo'ljallangan va ishlab chiqilgan.
O'zining kuchli va samarali formulasi bilan Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml dan foydalanish juda oson. Tavsiya etilgan miqdorni bloklangan drenaj yoki trubaga to'kib tashlang va uning sehrli ishlashiga imkon bering. Bir necha daqiqa ichida eritma tiqilib qoladi, uni eritib yuboradi va drenaj yoki trubkangizni erkin va toza qoldiradi.
Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml ekologik toza va biologik parchalanadigan mahsulotdir. U hech qanday zararli kimyoviy moddalarni o'z ichiga olmaydi va quvurlarga yoki atrof-muhitga zarar etkazmaydi. Mahsulot barcha turdagi drenaj va quvurlarda, jumladan, oshxona lavabolari, hammom drenajlari va hojatxonalarda foydalanish uchun xavfsizdir.
Turar joyingiz yoki tijorat mulkingiz bo'ladimi, Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml drenaj va quvurlarni tozalash va saqlash uchun juda mos keladi. Bu kelajakdagi to'siqlarni samarali ravishda oldini oladi va sanitariya-tesisat tizimingizni muammosiz va samarali ishlashiga yordam beradi.
Samarali va kuchli drenajlarni tozalash formulasi
Soch, yog 'va yog' kabi organik moddalarni bir necha daqiqada eritib yuboradi
Ekologik toza va biologik parchalanadigan mahsulot
Barcha turdagi drenaj va quvurlar uchun xavfsiz
Kelajakda tiqilib qolishning oldini oladi va sanitariya-tesisat tizimlarining muammosiz ishlashini ta'minlaydi
Intensif drenaj tozalagichining xususiyatlari juda kuchli 1000 mlO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg‘irligi: 1281g Uzunligi: 85 mm p>Eni: 85 mm Balandligi: 244 mm Shveytsariyadan 1000 ml kuchli intensif drenaj tozalagichni onlayn xarid qiling..
Martec Bio drenaj tozalagichining xususiyatlari Fl 1 ltO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 ltOg‘irligi: 1100g Uzunligi: 60 mm p>Eng: 120 mm Balandligi: 260 mm Martec Bio drenaj tozalagich Fl 1 lt ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner 2 x 100 g
Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner is a powerful and fast-acting drain cleaning solution that effectively removes stubborn blockages, such as hair, grease, and soap scum. The package contains two 100 g sachets, perfect for multiple uses.
Features and Benefits:
Fast-acting: Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner works quickly to break down even the toughest blockages, restoring the flow of water in your drain in no time.
Pack of two: This package contains two 100 g sachets of the cleaning solution, providing you with value for your money with multiple uses.
Easy to use: Simply pour the contents of one sachet down the blocked drain, followed by hot water. Leave for at least 15 minutes and then flush with cold water.
Safe for all pipes: Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner is safe to use on all types of pipes, including PVC and metal, without causing any harm to the system.
Prevents future blockages: Regular use of Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner can help keep your drains clear and free-flowing, preventing future blockages from occurring.
Directions for Use:
Remove any visible debris or water from the drain.
Pour the contents of one sachet of Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner down the drain.
Slowly pour hot water down the drain to activate the cleaning solution.
Leave for at least 15 minutes before flushing with cold water.
Repeat these steps if necessary.
Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner is a powerful, easy-to-use solution that effectively removes blockages from your drain. Keep your pipes clear and free-flowing with this reliable drain cleaning solution...
Plumbo Jet drenaj tozalagich WC Fl 2 L
Plumbo Jet drenaj tozalagichi bir necha soat ichida drenaj quvurlarini samarali tozalaydigan va tiqilib qoladigan kuchli yechimdir. Bu kanalizatsiya tozalagich hojatxona, oshxona lavabosi va dush kanalizatsiyasidagi qiyin tiqilib qolishlarni bartaraf etish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan bo‘lib, uni bozordagi eng ko‘p qirrali kanalizatsiya tozalash vositalaridan biriga aylantiradi.
Plumbo Jet drenaj tozalagichi quvurlaringiz tiqilib qolishiga olib kelishi mumkin bo'lgan organik moddalar va boshqa qoldiqlarni eritib ishlaydi. Bu kuchli drenaj tozalagich konsentrlangan kimyoviy moddalar aralashmasidan iborat bo‘lib, u har qanday tiqilib qolishni samarali ravishda yo‘q qiladi, suv quvurlaringizdan erkin oqishiga imkon beradi va uyingizda yoqimsiz hidlar paydo bo‘lishining oldini oladi.
Qattiq to'siqlarni yo'qotadigan kuchli formula
Hojatxonalar, oshxonadagi lavabolar va dush kanalizatsiyalarida foydalanish uchun javob beradi
Uyingizda yoqimsiz hidlar paydo bo'lishining oldini olish uchun mo'ljallangan
Foydalanish oson, tozalagichni drenajga to'kib tashlang va uning sehrli ishlashini kuting
2 litrli idishda keladi, bu sizga hatto eng qiyin tiqilib qolishni bartaraf etish uchun yetarlicha tozalagichga ega bo'lishini ta'minlaydi
Qimmatbaho santexnika xizmatlariga bo'lgan ehtiyojni kamaytiradi
Blokirovkalar takrorlanishining oldini oladi, vaqt va pulni tejaydi
Uyingizdagi yoqimsiz hidlarni samarali olib tashlab, yashash muhitini yanada yoqimli qiladi
Foydalanish oson, maxsus jihozlar yoki treninglar talab qilinmaydi
Tez ishlaydigan formula bir necha soat ichida drenajlaringiz tiqilib qolishiga kafolat beradi
Qanday foydalanish kerak:
Idishni ishlatishdan oldin silkiting
Tegishli miqdorni drenajga to'kib tashlang
Taxminan bir soat kuting, tozalagichga blokirovkalarni bartaraf etish uchun etarli vaqt bering
Barcha qoldiqlar yuvilib ketishi uchun drenajni ko'p suv bilan yuvib tashlang
Xavfsizlik bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar:
Teri, ko'zlar va kiyim bilan aloqa qilishdan saqlaning
Bolalar va uy hayvonlari qo'li etmaydigan joyda saqlang
Agar yutib yuborilsa, darhol shifokorga murojaat qiling
Boshqa kimyoviy moddalar bilan aralashtirmang
Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt
Introducing the Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt, the ultimate solution for clearing clogged drains and restoring proper water flow. This powerful drain cleaner is specifically designed to dissolve and remove blockages caused by hair, grease, soap scum, and other stubborn materials. With its fast-acting formula and easy-to-use design, Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt provides an effective solution for any clogged drain problem.
Powerful formula designed to dissolve and remove blockages quickly
Effective against hair, grease, soap scum, and other stubborn materials
Fast-acting design for immediate results
Convenient 1-liter size for multiple applications
Easy-to-use pour spout for precision application
How to Use
To use Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt, simply follow these easy steps:
Shake the bottle well before use
Slowly pour the recommended amount into the clogged drain
Allow the product to work for 15-30 minutes
Flush the drain with hot water to remove any remaining residue
Safety Information
When using Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt, it is important to take proper safety precautions to avoid injury or damage. Use the product in a well-ventilated area and avoid splashing or inhaling the product. Do not mix Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt with other drain cleaners, as this may result in dangerous reactions. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.
Overall, Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt is a reliable and effective solution for clearing clogged drains and restoring proper water flow. Whether you're dealing with a stubborn clog or simply want to keep your drains running smoothly, this powerful drain cleaner is the perfect choice for any homeowner or professional plumber...
?? Granular drain cleaner ?? Siphon cleaner ?? Only for kitchen siphons ?? Highly effective and extra-fast ?? Decomposes kitchen waste ?? Soaps up lumps of fat ?? Use with boiling hot water ?? available with specialist advice
If the kitchen siphon is clogged, the highly effective ingredients of rohrvit blue drain cleaner granulate that fats are made water-soluble and food residues are decomposed. The application from the safety portion pack takes place with boiling hot water. By heating and gas development in the siphon, the siphon cleaner can loosen and thoroughly remove the stuck residues so that the water can drain off again without any problems. Even if the kitchen drain stinks, rohrvit blue does a good job. The application and safety recommendations on the packaging must be observed. Tip: The ready-to-use drain cleaner rohrvit Gel extra-strong is easier to use and cleans the siphon and the pipe thoroughly. The exposure time is at least 1 hour longer.Degradability: Contains only inorganic components that do not impair the treatment of waste water in sewage treatment plants.
1000 ml gacha tayyor bo'lgan Rohrvit drenaj tozalagichining xususiyatlariO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg'irligi: 1264 g Uzunligi: 85 mm Eni: 85 mm Balandligi: 254 mm Shveytsariyadan 1000 ml gacha tayyor bo'lgan Rohrvit drenaj tozalagichini onlayn xarid qiling..
Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml
The Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml is a powerful and effective cleaning solution that helps to keep your drain pipes clean and flowing smoothly. This high-quality cleaning product is formulated with an effective combination of natural enzymes and bacteria that work together to break down and dissolve organic waste, grease, and other stubborn clogs in your drains.
Key Features
Effective cleaning solution that helps to keep drain pipes clean and flowing smoothly
Formulated with a powerful combination of natural enzymes and bacteria
Dissolves organic waste, grease, and other stubborn clogs in your drains
Easy to use - simply pour the gel down the drain and let it work for at least 30 minutes
Suitable for use in all types of drain pipes including PVC, copper, and iron
How to Use
To use the Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml, simply pour the gel down the drain and let it work for at least 30 minutes. For best results, use the drain cleaner regularly to keep your drain pipes free from clogs and flowing smoothly.
Safety Information
Keep out of reach of children
Avoid contact with eyes and skin
If swallowed, do not induce vomiting and seek medical attention immediately
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight
Overall, if you're looking for a powerful and effective drain cleaner that is gentle on your pipes and the environment, the Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml is definitely worth considering. With its natural enzymes and bacteria, this product is sure to keep your drains free-flowing and smelling fresh...
Yulduzli mo'miyoning xususiyatlari 200 gO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 gOg'irligi: 250 g Uzunligi: 75 mm p>Kengligi: 75 mm Balandligi: 140 mm Starwax 200 g tuproqli ajoyib quvurlarni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
15.75 USD
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 13 gacha 13 (hammasi 1 sahifa)
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