Ishqoriy vanna tuzlari
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Equi-base ishqorli vanna tuzi 700 g
EQUI-BASE vanna tuzi gidroksidi 700 g ?Kislota-asos uchun tinchlantiruvchi, asosiy tana parvarishi liniyasi teringizni muvozanatlashtiradi. Biosana tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan EQUI-BASE tabiiy tana parvarishi mahsulotlari bilan teringiz kislotalar va toksinlarni chiqarish uchun rag'batlantiriladi. Bu kislotalarni neytrallash orqali teringizni namlashga yordam beradi. EQUI-BASE selülitni kamaytiradi va jigarrang yoshdagi dog'larni yo'q qiladi. Terining tashqi ko'rinishi tozalanadi va detoksifikatsiya jarayoni bilan teri taranglashadi. Teringiz yana silliq, ipak va egiluvchan bo'ladi. Eslatmalar Equi-Base ishqorli vanna tuzlari bilan kamida 30, yaxshisi 45-60 daqiqa cho'milish va o'zingizni ro'molcha yoki cho'tka bilan surtish tavsiya etiladi. Agar sizda varikoz tomirlari bo'lsa, past haroratlarda cho'milish yaxshiroqdir (tana harorati ). Bir osh qoshiq Oyoq hammomi: 1 darajali osh qoshiq Kompresslar: 2 dl suvda 1 daraja choy qoshiq Chayiladi: 1-2 dl suvda pichoqning 1 uchi..
46.88 USD
Vitabase gidroksidi vanna tuzlari can 500 g
Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS 500g Indulge in a relaxing and rejuvenating bath experience with Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS 500g. These bath salts are specially formulated with premium quality ingredients to help restore your skin's pH balance, promote detoxification, and improve overall skin health. Benefits: Helps maintain the skin's natural pH levels Promotes detoxification and removal of toxins Improves overall skin health and appearance Relieves stress and promotes relaxation Key Ingredients: Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS contain a blend of potent minerals that work together to deliver a nourishing and invigorating bath experience. These minerals include: Calcium - Stimulates new cell growth and promotes healthy skin Potassium - Helps balance skin moisture levels and promotes healing Sodium - Promotes detoxification and soothes irritated skin Magnesium - Reduces inflammation and improves skin texture How to Use: Add 2-3 tablespoons of Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS to warm bath water and allow the salts to dissolve before soaking for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with clean water after your bath. Why Choose Vitabase? Vitabase is committed to providing high-quality, science-backed products that are formulated with top-quality ingredients to deliver optimal health benefits. Our Alkaline Bath Salts DS are carefully crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and potency, ensuring that you get the best results every time you use our products. ..
35.21 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)